CUBATable of ContentsTable of ContentsProgramme Entity 2KP01 Output Status

Programme 2A: Crop production systems management

Programme Entity 2AA02: Soil Productivity and Conservation

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Guidelines and policies for integrated plant nutrient management and fertilizer use
  601 National Action Programmes for Soil Fertility Improvement Capacity building AGP RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SLAC   Completed
  602 Support to Farmer decision making on sound Fertilizer use and implementing Integrated Soil Nutrient Management Capacity building AGP RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SLAC   Completed
  603 Integrated Plant Nutrition Information System Information products, systems, databases AGP RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SLAC   Completed
  604 Training community workers/farmers in plant nutrition and fertilizer use Capacity building AGP RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SLAC   Completed
  605 Establishing Networks for good practices in nutrient management and fertilizers Information exchange and coordination AGP RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SLAC   Completed
  606 Fertilizer policy-case study Nigeria and SADC countries Policy and legislative advice   Completed
002   Methodologies and guidelines for soil management and conservation, and for rehabilitation of degraded and problem soils
  601 Strategies for Soil Management (portal/e-modules for distance learning) Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SLAC   Completed
  602 Good Practices Network (Establishment of a problem soil management network reviving & expanding SPUSH/WOCAT cooperation) Capacity building AGP RAF RAP RNE SAFR SLAC   Completed
  603 Preparation of Soil Management Guidelines (Saline soils, Polluted Soils) Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP RAF RAP RNE SAFR SLAC   Completed
  604 Soil Management Field Manual (Importance of Soil macro fauna) Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP RAF RAP RNE SAFR SLAC   Completed
  605 Policy review of Farmer Field Schools related to Soil Management Policy and legislative advice AGP RAF RAP RNE SAFR SLAC   Postponed

Programme Entity 2AA04: Conservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Capacity building for enhanced use of PGRFA, including through plant breeding strategies and biotechnology
  601 Training courses on the use of PGR (genetic improvement including biotechnology). Capacity building AGP RAF RLC RNE   Completed
  602 Support to key crop improvement/biotechnology networks such as RedBio in RLC and ABNETA in RAF Capacity building AGP RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR   Completed
  603 Publications, including the Plant Breeding Newsletter, 2 books (Participatory Plant Breeding and on Marker-assisted Selection) and Crop Biotech-Bites updates. Information products, systems, databases AGP RLC   Modified
  604 Capacity building for enhanced use of PGRFA, including through plant breeding strategies and biotechnology Capacity building AGP RAF RLC   Completed
  605 Improved access to, and transfer of PGRFA and seed related technologies, including biotechnology Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP RAF RLC   Completed
  606 Assessment of biotechnology based applications, emphasizing use of PGRFA, to meet development needs Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP RLC   Completed
002   Enhanced management practices of crop and crop-associated biodiversity through application of the ecosystem approach
  601 Technical assistance on conservation and use of crop and crop associated biodiversity Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  602 Development of indicators for the management of PGRFA and crop and crop associated biodiversity and support to agricultural and environmental fora International Undertakings, Agreements   Completed
  603 Enhanced management practices of crop and crop-associated biodiversity through application of the ecosystem approach Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
003   Support to on-farm management, exchange and improvement of PGRFA, and national seed systems ensuring complementarity between private, public and informal systems
  601 Methodologies, technical guidance notes, and illustrative case studies on approaches for developing the seed sector at the community/farmer level; Information, training and guidelines to promote development and complementarity between private, public and the informal seed sectors. Capacity building   Completed
  602 Support to on-farm management, exchange and improvement of PGRFA, and national seed systems ensuring development and complementarity between private, public and informal systems. Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
004   Improvement of regulatory frameworks for PGRFA seed and variety release, including PVP in both the public and the private sector
  601 Technical assistance to strengthen seed systems in areas, formulation of seed policies and regulatory frameworks at the national, sub-regional and regional level. Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP   Completed
  602 Improvement of regulatory frameworks for PGRFA seed and variety release, including PVP in both the public and the private sector. Policy and legislative advice   Completed
005   Due attention to seeds and PGRFA in disaster preparedness, relief and rehabilitation
  601 Assist in developing methodologies, information systems, guidelines, and improved procedures for disaster response, seed rehabilitation and disaster preparedness for long term seed security. Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP   Completed
008   Monitoring of use of PGRFA, including support to the global facilitating mechanism for the implementation of the Global Plan of Action
  601 Assistance in project formulation and provision of issues papers related to sustainable use of PGRFA Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  602 Monitoring of use of PGRFA, including support to the global facilitating mechanism for the implementation of the Global Plan of Action Capacity building   Completed
010   Promoting use of alternative crops and cultivars, emphasizing under-utilized species and their genetic resources
  601 Support to the Sesame & Safflower Newsletter on breeding & genetic resources of these drought-tolerant oilseed crops Information products, systems, databases AGP   Completed
  602 Collaboration with Institutions such as GFU, PROTA, ICUC and NewCrop in the promotion of underutilized species. Information exchange and coordination AGP   Completed
  603 Promoting use of alternative crops and cultivars, emphasizing under-utilized species and their genetic resources, including forages, including studies A & H of the IT-PGRFA Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP   Completed
  604 Promotion of the collaboration among Technical Centres of Excellence and Multilateral Institutions on forage genetic resources Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP   Completed
011   Policy advice and support to enhance national capacity in plant biosafety
  601 Policy assistance, capacity building in member countries on biosafety, including release and management of genetically modified crops in agroecosystem, in gene banks and at centres of PGRFA diversity. Policy and legislative advice AGP   Completed
012   Support for the implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements at national and international level
  601 Support implementation of the joint programme of work on agricultural biodiversity with the CBD International Undertakings, Agreements   Completed

Programme Entity 2AA05: Sustainable Intensification of Crop Production Systems through Nuclear Techniques and Biotechnology

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Improved soil, water and nutrient management practices and capacities for sustainable intensification of cropping systems and environmental protection
  601 Decision-support system for direct application of phosphate rocks in different agroecological zones Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 Management practices for nutrients and water in rainfed areas and for agroforestry Capacity building   Completed
  603 Guidelines on measuring crop water productivity under different systems of irrigation Capacity building   Completed
  604 Improved capacities for measuring and alleviating soil erosion, and improving nutrient and water use efficiency in cropping systems Capacity building   Completed
002   Biotechnology and enhanced capacities for crop germplasm characterization, selection and improvement
  601 Guidelines for high throughput germplasm characterization using micro-array technology Capacity building   Completed
  602 Mutant germplasm repository Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  603 Mutant varieties database Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  604 Training and capacity building on applications of modern biotechnology in crop characterization and breeding Capacity building   Completed
003   Improved procedures and capacities for risk assessment and management of major trade related insect pests of crops and biological control agents
  601 Sterile Insect Technique: Principles and practice in area-wide IPM programmes Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 Proceedings of International Conference on Area-wide Control of Insect Pests Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  603 International database on Insect Disinfestation and Sterilization (IDIDAS) Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  604 Procedures for biological control of insect pests, including standard operating procedures for mass rearing exotic pests Capacity building   Completed
  605 Improved national capacities for mass rearing and control of crop pests Capacity building   Completed

Programme Entity 2AA06: Crop Production Systems - Sustainable Intensification, Diversification, and Biodiversity

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
007   Knowledge Systems and analysis for Crop Intensification and Diversification
  601 Newsletters to fill knowledge gaps in underutilized crops Information exchange and coordination AGP   Cancelled
  602 Ecocrop (crop/environment data base) updated with more species and programme migrations/additions Information exchange and coordination AGP   Completed
  603 Assessment and promotion of high-value crops for distinct agro-ecological environments Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP RAP   Completed
  604 Dissemination of information to countries through selected crop and grassland databases Information exchange and coordination AGP   Completed
008   Horticulture for improving livelihoods
  601 FAO-WHO global fruit and vegetable initiative Information exchange and coordination AGP RLC   Completed
  602 Capacity building to support sustainable intensification of Urban and Peri-Urban Agricultural Production Systems to Supplement Fresh Food Supply for the Cities, Create Employment and Income Generation Opportunities Capacity building AGP RAP RLC   Completed
  603 Technical guidance for increasing efficiency of perennial fruit production chains Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  604 Technical support to horticultural education Capacity building   Completed
  605 Strategies and technologies for increasing year-round vegetable availability Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Postponed
009   Improved management techniques in smallholder cropping systems
  601 Publications on mixed perennial/annual/animal systems, including semi-arid Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 Models for improvement of farmers' knowledge on integrated crop management through Field Schools and on-farm demonstrations linked to the SPFS and related PAIAs Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  603 Technologies and improved knowledge base for intensive forage production and conservation Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  604 Support to sustainable, including low energy management, of pastures and fodder crops in different ecologies and high potential areas Capacity building   Completed
010   Implementation of the "Global Cassava Development Strategy"
  601 Knowledge base on the integrated development and use of cassava with publications on cassava issues as Secretariat to Global Cassava Strategy Information exchange and coordination AGP RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Advisory services for the formulation of national, sub-regional and regional projects in support of cassava development strategy, including food supply to urban areas Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP RAF RAP RLC   Completed
011   Support to development of Good Agricultural Practices and organic agriculture, with IPPM and IPNM in diverse production systems
  601 Capacity Building for good practice in pesticide application Capacity building AGP   Completed
  602 Technical support and capacity building for good agricultural practices in horticulture and Organic management Capacity building AGP RAF RAP RLC RNE SFW   Completed
012   Secretariat of the International Rice Commission
  601 The 21st Session of the International Rice Commission organized from 3-5 May 2006 in Chiclayo, Peru Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  602 Promotion of the Collaboration among FAO Technical Units and Centers of Excellent (IRRI and WARDA) on development and dissemination of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for Rice-based systems Information exchange and coordination AGP   Completed
013   Rice knowledge systems and capacity building in support of IRC recommendations.
  601 IRC Newsletters on innovative rice technologies and successful cases of technology transfer for sustainable rice-based systems in English, French and Spanish Information products, systems, databases AGP   Completed
  602 Publication of the Homepage of the International Rice Commission in the Internet and preparation for the publication of the Volume IV of FAO Rice Information in 2008-2009 Information products, systems, databases AGP   Completed
  603 Support to Hybrid Rice Dissemination Capacity building AGP RNE   Completed
  604 Support to NERICA Rice Dissemination in sub-Saharan Africa Capacity building AGP RAF   Completed
  605 Support to the sustainable rice production in Emerging Countries of Eastern Europe Information exchange and coordination AGP   Completed
  606 Support to the Application of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in irrigated rice systems in West Africa Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP RAF   Postponed
014   Strategies for the selection and development of crops and cropping system for conservation agriculture
  601 Knowledge management on country case studies on successful adoption of appropriate cropping systems in conservation agriculture Information exchange and coordination AGP RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SFW   Completed
  602 Cover Crop Information system for CA optimization Information exchange and coordination AGP   Cancelled
  603 Farmer participatory assessment of CA in West Africa Capacity building AGP   Completed
  604 Knowledge management and capacity building for mechanization inputs into conservation agriculture Capacity building AGP   Completed

Programme Entity 2AP01: Technical Support to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Rolling Global Plan of Action (GPA) for the conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA refined on the basis of an agreed periodically updated report on the State of the World's PGRFA
  601 Determination by Commission on Genetic Resources of time frame to initiate the next version of the rolling Global Plan of Action (GPA) for the conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA. International Undertakings, Agreements AGP   Completed
  602 Second report on the State of the World's PGRFA: country reports, regional meetings and thematic studies. Information products, systems, databases AGP   Completed
  603 Monitoring the implementation of the GPA to assist countries to integrate PGRFA policies and programmes, breeding programs and seed systems Capacity building AGP   Completed
002   Facilitating mechanism for the implementation by all stakeholders of the Global Plan of Action
  601 Development or packaging of project proposals to improve member countries' capacities to facilitate implementation by all stakeholders of the Global Plan of Action. Capacity building AGP   Completed
  602 Information portal established to provide information on sources and availability of financial, technical, material and information resources. Information exchange and coordination   Completed
003   Support to international networks of ex situ collections
  601 Technical support for rationalizing the management of ex-situ collections through the Global Crop Diversity Trust and other networking arrangements. Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP   Completed
004   Contributions to an enhanced Global Information System for PGRFA, including seeds and crop improvement
  601 National information-sharing mechanisms on the implementation of GPA. Information exchange and coordination AGP   Completed
  602 Assist further development of the Seed Information System at national, sub-regional, regional and global level. Information exchange and coordination AGP   Completed
  603 Develop disaster preparedness and an early warning system for erosion of PGRFA diversity, to ensure long term conservation of PGRFA Capacity building AGP   Completed
  604 Publication of the PGR Newsletter Information exchange and coordination AGP   Completed
005   Support to seed security networks
  601 Case studies on seed and PGRFA networks for implementation of the International Treaty on PGRFA and contributing to the implementation of the Global Plan of Action. Information exchange and coordination AGP   Completed
006   Technical support to the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and its Intergovernmental Technical Working Group (ITWG) on PGRFA as well as the Governing Body of the Treaty
  601 Preparation of documents and studies on subjects related to PGRFA as requested by the CGRFA and the Governing Body of the Treaty (GB). Preparation and support for meetings of the WG/PGRFA, as well as follow-up on decisions and recommendations of CGRFA in promoting the International Treaty. International Undertakings, Agreements AGP   Completed

