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5.1 Seeking an optimum suite of MCS activities
5.2 Nature of the benefits
5.3 Direct benefits
5.4 Indirect benefits
5.5 Fishing the benefits of illegal
5.6 Deterrence, compliance and benefits

The MCS manager has limited resources in terms of manpower, funds and capital assets. A critical question facing the manager is how to distribute these resources among the various MCS tasks such as information collection, port controls, sea patrols, and legal activities. This requires some means of assessing the benefits of different combinations of MCS activities. Estimating the benefits accruing from the MCS efforts is one of the most difficult questions facing the MCS manager, one which neither developed, nor developing countries have successfully addressed. The following sections offer some guidance on how to approach these issues, specifically:

a) How can the optimum suite of MCS measures be established?
b) how can the benefits of an existing suite of MCS measures be estimated, and
c) how can the effect of proposed MCS changes be measured?

5.1 Seeking an optimum suite of MCS activities

The costs of MCS activities, or sets of complementary or interdependent MCS activities, need to be assessed in relation to the results. The single most important ‘result’ is the biological state of the fish stocks. Where possible there should be a direct and potentially measurable relationship between controls and fishing mortality. This relationship does not exist in many fisheries and results in uncertainty. A ‘decision analysis’ explicitly recognizes uncertainty and can offer a useful step-by-step approach if the MCS objectives are clear.

Figure 4. Decision tree for identifying a suite of effective MCS measures

Within this decision framework several[30] ‘management tools’, or analytical methodologies can be directed at resolving the multi-dimensional problem of assessing control strategies. These include: cost/benefit analysis; cost-effectiveness analysis; critical path analysis; HACCP; LFA and SWOT, some of which are briefly discussed below.

Cost-benefit analysis suffers from difficulty in clearly establishing and valuing the benefits of the MCS activities, even though the costs of MCS can readily be recorded, or calculated. As MCS activities are highly interdependent (e.g., sea controls depend on vessel licensing), the utility of assessing control measures or strategies in isolation is questionable as benefits of control accrue from a suite of measures and cannot readily be allocated to any one control activity, or strategy.

Control assets are not necessarily allocated in the most cost-effective manner in relation to the presumed impact on the fish stocks, which is considered to be the primary object of control. While the principles underlying allocation of enforcement resources may be rational, the actual allocation may often be a response to changing ‘political’ priorities (e.g., resource conflicts), or a public perception of the priority, rather than an empirical assessment of the optimum allocation in relation to the gravity, or extent, of the hazards to the resources. Consequently, attempts to make a cost benefit, or effectiveness analysis, often founder on the question of the allocation priority. However, cost effectiveness analysis may avoid such ineffective use.

Cost effectiveness analysis selects the set of MCS activities which will minimize costs while realizing the policy and operational goals, in other words, finding the least-cost solution to providing a given level of MCS. This approach is particularly useful. It requires the country (fisheries administration) to determine an ‘acceptable level of violations’ consistent with the paramount conservation objective. To determine and monitor this ‘acceptable level of violations’ requires a coherent set of indicators of effectiveness of and compliance. As in most policing work, the absolute effectiveness and benefit of an MCS system is difficult to measure. This is because the total number of violations is unknown. As a result the effectiveness of the MCS activities must be measured in relation to a set of common sense targets set by the fisheries authorities, possibly in association with the industry itself and the national planning agency, or budget office. Given that the quantity of the principal control assets and their operational costs (i.e., numbers of patrol vessels, or fisheries inspectors), are unlikely to vary greatly in the short term, indicators of their operational efficiency are of considerable importance.

