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89. The Representative of AOAC International presented a report on behalf of the IDF/ISO/AOAC Working Group on Methods of Analysis and Sampling. The report contained a list of methods required in the standards for milk products to ensure compliance with the provisions of the standards. This list had been up-dated with references to methods validated according to the criteria established by the CCMAS. Several methods had been revised to eliminate the use of ozone-depleting solvents, in accordance with the Montreal Protocol on Ozone-Depleting Substances.

90. The Delegation of Uruguay drew attention to the problem in analysis of heavy metals, noting that the approved Codex General Methods were not suitable for butter and other high-fat products. The Representative of the AOAC International noted that the approved relevant AOAC method had not yet been validated by IDF and ISO, but that the problem was being studied.

91. The Committee agreed to include the validated methods in the Methods of Analysis and Sampling sections of the appropriate standards and to refer them to the CCMAS for endorsement. The List of Methods is attached as Appendix XII to this report.

[23] CX/MMP 98/9; CRD 19.

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