Programme Entity 2AP03: Secretariat of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Secretariat services and regular meetings of the Governing Body and any subsidiary bodies
  601 Secretariat services for meetings of the Treaty's Governing Body in 2006 and 2007, and meetings of any subsidiary bodies. International Undertakings, Agreements AGP   Completed
  602 Support for establishment and implementation of the Treaty's programme of work. International Undertakings, Agreements AGP   Completed
002   Coordination with other relevant international processes
  601 Adoption of mechanisms for cooperation between the CGRFA and the Treaty's Governing Body. International Undertakings, Agreements AGP   Completed
  602 Agreements signed with International Agricultural Research Centres of the CGIAR and other relevant international institutions concerning their ex situ collections International Undertakings, Agreements AGP   Completed
  603 Cooperation between the Treaty's Governing Body and the Convention on Biological Diversity on relevant parts of the CBD's Programme of Work on Agricultural Biodiversity. International Undertakings, Agreements AGP   Completed
003   Development of the Treaty's Funding Strategy
  601 Background research and documentation provided to facilitate development of International Treaty's funding strategy. International Undertakings, Agreements AGP   Completed
  602 Mobilisation of funding for implementing the Treaty in line with the funding strategy decided by the Governing Body. International Undertakings, Agreements   Postponed

Programme Entity 2AS01: Committee on Agriculture (COAG)

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Planning and implementation of biennial sessions of COAG
  601 Planning and organization of 20th session of COAG Information exchange and coordination AGD ESA NRR   Completed

Programme Entity 2AS02: Technical Services for Partnership Development, Advice, and Information Enhancement

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Contributions to Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (SARD) - UNCED, Agenda 21, Chapter 14
  601 AG contributions to work of FAO/SARD Task Force as relating to Agenda 21 of UNCED, in follow-up to the WSSD International Undertakings, Agreements   Completed
003   Departmental-level services for publication quality and communications, regional reporting and liaison
  601 Publications and communications planning and management support to divisions to improve editorial quality, presentation and targeting of publications and associated messages Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 AG Department website (AG 21) and related advocacy material produced and coordinated with divisional web pages Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  603 Liaison with ROs/SROs, and organization of biennial meeting of AG technical department group leaders in the regions Information exchange and coordination   Cancelled
004   Information and Policy and Technical Advice on Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs)
  601 Assembly and dissemination of information on GAPs and GAP programmes Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 Technical services upon demand by member countries for FAO assistance on GAPs Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed

Programme Entity 2AS03: Technical Support Services to Members and the Field Programme

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Technical support and advice to field programme, including emergencies, with respect to crop production
  601 Crop production technical support and advice to the field programme Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP REU RLC RNE SAFR   Completed
002   Technical support and advice to field programme, including emergencies, with respect to crop protection
  601 Support to emergency and relief activities Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  602 Crop protection technical support and advice to the field programme Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP RAF RAP REU RLC RNE SAFR   Completed
003   Technical support and advice to field programme, including emergencies, with respect to seed systems
  601 Technical inputs on seed systems Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP RAF RAP REU RLC RNE SAFR   Completed

Programme 2B: Livestock production systems management

Programme Entity 2BA02: Sustainable Livestock Production

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Good livestock production practices - feeding, breeding and husbandry (incl. waste management, land and water use, and emergencies)
  601 Analyses, case studies, strategies and technology reviews for good livestock production practices Capacity building AGA RAP RLC RNE SAFR SEUR SFE SFS SFW   Completed
  602 Knowledge and skills of technicians and capacity of networks involved in sustainable animal production in developing countries supported and improved. Capacity building AGA RAP RLC RNE SAFR SEUR SFC SFE SFS SFW   Completed
002   Good herd health management practices (on-farm hygiene / disease control encompassing endemic, production diseases)
  601 Analyses, case studies, strategies and technology reviews for good herd health practices Capacity building AGA RAP RLC RNE SAFR SFC SFE SFS SFW   Completed
  602 Knowledge and skills of technicians and capacity of networks involved in sustainable herd health in developing countries supported and improved. Capacity building AGA RAP RLC SAFR   Completed
003   Livestock systems dynamics - `farm¿ development pathways, strategies and economics
  601 Analysis of livestock sector trends and policies and their social, environmental and health impacts on livestock production. Information exchange and coordination AGA RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Options for improving access by the rural poor to livestock goods and services Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed

Programme Entity 2BA03: Management of Animal Genetic Resources

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
004   Domestic animal genetic resources management strategy and policy
  601 Further development of the Global Strategy for the Management of Animal Genetic Resources Policy and legislative advice AGA   Completed
  602 Decision-support tools for livestock and biodiversity management in specific agroecosystems Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGA RAP   Completed
  603 Organisation of an Intergovernmental Technical Conference on animal genetic resources Other   Completed
  604 Establishment of a Follow-Up Mechanism and regional focal points on animal genetic resources Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  605 Policies and strategies for AnGR and biodiversity management Policy and legislative advice AGA   Completed
005   State-of-the-World Report on Animal Genetic Resources / Priority Actions
  601 Finalisation and formal adoption of the first Report on the State-of-the-World's Animal Genetic Resources (SoW-AnGR) International Undertakings, Agreements AGA   Completed
  602 Organisation of an Intergovernmental Technical Conference on animal genetic resources International Undertakings, Agreements AGA   Completed
006   Follow-up mechanism on animal genetic resources conservation and management, and support to corporate and international biodiversity activities
  601 Technical support to the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and its Intergovernmental Technical Working Group (ITWG) on AnGR International Undertakings, Agreements AGA   Completed
  602 Development of a global database and information system for the management of animal genetic resources and EWS Information products, systems, databases AGA   Postponed
  603 Support to implementation of Follow-Up Mechanism and regional focal points Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGA RAP RNE SFE SFS   Modified
  604 Support to the Convention on Biological Diversity and other international frameworks International Undertakings, Agreements AGA   Modified
  605 GIS-based analysis tool to link agricultural production systems change to AnGR and disease development Capacity building AGA RAP   Postponed

Programme Entity 2BP01: Global Livestock Information and Knowledge System

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Livestock systems data, information and knowledge dissemination
  601 AGA website and support to regional information systems and websites Information exchange and coordination AGA RAP RLC   Completed
  602 AGRIPPA electronic publications management system Information exchange and coordination AGA   Cancelled
  603 AGA communication strategy Information exchange and coordination AGA RAF RAP RLC SFW   Completed
002   Livestock systems baseline data and information
  601 Relational data and knowledge bases in support of specialized information systems Information products, systems, databases AGA   Completed
  602 Specialized information systems covering livestock populations, production, health as well as socio-economic and environmental aspects of livestock keeping Information products, systems, databases   Completed
003   Livestock systems knowledge networks
  601 Specialized information and knowledge exchange systems covering livestock populations, production, health as well as socio-economic and environmental aspects of livestock keeping Information exchange and coordination AGA RAF RAP RLC SFW   Completed

Programme Entity 2BS01: Technical Support Services to Members and the Field Programme

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Direct advice to member countries and field programme support concerning livestock health and veterinary services
  601 Direct advice to member countries and field programme support concerning livestock health and veterinary services Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGA RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR   Completed
002   Technical backstopping to SPFS and TCOR emergency projects on all aspects of animal health and veterinary services development
  601 Technical backstopping to SPFS and TCOR emergency projects on all aspects of animal production, health and livestock services Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGA RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR   Completed
003   Direct advice to member countries and field programme support concerning livestock production and development
  601 Direct advice to member countries and field programme support on livestock production and sector development Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGA RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR   Completed
  602 Direct advice to member countries and field programme support concerning Global and Regional Livestock sector Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  603 Direct advice to member countries and field programme support concerning Global Livestock Information System and Knowledge Information products, systems, databases   Completed
004   Technical support to emergency and relief operation projects with respect to animal production and livestock development
  601 Technical support to emergency and rehabilitation operations with respect to animal health, production and livestock sector development Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGA RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR   Completed

Programme 2C: Diseases and pests of animals and plants

Programme Entity 2CA02: Sustainable Intensification of Livestock Production Systems through Nuclear Techniques and Biotechnology

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Biotechnology and strengthened capacities for characterizing farm animal genetic resources and improving natural resource management within production systems
  601 Integrated approaches for improving small scale market oriented dairy systems Capacity building   Completed
  602 Methods for measuring and guidelines for reducing methane emissions and nitrogen and phosphorus discharges to the environment from ruminants Capacity building   Completed
  603 Molecular methods for characterizing animal genetic resources and disease resistance, including reference DNA and serum banks Capacity building   Completed
002   Biotechnology and enhanced capacities for assessing and managing the risks from transboundary animal diseases, diseases of veterinary public health importance and veterinary drugs through international standards to improve diagnosis, surveillance and cont
  601 Results from serological and molecular surveys in support of GREP and OIE Pathway International Undertakings, Agreements   Completed
  602 Biotechnologies and standard operating procedures for diagnosis and surveillance of EMPRES diseases Capacity building   Completed
  603 Validation criteria for diagnostic assays and accreditation of veterinary laboratories Capacity building   Completed
  604 Strengthened human resources and national and regional capacities for using biotechnology for managing TADs Capacity building   Completed
004   Area-wide policies and integration of the SIT into intervention campaigns against tsetse and screwworm flies
  601 Guidelines for insect pest baseline data collection and use of GIS tools in planning of area-wide interventions against tsetse flies Capacity building   Completed
  602 Standard operating procedures for tsetse sex separation and blood processing and protocols for mass rearing Capacity building   Completed
  603 Strengthened human resources and national and regional capacities for tsetse and screwworm management Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed

Programme Entity 2CP01: Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC)

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
  601 International standards for phytosanitary measures (at least 6 by biennium) International Undertakings, Agreements AGP   Completed
  602 Support/meetings of regional plant protection organizations (Asia/Pacific Plant Protection Commission and Caribbean Plant Protection Commission), including support for development of regional phytosanitary standards Capacity building AGP RAP SLAC   Completed
002   Harmonized approaches among concerned international and regional agreements and organizations
  601 Cooperation with WTO, CBD, WHO, World Bank, Codex Alimentarius and OIE on policies, harmonization of information exchange and capacity building International Undertakings, Agreements AGP SLAC   Completed
  602 Cooperation with Regional Plant Protection Organizations International Undertakings, Agreements AGP RAF RAP RLC SLAC   Completed
003   Exchange of mandatory phytosanitary information
  601 Internet Phytosanitary "Portal" (IPP) to exchange official information as identified in the IPPC, as a component of a Portal on food safety/animal/plant health. Assistance to national contact points to access IPP Information exchange and coordination AGP   Completed
  602 Initiation of a regional phytosanitary information system for the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Agreement Information products, systems, databases AGP RAP   Completed
004   Support national phytosanitary systems
  601 Assistance to countries to strengthen their national phytosanitary services where possible through an integrated approach with animal health and food safety services Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SLAC SNEA   Completed
005   Settlement of Disputes
  601 Dispute settlement mechanism/detailed procedures put in place under the IPPC. An operational manual and an advocacy document will be finalized, and a roster of experts developed. Policy and legislative advice AGP   Completed
006   Provision of an efficient administrative framework
  601 Secretariat services to IPPC-administrative support International Undertakings, Agreements AGP   Completed
007   Support to Regional FAO Phytosanitary Commissions
  601 Secretariat assistance to the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission and the Caribbean Plant Protection Commission (Regional standards established, exchange of information) Capacity building AGP   Completed

Programme Entity 2CP02: Pesticide Risk Reduction through Pesticide Management, IPM and the use of Biopesticides

