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Appendix 3

The following species of seed oysters are available: Crassostrea virginica, indigenous to the east coast of the U.S.A.; C. gigas, indigenous to Japan; and Ostrea edulis, indigenous to Europe.

Seed Prices of all species are as follows:

    3 00060.00Air Mail Special Delivery
Prepaid in U.S.
    5 00080.00
  10 000100.00
  20 000150.00
  50 000200.00
100 000330.00
100 000 – 1 000 0003.00per thousand, FOB San Francisco Airport or Pescadero Post  Office
1 – 3 000 0002.50
3 – 5 000 0002.25
5 –10 000 0001.95

Prices will be negotiated on quantities over 10 000 000.

The seed is kept cool and moist during shipment but is not immersed in water. Shipment is made in styrafoam cases with a refrigerant. Shipments have been made world-wide without mortality. Because of its lightness, air shipments of cultchless seed are very economical. Air freight and insurance on the larger quantities generally amount to about 2 percent of the value of the seed.

All foreign shipments must be made by air freight (not air mail). Such shipments are made FOB San Francisco Airport. Minimum value of shipments made by air freight is U.S.$ 200.00.

Air freight and insurance on a million seed from San Francisco to Paris is about U.S.$ 60.00. Freight and insurance on 200 000 to Fiji was about U.S.$ 30.00. 200 000 weighs about 10 lb (4.5 kg) with coolant and packing - 1 000 000 runs about 25 lb (11.3 kg).

Breeder oysters are checked by pathologists of the California Department of Fish and Game prior to spawning1. The same pathologists periodically check all species of seed. Copies of their health certificates will be furnished on request.

Note: FOB = Free on board
U.S.$ 1.00 = 5.56 Rs Seychelles

1 The periodic pathological check made by the California Department of Fish and Game is not acceptable to U.K. Authorities but as in Mauritius a shipment was accepted by the Department of Agriculture, the same might apply in the Seychelles

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