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9. Space Observations

9.1. The last Global Observing Systems Space Panel (GOSSP) meeting was held in Paris, France, in May 1997. It had put together a useful profile of what the G3OS bodies required in terms of space observations. Subsequently, there was the feeling that each system should continue its own way in informing space agencies of their requirements. In the meantime, the CEOS-SIT (the Strategic Implementation Team of Committee on Earth Observation Satellites) indicated that it wished to use GOSSP as a major avenue for information and discussion with G3OS. Consequently, the rationale for GOSSP has been recently re-evaluated by GCOS and GOOS, and it is now felt that this panel should be continued. GCOS would continue to be responsible for the panel.

9.2. The GTSC agreed that GOSSP should be continued and endorsed the new terms of reference with some modifications. The GTSC was concerned that a possible new chairman for the panel had been contacted without prior consultation with GTOS and GOOS. The members requested more information on the background and institutional support. The names of alternative candidates were suggested.


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