(an adjunct to Chapter 5 of Part 2)

1. Classification of land - methods of exploiting the land - farming systems - crop systems - production systems - technology.

    Watershed management involves all aspects of land use and this is why it is necessary to have an overall assessment of possible land use.

    Those responsible for evaluating the land must in particular answer such questions as:

    Specialized documents give detailed information on the classification of land, which take account of data related to such things as: geology, geo-morphology (relief), pedology, vegetation, climate, the effect of population past and present, crops, wild and domestic animals, etc.

    The various watershed management projects carried out by FAO have used several methods of evaluating land= these methods are described in the FAO Handbooks - Conservation, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.

    On the other hand, FAO has also drawn up a methodology for evaluating land which is set out in FAO Soil Bulletins, particularly in Bulletin No. 32 "A Framework for Land Evaluation"

    As regards development, this information is particularly important because it makes it possible to determine the production potential of the land and to draw up proposals both on what it should be used for, and the way that it should be used (yearly or perennial crops, cereals, root plants, tubers, pulses, fruit trees, coffee plantations, tea plantations, cocoa plantations, spices, tree varieties, forests, fodder crops, grassland, etc.).

    Specialists in farming economics and management have drawn up methods for listing and analyzing farming systems which make it possible to define the ratio between inputs and outputs in relation to the different methods of farming, rotation of crops and methods of cropping.

    The ways in which the various elements of production are combined, crops, livestock, forest, etc, also have to be analysed; this is what is called systems of exploitation, or crop system.

    Finally, the production system will depend on the needs of the household (food, wood, raw materials other than wood, etc.) which have to be satisfied, as a priority, and on the possibility of directing other products from the farm onto the market (to supply urban populations, for local industry or for export).

    It will also be useful to study the degree of processing for the products (vegetable or animal origin), whether on the farm or in the village, before their marketing or their use.

    The level of technology used in farming, grazing or forestry will be determined in the light of the equipment used and the source of energy (human labour alone or assisted by animal or mechanical traction).

    The role of the specialists will consist in determining, for each terrain, the one or more methods of utilization, the more rational crop systems and then the systems of farming and production liable to give the farmer the optimum return, bearing in mind local conditions, with the minimum of risk and change in habits.

    The data provided by the surveys mentioned above will make it possible to define models for farming, herding and forestry activities for each condition. The models should make it possible to assess the feasibility of development operations:

2. Demographic surveys

    Among the main socio-economic data that make it possible to take decisions on rural development and management, it is useful to know the demographic situation of the area and the structure of the population. The important data are those relating to:

3. Surveys on social aspects, customs, structures, social services

4. Surveys on the economic situation, services and infrastructures

5. Special surveys

    These are mainly for the collection of subjective information that cannot be expressed in figures (judgements, feelings, habits of the people) for example:

N.B.: As the title of the Annex indicated, these are only suggestions. The surveys made can be extremely detailed. What matters is to know how to limit them to the essentials.


Other reference documents in this field are:

Doc. DH/ Determination of farm models for each farm system. (Return)

FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 34. Farm management - data collection and analyses. Rome, 1978. (Return)

List of documents where models of questionnaires may be found:
NEPAL, FOD/NEP/74/020. February 1980. Tables 12 and 13.
INDIA, Proceedings of the National Seminar on Watershed Management - Rainfed farming and integrated Himalayan Development, New Delhi, January-February 1980.
IRAN, PO:DP/IRA/72/014, Field Document No. 12, August 1977. Appendix IV, p. 33-34.
FO:MISC/79/20, August 1979: Listado anotado para la consideration de los aspectos socio-económicos en proyectos de la ordenación de cuencas hidrográficas (Maria Inés Bustamante)
FAO, Cahier: Conservation des sols, No. 1, p. 38-42 and p. 14.
HAITI, HAI/77/005, Annex II, p. 42-49. Rapport terminal, mission de consultant en organisation communautaire et crédit agricole (March-August 1979)
FAO, Soils Bulletin No. 44. Appendix I, p. 177-217 and p. 219-226.
KENYA, TCP,/KEN/8803 and 8905. Field document I. p. 43-47.
PAKISTAN,Enquête de 1978, d'un projet réalisé de 1971 à 1976 (WFP 385 and 385 Exp)
SUISSE, Thèse ETH No. 6558. Charly Darbellay, 1980. Caractéristiques socioéonomiques des communes rurales et montagnardes ....... (Return)