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First priority should be given to the completion of all detailed designs. Therefore, the following requirements are to be urgently met.

Government of Turkey/Ministry of Agriculture

1 Assign definitively (especially non-Ministry of Agriculture staff) all personnel listed all of whom should be available full-time until such time as all the documents required for construction are ready. The list also includes Mr. A Bozoglu (Tarim Il Md), Mr. Atalay and Mr. Ersoy (Kepez) who should assist Mr. O. Attila in the work of co-ordination. A secretary should also be employed at this stage.

2 Identify and assign within the shortest possible time, at least two civil engineers/architects (see Job Specification list).

3 Make a car with a full-time driver available.

4 Ensure the availability of the meeting room and fax facility used during the mission.


5 Provide, by means of their consultants, all assistance and support (fax/telephone/mail) for the completion of the engineering work.

6 Allow for a further consultancy mission (2 x 4 weeks, early in February) after completion of the engineering work in order to review all prepared documents to ensure that all construction specifications have been included and to prepare a detailed work plan for the construction phase.

Should these six priorities be met, the expected completion date for the design phase will be the end of January.

The time-table is a further point to be respected (see August, 1988 mission report and enclosed work plan, Appendix A3.1).


7 Complete ordering procedure for the special equipment to be purchased with the UNDP contribution

8 Establish closing date for all offers for the main farm equipment (pumps and generators) and prepare, through their consultants and on the basis of the offers received, a detailed technical report advising on the selection and enabling a final choice of suppliers to be made

9 As proposed during the meeting, arrangements should be made to consider government cost-sharing in the purchase of additional equipment by MINAGRI and UNDP

10 Recruit a Senior Expert who should be assigned to the project as soon as construction starts (April/May)

11 Select Associate Experts having 2 – 3 years experience in the field concerned to be assigned to the project.

12 Incorporate the additional inputs (personnel) in a revised budget and workplan thus avoiding the revision of the Project Document as the objectives and outputs remain the same.

Ministry of Agriculture/Government of Turkey

13 Start financing procedures for 1989 on the basis of estimates made during the August mission: 1,640,000,000 TL allowing an adequate additional sum for inflation.

14 Allocate the required budget for ordering special equipment to be imported by UNDP under the cost sharing agreement (if applicable).

15 Set up a mechanism for facilitating the tendering procedures for the construction work and for final choice of equipment suppliers (the time table calls for quick, flexible procedures), possibly through a protocol with the Department of Rural Affairs (as suggested by the Ministry of Agriculture during the meeting).

16 Provide maximum flexibility and autonomy for the day-to-day management of the project implementation. Should the project be managed as a Kepez sub-project (as suggested by the Ministry of Agriculture), this recommendation would most probably be satisfied.

17 Complete expropriation procedures for the two land parcels in the project area.

18 Assign the necessary personnel for the construction phase.

19 Complete the Directorate Building (furniture, electricity, water, etc.) and provide lines of communication (telephone/telefax), transportation (at least two cars) and lodgings for transfer of personnel to the project site.

20 Provide suitable accomodation (rented appartment in Demré) for the Senior Expert (April/May) and, later, for Associate Experts.

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