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CHAPTER III: Format for collection of field data


In the first step, all variables deemed necessary for meeting the objectives of the inventory have to be identified. Then, the data collection formats should be designed for the selected variables. In this chapter a format is discussed as an example to see how the design and application of a format can help to collect the desired data on TOF resources, for further analysis.

TOF data collection in rural India (an example)

In this particular example, the organization of the fieldwork was based on the Instructions for Field Inventory used in India. Field teams were formed consisting of five members, with one crew leader. The crew leader was provided with the list of sample villages to be inventoried along with a set of 1:50 000 maps indicating the location of villages. After reaching the sample village, the team determined the village boundary. For this purpose, the maps of the revenue department were referred to, and the help of village authorities sought. It was necessary to select a reference (starting) point, such as a prominent and permanent feature (e.g. temple, community hall). The location of reference point and its description was recorded in the "Village Description Form" (see Annex I, TOFR-1, points 8 and 9) for further ground-truthing and cross-checking of data collection methods, at a later time.

After determining the reference point, the entire village was divided into smaller units with the help of a compass. Each cardinal section (i.e. wedge of the compass) was selected so that it could be completed in one working day. Data collection commenced from due north and proceeded in a clockwise direction. The enumerated trees were clearly marked with chalk along the boundary of the wedge to avoid duplication and omission of trees and to facilitate the resumption of data collection on the next day. DBH was measured for selected trees, with the help of a calliper tool. Measurements and code numbers were recorded on the field forms by the crew leader. Instructions were read carefully before filling in field forms, so that all field teams understood the measures and codes.

Data collection formats for rural TOF

Three forms were used for data collection of rural TOF resources (see also Annex I):

(a) TOFR -1 Village Description Form (VDF)
This form provides information on the reference point, the number of cardinal wedges, the size of each wedge and the total number of trees enumerated in each wedge.

(b) TOFR -2 Village Tree Enumeration Form (VTEF)
This form provides information on all trees enumerated, their diameter, species and category.

(c) TOFR -3 District Tree Form (DTF)
This form provides detailed information on the sampled villages in the district, referring to the geographical area and number of trees falling in different categories.

Organization of field work for inventorying urban TOF

Field teams were formed similarly to the rural TOF teams. The crew leader was provided with a list of the sample blocks to be inventoried, along with UFS maps indicating the particulars of the block. Instead of working on cardinal wedges of a compass, daily sampling units were defined as city blocks, starting in the northwest corner of the block. As a reference point a prominent and permanent feature of the block was chosen. The location of reference point and its description were recorded in the "Town Description Form" (see Annex II). Enumeration of trees commenced from the northwest corner of the block and proceeded in clockwise direction. As with the rural data collection, the enumerated trees were marked to avoid duplication or omission.

All the trees in the selected blocks were enumerated. If the house owner of a particular house was not available at the time of survey, then the field team collected data by interviewing neighbours and/or key informants.

Data collection formats for urban TOF

Three forms were used for data collection of urban TOF resources (see also Annex II):

(a) TOFU -1 Town Description Form (TDF)
This form provides information on the reference point.

(b) TOFU -2 Town Tree Enumeration Form (TTEF)
This form provides information on the trees enumerated, including their diameter and species.

(c) TOFU -3 District Tree Form (DTF)
This form provides detailed information on the sampled blocks in the district, including the geographical area and number of trees in the different categories.



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