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Implementation of International Code of Conduct on Distribution and Use of Pesticides promoted and updated, including technical Support for national regulatory systems and sound pesticide management
  601 Publication of Guidelines and their adoption by countries. Capacity building AGP RAP   Completed
  602 Technical assistance to countries on the implementation of pesticide management Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  603 Reduced availability and use of pesticides that are persistently causing health and environmental problems. Capacity building AGP   Completed
002   Recommendations for Pesticide Maximum Residue Levels to Codex, Standards for pesticide residues
  601 Establishment of pesticide standards for pesticide product quality (together with WHO) International Undertakings, Agreements AGP   Completed
  602 Recommendations for Maximum Residue Limits to the Codex Committee on Pesticides Residues (together with WHO) International Undertakings, Agreements AGP   Completed
003   Secretariat to the Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade (jointly with UNEP)
  601 Meetings of the Conference of Parties of the Rotterdam Convention and its subsidiary bodies (together with UNEP) International Undertakings, Agreements AGP   Completed
  602 Addition of chemicals to Prior Informed Consent Procedure and mandated information exchange on banned or severely restricted chemicals, severely hazardous pesticides formulations, required to implement PIC procedure International Undertakings, Agreements AGP RAP   Completed
004   Prevention of obsolete pesticide stocks and facilitation of their disposal
  601 Guidelines on obsolete pesticides Information exchange and coordination AGP RAF   Completed
  602 Technical advice to countries on pesticides and obsolete pesticides, including the monitoring of disposal operations in developing countries Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP RAF RLC   Completed
  603 Inventory data on obsolete pesticides Information products, systems, databases AGP   Completed
  604 Institutionalized preventive measures for Obsolete pesticides Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP   Completed
005   National integrated pest management programmes and policies strenghtened to reduce risks from pesticides including the promotion of alternatives (e.g. biopesticides)
  601 Guidance material and TA to support the development of IPM programmes and policies Capacity building AGP RAF RAP   Completed
  602 Guidance material and TA to support better selection of crop protection methods and products as a means of risk reduction Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP   Completed
  603 Responses to emerging pest/pesticide problems Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP   Completed

Programme Entity 2CP04: EMPRES - Migratory and Transboundary Invasive Plant Pests

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
006   Desert Locust Information Service providing monthly bullettins, forecasts and special alerts
  601 Monthly bulletins including forecasts, special alerts and summaries on the Desert Locust situation and other locust outbreaks Information products, systems, databases AGP   Completed
  602 Desert locust databases, including RAMSES system (Development of Reconnaissance and Management System of the Environment of Schistocerca), especially in the 9 countries of the Western Region of Africa Information products, systems, databases AGP   Completed
  603 Installation of the rapid electronic locust data transmission system (eLocust2) in 21 countries of Western and Central Africa, and Asia. Information products, systems, databases AGP   Completed
007   Global and Regional Coordination of Desert Locust Management systems
  601 Assistance to the EMPRES (Desert Locust) Programme in the Western Region, while sustaining the programme in the Central Region; Coordination meetings with relevant stakeholders and annual planning documents, and training events in the Eastern Region. Capacity building AGP   Completed
  602 Implementation of the mechanisms of durability of the Desert Locust preventive control strategy in the Estern region Capacity building   Completed
008   Strenghtened national early warning and control capacities for desert locust management including contingency planning
  601 Campaign planning procedures and contingency arrangements developed in close collaboration between all the countries concerned. Capacity building AGP   Completed
009   Technical advisory services to Governments on migratory pest control
  601 Improved training, provision of equipment and operating resources to support national locust control capacities. Capacity building AGP   Completed
  602 Use of environmentally friendly control techniques such biopesticides. Capacity building AGP RNE SNEA   Completed
  603 Policy/technical decisions on improved Desert Locust management, research priorities and inter-country programmes; Technical support to national migratory pest projects and supervision of migratory pest emergency operations. Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP   Completed
010   Early warning on transboundary invasive (non-migratory) pests
  601 Improved Desert Locust emergency prevention strategies and support inter-country cooperation. Technical assistance on early warning and control of other locust species and other transboundary pests. Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP   Completed
  602 Sharing real-time status reports on transboundary non-migratory pests among countries within and across regions Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
011   Early reaction through national and supranational IPM strategies and programmes on transboundary invasive non-migratory pests
  601 Promotion of the adaptation and application of ecologically-based national strategies and community based systems of empowering IPM in response to transboundary non-migratory pests through contingency planning, national and sub-national scenarios and/or Farmer Field Schools. Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed

Programme Entity 2CP05: EMPRES - Progressive Control of Transboundary Animal Diseases

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Global Rinderpest Eradication Programme (GREP)
  601 Management of the Global Rinderpest Eradication Programme (GREP) to ensure 2010 world declaration of freedom from rinderpest Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGA   Completed
  602 Country accreditation of rinderpest freedom in line with international guidelines Capacity building AGA   Completed
  603 Guidance at the national and regional levels on emergency procedures in the event of resurgence of rinderpest Capacity building AGA   Completed
002   Livestock disease forecasting and alerts
  601 National capabilities strengthened in early detection of infectious pathogens Capacity building AGA   Completed
  602 Tools for transboundary animal disease (TADs) data analysis at regional level Capacity building AGA RAF RAP RLC SAFR   Completed
  603 International (WHO and OIE) and regional (specialised organisations) analysis of animal health and disease data for forecasting, alerting and prevention Information exchange and coordination AGA RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR   Completed
  604 Decision support to disease management in tsetse infested rural Africa Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  605 Assessment of agro-ecological drivers of disease emergence Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  606 Decision support to prevent and halt disease emergence Information products, systems, databases   Completed
003   Integrated, economically effective animal and zoonotic disease control & eradication strategies and policies
  601 Facilitate regional and national coordinated procedures for prevention, control and response to priority transboundary animal disease Information exchange and coordination AGA RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR   Completed
  602 Improved epidemiological analysis of TADs deriving from Regional networks to improve decision making [local, regional, and international] Information exchange and coordination AGA   Completed
  603 Biotechnology applications to diagnosis, vaccines and epidemiological analysis of TADs Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGA   Completed
  604 Contributions to international standard setting in animal health International Undertakings, Agreements AGA   Completed
  605 Secretariat of PAAT (including statutory bodies plus information tools) International Undertakings, Agreements   Completed
004   Enhanced national, regional and global animal health systems
  601 Information database on veterinary services and livestock infrastructure Information exchange and coordination AGA RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SEC SEUR SFC SFE SFS   Completed
  602 TAD info deployment and upgrading Information products, systems, databases AGA   Completed

Programme Entity 2CS01: Technical Support Services to Members and the Field Programme

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Direct advice to Member Countries and Support to the Field Programme
  601 Plant protection technical support and advice to the field programme Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGP RAF RLC SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW   Completed
002   Technical Support to Emergency and Relief Operations and SPFS
  601 Technical support and advice to emergency programmes and SFPS Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed

Programme 2D: Nutrition and consumer protection

Programme Entity 2DA01: Animal Product Food Safety

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Integrated control of major zoonotic diseases
  601 Global Information Portal on VPH Information products, systems, databases AGA RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Global and regional networks on integrated control of major zoonotic diseases Information exchange and coordination AGA RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  603 Guidelines on strategies for the control and prevention of zoonotic diseases Capacity building AGA   Completed
  604 National and regional capacity built for risk based surveillance, diagnosis, prevention and control of major zoonotic diseases Capacity building AGA RAF RLC   Completed
002   Inputs to, and implementation of Codex Alimentarius and SPS Agreements
  601 Support to Codex activities on the use of veterinary drugs and on animal feed, milk and meat hygiene International Undertakings, Agreements AGA RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Analysis of the implications of Codex standards and codes on livestock producers in developing and transition countries International Undertakings, Agreements AGA   Completed
  603 Codex Codes on the use of veterinary drugs and on animal feed, milk and meat hygiene increasingly enforced by MC Capacity building AGA   Completed
  604 Codex and OIE standards on diseases of importance to human and animal health including surveillance, prevention and control strategies increasingly enforced by MC Capacity building   Completed
003   Good and economically viable practices for the reduction of food-borne human health risks
  601 Guidelines on good practices to reduce food borne human health risks Capacity building AGA   Completed
  602 Guidelines for prudent use of antimicrobials and antiparasitic drugs Capacity building AGA   Completed
  603 National and regional capacity built for the promotion of Good Agricultural Practices in livestock production for the prevention of food-borne diseases Capacity building AGA RAP RLC   Completed
  604 Guidelines on strategies for the prevention of food-borne diseases through surveillance, early warning, detection, and control Capacity building AGA   Completed

Programme Entity 2DA05: Household Food Security, Nutrition and Livelihoods

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
441   Guidance, methodologies and tools for community-focussed action for improving household food security, nutrition and livelihoods
  601 Guidelines and methodologies for appraising and assessing food and nutrition situations developed and implemented. Capacity building   Completed
  602 Guidelines and methodologies for the design and implementation of community action processes for improving household food security and nutrition developed and used. Capacity building RAF RAP SAFR   Completed
442   Capacity building for improving household food security, nutrition and livelihoods
  601 Material and support for community-based actions for improving household food security and nutrition in both emergency and non-emergency situations. Capacity building RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SFS SLAC   Completed
  602 Material and support to selected sub-sectors for improving undernutrition and controlling micronutrient deficiencies through dietary diversification with particular attention to indigenous foods. Capacity building   Completed
  603 Support for integrated nutrition and HIV/AIDS activities. Capacity building SAFR   Completed
449   National sectoral strategies and plans of action for nutrition improvement
  601 Support for national sectoral strategies and plans of action for nutrition improvement. Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  602 Creating enabling environments for nutrition improvement based on the principle's of the right to food. Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  603 Development of tools for urban management of institutions to address the double burden of malnutrition. Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
450   Enhanced partnerships and knowledge networking for improving household food security, nutrition and livelihoods
  601 Support to cluster working groups and networks for the exchange of knowledge on promoting household food security, nutrition and livelihoods. Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  602 Website on household food security, nutrition and livelihoods and the right to food. Information exchange and coordination   Completed

Programme Entity 2DA06: Food and Nutrition Education and Consumer Awareness

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
453   Development and promotion of guidelines, tools and advice on healthy diets and lifestyles
  601 Methodological guides, information materials and web-based tools for promoting healthy diets Capacity building AGN RAP RLC RNE SLAC   Completed
  602 Nutrition guidelines, lesson plans and technical materials to support nutrition education and garden-based learning in schools Capacity building AGN RAF RAP RLC RNE SAPA SFS SLAC   Completed
  603 Expansion of Feeding Minds, Fighting Hunger Information exchange and coordination AGN RAP RLC SLAC   Completed
  604 Information and education materials on the right to adequate food Information exchange and coordination AGN   Completed
454   Guidance and technical assistance in the development and implementation of national nutrition education programmes for schools and communities
  601 Capacity building and implementation of nutrition education and garden-based learning in schools Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGN RAF RLC SLAC   Completed
  602 Capacity building for developing and implementing dietary guidelines and nutrition education and communication strategies Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGN RAP RLC RNE SLAC   Completed
455   Enhanced partnerships and capacity building for supporting nutrition information, communication and education and consumer awareness
  601 Collaboration and knowledge exchange with partner agencies on school-based nutrition (i.e. WHO, UNESCO, WFP, UNICEF, FRESH, Nutrition Friendly Schools Initiative) Information exchange and coordination AGN   Completed
  602 Collaboration with the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme on consumer nutrition information strategies and tools Information exchange and coordination AGN   Completed

Programme Entity 2DP01: Improving Food and Environmental Safety through Nuclear Techniques

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
003   Reducing Food Safety Hazards within Agricultural Production Systems
  601 Updated International Food Contaminant and Residues Information System (INFOCRIS) Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 Fostering information exchange and knowledge management, including: the updated International Food Contaminants Residues Information System (INFOCRIS); distance learning courses on analysis and sampling for pesticides, veterinary drug residues, and other contaminants, e.g. radionuclides and mycotoxins; and a web-based decision support system on radionuclide contamination management and information system (RCMIS) Capacity building   Completed
  603 Principles, trained human resources and improved infrastructures for applying and auditing Good Agricultural Practices with respect to pesticide and veterinary drug use in production of fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy products Capacity building   Completed
  604 Trained personnel, including through web based decision-support system on preparedness for and response to nuclear or radiological emergency, including appropriate agriculture countermeasures. Capacity building   Completed
004   Application of International Standards on Irradiation and Radionuclide Levels in Food and Agricultural Commodities
  601 Revised Codex Guideline Levels for Radionuclides in Foods for use in International Trade International Undertakings, Agreements   Completed
  602 Updated ISPM Guidelines on Use of Irradiation as a Phytosanitary Measure International Undertakings, Agreements   Completed
  603 Use of irradiation to ensure the safety and quality of prepared meals Capacity building   Completed
  604 Food and quarantine control officials with information and knowledge necessary for decision-making on and application of irradiation for sanitary and phytosanitary purposes, including through awareness of and access to relevant databases and information systems Capacity building   Completed

Programme Entity 2DP02: Nutrient Requirements and Dietary Assessment in a Transforming Food Economy

