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7. G3OS Sponsors Group

7.1. Sophie Boyer King presented the results of the last G3OS Sponsors Group meeting (Paris, France, 5 June 1998). During the meeting, it was noted that both GCOS and GOOS have mechanisms for reporting to the Executive bodies of their host organizations (WMO and IOC respectively). A similar mechanism would be appropriate for GTOS. The Sponsors recommended the FAO representative to GTOS raise this matter at the highest appropriate level in FAO.

7.2. Louise Fresco underlined that FAO is supporting GTOS programmatically and financially. Mr. Fresco noted that for the next biennium, it could be possible to allocate additional resources for GTOS, but it should be linked to specific activities, possibly with on-going FAO initiatives (e.g. those related to the environmental conventions, in particular Biological Diversity and Desertification, and to the follow-up of Agenda 21). Stronger links need to be built with other FAO technical units.

7.3. Progress in establishing an Integrated Global Observation Strategy (IGOS) partnership was reported. This would bring together the representative of CEOS (Committee on Earth Observation Satellites), G3OS, IGFA (International Group of Funding Agencies) and WCRP (World Climate Research Programme) to provide stronger links between the work of satellite agencies and in situ research organizations.

7.4. Ms. Boyer King mentioned the draft GCOS report to the UNFCCC SBSTA (Subsidiary Body on Scientific and Technical Advice for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) on the adequacy of the Global Observing Systems. Two main points emerged from the document: the data available is not perfect but can be improved with little expense, and effective sharing of data could bring governments closer to the Convention targets. The Sponsors agreed that this was an important development which showed that the G3OS were being accepted as advisors to the Convention. This could lead to an opportunity for funding through the GEF mechanism, as well as strengthening the dialogue between the G3OS and the Convention's secretariats.

7.5. There was some discussion on the role of the Sponsors in facilitating contacts between the G3OS and their own programmes and activities. UNESCO proposed to be a focal point to establish stronger links with DIVERSITAS.

Recommendation 7: ICSU, as a sponsor of GTOS, should facilitate the cooperation with IGBP to enhance GTOS activities. It was suggested to bring up this point to Will Steffen in July 1998, during his visit to ICSU in Paris.

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