Promotion of Valuable Hardwood Plantations in the Tropics. A Global Overview

Table of Contents

Based on the work of
F. K. Odoom
Edited by D. J. Mead
March 2001

Forest Plantations Thematic Papers

Forestry Department
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Forest Resources Development Service
Forest Resources Division
Forestry Department

Working Paper FP/4
FAO, Rome (Italy)

Table of Contents


1. Introduction

2. Definition of valuable hardwood species

3. Experiences with valuable tropical hardwood plantation species

4. Trends in plantation establishment

5. Location of hardwood plantations in the tropics

6. Global ownership of plantations

7. Economic factors

8. Demand for valuable hardwoods

9. Estimate of current and future supplies

10. Potential effects on supplies from natural forests

11. Conclusions




Appendix 1. Trade and botanical names of cited timbers
Appendix 2. Methodology for estimating potential harvesting volumes of valuable tropical hardwood plantations
Appendix 3. Standardised industrial plantation age-class by “valuable hardwood” regions (from FAO 2000)
Appendix 4a. General age-class distribution in “valuable hardwood” regions (areas in hectares)
Appendix 4b. Derived age-class distribution for “valuable hardwood” species (areas in hectares)

List of Working Papers on Forest Plantation: Thematic Paper Series