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
436   Recommendations and applications of human nutrient requirements
  601 Expert Consultation on Carbohydrates in Human Nutrition Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGN   Modified
  602 Expert Consultation on Fats and Fatty Acids in Human Nutrition Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGN   Postponed
  603 Guidelines and procedures on transparency and openness in the holding of joint expert consultations Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGN   Completed
  604 Handbook on Human Nutritional Requirements Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGN   Completed
  605 Expert consultation on Calcium in Human Nutrition Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGN   Cancelled
  606 Provision of scientific advice to Codex, JECFA, Gemfoods Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGN   Completed
  607 Background documents from previous expert consultations into electronic format Information products, systems, databases AGN   Completed
456   Dietary intake assessment and data analysis in monitoring nutrition transition
  601 Capacity building in the use of standardized methodology and development tools for dietary intake surveys in various contexts Capacity building AGN   Completed
  602 Adaptation of a dietary intake software to use as a "global software" package for dietary assessment based on standardized methodology Information products, systems, databases AGN   Cancelled
  603 Capacity building in the development and implementation of methodology for assessing dietary diversity as a simple indicator for adequacy of micronutrient intakes and food needs Capacity building AGN   Completed
  604 Identification and elaboration of biodiversity indicators for foods Information products, systems, databases AGN   Completed
457   Food composition data management
  601 Assist Regional Data Centres with implementation of international standards for their food composition databases Capacity building AGN   Completed
  602 Publish 16 issues of the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis Information products, systems, databases AGN   Completed
  603 Contribute to the international training and capacity building course in food composition data management in collaboration with Wageningen University Capacity building AGN   Completed

Programme Entity 2DP03: Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme (Codex Alimentarius)

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
461   Food standards, guidelines and other recommendations for consumer protection and trade
  601 Establishment of general standards for food labelling and nutrition International Undertakings, Agreements AGN   Completed
  602 Establishment of food safety standards International Undertakings, Agreements AGN   Completed
  603 Establishment of standards for specific foodstuffs International Undertakings, Agreements AGN   Completed
  604 Establishment of standards for food inspection, testing and certification International Undertakings, Agreements AGN   Completed
  605 Publication and dissemination of adopted standards and related texts Information products, systems, databases AGN   Completed
463   International policies and principles for food standardisation
  601 Coordination with other intergovernmental and standard-setting bodies Information exchange and coordination AGN   Completed
  602 Communication and information on Codex standards and related texts Information exchange and coordination AGN   Completed
  603 Codex Alimentarius Commission: programme management and strategic direction International Undertakings, Agreements AGN   Completed
  604 Regional coordination through FAO/WHO Coordinating Committees International Undertakings, Agreements AGN   Completed
  605 Policies and procedures of the Codex Alimentarius Commission International Undertakings, Agreements AGN   Completed

Programme Entity 2DP04: Food Quality and Safety throughout the Food Chain for Consumer Protection

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
474   Policy guidance and technical assistance in organization and management of food control systems including in emergency situations
  601 Review and analysis of the organizational structures and capacities of national food safety/control systems and provision of policy guidance for their restructuring and/or strengthening Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGN RAF RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SEUR SLAC   Completed
475   Support to national Codex structures and harmonization of national food safety regulations with Codex
  601 Enhancement of the participation of developing Member countries in Codex work through the establishment and operation of national codex committees Capacity building AGN RAF RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SEUR SLAC   Completed
  602 Harmonization of national food safety standards and regulations with codex Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGN RAF RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SEUR SLAC   Completed
476   Policy advice and technical assistance for integrated quality and safety assurance systems
  601 Training in food safety risk analysis and in quality assurance systems, including HACCP Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGN RAF RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SEUR SLAC   Completed
  602 Implementation of HACCP-based quality assurance systems in small and less developed businesses (SLDBs) Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGN RAF RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SEUR SLAC   Completed
477   Development of tools, exchange and dissemination of information on food quality and safety
  601 Development and testing of food safety guidelines and manuals Information exchange and coordination AGN RAF RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SEUR SLAC   Completed
  602 Dissemination of food safety related information Information exchange and coordination AGN   Completed
  603 Support for 3 sub-regional workshops on microbiological risk assessment, food safety in small businesses and Codex Alimentarius Information exchange and coordination   Modified

Programme Entity 2DP05: Provision of Scientific Advice on Food Safety

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
468   Evaluation of safety of additives, contaminants and veterinary drug residues in foods
  601 Evaluation of the safety of additives, contaminants in foods Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGN   Completed
  602 Evaluation of the safety of veterinary drug residues in foods Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGN   Completed
  603 Safety assessment of biological hazards in foods Information products, systems, databases   Completed
470   Databases and information dissemination on food safety assessment
  601 Database on specification for the identity and purity of food additives and flavouring agents Information products, systems, databases AGN   Completed
  602 Database on maximum residue limits for veterinary drugs Information products, systems, databases AGN   Completed
478   Risk assessment of microbiological hazards in foods
  601 Guidelines and risk assessment of microbiological hazards in foods Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGN   Completed
479   Safety assessment of foods produced through new technologies, including biotechnology
  601 Safety assessment of foods derived from recombinant-DNA Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGN   Completed
480   Tools and advice on exposure and risk assessment
  601 Procedures and tools for the safety assessment of foods Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGN   Completed

Programme Entity 2DS01: Technical Support Services to Members and the Field Programme

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
451   Field programme support
  601 Support to the field programme Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGN RAP RNE SAFR SAPA   Completed

Programme 2E: Forestry information, statistics, economics, and policy

Programme Entity 2EP03: Forestry Knowledge and Communication Centre

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
007   Forestry knowledge management and information systems and processes strengthened
  601 FORIS knowledge management system strengthened, including more effective and decentralised maintenance of FAO forestry internet sites, networking information, databases, and other electronic information Information products, systems, databases FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SEC SFC SFE SFW SLAC   Completed
  602 Forestry library services to internal and external customers strengthened Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  603 Networking and interactivity through FAO forestry internet sites strengthened Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  604 Staff capabilities strengthened for development of Forestry Papers, web-based information, and electronic networking Information products, systems, databases   Completed
008   Provision of information about forests and forestry
  601 UNASYLVA produced and distributed on a regular basis Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 Press releases, web stories, Infosylva, and related communications services strengthened Information products, systems, databases FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SEC SFC SFE SFW SLAC   Completed
  603 Planning, quality, language coverage, and targeting of Forestry publications and FAO forestry internet sites are continuously improved Information products, systems, databases FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  604 Biennial State of the World's Forests produced and distributed Information products, systems, databases FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SEC SFC SFE SFW SLAC   Completed
  605 Comprehensive forest sector country profiles provided for all countries Information products, systems, databases FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SEC SFC SFE SFW SLAC   Completed
009   Forestry knowledge exchange enhanced through partnerships and national capacity building
  601 Partnerships to exchange knowledge established and strengthened with member countries Information exchange and coordination FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SEC SFC SFE SFW SLAC   Completed
  602 Partnerships to exchange knowledge established and strengthened with key organizations Information exchange and coordination   Completed

Programme Entity 2EP04: Global Socio-economic analysis and forest sector studies

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Global and regional forestry sector outlook studies
  601 Forestry Outlook Study for West and Central Asia ( One regional and two sub-regional reports) Information products, systems, databases FOE   Completed
  602 Sub-regional reports on forests and forestry in West and Central Asia. Information products, systems, databases FOE   Completed
  603 Outlook for wood supply from planted forests to the year 2020 Information products, systems, databases FOE   Modified
  604 Demand for wood and wood products to the year 2020 Information products, systems, databases FOE   Modified
  605 Discussion paper on key issues relating to the future of forests and forestry in the Asia Pacific Region Information products, systems, databases FOE   Completed
002   Global socio-economic analysis and market assessment
  601 Socio-economic analysis of forestry in selected countries Policy and legislative advice FOE   Completed
  602 Overview paper on economic viability of sustainable forest management Information products, systems, databases   Postponed
  603 Analysis of competitiveness of forestry in selected countries/ regions. Information products, systems, databases FOE   Completed
  604 Global analysis of income and employment in the forestry sector Information products, systems, databases FOE   Postponed

Programme Entity 2EP05: Strengthening Policy, Institutional and Participatory Capacities for Forest Management and Conservation

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Strengthened National Institutional Capacities
  601 Support to improve the performance of forest institutions and networks and to increase the effectiveness of organizational reforms Capacity building FOE RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
002   National Forest Programmes
  601 Support to formulate and implement national forest programmes, with emphasis on building knowledge and capacity Capacity building FOE RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  602 Support to improve the policy, legal and institutional frameworks for forest law compliance Technical advice to Members and field programme support FOE RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  603 Support to improve policy development, implementation and governance Technical advice to Members and field programme support FOE RAF RLC RNE   Completed
003   Enhanced Contribution of Forestry to Poverty Alleviation and Food Security
  601 Support to integrate forestry in national strategies for poverty reduction and similar development strategies Capacity building FOE RAF   Completed
  602 Guidance to develop forest policies and strategies that address poverty and food security issues Technical advice to Members and field programme support FOE RAF   Completed
  603 Compilation and dissemination of best practices for alleviating poverty through the improved utilization of forests and trees Capacity building FOE RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  604 Promotion of methodologies to generate income from forests and trees to reduce poverty and to manage natural resources sustainably Capacity building FOE FOI RAF RAP RLC   Completed
004   Capacity Building in Participatory Forestry
  601 Development and implementation of approaches to increase participation of stakeholders in forest-related processes and activities Capacity building FOE RAF RAP   Completed
  602 Support to capacity building of stakeholders including government to engage in and institutionalize participatory processes Capacity building FOE RAP   Completed

Programme Entity 2EP06: Support to COFO, Global and Regional Forestry Processes

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Reinforced global and regional dialogue on forests, including COFO and Regional Forestry Commissions
  601 18th session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO 18) Information exchange and coordination FOE FOI FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  602 4th Ministerial Meeting on Forests Information exchange and coordination FOI FOM   Completed
  603 15th African Forestry & Wildlife Commission (AFWC 15) Information exchange and coordination FOE FOI FOM RNE   Completed
  604 21st Asia Pacific Forestry Commission (APFC 21) Information exchange and coordination FOE FOI FOM   Completed
  605 33rd European Forestry Commission (EFC 33) Information exchange and coordination FOE FOI FOM LOGE   Completed
  606 17th Near East Forestry Commission NEFC (NEFC 17) Information exchange and coordination FOE FOI FOM RAF   Completed
  607 24th Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission (COFLAC 24) Information exchange and coordination FOE FOI FOM   Completed
  608 23rd North American Forest Commission Information exchange and coordination FOI FOM   Completed
  609 Preparations for the XIII World Forestry Congress in 2009 Information exchange and coordination FOI FOM RLC   Completed
002   Effective integration of forest issues into sustainable development processes
  601 Leadership of and support for the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) Information exchange and coordination FOI FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  602 Forestry issues effectively addressed in conventions and other processes related to forests, including but not limited to CBD, CCD, UNFCCC, & UNFF International Undertakings, Agreements   Completed

Programme Entity 2ES01: Technical Support Services to Members and the Field Programme

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Interaction with field programme
  601 Support to field projects Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
002   Advice to member countries
  601 Advice to member countries on forest policy and institutional issues Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
004   Intra-departmental cooperation
  601 Regular Task forces with other Departments on projects implementation Information exchange and coordination RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed

Programme 2F: Forest management, conservation and rehabilitation

Programme Entity 2FA06: Forest Fire Management and Forest Health

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Development of agreements, strategies and voluntary guidelines for wildland fire management to facilitate national, regional and international cooperation.
  601 Strategy to Enhance International Cooperation in Wildland Fire Management endorsed by multi-stakeholder expert consultation, May, 2006 and submitted to COFO, March 2007 Information exchange and coordination FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEC SFC SFE SFW SLAC   Completed
  602 Voluntary Guidelines for Wildland Fire Management endorsed by Expert Consultation, May 2006 and submitted to COFO, March, 2007 International Undertakings, Agreements FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEC SFC SFE SFW SLAC   Completed
  603 Strengthened Partnerships for Implementation of the Global Strategy and Voluntary Guidelines in Wildland Fire Management International Undertakings, Agreements FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEC SFC SFE SFW SLAC   Completed
  604 Updated international model agreements and share/disseminate through regional wildland fire networks International Undertakings, Agreements FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEC SFC SFE SFW SLAC   Completed
  605 Updated information base on active international agreements between countries and sub-national agreements in wildland fire response cooperation International Undertakings, Agreements FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEC SFC SFE SFW SLAC   Completed
002   Advice and assistance on the protection of forests and other wooded lands from the destructive effects of wildland fires, through national and community-based capacities for fire management
  601 Active participation in the International Liaison Committee of the International Wildland Fire Conference, Madrid, 2007 International Undertakings, Agreements FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEC SFC SFE SFW SLAC   Completed
  602 Regional training of trainers workshops conducted in community based fire management in SE Asia, Central/NE Asia and Latin America Capacity building FOM RAP RLC SEC SLAC   Modified
  603 Training Materials for Community Based Fire Management prepared and disseminated Capacity building FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEC SFC SFE SFW SLAC   Completed
  604 Technical support to 12 Regional Wildland Fire Networks provided Information exchange and coordination FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEC SFC SFE SFW SLAC   Completed
  605 Global Thematic Study on Wildland Fire and Regional Reports on Wildland Fire Management and links to sustainable forest management completed Information products, systems, databases FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  606 Redesigned, upgraded and updated website to reflect new status, outputs and activities, projects Information products, systems, databases FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE   Modified
003   Advice and assistance in designing appropriate prevention and control measures for the protection of forests and forest lands from insects, diseases, invasive species and other threats
  601 Knowledge reference for exchange of information and data on the characteristics, incidence of outbreaks and impacts of insects, diseases and other pests in forest health Information products, systems, databases FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEC SFC SFE SFW SLAC   Completed
  602 Knowledge reference for exchange of information and data on the characteristics, incidence and impacts of woody invasive species Information products, systems, databases FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEC SFC SFE SFW SLAC   Completed
  603 Country Information Profiles prepared in Working Papers and on the Web on Forest Health and links to Sustainable Forest Management Information products, systems, databases FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEC SFC SFE SFW SLAC   Completed
  604 Support provided to FISNA, APFISN and other regional invasive species networks Information exchange and coordination FOM RAF RAP   Completed
  605 Guidelines and manuals prepared for monitoring of biosecurity and forest health Technical advice to Members and field programme support FOM LOGE RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed

