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ANNEX I: Examples of field forms and instructions for their completion for rural TOF


Village Description Form
  1. State and code

  2. District and code

  3. Mapsheet no.

  4. Name of the village

  5. Area of the village

  6. Date of commencement of survey

  7. Date of completion of survey

  8. Conspicuous feature selected as the centre for starting the survey

  9. Description of the centre and approach to this point

  10. Number of wedges into which the area of village has been divided (give size of wedges in degrees)

  11. Wedge-wise summary of enumeration’s


Wedge No.

Date of survey

Total No. of trees


Compassing done by

Tree enumeration done by

Name of Crew Leader

Dated  Signature

TOFR – 2




Sample Vill.

Geographical area of the sample vill. (ha.)


Total No. of Trees











Species name






Category of plantation/ trees

Area* in ha

Species name


DBH (cm)

Age (years)

Category of plantation/ trees

Area* in ha.

































*Mention area in case of farm forestry, block plantations and village wood lots (patches only).

Date………………………………. Page No………………………. Sign of Crew Leader…………………………

Total No. of Pages………………….. Name of Crew Leader………………………




State name
& code

District name & code

Total number of villages in the district

No. of sample villages in
the district

Total area of the villages in the district (km2)

Name of Sample village

Geographical area of the sample village (ha)

Category of the sample village

No. of trees in the sample village














Name of Trees in the Sample Village According to Category of the Plantation/Trees

Categories of tree/plantation

Diameter class

Farm Forestry

Village woodlot

Block plantation

Road side plantation


Railway lines














10-20 cm










20-30 cm










30-40 cm










40+ cm












Date………………………. Total No. of Pages………………………. Sign of Crew Leader……………………….

Instructions for completing the above forms

TOFR - 1 Village Description Form (VDF)

1. State and code To be filled according to sample list
2. District and code To be filled according to sample list
3. Mapsheet and code To be filled according to toposheet
4. Name of the village Name of selected village
5. Area of the village To be filled according to revenue records
6. Date of commencement of survey Self-explanatory
7.Date of completion of survey Self-explanatory
8. Conspicuous feature selected as the centre for starting the survey Name of the centre viz. temple, school, etc.
9. Description of the centre and approach to this point Self-explanatory
10. Number of wedges into which the area of village has been divided (give size of angle in degrees) Appropriate number of wedge is to given after assessing the work load.
11. Wedge-wise summary of enumerations Self-explanatory


Wedge no.

Date of survey

Total no. of trees



Signature of


Crew Leader

Compassing done by.................Tree enumeration done by................... Name of Crew Leader.................

   (Diagram of village should be attached)

2. TOFR -2 Village Tree Enumeration Form (VTEF)

Col. 1:State 
 State name and code will be same as item 1 of TOFR-1. 
Col. 2:District 
 District name and code will be same as item 2 of TOFR-1. 
Col. 3:Sample village 
 Sample village name and code will be same as item 4 of TOFR-1. 
Col. 4:Geographical area of the sample village 
 The geographical area of the sample village nearest to hectare may be given. This will be same as item 5 of TOFR-1. 
Col. 5:Total number of trees 
 Total number of trees enumerated in the sample village. This number will tally with the total number of species coded in columns 6 and 12. 
Col. 6:Species name 
 Species name. A list of species names along with code adopted in India has been prepared and is followed. Species codes for other countries will have to be developed. 
Col. 7:Species code 
 In this column the species code will be given. Its botanical/local name is given in Col. 6. 
Col. 8:Diameter at breast height (over bark) (cm) 
 In this column the DBH over bark will be recorded to the nearest centimetre. If there is a flare at breast height, the diameter is measured immediately above and below the flare and the average is recorded. In case of buttressed and large-sized trees, take the girth and convert it to diameter by multiplying with 7/22 or 0.318. In case there is forking of a tree below its breast height, diameter of each forked stem will be measured at breast height (above forking) and recorded separately, as if for two or more trees. 
Col. 9:Age in years 
 Age is to be recorded in completed years by enquiry method. 
Col. 10:Category of plantation/trees 
 This column will be filled in one digit code as given below: 
 Category of plantation/treeCode
 Farm forestry
 Village woodlots 22
 Block plantations3
 Road side plantations4
 Railway lines6
Col. 11:Area in hectare 
 Note: Area is to be mentioned in case of farm forestry, block plantations and village wood lots (patches only). 
Col. 12 to 17:  
 In these columns, information on other trees will be recorded in the same manner as recorded
in columns 6-11.

3. TOFR-3: District Tree Form (DTF)

Col. 1:State 
 Name of State and its code will be filled from the sample list. 
Col. 2: District 
 Name of District and their code will be filled from the sample list. 
Col. 3: Number of villages in the district 
 Total number of villages in the district will be given from the sample list. 
Col. 4: Number of sample villages in the district 
 Number of sample villages selected in the district for inventory will be given from the sample list. 
Col. 5: Total area of the villages (in km2) 
 The total area of the village (in km2) will be given to the nearest km2 from the village record. 
Col. 6:Sample village 
 A list of total villages in the district will have to be prepared giving them appropriate codes. In this column, Sl.No. of sample village selected will be given. 
Col. 7:Geographical area of the sample village (ha.) 
 The geographical area of the sample village will be given to the nearest ha. 
Col. 8: Category of the sample village 
 The category of the sample village will be given in code as given below: 

CodeCategory of the sample village
1Hilly, irrigated and within 5 km of forests
2Plain, irrigated and within 5 km of forests
3Hilly, irrigated and more than 5 km from forests
4Plain, irrigated and more than 5 km from forests
5Hilly, unirrigated and within 5 km of forests
6Plain, unirrigated and within 5 km of forests
7Hilly, unirrigated and more than 5 km from forests
8Plain, unirrigated and more than 5 km from forests
 If sample village has both plain and hilly areas, its category will be decided on the basis of area. If the area of the plain is more than the hilly area in the village, it will be classified as ‘plain’. Similarly, irrigation status will be decided in case village has both irrigated and unirrigated areas. 

Col. 9:Name of State and its code will be filled from the sample list. 
Number of trees in the sample village 
 The total number of trees according to the following categories of plantation/tree will be recorded in column 9. Dead trees having utility less than 70 percent and all trees less than 10 cm diameter will not be recorded. 
Col. 11: Farm Forestry 
 Number of trees in a sample village under Farm Forestry will be recorded in different diameter classes. 
Col. 12: Village woodlot 
 Number of trees in a sample village under Village woodlot will be recorded in different diameter classes. 
Col. 13: Block plantations 
 Number of trees in a sample village under Block plantations will be recorded in different diameter classes.  
Col. 14: Roadside plantations 
 Number of trees in a sample village under Roadside plantations will be recorded in different diameter classes. 
Col. 15: Ponds 
 Number of trees in a sample village around Ponds will be recorded in different diameter classes. 
Col. 16: Railway lines 
 Number of trees in a sample village near Railway lines will be recorded in different diameter classes. 
Col. 17: Canals 
 Number of trees in a sample village around Canal-side will be recorded in different diameter classes. 
Col. 18: Others 
 Number of trees in a sample village under category others (trees not falling in any of the above categories) will be recorded in different diameter classes. 

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