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8. Terrestrial Observations

8.1. Josef Cihlar presented the results of the last GCOS/GTOS TOPC meeting (Corvallis, Oregon). The panel reviewed the status of networks (GT-Net, Glacier, Permafrost, Hydrology) and agreed that it should assist in their establishment through TOPC members' activities and professional contacts. It could assist in the initial network implementation by identifying data sets and opportunities for continuing long-term observations from sunset experimental programmes, establishing linkages with scientific programmes (IGBP, GEWEX,...), collaborating with GOSSP and other panels. The panel also reviewed the demonstration projects and agreed to cooperate with GT-Net in implementing the NPP Project (Net Primary Production) and to continue to promote GTOS and GCOS interests in the GOFC project (Global Observation of Forest Cover), as well as to oversee its development. The GTSC endorsed the goals for the TOPC activities and the workplan for 1998/99 as developed at the last TOPC meeting.

8.2. There was discussion among the participants about GTOS data sets and variables. Some participants pointed out that GTOS has not yet defined its recommended variables other than those for climate change. Until GTOS extends this process to its other themes, it should take advantage of the work done by the TOPC, because many of the variables that it has chosen can be equally important for other GTOS themes.

8.3. GTOS was asked by GCOS and the Sponsors to take the lead on the TOPC. The GTSC was concerned by the financial implications, which could constrain GTOS from developing other priority panels such as one on data and information management and one on socio-economic aspects. However, the GTSC felt it was important to continue the work of the TOPC and agreed that GTOS should become the primary sponsor of this joint panel. A key implication is the financing of panel meetings, which occur typically once a year and are an essential mechanism for the TOPC to continue the progress made to date.

ACTION: GTOS to take the lead for the Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate (TOPC), including the organization of future TOPC meetings, the preparation and publication of meeting reports and an improved financial support.

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