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(A) Use of Hydrogen Peroxide and THE Lactoperoxidase System for Preserving Raw Milk
(B) “Cheese Specialties”
(C) Future Work

(A) Use of Hydrogen Peroxide and THE Lactoperoxidase System for Preserving Raw Milk[24]

92. The Delegation of India noted that the FAO/WHO Panel on Milk Quality in 1967 had concluded that the use of hydrogen peroxide might be an acceptable alternative method to milk cooling in the early stage of development of an organized dairy. However, in 1991 the CAC adopted the Guidelines for the Preservation of Raw Milk by Use of the Lactoperoxidase System (CAC/GL 13-1991), which utilized hydrogen peroxide at a level ten times lower than the direct use of hydrogen peroxide for preservation of raw milk. Although the Guidelines had been adopted by the CAC, the indiscriminate direct use of hydrogen peroxide (300 to 800 ppm) for preservation of raw milk still continued due to lack of direction with regard to the rescinding of the use of direct hydrogen peroxide method.

93. The working paper also described FAO’s experience in introducing the Lactoperoxidase System in developing countries. The Delegation of Sweden noted that the use of the system had been originally developed in, and promoted by, that country.

94. The Delegations Argentina, Brazil, Indonesia, Peru and Uruguay stated that refrigeration, either on the farm or applied during transportation to the processing plant, was the preferred method of maintaining milk hygiene.

95. The Delegation of Cuba, noting the importance of the use of the Lactoperoxidase System in developing countries, called for the recognition in an appropriate list approved by the CAC, of the enzymatic activators used in the Lactoperoxidase System. It was noted that JECFA had given its approval of the system, including the substances used, at its 35th Meeting in 1989.

96. In relation to the preservation of raw milk, the Committee invited the CAC to confirm that the most preferred method was refrigeration. In cases where refrigeration was not possible, the CAC was invited to confirm its approval of the use of the enzymatic activators of the Lactoperoxidase System in accordance with the Guidelines adopted in 1991 and based on the advice of JECFA. At the same time, the Committee recommended that the CAC make a clear statement to the effect that the use of hydrogen peroxide in a manner not consistent with the Guidelines for the Preservation of Raw Milk by Use of the Lactoperoxidase System was no longer acceptable.

(B) “Cheese Specialties”[25]

97. The Committee considered a proposal from the Delegation of France to commence work on standards for a new class of products similar in style and presentation to cheeses, but which for various reasons did not fall within the established standards for cheese. It was agreed that the proposal should be circulated to governments for comment with a view to determining at the Committee’s next session, whether or not to undertake work in this area. (See also para. 65)

(C) Future Work

98. The Committee noted that the time needed to pay attention to the priority items on its Agenda did not allow for the discussion of several other items. These matters would be included on the Provisional Agenda of the Committee’s next session. It was agreed to proceed with revisions of the Standards for Whey Powders and Edible Casein Products. The date and place of the Committee’s next session would be decided by the Host Government and the Codex Secretariat and Members would be advised in due course.

Annex I




For Action by

Document Reference (ALINORM 99/11)

Draft General Standard for the Use of Dairy Terms


23rd CAC
CCFAC (added or amended food additives provisions and those food additive provisions referred to the CCFAC)


Appendix II

Draft Revised Standards for:

- Butter

Appendix IV

- Milkfat Products

Appendix V

- Evaporated Milks

Appendix VI

- Sweetened Condensed Milks

Appendix VII

- Milk Powders and Cream Powders

Appendix VIII

- Cheese

Appendix IX

- Whey Cheese

Appendix X

Draft Group Standard for Cheeses in Brine

Appendix XI

Draft Standard for Unripened Cheese Including Fresh Cheese


IDF Governments

para. 79

Proposed Draft Revised Standards for:
- Cream
- Fermented Milk Products


Working Group IDF Governments

paras. 84-88

Proposed Draft Standard for Dairy Spreads

Proposed Draft Revised Standard for Processed Cheese


Working Group IDF Governments

paras. 84-88

Proposed Draft Revised Individual Cheese Standards (including a new standard for Mozzarella)

Revision of the Codex Standards for:
- Whey Powders
- Edible Casein Products


23rd CAC

para. 98

Methods of Analysis and Sampling


CCMAS IDF/ISO/AOAC Working Group on Methods of Analysis and Sampling4th CCMMP

paras. 89-91 Appendix XII

Heat Treatment Definitions



para. 98(ALINORM 97/11, para. 74)

Model Export Certificate for Milk Products



para. 98(ALINORM 97/11, para. 89)

Revocation of Individual Cheese Standards


23rd CAC

para. 81

- Cheshire
- Limburger
- Svecia
- Butterkäse
- Harzer Käse
- Herrgårdsost
- Hushållsost
- Maribo
- Fynbo
- Romadur
- Amsterdam
- Leidse
- Friese
- Edelpilzkäse

Revocation of Individual Cheese Standard for Cream Cheese



para. 81

Standard for Cheese Specialties



para. 97

Standard for "Parmesan"



paras. 4 & 98(ALINORM 97/11, para. 87)

Nutritional and Quality Descriptors for Milk Products


(ALINORM 97/11, paras. 75-77)

[24] CX/MMP 98/12 (India); CX/MMP 98/12-Add.1 (Cuba, CRD); CX/MMP 98/12-Add.2 (India, CRD 25).
[25] CX/MMP 98/16 (France, CRD 13).
[26] Individual methods at the same Step as the relevant standards.
[27] At the Session of the CAC where the Standard for Unripened Cheese Including Fresh Cheese is adopted

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