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Anon. 1992. Agreement between the Government of Tonga and the Government of Tuvalu on cooperation in fisheries surveillance and law enforcement.

Anon., 1992. Niue Treaty on Co-operation in Fisheries Surveillance and Law Enforcement in the South Pacific Region.

Anon, 1993. FFA Regional legal consultation on fisheries surveillance and law enforcement. Rabaul, PNG, 1993. (Compilation of papers).

Anon., 1993. Arrangement Implementing the Nauru Agreement setting forth Minimum Terms and Conditions of Access to the Fisheries Zones of the Parties (Apia, 5 May 1993).

Anon., 1994. Global Fisheries Enforcement Workshop. Monitoring, Control and Surveillance of Fishing Vessels. (various papers) Washington D.C. 1994.

Anon., 1996. Regulamento da aplicacao pratica do protocolo de coodenacao da operacoes de fiscaizacao e de perseguicao maritima entre a Republica da Guine e da Republica da Guine-Bissau.

Anon., 1997, Report of a Regional Workshop on Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance, Albion, Mauritius, 16-20 December 1996. Fisheries Management and Law Advisory Programme (FIMLAP), FAO/Norway Cooperative Programme, GCP/INT/606/NOR Field Report 97/37 (En), FAO, Rome: 232 p.

Association Thonière, 1993, Projet: Le renforcement du développement de la pêcherie industrielle à la palangre dans les pays de la Commission de l’Océan Indien dans le cadre du Projet Thonier Régional II: Partie IV. Rapport d’étude sur les activités des palangriers asiatiques à Port-Louis, La République de Maurice (version corrigée et finale), Association Thonière, Commission de l’Océan Indien, Doc. n: 010/93/SS/RAP-ETUDE/ATCOI.

Bergin, A. 1994. The Pacific patrol boat project: A Case Study in Australian Defence Cooperation. Australian Defence Studies Centre Working Paper 23, Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra.

Breuillot, F., 1997. Rapport Final. Project AFR/010. Regional aerial surveillance of fishing zones. Lux Development.

Brown, C. 1992. Requirements for effective sub-regional cooperation in MCS. The Pacific experience. FAO/Norway. FIMLAP.

CE, 1993. Financing Proposal 7th EDF. Integrated regional fisheries surveillance and management programme (Pacific ACP States). VIII/775/93-EN. Brussels, Aug. 1993.

Commission of the European Communities, 1996. Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on establishment of a satellite-based vessel monitoring system for Community fishing vessels. COM(96) 232 final. Brussels 28.05.96.

Comptroller and Auditor General, 1995. The protection of Scottish fisheries. National Audit Office. London. HMSO, 1995.

Crane, Barry D. and Steve Warner, Melissa Hirsch Kuchma, 1999. Fisheries Law Enforcement: Assessment of Deterrence. Institute for Defense Analyses, Virginia, MD.

CSRP, 1993. Convention on Sub-regional cooperation in the exercise of hot pursuit. 1 Sept. 1993.

CSRP, 1993. Protocole relatif aux modalités pratiques de coordination des opérations de surveillance dans les Etats membres de la CSRP. 1 sept. 1993.

Doucet, F.J. and Surette, T., Comments on: ‘A regional monitoring and surveillance system for the marine resources of the Southwest Indian Ocean’. Prepared for ICOD (no date).

DSPCM, 1997. Rapport relatif à la surveillance maritime. Mai 1997.

EBCD/GOPA, 1996e., Feasibility study for SADC Monitoring, Control and Surveillance of Fishing Activities., Draft Regional Report and Draft SADC Regional MCS Programme Proposal, Project N°. 7.ACP RPR.484,,:, 41 p. + annexes

European Bureau for Conservation and Development/GOPA-Consultants, 1996. Feasibility Study for SADC Monitoring, Control and Surveillance of Fishing Activities. [Angola, Namibia, Mozambique, South Africa, United Republic of Tanzania]. Nov. 1996. Set of 6 reports. Project No. 7.ACP RPR.484.