Table 5.1: Possible indicators of MCS efficiency



Number of offences detected at sea

Hours/days patrolled; Ratio air/sea hours

Number of offences detected on land

No. boardings; No. per patrol hour/day

Industrial offences

No. sightings; No. per patrol hour/day

Artisanal offences

No. catch/net inspections (sea)

Major offences number and %

Hours per boarding

Cost efficiency

Data efficiency

Cost per 1 000 t or US$ million of fish landed

No. of logbooks checked*

Cost per log sheet checked

% of aerial position sightings checked with logbooks

Cost per boarding Cost per sighting

Landings physically checked against declarations Export declarations linked with dealer purchases

Cost per shore inspection Cost per VMS poll

Administrative efficiency

Casework efficiency

Violation ® report (% with 48 hours)

% of violations reported resulting in cautions/warnings

Report ® prosecution (% within 60 days)

% of violations reported resulting in prosecutions

Report ® sanction (% within 30 days)

Success rate of prosecutions

Hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP). Valuable lessons may be drawn from the HACCP approach Canada[31] is applying integrated fisheries management. The HACCP approach, which is already well known in relation to fish sanitary controls, simply acts as a framework to systematize the planning and organization of control activities. The main steps in the use of HACCP are:

The main threats and hazards to the fish resources are usually well known, e.g., violations which have the greatest impact on fish stocks. The critical control points are also known, but for various reasons may not be effectively used (e.g., lack of port inspectors, no factory gate checks, lack of authority to check dealer accounts). Many of the limits to the critical parameters are not codified, (e.g., there may be no standardized conversion factors for fish products such as ‘fillet as percent live weight for particular species’, shrimp ‘tails to whole weight’ for different size classes, or stowage factors ‘kg per m3’). The tolerance allowed when comparing log sheets to landings may be excessive. Penalties may not harmonize or be sufficiently specified in relation to the gravity of violations. Due to an absence of updated inspector manuals, different provinces, inspectors, or magistrates may interpret regulations differently. The annual reports required by the fisheries administration rarely make an assessment of the impact of fisheries control.

Logical framework approach (LFA). LFA is an objective orientated approach[32] used to design complex projects and often used to structure stakeholder dialogue to reach agreed solutions. The LFA is normally developed through a team of stakeholders progressively working through several steps: participation analysis, problem analysis, objective analysis, alternative analysis, determination of project elements, and external factors. The LFA produces three main outputs two of which are provided[33] here by way of a generic example: the problem and objective trees, upon which is based the logical framework matrix.

Integrated fishery management plans. The USA offers an example of a distinctly different approach to fishery management which includes the MCS component as an integral part of the fishery management plan[34]. The plan is approved through comprehensive legislation, which includes the budgetary provisions for its implementation, and evaluation. The essential point is that the costs of MCS are considered and budgeted prior to implementing management measures. The plan is a negotiated compromise settlement of stakeholder positions (including the fishermen) and ‘losers’ may receive financial compensation (e.g., for fleet reduction) to ensure their support for the plan. Decision rules may be included with linkages to biological or economic reference points.

Value for money. Finance ministries are becoming more concerned that government services provide ‘value for money’. Joint civil/military audits (e.g., for more cost-effective patrol), establishment of a ‘value for money’ committee, and realignment of budget sub-heads to reflect operational realities may contribute to improvement of the financial management and administration.

Targeting. A range of US and Canadian studies resulted in broadly similar recommendations on improvement of control effectiveness, including:

5.2 Nature of the benefits

Three types of benefits of MCS can be identified: direct, indirect and ‘illegal’. The direct benefits are characterized by transfers, or payments made to the public sector through fines, licence fees, royalties and other charges. The indirect benefits of effective are characterized by the avoidance, or reduction of negative impacts characterized by:

The delinquent, or violating fisherman is likely to have an ‘illegal’ short-term benefit from breaking the fisheries laws (otherwise he is unlikely to violate). These gains are also measurable.

5.3 Direct benefits

In the Falklands approximately US$45 million was raised through the sale of fishing licences, while the total costs of fishery management was in the order of US$10 million in 2000. However, without the substantial expenditure on fishery protection, it is questionable whether the revenue would have been as high.

