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5. Terrestrial Ecosystems Monitoring Sites (TEMS) Meta-database

5.1. Josef Cihlar presented TEMS, a meta-database about sites and networks that are making long-term measurements relevant to GTOS and GCOS. He noted that current database contains some important gaps in geographical coverage and also in sites distribution by vegetation classes and biomes. Moreover, the sites data don't have equal level of details and there is seldom verification of the site data quality.

5.2. At its last meeting (Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 26-29 May 1998), the Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate (TOPC) recommended that a second version of TEMS should be developed, initially with the networks and sites involved in the GT-Net and NPP demonstration project. Glacier and permafrost networks should be included once they are established and the individual sites agree to participate. The GTSC should decide on priorities for the GTOS issues in order to prioritize future expansion of TEMS. A structured approach should be used to determine geographical and thematic requirements for critical non-climate observations so that the second version of TEMS can be used to identify gaps in critical observations. The current version should remain as a meta-database of networks and site descriptor, guiding users to the holders of data.

5.3. TOPC recommendations for TEMS were endorsed by the GTSC. It was agreed that the TEMS meta-database should include a front page providing different options to users, e.g. choose the version they wish to consult and/or the network they are interested in (GT-Net, Glacier, Permafrost, ...). The database will be located at the LTER office (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA). A template will be developed to be used by sites/networks to enter their data and update it when necessary.

5.4. The migration of TEMS from Oracle to Access software was seen to have pros and cons. Some members felt that Oracle was a more powerful tool, especially when used on web applications. Perhaps an Access version could be used for CD-ROM distribution. This issue should be resolved before further development.

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