FAO, 1992. Report of a regional workshop on monitoring, control and surveillance for African states bordering the Atlantic Ocean (Accra, Ghana, 2-5 November 1992). Fisheries management and law advisory programme. FAO/Norway Govt. Coop. Progr. GCP/INT/466/NOR Field Rep. 92/22 (En), 94 p

FAO, 1995. Technical consultation on fisheries observers in West Africa, Dakar, Senegal, 11-13 Dec. 1995. Project GCP/RAF/302/EEC Improvement of the legal framework for fisheries cooperation, management and development of coastal states of West Africa, Doc.34, 303 p.

FAO, 1997. Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries N°4: Fisheries Management, Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (OAA/FAO), Rome. 82 p.

FAO, 1999 Report of a Regional Workshop on Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance, held at Kuala Lumpur and Kuala Terengganu, 29 June-3 July 1998. Workshop Proceedings and Recommendations Rome, FAO, FISHCODE/MCS GCP/INT/648/NOR, Field Report C-1, 68p.

FAO, 1999 Report of a Regional Workshop on Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance, held at Kuala Lumpur and Kuala Terengganu, 29 June-3 July 1998. Supplement 1. Country Reports, Regional Reports and Case Studies Rome, FAO, FISHCODE/MCS GCP/INT/648/NOR, Field Report C-1/Suppl.1: 166p.

FAO, 1999 Report of a Regional Workshop on Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance, held at Kuala Lumpur and Kuala Terengganu, 29 June-3 July 1998. Supplement 2. Technical Papers Rome, FAO, FISHCODE/MCS GCP/INT/648/NOR, Field Report C-1/Suppl.2, 150p.

FAO, 2000 Report of a Regional Workshop on Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance, held at Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 24-28 October 1999.

FAO, 2000. Report on MCS course, Songkhla

Fisheries Project, 1994. Fisheries catch and information collection system. 29 October 1994. 12 pp. Project files. (Yemen)

Fisheries Project. 1994. Proposal for Monitoring Control and Surveillance (MCS) in the Yemen. November 1994. MEP-YE-049.

Fisheries Project, 1995 Proposal for Monitoring Control and Surveillance (MCS) in the Yemen. [Revised February 1995]. Project files.

Fisheries Project, 1997 Monitoring, Control and Surveillance: Situation Report and Proposal for Improvement. April 1996 (partially revised May 1997). MEP-YE-079.

Flewwelling, P., 1995. An introduction to monitoring, control and surveillance for capture fisheries. FAO Fish Tech Pap 338:217 p

Flewwelling, P., 1999. FISHCODE Field report no 32 Oman 23 October-5 November

Flewwelling, P., 1999. FISHCODE Field report no. 24 Viet Nam 20 June-4 July

Flewwelling, P., 1999. FISHCODE Field report no. 11. Thailand 12-24 January

Flewwelling, P., 1999. FISHCODE Field report no. 13. Myanmar 11-20 March

Flewwelling, P., 1999. FISHCODE Field report no. 28. Philippines 2-17 August

Flewwelling, P., 1999. FISHCODE Field report no. 14. Bangladesh 21-28 March

Flewwelling, P., 1999. FISHCODE Field report no. 15. India 28 March- 8 April

Flewwelling, P., 1999. FISHCODE Field report no. 25. Cambodia 4-15 July

Flewwelling, P., 2000. FISHCODE Field report no. 42. Malaysia 9-21 April

Flewwelling, P., 2000. FISHCODE Field report no. 43. Sri Lanka 21-30 April

Furlong, W.J., 1991. The Deterrent Effect of Regulatory Enforcement in the Fishery. Land Economics Vol. 61, 1: 116-129.

Herman, Nathan. Benefits and Limitations of VMS Surveillance (powerpoint presentation).

Hønneland, Geir, 2000. Coercive and Discursive Compliance Mechanisms in the Management of Natural Resources. A Case Study from the Barents Sea Fisheries. Environment and Policy Vol. 23. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.

Kapetsky, J., Honneland, G., and K. Kelleher, 2000. Report of the evaluation mission. ‘Assistance to Developing Countries for the Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) and in Improving the Provision of Scientific Advice for Fisheries Management’. GCP/INT/648/NOR. Rome, October 2000.

