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42. Hakanson, L., A. Ervik, T. Makinen and B. Holier, 1988.
43. Halver, J.E. and K. Tiews (eds), 1979.
44. Halver, J.E. (ed.), 1989.
45. Harvey, B.J. and B.J. Hoar, 1979.
46. Hepher, B. and Y. Pruginin, 1981.
47. Hepher, B., 1988.
48. Huet, M. and J.A. Timmermans, 1986.
49. Huguenin, J.E. and J. Colt, 1989.
50. Huner, J.V. and E.E. Brown (eds), 1985.
51. Imai, T. (ed.), 1978.
52. Jauncey, R. and B. Ross, 1982.
53. Jhingran, V.G. and R.S.V. Pullin, 1985.
54. Kabata, Z., 1985.
55. Kafutu, T. and H. Ikenoue (eds), 1983.
56. Kirk, R., 1987.
57. Kirpichnikov, V.S., 1981.
58. Korringa, P., 1976.
59. Korringa, P., 1976.
60. Korringa, P., 1976.
61. Korringa, P., 1976.
62. Kuronuma, R. and K. Fukusho, 1984.
63. Lax, T.J. (ed.), 1986.
64. Lannan, J.E., R.O. Smitherman and G. Tchobanoglous (eds), 1986.
65. Le Cren, E.D. and R.H. Lowe-McConnel (eds), 1980.
66. Lee, J.S.. 1981.
67. Lee, C.S., M.S. Gordon and W.O. Watanabe (eds), 1986.
68. Lequenne, Ph., 1984.
69. Liewes, E.W., 1984.
70. Little, D. and J.F. Muir, 1987.
71. Love, U.K., 1988.
72. Lovell, T., 1988.
73. Lowe-McConnel, R.H., 1987.
74. Lutz, A. (ed.), 1980.

42. Hakanson, L., A. Ervik, T. Makinen and B. Holier, 1988.

Basic concepts concerning assessments of environmental effects of marine fish farms

Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen (Denmark), 103 p

cage culture - environmental impact - eutrophication - marine aquaculture

The book summarizes the environmental effects of fish farms and eutrophication in coastal environments. It attempts to formulate guidelines for estimating consequences based on physical, chemical, and biological conditions of coastal waters. The first sections provide a background on fundamental concepts, such as effect, dose, and sensitivity. This is followed by concepts of ecological effects in general, and attempts to link them to fish farms in particular through interaction of biological, physical, and chemical factors. Section 5 attempts to calculate and compare nutrient loading from various sources, such as municipal wastewater treatment plants, agriculture, and fish farms, and to determine the potential environmental effects linked to the different sources. Section 6 presents sensitivity parameters which may be used to assess environmental effects from fish farms in coastal areas. Disease prevention and correlation between fish health and environment are examined in the next section. The book ends with concluding remarks and a list of references. The book is written for administrators of environmental agencies rather than fish farmers.

43. Halver, J.E. and K. Tiews (eds), 1979.

Finfish nutrition and fish feed technology

Heeneman Verlagsgesellschaft, Berlin (FRG), 2 volumes, 1 240 p

D.M. 262.00

feed technology - feeding - fish feeds - nutrient requirements

The book is a collection of papers presented at the World Symposium on Finfish Nutrition and Fishfeed Technology, held in Hamburg (FRG), in June 1978, and sponsored by EIFAC, ICES, and IUNS. It is a basic reference to fish nutrition and diet performance. The two volumes are divided into five sections. Volume 1 contains one section on finfish nutrient requirements, with five review (R) papers and 15 experience (E) papers, and another on finfish husbandry techniques, with 7 R and 20 E papers. Volume 2 includes feed formulation and technology (5R and 22E), feed influence on product quality (4R and 7E), and methodologies in fish nutrition and feed technology (5R and 8E). Most papers are in English, with some in French. The experience papers cover a variety of freshwater and marine fishes, their nutrient requirements, acceptability of various feeds, fish feed preparation methods, and husbandry techniques. The reviews are updated to mid-1978. The book includes notes on the uncommon proteins and fat sources of use in fish feed formulation, together with their performance when used in prepared fish feeds as alternate nutrient sources. Methods to determine digestible and metabolizable energy, bioenergetics, fish quality, and diet evaluation are also provided. Each major section is followed by a summary report of the discussion, and recommendations which emerged from the symposium.