Table 5.2: Revenues associated with MCS activities during late 1990s in West Africa



G. Bissau



Value of landings 1996 (US$ million)






Licence revenues 1996 (US$1 000)



Fines paid/owed (in US$100)/Year: 1997


1 539

1 551





1 525

1 963





1 652





Licence revenue as % of value of landings ‘96



Fines as % of value of landings 1996






Source: Kelleher, K. 1997
The amount of fines and compensation for violations received by FFA members was at least US$12.4 million[38] the 1978-2001 period. In the USA over US$10 million has been collected in certain years from fines and forfeitures. Major dealers[39] in illegally caught fish have been put out of business and numerous persistent offenders have been forced to leave the fisheries. Mauritania has covered more than 75 percent of its recurrent MCS expenditure from fines and penalties, but due to improving MCS expects this to reduce to less than ten percent within six years.

5.4 Indirect benefits

The primary operational objective of the MCS system is to enforce and support the management regime. The primary benefits of control accrue through improvement in the state of the resource, which is dependent on both natural and fishing mortality. Different control measures influence the fishing mortality in different ways, e.g., a violation concerning undersized fish will have a different biological effect from an over-quota violation concerning adult fish. In this manner, the management objectives and the nature of the control targets and regime determine the (biological) benefits derived from MCS activities. In principle these effects can be examined through simulations using a stock assessment model for the fishery and applying the compliance rates for each type of violation. However, uncertainty in biological models and the assumptions required regarding compliance levels makes calculation of marginal benefits of control extremely problematic, even for a simple regime. Estimating the aggregate benefits of control for a set of management measures impacting on several different fisheries represents an even greater challenge. In practical terms, fisheries scientists often assume 100 percent compliance, or make subjective assumptions regarding compliance.

This problem simply illustrates the need for management measure to be 100 percent enforceable[40] in order that their effects can be measured, and reinforces the need to simplify regulations, and to promote cost-effective, aggregate, or concentrated controls such as closed areas, VMS, and fish dealer and auction checks.

Effective MCS provides accurate catch and effort information essential for stock assessment[41]. Misreporting of catches initiates a ‘vicious circle’ of hidden costs from a reduction in the accuracy of stock assessment and thereby undermines the biological basis for management measures and their adequacy. According to ICES[42] it is not possible to retrospectively estimate misreporting accurately.

5.5 Fishing the benefits of illegal

Most of the research on the benefits accruing to fishermen from illegal fishing has been carried out in OECD countries. Annual potential losses from a projected sustained withdrawal of US Coast Guard patrols in the Bering Sea and resulting from increased incursions by foreign vessels targeting pollack have been estimated[43] at between US$6.7 million and US$40 million. Further losses from rising international tension and conflicts on the fishing grounds could also be expected. Estimates[44] of the value of illegal catches in the US Northeast ground fish fishery ranged from one-two percent of the value of landings in one area to 11-25 percent in another, indicating wide variations by State and fishing ground. A study of five OECD countries indicated that the value of the benefits from illegal fishing was up to eight times greater than the cost of MCS and that between six percent and 22 percent of fishing activities were non-compliant.

Table 5.3: Estimate of the value of illegal fishing activities in the SRFC area in mid-1990s




Estimated total recorded catches in SRFC area

1 273 000 tons


11% of all sightings are illegal fishing operations



91% of all illegal fishing operations are serious infractions



Assuming illegal catches are unrecorded



Estimated quantity of illegal catches

127 000 tons/year

Estimated average value per ton of fish (1994)*

US$1 300

Possible value of illegal catches

166 million US$/year

* Average value of Senegal trawl fish in 1994 (most illegal fishing is trawling).
Based on records of aerial surveillance, the following is a relatively simplistic estimate of the value of illegally caught fish in the SRFC area. It does not take into account that illegal fishing tends to target higher value species, or that catches fished illegally in one country may also be recorded as ‘legal’ landings in another country.