Programme Entity 2FA07: Conservation and Rehabilitation of forests and woodlands ecosystems

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Advice and assistance on conservation of wildlife resources and biological diversity through forestry practices and proper management of protected areas.
  601 Review of wildlife conservation effectiveness and guidelines on conservation and sustainable use of Barbary sheep resources Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 Exchange of knowledge and information in wildlife resource conservation and sustainable use policy in 2 regions Information exchange and coordination RAF SEC   Completed
002   Enhanced dialogue and networking on conservation and rehabilitation of forest and woodland resources
  601 Support to countries and regions to dialogue and network on conservation and rehabilitation of forest and woodland ecosystems (in the Mediterranean Basin and in West Africa in cooperation with UEMOA) Information exchange and coordination FOD FOE FOM RAF RNE   Completed
  602 Support to countries and regions to implement the UNCCD and the LFCC initiative International Undertakings, Agreements FOD FOE FOM RAF RAP RLC RNE SEC   Modified
  603 Assist COMIFAC countries (Central Africa) to implement the Convergence Plan relating to the conservation and rehabilitation of the Central African tropical forest ecosystems Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF   Completed
  604 Enhanced collaboration with NGOs on forest and woodland ecosystems' conservation and rehabilitation Information exchange and coordination RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
003   Concepts, methods and best practices on critical issues in fragile ecosystems with reference to mountains and arid zones
  601 Case studies of best practices in conservation of forest and woodland ecosystems Information products, systems, databases RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  602 Participatory processes for effective adoption and implementation of sound technologies for the conservation of forest and woodland ecosystems Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC RNE   Postponed
  603 Support to multi-stakeholder platforms for effective conservation of protection forest and woodland ecosystems Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC RNE   Postponed
004   Rehabilitation of forest and woodland ecosystems
  601 Case studies of best practices in rehabilitation and restoration of forest and woodland ecosystems Information products, systems, databases RAF RAP RLC RNE   Postponed
  602 Participatory processes for effective adoption and implementation of sound technologies leading to forest and woodland ecosystems' rehabilitation Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC RNE   Postponed
  603 Case studies of multi-stakeholder platforms to integrate forest and woodland ecosystem conservation issues in planning and implementation of mining activities in order to minimise their negative impact and facilitate rehabilitation Information products, systems, databases RAF RAP RLC RNE   Cancelled

Programme Entity 2FP02: Sustainable Management of forests, woodlands and trees outside of forests

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Evaluation and documention of experiences and sharing knowledge on field implementation of sustainable forest management from all types of forests, woodlands and trees outside forests
  601 Established on-line Knowledge Reference for sharing experiences on field implementation cases of sustainable forest management Information products, systems, databases FOM RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  602 In search of excellence in sustainable forest management initiative implemented for Latin America Information exchange and coordination FOM RLC   Completed
  603 Network and capacity building for sharing experiences and knowledge on field implementation of forest management Capacity building FOM RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  604 Support to establishment of new learning sites for sustainable forest management implementation Technical advice to Members and field programme support FOM   Completed
  605 Review of experiences on the role of urban and peri-urban forestry for sustainable livelihoods Technical advice to Members and field programme support FOM   Completed
  606 Review of impact of Criteria & Indicators processes for sustainable forest management practises in the field Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC RNE   Postponed
002   Concepts, methods and best practises for forest management planning and implementation, and management of forest genetic resources.
  601 Planted forest code approved through broad stakeholder consultations and submitted to COFO 2007 International Undertakings, Agreements RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  602 Partnership and capacity building for implementation of the planted forest code Capacity building RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  603 Review of technologies and forest management practices, and their impact on genetic resources of key species Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  604 Global survey and outlook of planted forest establishment, management and production Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  605 Stakeholder process to determine requirements for a code of best practises for management of naturally regenerating forests International Undertakings, Agreements RAF RAP RLC RNE   Cancelled
  606 Reports and reviews of forest management of specific forest types, including inter alia mangroves and secondary forests Information products, systems, databases   Completed
003   Effective use of forests and trees in landscape management.
  601 Training material and knowledge sharing on Trees outside Forests, including agroforestry, for food security Capacity building   Postponed
  603 Global partnership in Forest Landscape restoration expanded and network of learning sites increased by addition of new partners and projects International Undertakings, Agreements   Completed
  604 Support to global fora for capacity building and outreach, including, inter alia, World Agroforestry Congress and World Urban Forum International Undertakings, Agreements   Completed
004   Support to countries to monitor and assess forest and tree resources and their management, within an integrated land use perspective.
  601 National forest and land use assessment projects completed in four countries and stakeholder process to introduce findings in inter-sectoral policy dialogue initiated Capacity building RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  602 Respond to countries' requests for assistance and initiate national forest and land use assessment projects through stakeholder processes in ten countries Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  603 Refined methodologies for national forest and land use assessments, including social, economic and environmental dimensions Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  604 Established information framework for remote sensing monitoring in support of national forest and land use assessment Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  605 South-south collaboration to share experiences and increase efficiency in national forest and land use assessments Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed

Programme Entity 2FS01: Technical Support Services to Members and the Field Programme

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Interaction with field programme
  601 Support to field projects Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC RNE SAPA SEC SEUR SFC SFE SFS SFW SLAC   Completed
002   Advice to member countries
  601 Advice to member countries related to forest resources issues Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC RNE SAPA SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW SLAC   Completed
004   Intra-departmental cooperation
  601 Regular Task forces with other Departments on projects implementation Information exchange and coordination RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed

Programme 2G: Forest products and industry

Programme Entity 2GA01: Strengthening the Contribution of Forest Industries to Rural Development

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Advice on value addition in forest industries
  601 Strengthening of national forest products industry associations in Africa Capacity building FOI RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Analysis of risks and opportunities for small-medium scale enterprises development Technical advice to Members and field programme support FOI RAF RAP RLC   Completed
002   Enhanced social and economic contribution of forest industries.
  603 Analysis of socio-economic and environmental roles of forest industries Technical advice to Members and field programme support FOI RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  605 Collaboration with forest industries through the Advisory Committee on Paper and Wood Products Information exchange and coordination FOI   Completed

Programme Entity 2GP01: Best practices in forest products harvesting, utilization and appropriate industry development

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
006   Best practices for sustainable production, processing and marketing of non-wood forest products
  601 Methodologies for assessment, management and utilization of non-wood forest products including resource inventory Technical advice to Members and field programme support FOI RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SEUR   Completed
  602 Analysis of international trade in NWFP Information products, systems, databases FOI RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SEUR   Completed
  603 Non-Wood News Information products, systems, databases FOI RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SEUR   Completed
007   Promotion of wood energy and its integration into national development strategies
  604 Analysis of wood energy potentials in selected regions/countries Technical advice to Members and field programme support FOI RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SEUR   Completed
  605 Improvement and harmonization of bioenergy statistics Information products, systems, databases FOI RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR   Completed
  606 Guidelines on sustainable wood fuels production, utilization and trade Technical advice to Members and field programme support FOI RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SEUR   Completed
  607 Support to Bioenergy Programme Information exchange and coordination FOI RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SEUR   Completed
008   Assistance in implementing best practices in forest harvesting
  608 Support to developing and implementing forest harvesting code in Africa Capacity building FOI RAF SAFR   Completed
  609 Support to implementing guidelines for forest engineering and contract labour Technical advice to Members and field programme support FOI RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR   Completed
  610 Analysis of impact of timber harvesting on NWFP and carbon balance Technical advice to Members and field programme support FOI RAF   Completed

Programme Entity 2GP02: Assessment, monitoring and reporting on forest resources products and institutions

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Implementation of the Global Forest Resources Assessment process and periodical production of global reports.
  601 Publication and dissemination of FRA 2005 main report, thematic studies and related documents and websites Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 Expert Consultation: Kotka V International Undertakings, Agreements FOE FOI   Completed
  603 Framework, partnership, specifications and guidelines for country reporting to FRA 2010 International Undertakings, Agreements FOE FOI   Completed
  604 Framework, partnership and methodology for global remote sensing component for FRA 2010 International Undertakings, Agreements   Completed
002   Statistics on production, consumption and trade of forest products
  601 Forest Products Yearbook Information products, systems, databases FOE FOM RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  602 Pulp and paper capacity assessment Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  603 Recovered paper data Information products, systems, databases   Completed
003   Development and provision of information on national forest policy and institutions
  601 Revised, web-based national forest programme (nfp) updates Information exchange and coordination FOI FOM RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  602 Definition of international reporting requirements Information exchange and coordination FOI FOM   Completed
004   Integration of reporting processes and national communications
  601 Integrated network of national correspondents, experts and organizations for country reporting to Forest Resources Assessment, Forest Products Yearbook and National Forest Programmes Information exchange and coordination FOE FOM RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  602 Harmonized contents, harmonized timing, and quality control of reporting processes on forest resources, products and institutions Information exchange and coordination FOE FOM   Postponed
  603 Comprehensive and updated forest sector information by country, including outreach initiatives Information products, systems, databases FOE FOM   Postponed
  604 Enhanced national capacities for monitoring, assessment and reporting Capacity building FOE FOM RAF RAP RLC RNE   Postponed
  605 Improved reporting tools, including on-line applications for decentralized reporting Information exchange and coordination FOE FOM   Postponed

Programme Entity 2GS01: Technical Support Services to Members and the Field Programme

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Strengthened interaction with the field programme
  601 Support to field projects Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC RNE SAPA SEC SEUR SFC SFE SFS SFW SLAC   Completed
002   Advice to member countries
  601 Advice to member countries related to forest products and economics Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC RNE SAPA SEC SEUR SFC SFE SFS SFW SLAC   Completed
003   Intra-departmental cooperation
  601 Regular Task forces with other Departments on projects implementation Information exchange and coordination RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed

Programme 2H: Fisheries and aquaculture information, statistics, economics, and policy

Programme Entity 2HA01: Support to the Strategy for Improving Information on Status and Trends of Capture Fisheries (Strategy-STF) through FIRMS and other FIGIS Partnerships

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Comprehensive GIS-based database on the world's fisheries with content and workflow management facilities powered by FIGIS
  601 Fisheries Department statistical protocols and web-based interface facilitating statistical workflows with clients and providers of information (eventually including quality assurance, estimation, audit trail and traceability features) Capacity building   Postponed
  602 FIGIS reference table maintenance system (RTMS) upgraded Information products, systems, databases   Postponed
  603 New version of FishStat Admin module released based on enhanced integration with FIGIS statistical working and dissemination systems components Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  604 Workflow systems upgraded according to requirements gathered from Partners on the existing tool, enabling systematic assembly of inventories on fisheries and fishery resources and reporting on fisheries status and trends Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  605 Existing workflow systems applied/tailored for more systematic exchange of high seas vessel information between FAO, countries supplying vessel data, and RFBs Information exchange and coordination   Postponed
  606 Existing workflow systems applied to existing FIGIS-hosted data bases, including Topics and Issues, Organizations, Collections (and eventually Fishing techniques, Species, and other FIGIS fact sheets modules). Information products, systems, databases   Postponed
  607 Workflow systems for more systematic input/exchange of information with FIGIS Partner systems including documents, maps (and eventually glossary, media base). Information products, systems, databases   Postponed
  608 Enhanced FIGIS search engine based on interface with FAO corporate search engine (and eventually Fishery ontology server). Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  609 Maintenance of FIGIS system and hosted data bases Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  610 Extended knowledge base on Fisheries Organizations including FI Department Divisions, Programmes and Projects, and RFB summary fact sheets, with more streamlined maintenance workflows. Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  611 Extended knowledge base on Fishery country profiles, and aquaculture country profiles, with more streamlined maintenance workflow. Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  612 Expanded Data Collection knowledge base documenting quality assurance aspects of FIGIS hosted data bases, with more streamlined maintenance workflows. Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  613 Additional GIS layers integrated in FIGIS, with the following priority order: Administrative units (Gaul), cities and ports, hydrology, watersheds, geomorphology, geographical salient features Information products, systems, databases   Postponed
002   Coordination, technical and other support to the FIGIS/FIRMS Partnership and to information provider partners
  601 Coordinated provision of information to FIRMS according to agreed procedures and formats, including through one or two meetings of the FIRMS Steering Committee Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  602 Technical support to FIRMS Partners including training and one or two meetings of the technical working group Capacity building   Completed
  603 FIRMS strengthened and extended further worldwide with additional RFBs having joined the Partnership Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  604 FIGIS partnerships broadened including protocols for data exchange enhanced with ASFA, SIPAM, and FISHBASE, and initiated with GLOBEFISH, FISHPORT, AAPQIS and OBIS Information exchange and coordination   Postponed
  605 Departmental Information Management and System policies strengthened and compliant with WAICENT Information products, systems, databases   Postponed
  606 Inventory of world marine resources and fisheries expanded, using accurate georeferencing systems Information products, systems, databases   Completed