44. Halver, J.E. (ed.), 1989.

Fish nutrition. 2nd edition

Academic Press, New York (USA), 798 p

£. Stg. 91.00

feeding - fish feeds - formulated diets - nutrient requirements

This book is an update of the edition first published in 1972. It includes new papers by different contributors, in particular chapters on minerals and toxins, and special feeds. It presents current knowledge of basic and applied nutritional requirements of fishes, but much of the material is based on nutrition and metabolism of nutrients in salmonids as more work has been completed with these fishes. It provides information on classes of nutrients, and requirements for several types and classes of fishes, noting similarities and differences between them. The major topics covered in this book are nutrient requirements of fishes, nutrient roles in metabolism, intermediary metabolism in fishes, diet formulation and preparation, and nutritional pathology. It is a useful reference book for students, and also for research scientists Involved in aquaculture nutrition and fisheries biology.

45. Harvey, B.J. and B.J. Hoar, 1979.

The theory and practice of induced breeding in fish

IDRC-TS 21e, International Development Research Centre, Ottawa (Canada), 48 p

(also in French and Spanish)

carps - Clarias spp. - hypophysation - induced breeding - milkfish - mullets

The book is a compilation of theoretical and practical knowledge of the induced breeding of fish. It reviews recent advances in reproductive physiology, and describes practical methods of induced breeding currently in use. Theoretical material is separated from practical to assist readers to identify their specific areas of interest. The first chapters present the biological theory behind the practical methods. Teleostean reproductive endocrinology is examined in Chapter 2, and recent advances in hormonal manipulation of reproduction are reviewed in Chapter 3. The following chapter describes recently published attempts to induce breeding in carps, catfish, mullets, and milkfish. A comprehensive table is given for carp and catfish, summarizing results of different authors. Different methods of ovarian biopsy are described in Chapter 5, and preservation of gametes in Chapter 6. The book has a large bibliography which illustrates the range of hypophysation methods currently applied. The emphasis of the manual is on fish cultivated in tropical and subtropical countries, although application can be found to temperate zones. The book is addressed to fish breeders and research scientists, and others interested in hypophysation methods.

46. Hepher, B. and Y. Pruginin, 1981.

Commercial fish farming, with special reference to fish culture in Israel

Wiley Interscience, New York (USA), 261 p

US$ 47.50

culture, Chinese carps - culture, common carp - culture, fish - culture, mullets - culture, tilapias - feeding - freshwater fish culture - Israel - pathology

The book brings together most of the principles and practices of aquaculture current in Israel. Although the emphasis remains on the Israeli experiences, it includes general aspects of aquaculture and techniques applicable to other regions. The first chapter introduces the concept of fish farming, and explains the causes of its development, with particular reference to Israel. Pond farming is analysed in the following three chapters (2-4), from site selection, planning, and construction. For the main species cultured in ponds, namely common carp, Chinese carps, tilapias, and mullets, a brief description of their biological characteristics is given in Chapter 5, and breeding and nursing fry in Chapter 6. In Chapter 7 different culture methods are presented, with considerations of biological management and economics. The following chapters (8-11) deal with techniques and equipment, fertilization and manuring, nutrition and feeding, and hazards and pathology. The last chapter (12) provides an account of economics of fish farming, with examples from different case studies. The book has a detailed list of references, and an index. It is directed to all interested in Israeli aquaculture, and particularly to freshwater fish culturists.

47. Hepher, B., 1988.

Nutrition of pond fishes

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (UK), 388 p

£. Stg. 45.50

feeding - fish feeds - growth - metabolism - natural food

The book uses a holistic approach of fish feeding as an integration of various disciplines, and provides information on diets and feeding charts. The discussion is divided into two parts. The first deals with food requirements, namely quantitative and qualitative requirements for maintenance and growth, and utilization rates of feeds. The balance of energy is examined in the first five chapters, with ingestion, digestion and absorption of food followed by energy pathways, maintenance metabolism, and growth. Protein requirements and other essential nutrients are considered in two more separate chapters. The second part deals with feed sources and feed conversion rates. The problems of estimating natural food consumption by fish, the interrelationships with fish density and weight, the utilization of supplementary feed, are then discussed. The book has four appendices which summarize in tables feed composition, digestibility coefficients, and digestible energy. There are also feeding charts, an extensive bibliography, and a systematic and subject index. The book is addressed to researchers, students, and fish farmers.

