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Books received

FAO publications

BROWN, A. & HALL, N. 1968. Growing trees on Australian farms. Canberra, Forestry and Timber Bureau. 397 p., illus. $4.40.

CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF FINNISH WOODWORKING INDUSTRIES. 1968. The forest industry in independent Finland 1918-1968. Helsinki. 198 p., illus.

CHIPPENDALE, G.M. 1968. ed. Eucalyptus buds and fruits. Canberra, Forestry and Timber Bureau. 96 p., illus.

DASMANN, RAYMOND E. 1968. A different kind of country. New York, Macmillan. 276 p., illus.

DOUGLASS, ROBERT W. 1969. Forest recreation. Pergamon Press. 335 p., illus.

EDLIN, HERBERT L. 1969. What wood is that? London. Thomas and Hudson. 160 p., illus. 42/-

ELLIOTT, G.K. 1970. Wood density in conifers. Farnham Royal, Bucks., Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux. 44 p. 10/

ENTE NAZIONALE PER LA CELLULOSA E PER LA CARTA. 1969. Il pioppo nella regione mediterranea. Roma. 120 p., illus.

FREEMAN, ORVILLE L. & FROME, MICHAEL. 1968. The national forests of America. New York, Putnam in association with Country Beautiful Foundations, Inc.. 194 p., illus. $12.95.

GANGULY, J.B. 1969. Economic problems of the Jhumias of Tripura. Calcutta. Bookland Private. 127 p. 16 rupees.

INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. 1969. International directory of occupational safety and health services and institutions. Geneva. 513 p.

INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. 1969. Safety and health in forestry work. Geneva. 165 p.

INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. 1970. International directory of occupational safety and health courses. Geneva. 128 p.

MANTEL, WILHELM. 1968. Waldbewertung. Munich, Bayerischer Landwirtschaftsverlag. 308 p. DM 58.

NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 1969. A program for outdoor recreation research. Washington, D.C. 90 p.

NELSON, J.G. & SCACE, R.C. 1969. eds. The Canadian national parks: today and tomorrow. Calgary, University of Calgary. 1027 p.

NOIRFALISE, A. 1968. Aménagement des forêts. Strasbourg. Council of Europe. 28 p., illus.

PAPADAKIS, J. 1970. Fundamentals of agronomy. Cordoba 4564, Buenos Aires, the author. 73 p.

RENDLE, B.J. 1969. World timbers. Vol. 1. Europe and Africa. London, Bern. 191 p., illus.

SARTORIUS, PETER & HENLE, HANS. 1969. Forestry and economic development. New York, Praeger. 340 p. $17.50.

TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY. 1968. Forest fertilization: theory and practice. Knoxville. Tennessee. 306 p. illus. $5.00.

The report of this technical conference will appear al; a forthcoming issue of Unasylva Volume 25.

FAO publications


Planning a forest inventory

by B. Husch
(FAO Forestry and Forest Products Studies No. 17)

A guide to the planning and execution of a forest inventory. Discusses and evaluates modern inventory techniques and clearly outlines steps to be followed in both office and field routines.

English (French, Spanish in production) Price: U.S. $2.50 or £1.00

Shifting cultivation in Latin America

by R.F. Watters
(FAO Forestry Development Paper No. 17)

Reviews various forms of shifting agriculture in Latin America, with emphasis on Venezuela, Mexico and Peru, and describes attempts by government agencies to promote more rational use of scarce agricultural land available.

English (French, Spanish in production) Price: U.S. $6.25 or £2.10

Tillage and seeding practices and machines for crop production in semi-arid areas

(FAO Agricultural Development Paper No. 92)

Outlines common tillage and seeding practices in low rainfed areas. Amply illustrated.
(In production)

FAO commodity review and outlook 1969-1970

Developments in international commodity markets and analysis of situation for all major commodities, including forest products.

Price: U.S. $4.50 or £1.80

Yearbook of forest products 1970

(In production)

Report of the Second World Food Congress, The Hague, Netherlands, 16-30 June 1970. Volume I

An account of the Second World Food Congress, the major themes which emerged from the discussions and the follow-up action which will be required.

Price: U.S. $2.50 or £1.00

CATALOGUE OF FAO PUBLICATIONS free on request from FAO sales agents and booksellers (see back cover), or Distribution and Sales Section, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.

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