5.6 Deterrence, compliance and benefits

There is a close relationship between deterrence, compliance and the perceived benefits from illegal fishing. A number of studies in OECD countries have examined these relationships. The approaches and results are of interest to those designing MCS systems in developing countries.

Estimates of compliance require an estimate of the total number of violations. None of the approaches used to estimate the absolute, or total level of violations is entirely satisfactory. The analysis of recorded violations in relation to control efforts is routinely used to provide an indicator[45] of the level of violations, though such information is a measure of the outputs of enforcement, rather than the level of violations. Surveys of fishermen have been used with mixed success[46] and form the basis for most studies to date. However, such surveys cannot be conducted on a regular basis, and as the subject matter is of a highly sensitive nature, results may be largely dependent on the design of the survey and skills of the interviewer(s).

Consequently, estimates of compliance require certain assumptions. Extrapolation of a compliance estimate from one type of offence to another, and from one fishery to another requires additional assumptions. Measurement[47] of the effects of controls on compliance requires both a known change in the level of enforcement efforts and a corresponding knowledge of the resulting compliance.

Models of compliance. A series of reports[48], focused largely on the Northeast region and Eastern Canada, developed models[49] of delinquent fisheries behaviour and the economics of fisheries enforcement. The models identified three main factors influencing compliance and deterrence:

Fishermen may not consider certain fisheries regulations to be legitimate[51]. Consequently, the fisherman does not consider he is doing a moral wrong when violating such regulations and the balance of peer opinion may support this moral position of the fisherman.

The level of penalties is often inadequate[52] as a deterrent and can be regarded simply as a ‘cost of doing business’. Given that the probability of detection of offences at sea cannot easily be reduced in a cost effective manner, effective deterrence may require substantial increase in the severity[53] of penalties. If both the probability of detection and subsequently paying a penalty is so low that it is not a deterrent, either the penalties must be increased, and/or the regulations changed to make them more enforceable. The following table are based on actual OECD country studies of compliance and deterrence and illustrate these points.

Table 5.4: Summary deterrence indicators from sea patrols in an OECD country



% of vessels boarded each year


No. of vessels boarded per patrol vessel day

2.2 - 3.6

Correlation coefficient patrol vessel days and boardings (r2)

0.65 - 0.81

Monthly boarding rate range (boardings/no. vessels)

0.05 - 0.65

Peak boarding period/peak fishing period


Probability of a violator being boarded

0.23 - 0.39

Probability of a violation being detected, assuming boarding detects 50% of violations

0.12 - 0.22

Probability that a case (arrest/prosecution) will be dismissed

0.14 - 0.20

Probability that a fine/penalty will accrue in a case


Probability of monetary penalty given a violation detected

0.04 - 0.08

Average value of fine/penalty (excluding legal costs to fisherman) in 1995

US$4 934, median
US$1 348

* Probabilities expressed as decimals
Table 5.5: Estimating* the probability of being penalized for a violation at sea in an OECD country

Sampled vessels

Average number of fishing days/yr


Perceived average boardings/vessel/year (from interviews)


Probability of being boarded/day (from interview/MCS records)


All vessels

Total fishing vessel targets/day (av. of samples from high level radar)*...(a)


Boardings per patrol day (1999)...........................................(b)


Probability of being boarded/day (all vessels) (b/a)..........................(A)


Probability of detection of violation per boarding (from MCS records)


Probability of detention (arrest) at sea............................................(B)


Probability of penalty if detained (ratio prosecutions/penalties).............(C)


Probability of paying a penalty in a given fishing day.............(A*B*C)