Programme Entity 2HA02: Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (Including Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture) and Related Instruments

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Promoting the implementation of the Code and related instruments and monitoring and reporting, i.a. to COFI and the UN General Assembly, on progress of that implementation.
  601 Report to the UNGA and the twenty-seventh session of COFI Information exchange and coordination FIE RAF RAP SAFR SAPA   Completed
  602 Dissemination of the Code and facilitation of new technical guidelines International Undertakings, Agreements FIE RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SLAC   Completed
  603 Preparation and dissemination of papers and training materials on the Code and programming and implementation of training and capacity-building activities Capacity building FIE RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SLAC   Completed
003   Support to implementation of approaches for sustainable livelihoods in fishing communities
  601 Evaluation of the contribution of the Sustainable Fisheries Livelihoods Programme (SFLP), extension of the Programme and its expansion to other regions/sub-regions Capacity building FIE RAF   Completed
004   Analysis, development and promotion of policies, instruments and strategies for fostering responsible fisheries and aquaculture
  601 Second Technical Consultation on Sustainable Commercial Aquaculture in Africa South of the Sahara International Undertakings, Agreements FIE RAF SAFR   Cancelled
  602 Aquaculture Development in Latin America: economic, policy, institutional, legal frameworks and investment dimensions Information products, systems, databases FIE RLC SLAC   Postponed
  603 Analysis and promotion of aquaculture and fisheries insurance in support of sustainable development of the sector Information products, systems, databases FIE   Completed
  604 Analysis of the reasons behind the success and failure of aquaculture in Latin America Information products, systems, databases FIE   Modified
  605 Compilation of case studies on strategies and policies to diversity income and employment opportunities of coastal fishing communities in order to reduce fishing effort Policy and legislative advice FIE   Completed
  606 Synthesis of cross-country case study experiences with exclusive fishing areas allocated to small-scale coastal fisheries and guidelines on the implementation of alternative property rights regimes in small-scale coastal fisheries Policy and legislative advice FIE   Cancelled
  607 Guidelines and extension materials on mainstreaming community-based fisheries management into fisheries sector strategies and policies Capacity building FIE   Modified
  608 Guidelines on conflict management in coastal capture fisheries Capacity building   Cancelled
  609 Expert Consultation on the use of vessel monitoring systems (VMS) and satellites for fisheries monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) Information exchange and coordination   Completed
005   Monitoring and analysis of policy issues, particularly emerging issues, with implications for fisheries and aquaculture at global, regional and national levels
  601 Study of mechanisms that lead from subsidies, to overcapacity and IUU-fishing Policy and legislative advice FIE   Cancelled
  602 Studies of the impacts of subsidies used as an instrument to stimulate development of fisheries Policy and legislative advice FIE   Cancelled
  603 Synthesis of experiences in the organic labelling and ecolabelling of aquaculture products Policy and legislative advice FIE   Cancelled
  604 Management approaches for discrete high seas resources - an elaboration of options and issues Policy and legislative advice FIE   Postponed
  605 Guidance and information sharing on the economic, social, and institutional considerations of applying the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) management including a review of current literature and case studies, an Expert Consultation, and the development of guidelines for the practical application of the EAF management Policy and legislative advice FIE   Postponed
  606 A review of studies of social, economic and institutional aspects of establishing and implementing MPAs (coastal and a high seas) Policy and legislative advice FIE   Completed
006   Elaboration of international instruments and guidelines concerning fisheries and aquaculture
  601 Guidelines on adjustment policies to reduce fishing capacity International Undertakings, Agreements FIE   Postponed
  602 Improvements to the international guidelines for the ecolabelling of fish and fishery products from marine capture fisheries and development of guidelines for the ecolabelling of fish and fishery products from inland fisheries International Undertakings, Agreements FIE   Modified
  603 Sharing the fish - guidelines on the allocation of fishery resources International Undertakings, Agreements FIE   Modified

Programme Entity 2HP01: Provision of Fisheries Information and Statistics

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Development of norms, standards, guidelines, arrangements and procedures for enhanced collection, storage, dissemination and sharing of fisheries information
  601 Contribution of FAO bibliographic references to the ASFA database Information products, systems, databases FIE   Completed
  602 Coordination of the international network of ASFA Partners, increasing the geographical and subject matter coverage of ASFA and organization of ASFA Board Meetings Information exchange and coordination FIE   Completed
  603 Training courses for new ASFA Partners and follow-up support Technical advice to Members and field programme support FIE   Completed
  604 Maintenance of ASFA input software (www-ISIS-ASFA) Information products, systems, databases FIE   Completed
  605 Maintenance of the ASFA Reference Series (i.e. guidelines, authority lists, procedures for ASFA data input) Information products, systems, databases FIE   Completed
  606 Enhanced access to ASFA information products to Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries (LIFDCs) Information exchange and coordination FIE   Completed
002   Fisheries information and library services
  601 Information resources sharing activities and products to strengthen fisheries libraries and networks in developing countries. Information exchange and coordination FIE   Completed
  602 Fisheries library and information services to FAO staff and external users, including literature searches, current awareness services, selective dissemination of information, and the fisheries component of the Virtual Library. Information exchange and coordination FIE   Completed
  603 Dissemination of FAO fisheries publications and information, including selected retrospective digitisation and production of CD ROM products. Information exchange and coordination FIE   Completed
  604 Development and maintenance of comprehensive and up-to-date information in the Fisheries Department web site and its convergence with FIGIS Information products, systems, databases FIE   Completed
  605 Coordination and maintenance of information in FIGIS, the FI Atlas and the FAO contribution to the UN Atlas of the Oceans Information products, systems, databases FIE   Completed
003   Development and promotion of norms, standards, arrangements and procedures for enhanced collection, storage, processing, dissemination and sharing of fishery statistics
  601 Secretariat support to the Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics (CWP) Information exchange and coordination FIE   Completed
  602 Support to implementation of the Strategy for Improving Information on Status and Trends of Capture Fisheries (Strategy-STF) Capacity building FIE RAF RAP RNE SAFR SLAC   Completed
  603 Guidelines for the collection of aquaculture statistics Information products, systems, databases   Postponed
  604 Updated CWP Handbook on Fishery Statistical Standards Information products, systems, databases FIE   Postponed
  605 Updated fishery statistical classifications and reference tables (i.e. Country, commodity, species and other lists) Information products, systems, databases FIE   Completed
  606 Development of fishery ontology (concepts, reference terms and their relationships) Information products, systems, databases FIE   Postponed
  607 FAO proposal of revision for HS for fishery commodities to World Customs Organization International Undertakings, Agreements   Postponed
004   Collation, analysis and dissemination of global and regional fishery statistics
  601 Updated statistics on global and regional capture fishery production disseminated in Yearbook, FIGIS, FishStat and FAOSTAT2 Information products, systems, databases FIE   Completed
  602 Updated and expanded statistics on aquaculture production disseminated in Yearbook, FIGIS, FishStat and FAOSTAT2 Information products, systems, databases FIE   Completed
  603 Updated statistics on production and trade of fishery commodities disseminated in Yearbook, FIGIS, FishStat and FAOSTAT2 Information products, systems, databases FIE   Completed
  604 Updated statistics on apparent fish consumption disseminated in a Fisheries Circular, FishStat and FAOSTAT2. Revision of species groupings and nutrient factors and review of aquatic plant consumption. Information products, systems, databases FIE   Modified
  605 Updated statistics on numbers of fishers disseminated in FIGIS and FishStat Information products, systems, databases FIE   Postponed
  606 Updated statistics on fishing fleets disseminated in FIGIS Information products, systems, databases FIE   Postponed
  607 Analyses of status, trends, and projection of fishery (capture and aquaculture) productions, trade and consumptions for SOFIA, SOFA and other reports Information products, systems, databases FIE   Completed
  608 Maintenance and updates of HSVAR database Information products, systems, databases   Postponed

Programme Entity 2HP04: Global socioeconomic analysis of fisheries and aquaculture and of their contribution to food security, poverty alleviation and economic growth

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Analysis and reporting of economic, social and nutritional contribution of capture fisheries i.a. to food security, particularly in developing countries
  601 Assessment of the economic, social and nutritional contribution of capture fisheries, inter alia to food security, poverty alleviation and economic growth in developing countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia Information products, systems, databases   Postponed
002   State of the World Fisheries and Aquaculture
  601 The 2006 edition of the State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 Review of the state of fisheries and aquaculture in Latin America and the Caribbean Information products, systems, databases   Cancelled
  603 Review of the state of fisheries and aquaculture in Africa Information products, systems, databases   Modified
  604 Updating of 40 Fishery Country Profiles Information products, systems, databases   Completed
003   Assessment of the impact of sustainable commercial aquaculture on food security, poverty alleviation and economic growth in developing countries
  601 Impact assessment of the contribution of commercial aquaculture to food security, poverty alleviation and economic growth: a Methodology Information products, systems, databases   Postponed
  602 Impact assessment of the contribution of commercial aquaculture to food security, poverty alleviation and economic growth: an Application to sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America Information products, systems, databases   Postponed
  603 International competitiveness of selected aquaculture species in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia Information products, systems, databases   Postponed
  604 Evaluation of social and economic impact of aquaculture Information products, systems, databases   Postponed
004   Fish demand and supply: global perspective analysis
  601 Report on a review and analysis of expectations for future fish production and consumption in major producer and consumer nations Information products, systems, databases   Cancelled

Programme Entity 2HS02: Promotion and Strengthening of Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Bodies and Arrangements

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Support to FAO and non-FAO Regional Fishery Bodies
  601 Report of nine sessions of FAO regional fishery bodies (APFIC, CECAF, CIFA, COPESCAL, EIFAC, GFCM, IOTC, RECOFI, WECAFC) Information exchange and coordination FIE RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SLAC   Modified
  603 Report of the sixth session Advisory Committee on Fisheries Research Information exchange and coordination FIE   Completed
  604 Technical papers on international instruments Capacity building FIE RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SLAC   Completed
  605 Technical papers and/or assistance and support for the establishment of new Regional Fisheries Bodies and/or arrangements Technical advice to Members and field programme support FIE RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SLAC   Completed
002   Liaison with UN and other Inter Governmental Organizations
  601 Report of the fifth Session of RFBs meeting International Undertakings, Agreements FIE   Modified
  602 Technical papers on the implementation and revision of the 1995 UN Fish stock Agreement International Undertakings, Agreements FIE   Completed
  603 Technical paper on the role and performances of Regional Fisheries Bodies in international fisheries International Undertakings, Agreements FIE   Postponed

Programme Entity 2HS03: Technical Support Services to Members and the Field Programme

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Advice on national policies and issues related to capture fisheries and aquaculture
  601 From six to ten national reviews and analysis of governance and policies for sustainable capture fisheries Policy and legislative advice FIE   Cancelled
  602 Industry-specific case studies on public policies and sustainability of aquaculture development Policy and legislative advice FIE   Cancelled
  603 Expert Consultation on practical means of developing a sustainable aquaculture feed industry in SS Africa Policy and legislative advice FIE RAF SAFR   Cancelled
  604 Expert Consultation on practical means of financing a private sector driven sustainable commercial aquaculture development in SS Africa Policy and legislative advice FIE RAF SAFR   Cancelled
003   Global and regional support to sectoral planning and national policy formulations for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture
  601 Development of strategies for mitigating the impact of HIV-AIDS in fisheries and aquaculture Policy and legislative advice   Modified
  602 Fish seed production as a sustainable economic enterprise in SS Africa: selected case studies Policy and legislative advice FIE RAF SAFR   Modified
  603 Development of user-friendly investment models for major commercial aquaculture species in SS Africa Policy and legislative advice FIE RAF SAFR   Postponed
  604 Preparation of a synthetic document on planning and policy formulation in aquaculture development Policy and legislative advice FIE   Postponed
004   Advice and technical support to governments and regional fishery bodies on fishery information and statistics programmes
  601 Technical advice to Members and support to the formulation and implementation of projects for the improvement of national statistical and information systems for enhanced status and trends reporting on fisheries and aquaculture (in collaboration, where possible, with the FISHCODE-STF project) Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW SLAC   Completed
  602 Advice and technical support to regional fishery bodies (e.g. through participation in working parties) for the improvement of regional fishery and aquaculture statistics Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed

