Report of the Second Meeting of the GTOS Steering Committee

Global Terrestrial Observing System

15-19 June 1998, Santander, Spain


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Opening of the Meeting

2. Update on GTOS Activities

3. Implementation Plan

4. Data and Information Management

5. Terrestrial Ecosystems Monitoring Sites (TEMS) Meta-database

6. Budget and Fundraising

7. G3OS Sponsors Group

8. Terrestrial Observations

9. Space Observations

10. Networks

11. GTOS Programme Development

12. Functioning of GTOS

13. Collaboration with Other Organizations

14. Working Groups Sessions

15. Date and Venue of Next Meeting

16. Closure of the Meeting

Annex I: List of Participants

Annex II: Annotated Agenda

Annex III: Results of Working Groups Sessions

Annex IV : List of Recommendations

Annex V: List of Acronyms