Kelleher, K and Everett, G.V., 1998. Approaches to marine fisheries governance in Somalia. Report prepared for UNDP/SOM/97/013/A/08/19 ‘The Protection and Sustainable Development of Somalia Marine Environment, Seaports and Coastal Areas’. IMO/IUCN, FAO, UNEP, UNCTAD. Field Document.

Kelleher, K. 1997. Effective and sustainable regional cooperation in fisheries control and surveillance. Project document. FAO/Luxembourg Cooperative Programme. Project of the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission [Cape Verde, the Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Senegal]. GCP/RAF/302/EEC & AFR010. December 1997.

Kelleher, M. K., 1997. Assessing the impact of foreign fishing agreements in West Africa. In: ‘Fisheries Access Agreements in West Africa’ by Dioh, B., Kelleher, M. K. and K. Roberts. GCP/RAF/302/EEC. Improvement of the Legal Framework for fisheries cooperation, management and development of coastal states in West Africa.

Kelleher, K. and P. Cacaud, 1999. Governance of Yemen’s fisheries: analysis and project financing proposal. Prepared for the European Commission. Tebodin/Oceanic Développement, September 1999.

Kelleher, K., 2000. Addressing the Issues. Fishery sector strategy in Sierra Leone. European Commission/Government of Sierra Leone/Megapesca Lda. Freetown, March 2000.

Kelleher, K., 2000. Cost/Benefit Comparison of Different Control Strategies: United States. Prepared for the European Commission, DG Fisheries. Oceanic Développement, January 2001.

Kelleher, K., 2000. Cost/Benefit Comparison of Different Control Strategies: Ireland. Prepared for the European Commission, DG Fisheries. Oceanic Développement (France), January 2001.

Kelleher, K., 2000. Design of a Sub-Regional access regime for West African fisheries. Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission and FAO. Dakar, July 2000. FAO/GCP/INT/722/LUX.

Kelleher, K., 2001. Cost/Benefit Comparison of Different Control Strategies: Norway. Prepared for the European Commission, DG Fisheries. Oceanic Développement, January 2001.

Lauziere, J.L., 1997. Surveillance du plateau et du talus continental Malgache. Finalisation d’une proposition de financement pour un projet concernant le contrôle et la surveillance des pêches du plateau et talus continental malgache. Rapport final, GOPA.

Marohn, E.J., 2000. Cost Effectiveness Relationship: Operational Organization of Monitoring and Optimization of Tactics. International Conference on Fisheries Monitoring, Surveillance and Control, 24-27 October 2000, Brussels, Belgium. Theme III: Rubrique no. 2.

McKinney, D.A., 1997. Hawaii fishing vessel monitoring system. Report of the pilot project. OE NMFS.

MRAG Ltd., 1993. Control of foreign fishing. Research report. Decision modelling and the optimization of benefits to coastal state developing countries from the control of foreign fisheries. MRAG for ODA Fish Management Science Programme.

Richards, A. 2001. Reported Fisheries Violations in the EEZs of FFA Member Countries, 1978 - 2001: An Analysis of the Violations and Prosecutions Database. Forum Fisheries Agency. FFA Report No. 01/18

Sutinen, Jon G. and Peder Andersen, 1985. The Economics of Fisheries Law Enforcement. Land Economics Vol. 61, 4: 387-397.

Sutinen, J.G. and K. Kuperan, 1994. A Socioeconomic Theory of Regulatory Compliance in Fisheries. Proceedings of the VIIth Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, 18-21 July, Taipei, Taiwan.

United States Coast Guard, 2000. Fiscal Year 2000 Budget in Brief.Washington, D.C.

United States Coast Guard, 1999. Republic of Yemen Maritime Assessment. Dealing with threats to Yemen’s national security.

Van Santen and Muller. 2000. Working Apart or Together. The case for a Common Approach to Management of the Tuna Resources in Exclusive Economic Zones of Pacific Islands. Pacific Islands Discussion Paper Series. Number 10. East Asia Pacific Region, Papua New Guinea and Pacific Islands Country Management Unit. The World Bank, Washington, D.C.

Wilen, J.E., 1979. Fisherman Behavior and the Design of Efficient Fisheries Regulation Programs. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada Vol. 36, 355-358.

Note: In certain instances where materials are drawn from internal government documents the sources are not cited.

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