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  1. The Beymelek Lagoon Aquaculture Centre project can benefit from very favourable conditions, compared to most Mediterranean lagoons and aquaculture sites, viz.:

  2. Total costs of the project (GOT contribution) will be higher than those previously estimated (see Project Document). Concerning capital costs, this is mainly due to high inflation and an initial underestimate, according to the objectives of the project and the expected outputs. Operating costs apart from personnel costs were not considered in the Project Document

    In spite of these differences, because of the favourable site conditions and local cost levels, the total costs of the project remain decidedly lower than capital and operating costs applying for a similar project in a European Mediterranean country (by 30–50%).

  3. The total amount of specialist man-months (UNDP contribution) has been also increased significantly in order to meet the objectives and outputs of the project as stated in the Project Document. Based on the dimension and technological level of the farm, the training purposes of the Centre and the various aquaculture specialist fields involved, further man-months are required for the following:

  4. The work plan and timetable proposed and agreed with the GOT Ministry of Agriculture during the mission calls for very rapid implementation. The main objective is to start hatchery production by the end of 1989 and therefore construction must begin by April 1989. To meet this deadline all inputs required from the parties involved have to be respected very strictly. Detailed design should be completed before December 1988 (see specific inputs required) and GOT should then set up all necessary administrative, supervisory and financing procedures required for construction within 3–4 months. Any brief delay in the start of construction works would lead to a 1-year delay in the hatchery production (because of the the seasonal activity of the hatchery). Implementation strategy would then have to be changed for the first year.

  5. The project should meet very favourable market opportunities in the area (Antalya) thanks to the high rate of tourist development and its potential for further expansion. This typically calls for fresh marine fish consumption and the project could therefore also contribute to the improvement of tourism along the coast.

    A detailed marketing analysis should be carried out in order to evaluate potential for local product distribution and to determine the longer-term potential for the project

  6. Collaboration programmes should be established with other national research/production institutions, which could bring useful contributions to the project (applied research and training programmes). Two of these could be:

    The relevant University Departments could also be involved (e.g., for fish pathology, nutrition, etc.)

  7. Contacts should also be developed with appropriate regional aquaculture programmes, such as:

    - AQUAMED - Aquaculture Programme for the Mediterranean

    - MEDRAP - Mediterranean Regional Aquaculture Programme

  8. The very active and efficient collaboration of the national counterpart in the present mission is recognized. Such participation will be essential for the successful development of the project.

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