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32. Dahl, K., D.S. Danielsen, E. Moksness and P. Solemdam (eds), 1984.
33. Davy, F.B. and M. Graham (eds), 1982.
34. De Groot, S.J. (ed.), 1987.
35. De la Cruz, C.R., 1983.
36. Edwards, D.J., 1978.
37. Ellis, A.E. (ed.), 1988.
38. Gall, G.A.E. and C.A. Busack (eds), 1986.
39. Gerking, S.D. (ed.), 1978.
40. Ghittino, P.. 1983.
41. Groves, R.E., 1985.

32. Dahl, K., D.S. Danielsen, E. Moksness and P. Solemdam (eds), 1984.

The propagation of cod, Gadus morhua L.

Institute of Marine Research, Arendal (Norway), 2 volumes, 895 p

N.Kr. 450.00

symposium cod - Gadus morhua - Norway - restocking - sea ranching

The book presents the proceedings of a Symposium on the Propagation of Cod, held at Arendal (Norway), in June 1983. A total of 42 papers are presented and describe all current information on cod biology at the present time. The book focuses on the possibilities and limits of mass production of cod, discussing the validity of artificial propagation. Two-thirds of the papers are by Norwegians, which stresses the importance of the subject in the country. The book is divided into 8 sections, dealing with eggs and yolk sac larvae (4 papers); larval feeding, growth and behaviour (10); sea surveys, distribution and ecology (15); mass rearing and on-growing (4); genetics and disease (5); and management of farm and natural stocks (5). The last two sections report panel discussions on the future of cod farming, and the possibility of restocking local coastal populations. A summary of the meeting is also provided. The book is mostly relevant to fish farmers in Scandinavian countries but is also useful for fisheries biologists working with cod.

33. Davy, F.B. and M. Graham (eds), 1982.

Bivalve culture in Asia and the Pacific

IDRC 200e, International Development Research Centre, Ottawa (Canada), 90 p

(also in French)

Can. $ 5.00

Asia - culture, clams - culture, mussels - culture, oysters - culture, scallops - culture, shellfish - Pacific

The book is the proceedings of a Workshop on Bivalve Culture, held in Singapore, in February 1982. It summarizes the work of 35 participants involved in bivalve production in Asian and Pacific countries. A brief introduction reports plans and recommendations which emerged from the workshop, and the summary presents current problems of bivalve culture in these regions. There then follows a review of bivalve exploitation in 12 countries of Asia (Bangladesh, China, India, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand) and the Pacific (Fiji, French Polynesia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines). Exploitation ranges from collection of natural stocks to major culture operations. Although there is some variation, most reviews adopt the same structure, presenting state of the art, major problems and constraints, and future developments. A bibliography of more than 230 references is included.

34. De Groot, S.J. (ed.), 1987.

Culture of Clarias species

Aquaculture, volume 63, Elsevier, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 366 p

US$ 94.00

African catfish - Clarias gariepinus - Clarias spp. - feeding - freshwater aquaculture - induced breeding - pathology

The book describes various aspects of the culture of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, and related Asian clariid species, C. macrocephalus and C. batrachus. The first paper summarizes recent advances in the culture of the African catfish, with a description of rearing practices, including feeding, artificial spawning, and health control. The rest of the volume is divided into 4 sections. Section 1 presents 15 papers on the results of research on physiology and endocrinology of the African catfish, used as a model for studies of reproductive endocrinology in teleosts, and includes gonadotropin changes and regulation, sex attracting substances, induced spawning, environmental influence of egg ovulation, and sperm cryopreservation, and two papers on larvae and postlarval growth. Different aspects of catfish nutrition are described in Section 2 (8 papers), from protein requirements, metabolism and digestion, difference in growth rate between sexes and between diploids and triploids. The effects of pathologies, parasites, and predators are considered in two papers in Section 3, with the description of a protozoan and a cestode occurring in Asian species. The final section (2 papers) covers husbandry and management. A water recirculating system is described, and an account of catfish culture practices in Thailand.

