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23- Phaneuf, J. (1981) - Etude Socio-Ecologique de l'Etang de Miragoâne, Haiti, Thèse Univ. Mc. Gill, Montreal, 70p (mimeo.)

24- Pierre, M.G.P. (19) - Les eaux dormantes de la République d'Haiti. Antoine Rapp. Univ. Etat d'Haiti et Ministère des Ress Energétiques, 10p (mimeo).

25- PNUD (1988) - Document du Projet HAI/88/003 - Augmentation de la Production du Poisson en Haiti par l'Aquaculture et la Pêche Continentale, 21p (mimeo).

26- Puelle, D.W. (1983) - Statu of unland aquaculture in Haiti, Rept. to USAID, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 44p.

27- Ryder, R.A. (1965) - A method for estimating the potential first production of North temperate lakes, Tens amer Fish. Soc, 94: 211-18.

28- Scully, R.J. (1981) - Fish production in Man-made lakes, INDOTEC Fish Seminar, Sto. Domingo, 9p.

29- Smitherman, R.O. (1973) - Technical assistance in Freshwater, Fisheries development in Haiti, Auburn Univ. (Internat. Center Aqua.), 17p.

30- Tarver, D.P. et al (1986) Aquatic and wetland plants of Florida, Bur. Aq. Plant Res. & Control, Dpt. Nat. Res, Florida, 127p.

31- Tee-Van, J. (1975), Cichlid fishes in the West Indies with especial reference to Haiti, including the description of a new species of Cichlosoma, Zoologica, 10 (21): 281-99.

32- ThorbJarnarson, J. B. (1984) - Status and ecology of the American crocodile in Haiti, Msc Thesis, Univ. Florida, 183p (mimeo).

33- USAID (1986) Haiti Country environmental profile, a field study, 130p.

34- Vanderhenst, S. (1985) - Nappe du Cul de Sac. Evolution piézométrique et physio-chimique 1983 – 1985, Rapp. HAI/79/001 (78), Serv. Nat. Ress. Eaux/PNUD, 45p.

35- Vanderhenst, S. (1986) - Debits et analyses chimiques des sources des bassins versants de la plaine du Cul-de-Sac et de la Rivière Froide (1982–86), Rapp. HAI/79/001 (88), SNRE/PNUD, 79p.

36- Verduin, J. (197) - The energetics of aquatic ecosystems, Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale, 125p, (mimeo).

37- Watanabe, W.O., C. M. Kuo & M. C. Huang (1984) - Experimental rearing of tilapia fry (Oreochromis nilotica) for saltwater culture ICLARM Tech. Rept. 14, Taípeí 28p.

38- Winfield J. (1985) - The Lake Peligre Fishery - A study of the Dormond fish market and its merchands, ODBFA - Rept. 35, (mimeo).

39- Winfield J. (1986) - The results of a harvest cycle in a rural pond using Tilapia and Gobíomorus dormitor, Peace Corps Rept. for U.D.B.F.A., 8p, (mimeo).

40- Winfield J. (1986) - Evaluation of the Fisheries of Lake Peligre and Etang Saumâtre, Haiti, (Projet Proposal), Peace Corps Rept. for O.D.B.F.A. 9p, (mimeo).

41- Winfield J. (1988) - L'identification de la pêche à l'Etang Saumâtre, Rapport BID, 50p, (mimeo).

42- Woodring, W. P., J.S. Brown & W.S. Burbank (1924) - Geology of the Republic of Haiti Part V. Water ressources-, Dept. of Public Works, Haiti, Port-au-Prince: 513-66.

43- Xiangke Lu (1986) - A review on reservoir fisheria in China, FAO Fish Circ, (803), 37p.

44- Zaret, T.M. (1974) - The ecology of introductions - a case study from a Central American Lake, Envir. Conserv. 1(4): 308-9.

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