*Actual example from an OECD country

[30] Other management techniques can also be considered, e.g., zero-based budgeting and risk analysis. Environmental impact assessment requires placing monetary values on relatively intangible effects.
[31] See: Bevan, D. and D. Brock, 1999. Fisheries monitoring: A proposed Canadian model for an integrated conservation and management system (ICAMS). Int. Conf. on Fisheries Monitoring. FAO Rome, 1999.
[32] See: NORAD, n.d., The Logical Framework Approach. ISBN 82-7548-002-7.
[33] [Not completed due to lack of time].
[34] NMFS, 1996. Magnuson-Stevens Fishery conservation and Management Act. As amended through October 11, 1996. U.S. Dep.Commer./NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-F/SPO-23
[35] Analysis of the boarding behaviour by two OECD countries indicates that boarding targets are essentially selected at random (approximately 90 percent of targets).
[36] Canadian studies show that five-ten percent of fishers tend to violate 'chronically and flagrantly'.
[37] See: MRAG Ltd., 1993. This subject is further discussed below.
[38] FFA VAP database (which does not contain complete information).
[39] E.g., in 1999, the NOAA charged a Fulton Fish Market retail dealer with 172 counts of violations that undermine rules designed to protect and conserve New England ground fish stocks. The dealer faced permit suspension and penalties of 1.7 million for allegedly concealing or falsifying the purchase of hundreds of thousands of pounds of fish from at least 23 fishing vessels over a year-long period.
[40] The ASMFC Law Enforcement Committee, 2000. Guidelines for resource managers on the enforceability of fisheries management measures. Internal report.
[41] E.g., "ICES expressed the greatest possible concern in past AFCM advice over the quality of catch and effort data from most of the important fisheries in the ICES area. ICES stressed that the immediate consequences of this are that ICES will be unable to provide reliable estimates of current stock sizes and forecasts that have been used to set TACs." ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 236 (AFCM). 1999.
[42] Pers. comm. ICES staff. Though retrospective modelling can reconstruct the state of a stock, it is not possible to separately attribute the influences of past environmental factors and species interactions from previous misreporting.
[43] IDA study.
[44] Sutenin, Reiser and Gauvin, 1990
[45] Detected violations may be a relatively small sample of fisherman behaviour, and may not be statistically valid. Not all violations are necessarily detected by a control operation (e.g., during a boarding a fishery inspector may not find the box of undersized fish).
[46] See Furlong, W.J., 1993. Enforcement effectiveness study. Report 4. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada.
[47] Only the IDA study in the USA has analysed a time series to enable calculation of a marginal increase in compliance of one fewer violation per 4.6 boardings.
[48] Refer to bibliography - papers by Furlong, Sutenin, and IDA (Crane/ Warner/ Kuchma).
[49] The models have become progressively more sophisticated. Andersen and Sutenin's 'economics of fisheries enforcement' was based on Becker, 1968. Furlong (various Canadian papers) tested this deterrence model based on the idea that expected penalties should exceed illegal gains for effective deterrence. Mixed results from studies led to the introduction of two further parameters reflecting firstly, the influence of the fisherman's moral obligations and perceived legitimacy of the regulations, and secondly, the social pressure to comply.
[50] And also the attitude of the enforcement agencies, i.e., treating fishermen with respect rather than suspicion. See: Hønneland, G., 2000.
[51] For a discussion of legitimacy see Hønneland, G. 2000. Compliance in the Barents Sea fisheries. How fishermen account for conformity with rules. Marine Policy, vol. 24, 2000. In general the social base is stronger than deterrence (Kuperan and Sutinen 1998). Fishermen operating in Irish waters lack a coherent social base as they are distributed throughout several Member States with differing social structures - i.e., there is no 'community' and such community pressures cannot exist given the present centralised structure of the CFP. Thus the fallback to the less effective deterrence basis of control. The 'Green' lobby may emerge as a useful 'common denominator' building a community ethos for conservation advocacy (e.g., IUCN, Greenpeace, MSC, and others).
[52] This can be shown empirically - see papers by Furlong, Sutinen et al.
[53] Deprivation of fishing rights on a temporary, or permanent basis has been found to be a particularly effective penalty. Some countries have a schedule of escalating civil penalties for repeated offenders.

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