48. Huet, M. and J.A. Timmermans, 1986.

Textbook of fish culture: breeding and cultivation of fish. 2nd edition

Fishing News Books, Farnham (UK), 438 p

£. Stg. 25.00

1983 - Tratado de piscicultura, 3era edición

Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, Madrid (Spain), 753 p

1970 - Traite de pisciculture. 4eme édition

Ch. de Wyngaert, Bruxelles (Belgium), 718 p

textbook aquaculture, general
aquatic ecology - culture, catfish - culture, cyprinids - culture, common carp - culture, eels - culture, salmonids

"Traité de Pisciculture" was first published in 1952, and mainly concerned breeding and rearing of salmonids, cyprinids, a few special forms of fish breeding in temperate regions of Europe, and breeding and culture of tilapias developing in Central Africa. The first English version was published in 1972, translated from the 4th French edition, which had been completely revised and enlarged from previous editions. The 1986 English edition includes new information on cage culture and rearing in heated waters, but most information is old, and the bibliography dates from the 1960s. The book is still relevant for historical reasons and the fact that it describes in detail the basic ecological principles of aquaculture. It is divided into 3 sections. Section 1 describes ponds and fish suitable for cultivation. The construction and layout of ponds are examined, together with natural food of fish in ponds. Section 2 presents techniques and methods of cultivation of different fish species, namely salmonids, cyprinids, Perciformes, catfish, and eels. Special types of fish breeding, such as fish culture for restocking, rice-cum-fish culture, culture in brackish waters, and in floating cages, are presented. A description of regional freshwater fish culture is provided. Section 3 examines the control and increase of production in fish cultivation, where natural productivity, biological means of increasing production, pond management, artificial feeding, predator and disease control, and harvesting, are described.

49. Huguenin, J.E. and J. Colt, 1989.

Design and operating guide for aquaculture seawater systems

Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science 20, Elsevier, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 264 p

US$ 76.25

engineering - marine aquaculture - pond design - recirculating systems -site selection

The book provides basic information and considerations to plan, build, and operate seawater systems for culturing purposes. It links principles of biology and engineering in its description of biological, mechanical, and hydraulic requirements of systems, and considers economic constraints. Only systems with flow rates in the range of 10-1 000 gallons per minute (approx. 40-4 000 litres per minute) are considered. Different aspects of design are presented, analysing sites, seawater sources, pipes, pumps, selection of materials, flow control, solids removal, heating and cooling, aeration and degassing, disinfection, alarm systems, water recycling, and wet laboratories areas. Consideration is given to construction and operations. The final chapter provides recommendations for maximizing probabilities of success with seawater culture systems. A list of cited references is provided. The book is illustrated with drawings of facilities. Appendix A covers conversions of units, definitions, and sea water properties. Other appendices report annotated bibliographies, divided into 11 technical areas, and a list of periodical indexes of equipment and suppliers.

50. Huner, J.V. and E.E. Brown (eds), 1985.

Crustacean and mollusk aquaculture in the United States

AVI, Westport, CT (USA), 476 p

US$ 69.95

culture, crustaceans - culture, shellfish - economics - USA

The book presents a detailed review of crustacean and shellfish culture in the USA. It includes species both at low and high trophic levels, and for a range of economic values. The first nine chapters deal individually with freshwater crawfishes, freshwater prawns, penaeids, homarid lobsters, other crustaceans, oysters, marine clams, marine mussels, and abalones. For each species, or group of species, the taxonomy, basic biology, culture techniques, diseases, parasites and predators, feeding, processing, economics and marketing are described. Problems and constraints facing each industry are discussed, together with factors influencing commercial profitability of raising them in the USA. The last chapter considers water quality, with special emphasis on its importance to aquaculture. Physical, chemical, and biological variables are examined, together with water analysis methods and pesticides. The appendix includes a short account of the biology and culture of brine shrimp.

51. Imai, T. (ed.), 1978.

Aquaculture in shallow seas: progress in shallow sea culture

A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam (Netherlands), 615 p

FL 65.00

aquaculture techniques - culture, abalones - culture, laver - culture, oysters - culture, prawns - culture, scallops - culture, seaweeds - Japan - spat production

The book is a translation of the original version published in Japanese in 1971. Written by a board of 26 contributors it summarizes biological research in Japan and assesses current aquaculture techniques and technical achievements applied to the following marine organisms: laver, oysters, scallops, abalones, and prawns. The book is divided into 6 parts, each dealing with one species or with a group of similar species. Each part is divided into 2 sections, biological research and cultural techniques. The information on biology includes a brief introduction, classification, distribution, ecology, and physiology. Techniques include production of seed, culture and management, pests and prevention, harvest, and future trends. The book contains a review of the progress Japan has made in prawn culture, and ends with a description of artificial culture of shellfish, culture of micro-organisms used as feed (with a detailed description of techniques), and rearing of larvae and spat of bivalves. It is addressed to researchers, both in fisheries and aquaculture.

