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At the arrival of the consultant a good deal of maintenance work had already been done, together with some technical improvements in some sections (see chapter 3, 4, 5 and 6), which follow the recommendations presented by the consultant at the end of the previous mission.

However some very important cleaning works were found either not yet realized (unclogging and cleaning the underground pipes and the desinfection of the air distribution system), or not properly done (cleaning of the larval and weaning seawater piping).

The underground PVC pipe filling the hatchery pumping station with seawater from the reservoir pond was found partially clogged by a wooden bar belonging to the gate of the inlet monk. With the occasion it was possible to assess that the second pipe foreseen by the original drawing of the project (Table of the Final Design) has never been realized.

In the larval unit a thorough clean of the water piping system requires a complete disassembling. To make it better, some fast joints were added to the tank outlets, where most of the dirty stuff accumulates.

The air distribution system was desinfected with formaldehyde vapors for 24 hours.

A brine environment as that one presents inside the hatchery spoils quickly the most vulnerable systems such as motors, electronic components, metal parts, etc. in absence of effective and in time maintenance.

As soon as production in each sector terminates, its facilities must be carefully cleaned, desinfected, serviced and properly stored.

Special devices as generators, gravel filters, submersible pumps, air blowers, boilers, etc. have to be serviced by authorized personnel. The electrical system should also be carefully revised and any unsafe component replaced.

An inventory of all cleaned ancillary equipment as well as of all available spare expendable material must be made. It has to be stored in a proper place, far from direct sunlight, dust and mice, the latter representing a serious threat to cables, feed containers, plastic hoses, etc. It is also recommended to keep the doors of the storage rooms locked, leaving the key to the section heads only.

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