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List of Working Papers on Forest Plantation: Thematic Paper Series

FAO - Forestry Department

Working Paper FP/1: Mean Annual Volume Increment of Selected Industrial Species. Ugalde L. and Perez O. April 2001.

Working Paper FP/2: Biological Sustainability of Productivity in Successive Rotations. Evans J. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/3: Plantation Productivity. Libby W.J. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/4: Promotion of Valuable Hardwood Plantations in the Tropics. A Global Overview. Odoom F.K. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/5: Plantations and Wood Energy. Mead D.J. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/6: Non-Forest Tree Plantations. Killmann W. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/7: Role of Plantations as Substitutes for Natural Forests in Wood Supply - Lessons learned from the Asia-Pacific Region. Waggener T. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/8: Financial and Other Incentives for Plantation Establishment. Williams J. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/9: The Impact of Forest Policies and Legislation on Forest Plantations. Perley C.J.K. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/10: Protecting Polantations from Pests and Diseases. Ciesla W.M. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/11: Forestry Out-Grower Schemes: A Global View. Race D. and Desmond H. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/12: Plantations and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation: A Short Review. Moura-Costa P. and Aukland L. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/13: Future Production from Forest Plantations. Brown C. March 2001.

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