52. Jauncey, R. and B. Ross, 1982.

A guide to tilapia feeds and feeding

University of Stirling, Institute of Aquaculture, Stirling (UK), 111 p

feed formulation - feed processing - fish feeds - nutrient requirements -tilapias

The book describes current information on formulation and manufacture of complete or supplementary feeds for cultured tilapias. The first chapter describes feeding ecology of tilapias, providing background information on their morphology and behaviour. All known nutritional requirements of the genera are outlined in Chapters 2-6, or guidelines given based on requirements of similar fish species where such information is fragmentary. Possibilities for the use of unconventional protein sources are discussed, with particular respect to economics of tilapia production. Feedstuff analysis, feed formulation, feed processing and manufacture, storage, are examined, and some practical diet formulations for tilapias are provided. Nutritional terminology is provided in the appendix, and formulae useful in diet formulation, calculations of growth, feed utilization, digestibility, and rancidity. The book has a list of cited references.

53. Jhingran, V.G. and R.S.V. Pullin, 1985.

A. hatchery manual for the common, Chinese and Indian major carps

ICLARM Studies and Reviews 11, International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila (Philippines), 191 p

US$ 4.00 (surface mail)
US$ 10.00 (airmail)

artificial propagation - Chinese carps - common carp - Cyprinus carpio - hatchery - Indian carps - induced breeding

The book describes culture of mixed carp species in particular systems adapted to developing countries. It provides practical guidelines for carp hatchery workers, and background information on carp biology and culture. The emphasis is on low technology methods appropriate to extensive and semi-intensive carp polyculture in South and Southeast Asia, but theory and practices are applicable to others interested in carp culture. It provides technical and background information required to establish and operate a carp hatchery. The first chapter describes the biology of each species, particularly feeding habits, growth, and reproduction. The next four chapters consider hatchery operations, and include production of fingerlings for stocking in grow-out ponds. Chapter 6 deals with transportion of live fish seed and broodfish, including the use of anaesthetics. The remaining chapters deal respectively with applied genetics and techniques for stock improvement; the nutritional requirements of postlarvae, fingerlings, and adults, and trends in artificial feeds; diseases of cultured carps, their prevention, prophylaxis, and treatment; a detailed list of the specialized scientific equipment required for all operations of artificial propagation; problems for applied research, and requirements for scientific and technical personnel for both routine operations and research; and finally a list of routine tasks necessary to maintain an efficient hatchery. There is a geographical index and a detailed subject/taxonomic index. This book is addressed to science graduates and training institutions rather than hatchery workers.

54. Kabata, Z., 1985.

Parasites and disease of fish cultured in the tropics

Taylor and Francis, London (UK), 318 p

£. Stg. 30.00

Asia, east - diseases, bacteria - diseases, fish - diseases, fungi -diseases, virus - parasites - pathology

The book is based on the proceedings of the Workshop on Parasites and Diseases of Cultured Fish, held in Cisarua (Indonesia), in 1978, but has been updated. Experiences in five East Asian countries are the basis of the book (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand), and it is addressed to scientists and extension workers in/or concerned with aquaculture in developing countries in the region. The book is divided into four sections. The first deals with fish anatomy, with descriptions of external and internal anatomy; the second with diagnosis of diseases, prophylaxis, and therapy, including routine monitoring of fish health, sampling of water and fish, explanation of laboratory examinations step by step, protection and prevention of disease, mechanical/chemical control of water and food, and control of parasites; the third with diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungi, and their prevention, treatment, and control; and the fourth with parasites and pests, including protozoans, worms, crustaceans, and pathogenic influences of leeches and molluscs. There is little on microbial diseases with respect to parasites.

55. Kafutu, T. and H. Ikenoue (eds), 1983.

Modern methods of aquaculture in Japan

Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science 11, Elsevier, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 216 p

US$ 59.50

aquaculture - culture, fish - culture, prawns - culture, seaweeds -culture, shrimps - culture, turtles - Japan

The book describes aquaculture technology currently in use in Japan, by several contributors. It covers 20 species, from seaweeds and invertebrates to fish and reptiles, and illustrates the diversity in application of aquaculture practices in the country. It provides information of practical applications and an overview of the Japanese approach to aquaculture. The first section includes two chapters of introduction, describing relationships between aquaculture and the fisheries industry in Japan, and provides informative maps, graphs, and diagrams. The next sections divide freshwater species and marine species by chapter. Each chapter deals with a single species or a group of closely related species of aquacultural importance. The last section has two chapters dealing with marine algae, and nori and wakame. For each species there are biological characteristics, the present status of culture in Japan, with statistics from catch and from culture, and culture technology.

