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The following table gives the provisonal capital costs for the establishment of the project broken down by main project component and by year of expenditure, starting 1989. A more detailed cost list is given in Appendix A5.1.


- line, transformer, E.G.133 500   
- farm network 20 000 153 500
2.Sea dikes and lagoon mouth    
- seawater intake60 103   
- lagoon fish barrier18 580   
- lagoon outlet dikes and channel 101 400 180 083
3.Main earthworks    
- inlet channels35 792   
- ponds, dikes, channels (semi-intensive) 329 664 365 456
4.Other water systems    
- brackishwater intake3 402   
- mixing/pumping reservoirs9 952   
- intensive rearing tanks191 799   
- monks, pipes and grates 20 000 225 153
5.Buildings (including furniture)    
- hatchery317 000   
- Directorate20 000   
- social building108 400   
- technical service building45 900   
- experts'/visitors' houses156 000   
- watchmen5 000   
- E.G. shelter2 060  654 360
- pumps 230 000115 000 
- hatchery equipment267 000   
- laboratory equipment36 700   
- office/didactic equipment37 000   
- special equipment5 000121 85096 000 
- vehicles70 000122 000 1 100 550
7.Contingencies (10%)152 31994 49121 100267 910
Total1 675 5071 039 405232 1002 947 012

( ) in brackets: see Appendix A5.2

1.Overheads/fixed costs     
1.1Personnel                (1)41 255107 263139 44390 638378 599
1.2Maintenance           (3) 14 73529 470 44 205
1.3Administration         (4)20 00020 00020 000 60 000
1.4Training                   (5) 83 50064 000 147 500
2.Variable costs     
2.1Feed                       (2)70 000247 600605 200 922 800
2.2Power                     (6)12 30086 655113 530 212 485
2.3Packing/Distribution (7) 2 250159 000 161 250
3.Miscellaneous/contingencies 10%14 35548 850107 6649 064179 933
 Total157 910610 8531 238 30799 7022 106 772

All estimates are based on unit prices of early 1988 and no inflation has been allowed for.

The main source of unit prices is the Provisional Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture in Antalya (Project and Statistics Division). Some prices have been collected also at the Directorate of the Turkish Electricity Company (TEK) and at the Regional Directorate of Harbours in Antalya. When necessary, especially for specialized equipment which will probably have to be imported), Italian prices have been applied, at prevailing exchange rates.


Operating costs for the implementation of the project are given in the table. The following main assumptions were made in estimating these costs:

  1. Project implementation time:

  2. Personnel employment: calculated over 3 years and inflation rate of 30% considered (as per project document)

  3. For all other operating costs no inflation rate has been applied and costs are based on early 1988 prices

  4. Feed to be purchased for the first two years of operation. In the meantime, feasibility and detailed cost of an own-feed preparation based on local resources should be assessed by specialist (nutritionist)

  5. For training costs, the same budget has been allocated as per project document (GOT and UNDP contributions)

  6. Neither depreciation nor interest costs have been included.


The following table gives the total costs of the project and provisional calculation of the GOT contribution required. As already stated, any allowance for inflation is to be added (costs based on early 1988 prices):

LT × 1 000198919901991
Capital costs1 675 5071 039 405232 100
Operating costs157 910610 8531 238 307
Total costs1 833 4171 650 2581 470 407
UNDP contribution* 195 75073 50054 000
GOT contribution1 637 6671 576 7581 416 407

* US$ 130 500 for equipment/miscellaneous and US$ 85 000 for training at exchange rate US$ 1 = LT 1 500


As far as the mission could assess, no significant market exists at present in the local area for fresh sea bass, sea bream and shrimp. It is therefore difficult to forecast future income from local sales from the project; however, some assumptions can be proposed:

  1. The market does not currently exist because there is no offer of these species from fisheries; it is thus supply-limited

  2. Tourism creates a very high demand, especially for these high quality marine species. High potential is therefore existing for market development in the area

  3. Most probably, considering fish prices encountered in the restaurants during the mission (for lower quality species), selling prices could reach those levels applying in Italy (more than LT 20 000/kg)

  4. Any excess of production which could not be sold locally could be exported to Italy or other Mediterranean markets (LT 15 000–20 000/kg)

  5. From 1991, as soon as production and sales start on a yearly basis, the balance between operating costs and income from sales should be expected to be positive.

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