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Appendix 4

Estimated returns on 50 000 imported seed oysters (C. gigas)

While a complete cost analysis must wait until sufficient data is available, the following figures which are based on Mauritius prices, are offered for comparison. Since Seychelles prices are generally higher than those in Mauritius it is estimated that the sale price of oysters given for Reunion would more closely approximate local prices for oysters in the Seychelles. Based on these figures the following returns are estimated for 50 000 imported seed oysters.

1. Cost of initial shipment of 50 000 seed oysters
-including freight charges=1 300.00
-therefore cost of single seed oyster=       0.026

2. Sale price of adult oyster (wholesale)

(a)Local:Mauritius(small)Rs0.11 to 0.12each
   (medium)Rs0.15 to 0.17each
   (large)Rs0.20 to 0.22each
(b)Export:Reunion(small)Rs0.25 to 0.30each
   (large)Rs0.40 to 0.45each

Mortalities are reported to be 80–85 percent but are not confirmed. Assuming an 85 percent survival rate for the imported seed oyster this would give a total crop of approximately 47 500 oysters (50 000 x 85). Since these oysters would qualify as large they could be sold on the local market for Rs 0.21 each, bringing Rs 9 970 for the total crop. On the export market the same oysters would bring Rs 0.42 each, or about Rs 19 950.00.

From this amount the cost of the seed oysters, trays, cages and rafts as well as other operating expenses would be deducted. Since these costs amortized over a four or five year period should not exceed 25 percent per year this would offer a return of around 75 percent per year.

For 50 000 seed oysters this could amount to Rs 7 400.00 for oysters sold on the local market or Rs 14 800 for oysters exported to Reunion.

These figures are to be accepted as rough estimates only. A more accurate account will be provided on completion of the project.

Note: U.S.$ 1.00 = 5.56 Rs Seychelles

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