56. Kirk, R., 1987.

A history of marine fish culture in Europe and North America

Fishing News Books, Farham (UK), 192 p

£. Stg. 12.50

Europe - historical account - marine aquaculture - North America

The book is a review of the development of aquaculture in Europe and, to a lesser extent, in North America. It begins with a description of methods used in the Valli of Comacchio in Italy and the Arcachon Fish Reservoirs in France during the 16th and 18th centuries, and progresses to the hatchery boom of the late 19th and 20th centuries with subsequent transplantation and fertilization experiments in northern Europe. The third section reports modern developments in fish farming with species such as eels, mullets, sole, turbot, sea bass, sea bream, salmon, and trout, and describes the transfer of technology of sea bass, sea bream, and turbot culture from the laboratory to commercial hatchery production. A description of intensive cultivation, and in particular its advances in the UK, is reported in detail. The book deals mainly with European aquaculture, and only North America citations for salmon and trout farming. It concludes with a look at the future, with projections for aquaculture in the 1990s.

57. Kirpichnikov, V.S., 1981.

Genetic bases of fish selection

Springer-Verlag, Berlin (FRG), 410 p

US$ 47.70

biochemical genetics - cytogenetics - evolution - genetics -population genetics - selective breeding

The book is the expanded and updated translation of the Russian version first published in 1979. The emphasis is the genetic bases of fish selection for breeding, with prominence on common carp research carried out in Russia. Chapter 1 deals with physical bases of inheritance and evolution of the karyotype, and provides discussion of chromosome numbers and karyotypic variability among species. After a statement of the principles of Mendelian inheritance. Chapter 2 reviews the inheritance of quantitative characters in carp, followed by a short section on goldfish colour patterns. Chapter 3 extends the discussion of qualitative characters to a few aquarium species. The inheritance of quantitative traits in fish is examined in Chapter 4. Chapters 5 and 6 review biochemical genetics of fish, and discuss the inheritance of enzyme patterns observed through electrophoresis. Gynogenesis in fish is examined in Chapter 7, with a description on the phenomenon in natural populations and its application to fish breeding. The two final chapters summarize the current knowledge of fish breeding, and assess available selection methods. The book provides a comprehensive bibliography of over 2000 references. It is a reference for the advanced student of genetics.

58. Korringa, P., 1976.

Farming marine organisms low in the food chain: a multidisciplinary approach to edible seaweed, mussel and clam production

Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science 1, Elsevier, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 224 p

US$ 79.00

Black Sea - culture, clams - culture, green mussels - culture, seaweeds -France - Italy - marine aquaculture - Netherlands - Philippines - Spain -Yugoslavia

The book is one of a series (Nos 58-61) describing farming of marine organisms in different regions of the world. The series is addressed to marine farmers, fisheries biologists, and governmental administrators. For each book, a number of types of well defined farming enterprises are selected and described. Each example is treated in a standard way. It begins with a background of general principles, biology of the species, geographic situation, hydrographic patterns, and legal aspects. This is followed by sequential culture operations, describing all required operations from early development phases to marketing, with techniques used and labour involved. Farming risks, such as hydrographic conditions, predators, parasites and diseases, and competitors are then described, followed by economic aspects of fanning, such as rents, inventory terms, expendable items, purchase of seed stock, labour, and sales. Finally there is information on government assistance to the sector. Each book has a bibliography.

The present volume describes the culture of marine organisms low in the food chain. It begins with a primary member, the edible seaweed Porphyra. The following chapters describe the farming of marine organisms in the second link of the food chain, namely herbivorous creatures. These include the farming of the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, in the Netherlands, France, Spain, Italy, Yugoslavia, and the Black sea; and the green mussel, M. smaragdinus, in the Philippines. The last chapter deals with clam farming in Portugal.

59. Korringa, P., 1976.

Farming the cupped oysters of the genus Crassostrea

Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science 2, Elsevier, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 224 p

US$ 79.00

Australia - Crassostrea spp. - culture, cupped oysters - cupped oysters -France - Japan - marine aquaculture - USA

The book follows the pattern of the author's previous volume (No. 58). This volume describes the farming of the cupped oysters (genus Crassostrea) world-wide. The case studies include C. commercialis in Australia, C. virginica in two regions of the USA, C. angulata from two sites in France, and C. gigas in Japan and the USA.

60. Korringa, P., 1976.

Fax-King the flat oysters of the genus Ostrea

Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science 3, Elsevier, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 238 p

US$ 79.00

culture, flat oysters - France - marine aquaculture - Netherlands - Norway - Ostrea spp. - USA - Yugoslavia

The book follows the same pattern of the author's first volume (No. 58). This volume describes various methods for growing two northern-hemisphere flat oysters, Ostrea edulis, the European flat oyster, and O. lurida, the Olympia oyster. Nine of the chapters describe different methods of cultivating O. edulis in the Netherlands, France, Yugoslavia, and Norway, the tenth describes farming of O. lurida in the USA.