35. De la Cruz, C.R., 1983.

Fish pond engineering: a technical manual for small and medium coastal farms in Southeast Asia

SCS Manual 5, South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, Manila (Philippines), 180 p

aquaculture facilities - Asia - coastal aquaculture - engineering - marine aquaculture

The manual is based on papers contributed to the seminar on Coastal Fishpond Engineering, held at Surabaya (Indonesia), in 1982. The book contains 9 chapters. After the introduction, the evaluation and selection of a fish farm site are considered in Chapter 2, where water supply, tides, soil characteristics, topography, vegetation, and climatic factors are examined. Chapter 3 presents detailed engineering and ecological surveys in potential selected sites, such as measurement of distances, angles and directions, laying out perpendicular and parallel lines, measurement of areas, topographic surveying, and ecological surveying. The design layout for coastal fish farms is considered in Chapter 4, and different components and plans are examined together with a description of other facilities/features in the pond system. The design of fish farm gates, water control structures and dikes, channels and ponds follow in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 deals with the construction of a fish farm, describing the activities, programming, and equipment and methods used. The equipment and facilities for fish farm operation and management, maintenance and repair, monitoring and maintenance of water quality, and fishing gear are examined in Chapter 7, water pump selection and installation in Chapter 8, and development costs of a coastal fish farm in Chapter 9, with an analysis of cost of land, feasibility, planning and designing costs, and construction costs. The book has many explanatory tables and figures which illustrate the text. There is a list of selected references and appendices.

36. Edwards, D.J., 1978.

Salmon and trout fanning in Norway

Fishing News Books, Farnham (UK), 193 p

£. Stg. 9.00

Atlantic salmon - culture, rainbow trout - culture, salmon - Norway -
rainbow trout - Salmo gairdneri - Salmo salar

The book is a detailed description of commercial production cycles for salmon and trout in Norway, and a practical guide for all interested in salmonid farming. It begins with a short account of reasons for the phenomenal growth of salmonid culture in seawater in Norway, and description of its development. The first chapters describe culture strategies, from production cycle to hatchery sites, and smolt production. Three chapters consider sea units, the first on siting requirements, the second on fixed structures, such as offshore enclosures, and onshore facilities, and the third on floating net cages, including cage design, site selection, and some considerations of cage culture. These are followed by chapters reviewing salmonid food and feeding (8), with notes on conversion efficiency, pigmentation, and a comparison on the use of wet/dry diets, and pathology (9), including fish disease legislation enacted in Norway. Chapters 10 and 11 are an account of marketing methods, and a review of present and future economic trends. The book ends with some perspectives for the future, including a section on promising lines of research. This presents new trends, from selective breeding to hybridization, early maturation, nutrition studies, and ocean ranching.

37. Ellis, A.E. (ed.), 1988.

Fish vaccination

Academic Press, New York (USA), 272 p

£. Stg. 19.95

diseases, fish - pathology - vaccination

The book presents recent developments and practices in fish vaccination. It provides information on the theory of vaccination, with general principles of fish vaccination and the ontogeny of the immune response in teleost fish; commercial production, legal restrictions and marketing of vaccines; practical use of vaccines on fish farms, with limitations and attendant problems; vaccination strategies for the most common and commercially important bacterial, viral, and parasitic diseases of fish; and immune control of sexual maturation in fish. The book is a useful guide for fish immunologists and pathologists, as well as fish farmers.

38. Gall, G.A.E. and C.A. Busack (eds), 1986.

Genetics in aquaculture

Elsevier, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 386 p
reprinted from Aquaculture, volume 57, Elsevier, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 386 p

