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Essential fatty acids and eicosanoids
Food and nutrition: a choice for life
Alimentation et nutrition: un choix pour la vie
Alimentación y nutrición: una opción de vida

Essential fatty acids and eicosanoids

A. Sinclair and R. Gibson, eds. 1992. Champaign, Illinois, USA.
American Oil Chemists' Society. 482 pp. ISBN 0-935315-43-8.

This volume contains the papers by the 98 speakers who were invited to give presentations at the Third International Congress on Essential Fatty Acids and Eicosanoids held in Adelaide, Australia from 1 to 5 March 1992. The congress brought together research scientists from around the world and from different disciplines to discuss the most recent developments concerning the roles of essential fatty acids (EFAs) and eicosanoids in human nutrition and in other biological processes. The overall aim was to explore the importance of EFAs and eicosanoids for living organisms.

A major theme in the volume is the biological function of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) at the fundamental molecular and cellular levels. Topics include the physical properties of artificial membranes containing DHA; the significance of DHA in the retina and in the brain and the delivery of DHA to these tissues; and the study of n-3 deficiency in animals as a means of understanding the consequences of DHA depletion in mammals.

Several papers are concerned with the biosynthesis of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in mammals. The types of biological markers that can provide information about the adequacy of EFA intake are also examined. Other papers discuss the roles of EFAs and eicosanoids in the development of disease states, particularly those of the cardiovascular system. The functions of PUFAs in inflammation, in immunomodulation, in diabetes and in the skin are also dealt with. Some papers examine the role and function of EFAs in the nutrition of the foetus and newborn infants, especially those born prematurely.

Finally, the publication includes papers considered to be "hot topics" in which the authors present their research in progress. This section will certainly stimulate debate. Tentative or provisional results include the most up-to-date research on the following topics: EFA deficiency and cellular expression of prostaglandin H synthase; modulation of cell growth and expression of immediate early response genes by endogenous arachidonic acid metabolites; EFA metabolism in human airway epithelial cells; effect of Cl-channel blockers; preliminary evidence that dietary PUFAs modulate receptor-mediated calcium channels; and inflammation and cancer: effect of controlled feeding on murine tumorigenesis and anaphylactic shock.

Irela Mazar
Nutrition Officer,
Nutrition Planning, Assessment and Evaluation Service

Food and nutrition: a choice for life

World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. 1993. 12 pp.
ISBN 0-900827-61-0. Price £1.50 plus postage and packing.

As part of its commitment to achieving the objectives set forth at the FAO/WHO International Conference on Nutrition (ICN), the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) has published the booklet Food and nutrition: a choice for life. This attractive booklet is the third in the World Issues Series, designed to motivate and inform young people and adults on issues affecting their lives. Food and nutrition provides practical advice on choosing a healthy lifestyle and gives information about the major nutrients in foods, food and health, how to ensure safe food and women's role in maintaining healthy diets. The booklet highlights the problems of malnutrition, hunger and micronutrient deficiencies facing the global community today. Finally, it illustrates the concrete actions being taken by WAGGGS. Food and nutrition: a choice for life is available in English, French and Spanish.

To order, write to: Finance Section, World Bureau, WAGGGS, Olave Centre, 12c Lyndhurst Road, London NW3 5PQ, United Kingdom.

Alimentation et nutrition: un choix pour la vie

Association mondiale des guides et des éclaireuses. 1993.
ISBN 0-900827-62-9.12pages. 1,50£ plus frais de port et d'emballage.

L'Association mondiale des guides et des éclaireuses, qui s'est engagée à respecter les objectifs fixés par la Conférence internationale sur la nutrition organisée par la FAO et l'OMS, a publié une brochure intitulée Alimentation et nutrition: un choix pour la vie. Cette brochure attrayante est la troisième d'une série sur les problèmes mondiaux, qui vise à éveiller l'attention des jeunes et des adultes sur des questions qui touchent leur vie et à les informer. Alimentation et nutrition offre des conseils pratiques pour adopter un style de vie sain et donne des informations sur les principaux éléments nutritifs contenus dans les aliments, l'alimentation et la santé, les moyens de garantir l'innocuité des aliments, et le rôle des femmes en matière de régime alimentaire sain. La brochure met en lumière les problèmes de la malnutrition, de la faim et des carences en oligo-éléments qui touchent la communauté mondiale aujourd'hui. Enfin, elle décrit des mesures concrètes prises par l'Association des guides et des éclaireuses. Cette publication est disponible en français, anglais et espagnol.

Pour commander cette brochure, écrire à: Finance Section, World Bureau, WAGGGS, Olave Centre, 12c Lyndhurst Road, Londres NW3 5PQ, Royaume-Uni.

Alimentación y nutrición: una opción de vida

Asociación Mundial de las Guías Scouts. 1993. ISBN 0-900827-63-7.
Precio: £1,50 más gastos de envío.

En su compromiso por alcanzar los objetivos expuestos en la Conferencia Internacional FAO/OMS sobre Nutrición (CIN), la Asociación Mundial de las Guías Scouts (AMGS) ha publicado el folleto Alimentación y nutrición: una opción de vida. Este interesante folleto es el tercero de la Serie Temas del Mundo, creada para motivar e informar a jóvenes y adultos sobre los problemas que afectan a sus vidas. En él se ofrecen consejos prácticos para adoptar un modo de vida saludable, así como información sobre los principales nutrientes de los alimentos; la alimentación y la salud; cómo garantizar la inocuidad de los alimentos; y la función de la mujer en la adopción de una dieta saludable. El folleto pone de relieve los problemas de la malnutrición, el hambre y las carencias de micronutrientes a que se enfrenta hoy la comunidad mundial. Por último, expone las actividades concretas que está llevando a cabo la AMGS. Alimentación y nutrición: una opción de vida se ha publicado en español, francés e inglés.

El folleto puede solicitarse a: Finance Section, World Bureau, WAGGGS, Olave Centre, 12c Lyndhurst Road, London NW3 5PQ, Reino Unido.

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