61. Korringa, P., 1976.

Farming marine fishes and shrimps. A multidisciplinary treatise

Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science 4, Elsevier, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 208 p

US$ 79.00

culture, eels - culture, milkfish - culture, red sea bream - culture, salmonids - culture, shrimps - culture, yellowtail - Indonesia - Israel - Italy - Japan - marine aquaculture - Norway

The book presents case studies of farmed marine fishes and shrimps, following the pattern used by the author in his first volume (No. 58). This volume describes mullet farming in Israel and in the Italian North Adriatic lagoons, milkfish in Indonesia, Penaeid shrimps, eel, yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata) and red sea bream (Chrysophrys major) in Japan, and finally rainbow trout and salmon in seawater in Norway.

62. Kuronuma, R. and K. Fukusho, 1984.

Rearing of marine fish larvae in Japan

IDRC-TC 47e, International Development Research Centre, Ottawa (Canada), 109 p

Can. $ 10.00

Japan - larval rearing - marine aquaculture

The book discusses Japanese biotechnology used in rearing marine fish larvae for mass production of fingerlings. It describes the state of art in Japan, and provides a detailed literature review of available information almost all of which was only available in Japanese. It is adapted to needs of developing countries. The book has three main parts, namely an introduction to aquaculture in Japan, basic principles in rearing marine fish larvae which have been developed, and application of these techniques to larval rearing of selected fish species. References are provided at the end of each section, with full bibliographic detail in a reference list.

63. Lax, T.J. (ed.), 1986.

Control of reproduction in fish: a round table discussion

IDRC-MR 123e, International Development Research Centre, Ottawa (Canada), 153 p

induced breeding - reproduction - sex control

The book reports round-table discussions on the control of fish reproduction and its problems, held at the Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC), Iloilo (Philippines), in 1981. In particular it provides information on practical problems, with data from practical experiences. The book is divided into three sections dealing with induction of gonad development and puberty, control of sex, and induction of spawning. Although four years have passed from the discussion to the publication of this book, notes have been added by the editor on recent data and conferences.

64. Lannan, J.E., R.O. Smitherman and G. Tchobanoglous (eds), 1986.

Principles and practices of pond aquaculture

Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR (USA), 252 p

US$ 25.00

fertilization - manure - pond culture - water quality

The book deals with the nature of variation observed in pond production, and the economic efficiency of pond culture systems. It is divided into three sections. In Section 1 basic biological, chemical, and physical principles governing operations of pond culture systems are dealt with in a series of eight papers. Principles are examined in an integrated analysis in the first six papers, and chemical interactions in the seventh paper. An additional perspective on fish plankton interactions is presented in the eighth. Pond culture practices including stocking, feeding, water quality, disease, competitors, pests, predators, and public health considerations, are addressed in a series of six papers in Section 2. Section 3 describes the modelling of aquaculture processes and systems in two papers, one dealing with hydromechanical and water quality responses of aquaculture systems, the other with mathematical models pertinent to fish production and tropical pond aquaculture. The book is addressed to research scientists rather than practical fish farmers.

65. Le Cren, E.D. and R.H. Lowe-McConnel (eds), 1980.

The functioning of freshwater ecosystems

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (UK), IBP Handbook 22, 588 p

£. Stg. 75.00

aquatic ecosystems - biological production - freshwater ecology - trophic relationships

The book describes the work of a number of scientists on production limnology. It is published under the auspices of the International Biological Programme, "Productivity of Freshwater". Almost all major aspects of energy flow or organic production, from bacteria to fish, are presented, documented, and discussed. The first two chapters provide an introductory background of the ideas behind the IBP, its planning, organization, and history. The next five chapters synthesize the results in the respective fields of physics, chemistry, primary production, secondary production, decomposition, and microbial production. Chapter 8 reviews aspects of trophic relationships in the freshwater ecosystem, describing physiological and ecological efficiencies and dynamics of trophic relationships. Chapters 9 and 10 adopt two different mathematical approaches to data gained in IBP/PF projects, respectively a statistical analysis of preliminary data from several lakes, with estimations of primary and secondary production in relation to various physical and chemical variables, and modelling of lake ecosystems. The last chapter deals with IBP studies carried out in the Soviet Union, offering a dynamic model for lake ecosystems in general. The book is addressed to hydrobiologists and scientists (including aquaculturists) in water industries, and conservation and utilization of natural water resources.

66. Lee, J.S.. 1981.

Commercial catfish fanning. 2nd edition

The Interstate Printers and Publishers, Danville, IL (USA), 310 p

US$ 22.60

1981 - Allevamento del pesce gatto

Edagricole, Bologna (Italy), 264 p

Lit. 18 000

biology, catfish - culture, catfish - feeding - historical account - Ictalurus spp.