Programme Entity 2HS04: Support to COFI and associated Meetings

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Support to COFI and associated Meetings
  601 Report of the twenty-seventh Session of COFI Information exchange and coordination FIE   Completed
  602 Declaration of the Ministerial Meeting International Undertakings, Agreements   Cancelled

Programme 2I: Fisheries and aquaculture management and conservation

Programme Entity 2IP01: Monitoring, Management and Conservation of Fishery Resources

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Information and data on biological characteristics and geographical distribution of fish species of commercial importance
  601 The GISFish Global Gateway to GIS, Remote Sensing and Mapping for Aquaculture and Inland Fisheries Information exchange and coordination   Cancelled
  602 GIS and RS for Open Ocean aquaculture Information exchange and coordination   Cancelled
  603 Database on water resources for aquaculture in Africa, Asia and Latin America Information products, systems, databases   Cancelled
  604 Aquatic Animal Diversity Information System (AADIS) Information products, systems, databases   Cancelled
  605 Development of National Aquaculture Sector Overview (NASO) Information products, systems, databases   Cancelled
  606 Development of Aquaculture Species Fact Sheets Information products, systems, databases   Cancelled
  607 Development of architecture for Inland fisheries and aquaculture information systems in FIGIS Information products, systems, databases   Cancelled
  608 Development of guidelines for standardized aquaculture information system Capacity building   Cancelled
  609 Development of database for aquaculture feed resources Information products, systems, databases   Cancelled
  610 Land and water use in aquaculture : Study/Analysis of Land Use Efficiency in aquaculture Information products, systems, databases   Cancelled
  611 Digitalization and Translation of aquaculture and inland fisheries documentations Information products, systems, databases   Cancelled
  612 Digitalization and Translation of aquaculture and inland fisheries documentations Information products, systems, databases   Cancelled
  614 Interactive electronic archive of geographical distribution and data on aquatic species of commercial importance Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  615 Inputs to global resources information systems and FIGIS - Development of the encyclopedia and species-related information section of the FAO-FI Fisheries Global Information System (FIGIS) as well as support to the development of FI Atlas, FI Web pages, FishBase, Cephbase and other species databases Information exchange and coordination   Completed
002   World, regional and national guides and catalogues on fishery resources
  601 Support to UN Inter-agency work: FAO Technical Secretariat support to GESAMP Information exchange and coordination   Cancelled
  602 Review of World Inland Fisheries Resources (Fisheries Circular 942 - Rev. 2) Information products, systems, databases   Cancelled
  603 Promotion of regional and inter-regional cooperation and partnership for aquaculture and inland fisheries development and management Information exchange and coordination   Cancelled
  604 Improvement of status and trends reporting in aquaculture (Including FC 886 Rev. 3) Information products, systems, databases   Cancelled
  605 Prospective analysis of future challenges in global aquaculture development (joint activity of FIPP/FIRI) Information products, systems, databases   Cancelled
  606 A thematic evaluation of aquaculture social and economic impacts (joint activity of FIPP/FIRI) Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Cancelled
  607 FAO Aquaculture Newsletter Information products, systems, databases   Cancelled
  608 World, regional and national guides and catalogues on living marine resources - Publications on marine living resources Information products, systems, databases   Completed
003   Indicators of ecosystem effects on fishery resources
  601 Study on possibilities of the NACA type arrangements in the Americas and Africa Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Cancelled
  602 Secretariat support to GFCM-CAQ and RECOFI WG on Aquaculture Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Cancelled
  603 Technical support to GFCM Aquaculture network Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Cancelled
  604 Secretariat support to EIFAC 24th Session and its Sub-Commissions and Symposium Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Cancelled
  605 Secretariat of the 3rd Session of COFI Sub-Committee on Aquaculture Information exchange and coordination   Cancelled
  606 Technical Support to regional fisheries bodies (CIFA, COPESCA, etc) Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  607 Publications on implications of hydropower on inland fish and fisheries Information products, systems, databases   Completed
004   Biennial review of the State of World Fishery Resources
  602 Biennial review of the State of Marine Fishery Resources Information products, systems, databases   Completed
005   Stock assessment, resources management and risk assessment methodologies

Programme Entity 2IP02: Monitoring, Management and Conservation of Resources for Aquaculture Development

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Methodologies for management and conservation of resources used by aquaculture
  601 Methodology on environmental risk assessment and communication for coastal aquaculture Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  602 Environmental Impact Assessment and Monitoring in Aquaculture (Component 2 of Japanese TF project) Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  603 Studies and analyses on utilized aquatic biodiversity and alien species Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Postponed
  604 Study and analysis on use of feed and nutrient in sustainable aquaculture development Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Postponed
  605 Studies on sustainable coastal aquaculture development and analysis of seed production Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  606 Study and analysis on seed production in small scale rural aquaculture Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  607 Study on integrated aquaculture development in coastal areas and watersheds in selected countries Information exchange and coordination   Postponed
  608 Studies & analyses on the application of the ecosystem approach to aquaculture production Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Postponed
002   International norms and technical guidelines for responsible management of aquaculture
  601 Progress Reporting on implementation of aquaculture related CCRF provisions by member countries (for COFI Sub-Committee on Aquaculture) Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  602 Guidelines on genetic resources management in aquaculture and inland fisheries Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Postponed
  603 Technical guidelines on good on-farm feeds and feeding management Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Postponed
  604 Guidelines for sustainable intensification of aquaculture Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Cancelled
  605 Guidelines on better management practices in shrimp farming Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Modified
  606 Regular reporting through GESAMP on marine environment and to CSD on ocean and coastal affairs and freshwater resources Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  607 Procedures, norms and standards on application of risk analysis in aquaculture Policy and legislative advice   Completed
  608 Studies on environmental costs of aquaculture production in comparison with other food production sectors Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  609 Guidelines on sustainable coastal aquaculture development (FAO/NACA Workshop on Mariculture) Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  610 Methodology and technical guidelines on safety and quality of aquaculture products (joint FIIU/FIRI activity funded by Japanese TF) Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Modified
  611 Guidelines on health management and transfers of live aquatic animals Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  612 Guidelines for certification scheme of aquaculture products International Undertakings, Agreements RAP   Completed
003   Studies and methodologies for improved efficiency and intensification of aquaculture production systems
  601 Studies on efficient water use in aquaculture Information exchange and coordination   Cancelled
  602 Genetic technology in aquaculture and inland fisheries Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Cancelled
  603 Studies and analyses on valuation of genetic resources use efficiency Information exchange and coordination   Cancelled
  604 Studies and analyses on biodiversity / biotechnology in aquaculture in selected countries and regions Information products, systems, databases   Cancelled
  605 Methodology and guidelines for sustainable fisheries enhancement, especially stocking, in inland water bodies Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Cancelled
  606 Study on use of fish to feed cultured fish and its implications on food security and poverty alleviation (FIPP/FIRI joint activity funded by Japanese TF) Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Postponed
  607 Study on diversification of marine aquaculture (in selected regions) Information exchange and coordination   Cancelled
  608 Study on use of wild fish/fishery resources for aquaculture production (funded by Japanese TF) Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  609 Study on sustainable mollusc aquaculture for rural development in coastal areas (in selected countries) Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  610 Methodology on health management and updating APPQIS Information exchange and coordination   Modified
  611 African Water Resource Database - Pub and CD ROM (printing) Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  612 Regional Workshops on using different aquatic resources for livelihoods in Africa and Latin America Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Cancelled
  613 Studies and analyses on Integrated and Organic Fish Farming Information exchange and coordination   Postponed
  614 Studies and analyses of inland aquaculture with special emphasis on integrated small-scale rural aquaculture development Information exchange and coordination   Postponed
  615 Methodologies and indicators for appraisal and evaluation of aquaculture for sustainable rural livelihood development Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Postponed
004   Studies, analyses, monitoring and reporting of aquaculture development and trends
  601 Support to UN Inter-agency work and FAO Technical Secretariat support to GESAMP Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  602 Promotion of regional and inter-regional cooperation and partnership for aquaculture and inland fisheries development and management Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  603 Improvement of status and trends reporting in aquaculture (Including FI Cir. 886 Rev. 3) Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  604 Prospective analysis of future challenges in global aquaculture development (joint activity of FIPP/FIRI) Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  605 A thematic evaluation of aquaculture social and economic impacts (joint activity of FIPP/FIRI) Information exchange and coordination   Modified
  606 FAO Aquaculture Newsletter (3 issues/year) Information exchange and coordination   Modified
  607 Study on possibilities of the NACA type arrangements in the Americas and Africa International Undertakings, Agreements   Modified
  608 Secretariat support to GFCM-CAQ and RECOFI WG on Aquaculture Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  609 Technical support to GFCM Aquaculture network Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  610 Secretariat support to EIFAC 24th Session and its Sub-Commissions and Symposium Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  611 Secretariat of the 3rd Session of COFI Sub-Committee on Aquaculture Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  612 Technical Support to FAO regional fisheries bodies (CIFA, COPESCA, etc) Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  613 Promotion of inter-regional cooperation in aquaculture development among different regions Information exchange and coordination   Postponed
005   Knowledge resources, information systems and technical databases on aquaculture
  601 The GISFish Global Gateway to GIS, Remote Sensing and Mapping for Aquaculture and Inland Fisheries Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 GIS and Remote Sensing for Open Ocean Aquaculture Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  603 Database on water resources for aquaculture in Africa, Asia and Latin America Information products, systems, databases   Cancelled
  604 Fishery Information Network on Genetic Resources (FINGER)/DIAS Information products, systems, databases   Cancelled
  605 Aquatic Animal Diversity Information System (AADIS) Information products, systems, databases   Cancelled
  606 Development of National Aquaculture Sector Overview (NASO) and National Aquaculture Legislation Overview (NALO) Information products, systems, databases   Modified
  607 Development of Aquaculture Species Fact Sheets Information products, systems, databases   Modified
  608 Development of architecture for Inland fisheries and aquaculture information systems in FIGIS Information products, systems, databases   Modified
  609 Guidelines for standardized aquaculture information system Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Postponed
  610 Database for aquaculture feed resources Information products, systems, databases   Postponed
  611 Land and water use in aquaculture : Study and Analysis of Land Use Efficiency in aquaculture Information exchange and coordination   Cancelled
  612 Digitalization and Translation of aquaculture and inland fisheries documentations Information products, systems, databases   Modified

Programme Entity 2IS01: Technical Support Services to Members and the Field Programme in the area of Fishery Resources

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
005   Technical assistance to member countries in fishery resources issues and resource management
  601 Technical assistance to member countries in marine fishery resources issues and resource management Technical advice to Members and field programme support FIM   Completed

Programme Entity 2IS02: Technical Support Services to Members and the Field Programme in the area of Aquaculture

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Provision of technical information and advice on aquaculture
  601 Technical information, advice and training to member countries Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
002   Provision of technical support to field project formulation and implementation in aquaculture
  601 Technical support and backstopping to field projects in aquaculture (average 70 projects annually) Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed

Programme 2J: Fisheries and aquaculture products and industry

Programme Entity 2JA02: Implementation of MCS

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Improvement of MCS at national level, in particular in developing countries
  601 Guidance on cost-effective use of MCS assets and technologies Capacity building RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Guidance on cooperation between fisheries and maritime control agencies on vessel registration Policy and legislative advice RAF RAP RLC   Completed
002   Support to international cooperation in MCS
  601 Study on global registration of fishing vessels Information products, systems, databases RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Guidelines on electronic data exchange Capacity building RAF RAP RLC   Completed

Programme Entity 2JA03: Capacity Building for Aquaculture and Small-Scale Fisheries Development

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Sustainable and cost-efficient fishing technologies and infrastructure
  601 Guidelines and extension materials for the promotion of responsible and efficient small-scale fishing technologies Capacity building RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Improved on-board handling of catches and reduction of waste Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  603 Support to artisanal landing site design and management Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC   Completed
002   Participatory and socio-economic approaches and methods
  601 Guidelines and advice on the use of demographic indicators in small-scale fisheries Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Guidelines and advice on participatory approaches Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  603 Guidelines and advice on micro-finance and fisher organisations Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  604 Advice to regional agricultural credit associations on provision of credit for small and medium scale fisheries enterprises Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC SAPA SLAC   Completed
004   Training and information dissemination networks
  601 Establishment of networks of training institutes to develop and deliver educational materials and advice on small-scale fisheries Capacity building RAF RAP RLC   Postponed
  602 Preparation of training materials to service various levels of stakeholders Capacity building RAF RAP RLC   Postponed
005   Procedures for providing emergency assistance to fishermen
  601 Disaster preparedness and contingency planning for emergency relief Capacity building RAF RAP RLC   Completed

