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Relevant changes interested the hatchery staff compared with the past season 1993–4. An internal solution for the hatchery manager has been found and many people left.

At present the hatchery at full capacity is staffed by 28 people (Annex 22). The hatchery is overburdened with graduates (39% of its work force). Most of them works simply as unskilled workers since they lack experience and no higher responsability post is of course available.

The staff is clearly overdimensioned in comparison to what is actually requested by the job. The responsabilities of the hatchery manager as seen so far can be easily taken over by one the section heads. The water quality section can be eliminated. The limited amount of very simple water analysis it is presently performing can be easily done by the staff of each section. The appointment of two persons to staff this unit appears ridiculous. The live food production section has one graduated position in excess.

The following staff is considered sufficient to run the hatchery at full production (present situation between bold brackets):

hatchery manager0 (+1) 
broodstock section1 (+1)1 (=)1* (=)
live food production section1 (+2)  1 (+5)6   (-1)
larval section1 (+1)1 (=)3   (-1)
weaning section1 (+1)1 (=)3o  (-3)
watchmen--2   (=)
totals4 (10)4 (9)15   (10)

* - In case the section works as a larval rearing unit, 2 more workers are needed
o - It does not comprend the new weaning unit under construction

The actual staff is 20% oversized to allow a regular work time for all people, standing the above-mentioned restrictions.

This personnel don't include the maintenance and administrative staff, since the existing one has plenty of time to work also for the hatchery.


A list of the main consummables for the next season of the hatchery is presented in Annex 14. It is based on an expected output of 0.4 million seabream and 1.0 million seabass fry. Items have been arranged according to each section.

Their purchase should be done in due time to avoid any risk of delaying production starting. A timely supply will also avoid the need to use last-minute purchased, expensive substitutes, as experienced this year on a limited scale (cheap EPAC artemia cysts replaced for a few days by the costly BE cysts to produce metanauplii because not supplied in due time).

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