US$ 121.00

genetic manipulation - genetics - hybridization - selective breeding

The book is the proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Genetics in Aquaculture, held at Davis, California (USA), in 1985. It is a comprehensive review of current research activities in genetics in aquaculture, and reports the status of applications of various subdisciplines of genetics. It contains five reviews on selected topics, all of which present genetics as a science, parallel to animal husbandry. These describe monitoring genetic changes, effective population size and selection in variable aquaculture stocks, growth and reproduction in fish and shellfish, ploidy manipulation and performance, and developing a commercial breeding programme. The reviews report a historical insight into modern animal breeding, the examination of the potential of biotechnology in aquaculture, and an overview of those elements critical to commercial breeding programmes. Selected papers are then grouped in different sections, namely domestication and broodstock development (7 papers), genetic and environmental effects (4 papers), selection response (3 papers), stock comparisons (5 papers), use of electrophoretic markers (4 papers), and application of ploidy manipulation (9 papers). Most papers deal with finfish, but works on crustaceans, shellfish, and seaweeds are also included. The book contains abstracts of poster papers presented at the symposium, which offer additional overviews of research activities within genetics in aquaculture, and exemplify the complexity of current issues.

39. Gerking, S.D. (ed.), 1978.

Ecology of freshwater fish production

Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford (UK), 520 p

£. Stg. 32.00

freshwater ecology - freshwater fish culture - metabolism - pond management

The book presents various aspects of freshwater ecology as related to fish production. It contains four major sections, with 19 papers from 21 contributors from different regions. Section 1 presents important statistics in fish populations, estimates of production, population abundance and survival, fecundity, and some aspects of age and growth. Food supply in fish populations is analysed in Section 2, through a review of food production in different ecosystems, aspects of metabolism and growth, the role of predatory fish in ecosystems, and an estimation of food consumption by fish in nature. The influence of competition and social behaviour on fish production is examined in Section 3, together with migration, size-biased predation, and density. The final section considers the contribution of fish production to human nutrition, relating the link between fish production and management by man, and discussing ways to increase productivity. Although freshwater production is stressed in most of the chapters, many references are taken from marine literature. The book is addressed to fish biologists, fish farmers, and managers of fish stocks.

40. Ghittino, P.. 1983.

Tecnologia e patologia in acquacoltura

Tipografia Emilio Bono, Torino (Italy), 2 volumes, 976 p


Lit. 150 000

disease control - diseases, fish - diseases, infectious - diseases, noninfectious - parasites - pathology - prophylaxis

The book is a new edition (in two volumes) of "Piscicoltura e ittiopatolgia", first published in 1969. Volume 1 (Tecnologia) describes various forms of aquaculture, and the different species reared. After a historical overview of aquaculture, a brief systematic account of cultured species is provided, followed by basic anatomical and morphological descriptions of a typical fish and crustacean. The rest of the volume describes the culture of various species, with emphasis on trout, common carp, catfish, and eels. These include descriptions of rearing facilities, practices, feeding methods, culture for restocking purposes, and marine culture, and some notes on other species, including algae, molluscs, and crustaceans. Volume 2 (Patologia) is divided into parts dealing with infectious diseases (viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae), parasites (protozoa, worms, molluscs, crustaceans), and noninfectious diseases (caused by environmental factors, poor nutrition), cancer and malformations. For the most common diseases the following framework is used: name, frequency, anatomo-pathological lesions, etiology, diagnosis, pathogenesis, prophylaxis, and therapy. The book provides an overview for most diseases occurring in fish, but mostly freshwater cultured species and trout in particular. Brief information on noninfectious disease of other aquatic organisms, and human diseases caused by ingestion of fish or other aquatic animals, is also provided. The book is illustrated with photographs and figures. Each volume has an index and a bibliography. The book is addressed to technicians, fish pathologists, and fish farmers.

41. Groves, R.E., 1985.

The crayfish: its nature and nurture

Fishing News Books, Farnham (UK), 72 p

£. Stg. 8.50

biology, crayfish - culture, crayfish - pathology, crayfish - stock management

The book is a short introduction to the biology and culture of crayfish, with particular reference to the UK. It is written for the aquaculturist with a nonacademic background. It is divided in two sections. Section 1, on biology, describes the animal, its main characteristics, reproductive processes, growth, modes of life, and its life in the wild. Section 2, on culture, deals with problems encountered in intensive culture, and provides management suggestions to overcome them.

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