The book describes the catfish farming industry, mainly based on developments in Southeast USA. Following a history of the industry, there is a description of different practices for catfish production, criteria for establishing a catfish farm, and biology of the species. Two chapters deal with water facilities, feeding, pathology, control of predators, broodfish and fry production, grow-out to harvesting, holding, grading and hauling catfish, marketing, processing, and recreational fishing. At the end of each chapter there is a list of questions and problems for discussion. The changes in the second edition are based largely on the findings of research. This book is addressed to catfish producers, professionals, and students in the industry. It also lists sources of assistance with catfish diseases and other information relevant to the industry in the USA.

The Italian version provides additional data for the small catfish industry in Italy.

67. Lee, C.S., M.S. Gordon and W.O. Watanabe (eds), 1986.

Aquaculture of milkfish (Chanos chanos): state of art

Oceanic Institute, Honolulu, HI (USA), 284 p

biology, milkfish - Chanos chanos - culture, milkfish - economics -marine aquaculture

The book is a complete and updated summary of data on milkfish. It describes the current knowledge on milkfish and the milkfish industry, from traditional practices to the results of recent research. It provides useful information for engineers, scientists, and fish farmers. The book begins with a chapter on milkfish biology, summarizing natural history and behaviour. Chapters 2 and 3 examine genetic variation within the species, and reproduction. The following chapters describe the traditional industry, from fry capture, distribution and rearing, through growth of fish to market size. Detailed descriptions are given of culture practices in different countries, aspects of pond design and management, nutrition, and pathology. The final chapter describes the economics of milkfish farming. The book concludes with a summary which highlights integral points of the previous chapters and indicates important trends for both short- and long-term future research on the species.

68. Lequenne, Ph., 1984.

Les fermes marines

Edisud, Aix-en-Provence (France), 126 p


F.F. 81.00

aquaculture facilities - extensive culture - France - hatchery -intensive culture - marine aquaculture

The book describes the present status and potential of marine fish culture, with particular reference to France. The book is divided in three sections. Section 1 deals with production in hatcheries, describing the control of reproduction in captivity of marine species, spawning of eggs, incubation and hatching, first rearing of fry, and the economics of hatchery operations. Section 2 analyses rearing conditions in which different fish species maintain optimal growth in both intensive and extensive systems. Series of tables summarize data about each species. Different facilities used in fish culture are described in Section 3, from earth ponds for extensive rearing, tanks and ponds for intensive rearing, recirculating systems, floating and submerged cages. The annexes at the end include descriptions of French enterprises of marine aquaculture, and provide useful addresses of associations, laboratories, and organizations active in the industry. A list of references on marine fish culture is included.

69. Liewes, E.W., 1984.

Culture, feeding and diseases of commercial flatfish species

A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam (Netherlands), 104 p

US$ 18.50

culture, flatfish - culture, plaice - culture, sole - culture, turbot -feeding - marine aquaculture - pathology

The book is a brief review of the culture of marine flatfish. It is written as a basis for further investigations into the commercialization of flatfish production. It describes techniques and feeding methods, based on recent progress with the culture of turbot and sole, especially larval rearing and feeding juveniles. The book begins with two chapters on the biology and ecology of the selected species, namely Atlantic halibut, turbot, plaice, Dover sole, lemon sole, and other flatfish of minor economic importance. The first provides a brief description of each species, and the second describes feeding habits, and makes comparisons of alimentary tracts of different Species in relation to their feeding habits. Chapters 3 to 7 describe mass propagation of flat fish, from reproduction in captivity, development, early feeding with live foods, and weaning of larvae onto industrial dry feeds. These are followed by an analysis of fattening of flatfish for the market, with particular reference to turbot, plaice, and sole. Water quality, parasites, and diseases are reviewed in the final chapters.

70. Little, D. and J.F. Muir, 1987.

A guide to Integrated warmwater aquaculture

University of Stirling, Institute of Aquaculture, Stirling (UK), 238 p

£. Stg. 20.50 (UK)
£. Stg. 24.00 (airmail)

agropisciculture - sewage treatment - warmwater aquaculture -waste utilization - wastewater aquaculture

The book is an overview of the use of farm and household wastes Co fertilize fish ponds. It begins with an analysis of the effects of wastes on autotrophic and heterotrophic pathways, and their biochemical and management implications. The chapter on animal/fish integrated systems concentrates mainly on pigs, poultry, and ruminants, where the value of animal manure is stressed. Human wastes are treated in a separate chapter. A chapter on plants in integrated aquaculture includes a wide range of fish/plant combinations, plants cultivated especially as fish fodders, and agriculture byproducts used in aquaculture. The integration of fish production with water resources used for irrigation and reservoirs, and on the use of fish for weed control, are examined in another section. Rice-cum-fish culture, which points out the problems of incompatibility with modern rice agronomy, and the use of pesticides, is also included. Most of the information is derived largely from work in China, the Far East, and Central Europe, all regions with long traditions of waste-fed integrated aquaculture. The book provides practical information on the techniques available for integrated warmwater aquaculture. There are many diagrams, tables, and appendices which provide additional data, and there is a glossary and a bibliography.

