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Consideration of Criteria for the Elaboration or Revocation of Individual Standards for Cheeses
Consideration of Proposed Draft stAndards for Individual Cheeses, Cream, Dairy Spreads, Fermented Milk Products and Processed Cheese

Consideration of Criteria for the Elaboration or Revocation of Individual Standards for Cheeses[21]

80. In discussing the withdrawal of individual cheese standards at its 2nd Session (ALINORM 97/11, paras. 84-85), the Committee noted a reservation of the Delegation of Germany which called for criteria to be applied for the revocation of the remaining standards. The Chairperson requested the IDF to develop a methodology taking account of comments submitted.

81. Based on the method developed, the IDF considered three criteria for the revocation of individual cheese standards (the volume traded and number of countries trading and consuming the individual cheeses in the C series of standards).[22] As a result of this assessment, the Committee agreed to the following IDF recommendations:

82. The Committee thanked the IDF for its efforts, and agreed to the usefulness of the criteria and methodology in its future deliberations.

83. The Committee agreed to recommend to the CAC the revocation of the Standards identified above.

Consideration of Proposed Draft stAndards for Individual Cheeses, Cream, Dairy Spreads, Fermented Milk Products and Processed Cheese

84. The Committee agreed to the following proposal of the Chairperson regarding the future consideration of the Proposed Draft Standards for Individual Cheeses, Cream, Dairy Spreads, Fermented Milk Products and Processed Cheese:

85. Two working groups were to be formed to consider: 1) Individual and Processed Cheeses; and 2) Cream, Dairy Spreads and Fermented Milks. The Working Groups would be responsible for seeking solutions based on the Commission’s mandate and making recommendations that would assist IDF to prepare draft standards by providing solutions to the issues listed below. The Working Groups should report their decisions to the CCMMP;

86. The Committee agreed that the Working Groups should concentrate on the following principal issues and other relevant matters:

Individual Cheese Standards

Processed Cheeses

Dairy Spreads


Fermented Milks

87. The Committee agreed that the IDF would submit proposed draft standards elaborated on the basis of the Working Groups’ inputs to the New Zealand Secretariat for circulation and comment at Step 3 before the 4th Session of the CCMMP in accordance with a timetable to be developed by the New Zealand Secretariat. It was stressed that Working Groups would be open to input from all Codex Member governments, and that any final decisions on the Proposed Draft Standards would be taken by the full CCMMP session.

88. The Committee nominated France as Chair and the United States as Rapporteur of the Working Group on Cheeses; and, Argentina as Chair and Belgium as Rapporteur for the Working Group on Dairy Products.

[21] CX/MMP 98/6, CX/MMP 98/6 – Corrigendum, CRD 11 and comments from the United States (CRD 12), Argentina (CRD 18), Uruguay (CRD 19) and Morocco (CRD 20).
[22] The criteria used are specified in CX/MMP 98/6, CX/MMP 98/6 – Corrigendum.

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