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6. Budget and Fundraising

6.1. The 1997 and 1998 budgets for GTOS were reviewed, and found to be inadequate even for the organization of regular meetings to develop the programme. There was a need to invest more time and resources in order to develop relationships with key donors and interest groups who could support GTOS. It was suggested that UNEP send to the Secretariat a copy of its database of donors.

6.2. More effort was needed by each sponsor to include GTOS proposals in their annual programming meetings with donors and when proposals are requested. Similarly, the scientific members of the GTSC should be more active in seeking funds for GTOS that are compatible with their own research interests.

6.3. It was suggested to identify on-going activities in specific regions or countries, e.g. in Eastern Europe where there are a number of sites and networks which are no longer functioning because of insufficient funds. GTOS could participate in some of these initiatives and help in raising funds. GTOS should also present project proposals to existing programmes in the European Union, in particular the International Cooperation Programme (INCO) and ENRICH (European Network for Research in Global Change). The European Union may support activities for building capacity in developing countries, although the efforts need to be self-sustaining.

Recommendation 4: UNEP should send its database of donors to the GTOS Secretariat, in order to start the process of identifying potential donors for GTOS and preparing a package of proposals.

Recommendation 5: the Sponsors should include GTOS proposals in their annual programming meetings with donors and when proposals are requested.

Recommendation 6: the members of the GTSC should be more active in seeking funds for GTOS that are compatible with their own research interests.

ACTION: Each GTSC member should prepare a task profile of what he/she could contribute to GTOS programme development, and should send to the Secretariat examples of networks, funding sources.

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