71. Love, U.K., 1988.

The food fishes: their intrinsic variation and practical implications

AVI Books, Farrand Press, London (UK), 276 p

£. Stg. 21.80

environmental factors - fish spoilage - food fish - quality control - organoleptic properties

The book describes chemical and biochemical variations in fish, emphasizing variability in terms of underlying physiological changes and the external influences and biochemical responses to them. It is divided into three parts, with each chapter ending with summary comments and technological perspectives. Part 1 deals with the physical structure of fish muscles and chemistry during growth, maturation and spawning, and recovery from starvation, and considers diet and an analysis of feeding and digestion. Part 2 examines different aspects of quality in fish, in particular texture, colour, flavour, and gaping. Part 3 considers environmental factors affecting fish quality, both individual influences, such as depth, illumination, pH, salinity, and characteristics of the fishing grounds. The book has a glossary of technical terms used in the text, a list of references, an author index, and a subject index. The book is addressed to food scientists and technologists, and to students of food science, catering, nutrition, and aquaculture.

72. Lovell, T., 1988.

Nutrition and feeding of fish

AVI, Westport, CT (USA), 260 p

US$ 53.00

feed formulation - feed processing - feeding - fish feeds -nutrient requirements

The book describes the nutrient requirements of fish, and the effects of nutrient deficiencies. It includes descriptions of nutrient sources and preparation of research and practical feeds, and provides direction for designing and conducting fish nutrition and feeding experiments. Feeding practices for several commercially important fishes representing diverse culture systems (coldwater fish, warmwater fish, crustaceans, pond culture, and highly artificial cultures) are presented. The first chapters deal with general topics, such as nutrients, the concept of feeding, feed formulation and processing. These are followed by six chapters dedicated to practical feeding of some particular species or species groups, such as channel catfish, tilapias, salmon and trout, penaeid shrimp, eels, and crawfish. The book has an index and several appendices, in particular one on the composition of feed ingredients.

73. Lowe-McConnel, R.H., 1987.

Ecological studies in tropical fish communities

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (UK), 382 p

£. Stg. 35.00 (hardcover)
£. Stg. 12.50 (paperback)

aquatic ecology - fish communities - evolution - tropics

The book compares information on the ecology of tropical freshwaters and tropical seas. For each distinct field of study, namely rivers, natural and man-made lakes, coral reefs, continental shelves, upwelling areas, and the open ocean, there is supporting literature. The book has four sections, namely an introduction, freshwater studies, marine studies, and a synthesis. In these, the author presents and evaluates the results of studies made on fishes of major rivers of tropical regions, as well as those of man-made and natural lakes, coral reefs, and pelagic and demersal oceanic environments. The book covers broad aspects of fish ecology, seasonality, life history strategies, trophic interrelationships, communication, and diversity. The exploitation and conservation of tropical fish stocks receive special consideration, in particular with reference to problems of fisheries research relevant to fish production, conservation, and management. The exploitation by man of freshwater and marine fish communities is described in the final chapter. The book is addressed to evolutionists and ichthyologists working in tropical ecology.

74. Lutz, A. (ed.), 1980.

Mussel culture and harvest: a North American perspective

Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science 7, Elsevier, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 350 p

US$ 100.00

culture, mussels - culture, Mytilus edulis - culture, pearls -culture, shellfish - USA

The book is based on mussel culture in the USA. It summarizes efforts by both academics and private industrial research groups through an overview of the status and potential of mussel culture and harvest in North America. Nineteen American contributors describe their experiences with blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, in twelve chapters dealing with culture history in the USA, culture methods, natural stocks, application of European methods to North American waters, US East and West Coast culture systems, culture in heated effluents, pearl formation, biotoxins, storage and processing, and a case study of a mussel farm and its economics. The information includes biology and natural history, culture methods, research, processing, management, and marketing. It offers a comparison between North America mussel culture and the well-established practices in European countries. The book is addressed to biologists, aquaculturists, people in seafood commerce, and producers, not only in the USA but in all countries producing or developing plans for mussel culture.

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