Programme Entity 2JP01: Utilization, safety and quality of fishery products

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Strengthening and capacity building in fish inspection and quality assurance
  601 Organization of the 7th World Congress on Fish Inspection and quality Assurance International Undertakings, Agreements   Completed
  602 Assistance to strengthen fish inspection and quality assurance framework in selected developing countries Capacity building RAF SLAC   Completed
  603 Training course on the application of HACCP in aquaculture Capacity building SLAC   Completed
002   Support to the work of Codex on fish safety and quality
  601 Support and participation to the session of the Codex Committee of fish and fishery products and relevant intersessional working groups International Undertakings, Agreements   Completed
  602 Contribution to the FAO/WHO work on fish safety and quality in support to member countries and to the relevant Codex committees International Undertakings, Agreements   Completed
  603 Updates on the causes of detentions and rejection in international fish trade Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Postponed
003   Assessment and management of fish safety and quality control systems
  601 Training workshop on the use of risk analysis in the fish industry Capacity building   Completed
  602 Development of guidelines and training materials for the application of risk analysis in the fish industry Capacity building   Completed
  603 Training on traceability in the fish industry Capacity building RAF SLAC   Completed
005   Development and dissemination of appropriate technologies to reduce post harvest losses
  601 Methodology to assess post-harvest losses Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Postponed
  602 Technical guidelines for the reduction of post-harvest losses Capacity building   Postponed
  603 Workshop for the dissemination of post harvest reduction technology Capacity building   Completed
006   Support to improved fish handling on-board, during landing and distribution for domestic markets
  601 Expert Consultation on improving fish utilization in Africa Information exchange and coordination RAF   Completed
  602 Experimental introduction of improved fish handling practices on-board and after landing Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  603 Assistance to improve domestic fish marketing Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed

Programme Entity 2JP02: Fish trade and marketing

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Development and maintenance of Globefish
  601 Maintenance of the Globefish databank Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 Regular Globefish reports on fish marketing and trade Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  603 Organization of the meeting of Globefish partners Information exchange and coordination   Completed
002   Coordination and strengthening of the Fish Marketing Information Services (InfoNetwork)
  601 Meeting of the FishInfonetwork FIN Directors Information exchange and coordination   Postponed
  602 Participation to the FIN Governing Council meetings Information exchange and coordination RNE   Completed
003   Monitoring, studies and advise on major issues impacting fish marketing and trade 
  601 Studies of major issues impacting international fish trade Information products, systems, databases RAF   Completed
  602 Support to the organization of international fish trade conferences Information exchange and coordination RNE   Completed
004   Supervision and monitoring of the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) funded projects
  601 Evaluation and supervision of CFC funded fishery projects Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF   Completed
  602 Field missions to review progress of CFC fishery projects Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
005   Organization of and follow-up to biennial sessions of COFI Sub-Committee on Fish Trade
  601 Organization of the 10th session of the COFI Subcommittee on fish trade Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  602 Follow up on the recommendations of the 10th COFI Sub-Committee on fish trade Information exchange and coordination RAF RNE SLAC   Completed

Programme Entity 2JP03: Improving the safety of fishing operations

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
002   Standards related to Operational Safety and Health of Fishermen
  601 Development of international standards on the safety of small fishing vessels in cooperation with IMO and ILO International Undertakings, Agreements RAF RAP   Completed
  602 Development of national standards on safety of small fishing vessels Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP   Completed
003   Support to safety-at-sea measures
  601 Guidance on fishing vessel safety Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP SAPA SLAC   Completed
  602 Impact of fisheries management on operational safety Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP   Postponed

Programme Entity 2JS01: Technical Support Services to Members and the Field Programme

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Support and advice to UN or non UN agencies/organizations, Regional Fisheries Bodies, FAO Regional Offices, Member Nations and FAO units
  601 Support and advice to UN or non UN agencies/organizations, Regional Fisheries Bodies, FAO Regional Offices, Member Nations and FAO units Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RLC   Completed
002   Project identification, design/formulation, technical appraisal, technical backstopping/monitoring
  601 Project identification, design/formulation, technical appraisal, technical backstopping/monitoring Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RLC   Completed
003   Information base and analysis of fishing fleets and gear, and technological developments related to their operation, efficiency and safety in support of Atlas, FIGIS etc
  601 Information base of fishing fleets and gear in support of Atlas, FIGIS, etc. Information products, systems, databases RAF RLC   Completed
004   Support to field operations, advice to other UN organizations and NGOs
  004 Support to field operations, Other UN agencies and NGOs Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
005   Support to fish technology research and training institutes and extension services
006   Project identification, design/formulation, backstopping and monitoring in fish utilization and trade

Programme 2K: Sustainable natural resources management

Programme Entity 2KA01: Agricultural Water Use Efficiency, Quality and Conservation

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
007   Guidelines for evaluating and improving water use efficiency and water productivity
  601 CROPWAT version 8 - A computer software used to calculate crop water and irrigation requirements, to develop irrigation schedules under various management conditions and to evaluate rainfed production and drought effects. Capacity building NRL RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  602 AQUACROP prototype - A new generation model addressing crop water requirements and productivity under all water supply and future "climate change" conditions. Capacity building NRL RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  603 Benchmark methodology for water use efficiency and water productivities in different agricultural systems Technical advice to Members and field programme support NRL RAF RAP RLC RNE   Postponed
  605 Capacity building and training activities and events on water use efficiency and water productivity Capacity building NRL RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
008   Methodologies for modernizing irrigation and drainage systems, and advice on associated institutional reforms
  601 Technical briefs on water saving technologies Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Modified
  602 Guidelines and computer programs for planning, design of land drainage systems and guidelines for performance evaluation. Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  603 Worldwide survey on the use of remote sensing techniques for identification of salt affected areas in irrigation districts. Information products, systems, databases   Postponed
  604 Preliminary works for certification of training and competencies in irrigation and drainage Capacity building RAF RAP RNE   Postponed
  605 Guidelines for Design and Modernization of irrigation and drainage management (Gravity and pressurized techniques) Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Postponed
  606 Training packages for Irrigation Canal Management Capacity building RAF RAP RLC RNE   Postponed
  607 Improved Rapid Appraisal of Performance of Irrigation and drainage Systems Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Modified
  608 promotion, assistance and capacity buidling for irrigation modernization in Asia Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Postponed
009   Frameworks for the formulation and implementation of agricultural water policy at national level and across transboundary river-basins and aquifers
  601 Special Publication Groundwater and Agricultural Transitions Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC RNE   Modified
  602 Irrigation Investment Opportunities for SSA Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF   Completed
  603 Natural Resource Policy Training sub-module (for Capacity Building IWDG) Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  604 Review of irrigation policy and strategy implementation Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC RNE   Postponed
010   Strategies for improved water quality management and environmental-impact mitigation
  601 Regional publications on Arsenic in irrigation water and food chain effects Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAP RNE   Completed
  602 Worldwide survey on development of agricultural applications of water desalination. Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  603 Proceedings of workshops (2) on management of water quality in agriculture Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAP RNE   Modified
  604 Knowledge network and information database on waste water reuse for agriculture and water quality monitoring Information products, systems, databases RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  605 Publications (3) (jointly with WHO) on water, health and environment Policy and legislative advice   Completed
  606 Biofuels and environmental water quality Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
011   International Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage (IPTRID)
  601 Technical studies on the uptake of research, exchange of technology and management innovations in irrigation and drainage in developing countries (3) Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  602 Establishment of thematic networks (3) of knowledge exchange in support of sustainable irrigated agriculture Information exchange and coordination   Completed

Programme Entity 2KA05: Land Tenure, Agrarian Reform and Access to Natural Resources

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Policy materials on sustainable, affordable approaches for access to land and other natural resources
  601 Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives Journal Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 Normative materials on land tenure support in emergencies Capacity building   Completed
  603 Policy materials on state acquisition of land and compensation Policy and legislative advice   Completed
002   Methodologies for national arrangements to provide improved land tenure security
  601 Normative materials on increasing tenure security through improved land administration Capacity building   Completed
  602 Network on land tenure administration institutions Information exchange and coordination   Completed

Programme Entity 2KA06: Integrated Land, Water and Production Systems Policies, Planning and Management

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
011   Strategies for Integrated Natural Resources Management at Agro-ecosystem, Watershed and District Levels
  601 Guideline on sustainable wetland management Capacity building NRL RAF SAFR SFC SFW   Postponed
  602 Guidelines for institutional arrangements for Payment for environmental services Capacity building NRL RAP   Modified
  603 Guidance for land and water management in rural watersheds Capacity building NRL RAF RNE SAFR SEC SFW SNEA   Completed
  604 Agriculture and Land and Water Use Commission for the Near East (ALAWUC) Policy and legislative advice NRL RNE   Completed
012   Mechanisms and Policy guidelines for cross-sectoral management of natural resources for food and ecosystems
  601 Knowledge exchange on cross-sectoral policies for LW management Information exchange and coordination NRL RAP   Completed
  602 Guidance on approaches to cross-sectoral policies in LW management Policy and legislative advice NRL RAF RAP SEC SFW   Modified
  603 Framework for groundwater recharge enhancement Capacity building NRL RNE SFW SNEA   Completed
013   Methods for Improving Soil Moisture and run-off management in rainfed agriculture with focus on Drought Mitigation
  601 Guidelines for water harvesting and supplementary irrigation Capacity building NRL RAF RNE SAFR SEC SFW SNEA   Postponed
  602 Climate impact on soil moisture regime and response Capacity building NRL RAF RNE SAFR SEC SFW SNEA   Completed
014   Natural resources analysis, including land degradation assessment and mitigation methodologies
  601 Land use and evaluation guidelines Capacity building NRL   Completed
  602 Direct support to LADA International Undertakings, Agreements NRL RAF SAFR SEC SFC SFE SFW SNEA   Completed
  603 Guidance on land degradation mitigation Capacity building NRL   Completed

Programme Entity 2KA07: Forests and Water

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
006   Advice and assistance on forest practices ,strategies and policies for effective watershed management
  601 Improve the understanding of the interface between forests/trees and water as well as of the cultural and socio-economic impacts of different forest and water policies and management practices through the backstopping of field projects as well as through normative activities. Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  602 Implement pilot activities for the field testing and demonstration of innovative approaches related to integrated watershed management. Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  603 Support countries in the development and implementation of sound and scientifically based national policies and action programmes related to integrated watershed management as well as the role of trees and tree-based systems in the conservation of water resources. Policy and legislative advice RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  604 Establish or strengthen partnerships with other organisations working on issues related to forests and water. Information exchange and coordination RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  605 Support to international cooperation, processes and institutions on issues related to the interface between forest and water, to forest practices as well as to integrated watershed management (such as for example the CBD, the Mountain Partnership, the International Consortium on Landslides, the Mountain Research Initiative, ICIMOD, the Mountain Forum, the IUCN Mountain Task Force, etc.). International Undertakings, Agreements   Completed
007   Capacity building for the implementation of sustainable management strategies and programmes for mountain watershed and upland resources
  601 Develop, disseminate and exchange communication materials such as guidelines, practical tools and training materials on experiences, research results, best practices and innovative approaches in integrated watershed management, the role of forests in water resources management as well as disaster reduction and mitigation methods, mainly targeting policy makers. Capacity building RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  602 Raise awareness and build capacity of stakeholders and partners on forest hydrology and the management of watersheds, particularly also in the context of upstream/downstream linkages, through the implementation of national and regional workshops. Capacity building RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  603 Service the 25th Session of the European Forestry Commission Working Party on the Management of Mountain Watersheds. Information exchange and coordination   Completed

Programme Entity 2KA09: Impact of Fishing on the Environment

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Assessment of the environmental impact of fishing operations
  601 Reviews of the impact of fishing gears on habitats and biodiversity Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC SLAC   Completed
  602 Studies on the environmental impacts of marine debris and lost fishing gear Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC RNE SLAC   Completed
  603 Reviews of gear selectivity measures with regard to target and bycatch species Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  604 Case studies on energy optimization with particular reference to specific fish stock harvesting options Information exchange and coordination RAF RAP RLC   Completed
002   Global studies on the development and current status of shrimp trawling
  601 Guidelines for the installation and proper use of bycatch reduction devices (BRDs) Capacity building RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Global study on the status of shrimp trawling Information exchange and coordination RAF RAP RLC   Completed
003   Promotion of environmentally-friendly fishing
  601 Production and distribution of guidelines on best practices to reduce incidental catches of selected non-target species such as turtles and seabirds Capacity building RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Guidelines and advice for harvesting technologies in deep waters and environmentally sensitive areas Capacity building RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  603 Follow-up activities to IPOAs on seabirds International Undertakings, Agreements RAF RAP RLC   Completed

Programme Entity 2KP01: Secretariat of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA)

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Regular sessions of the CGRFA
  601 Regular sessions of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture International Undertakings, Agreements NRD   Completed
003   Development of internationally agreed policy and regulatory frameworks for animal and plant genetic resources (as well as other sectors)
  601 Coordination with relevant international processes International Undertakings, Agreements AGA NRD   Completed
004   Ethics in food and agriculture
  601 Meeting of the Panel of Eminent Experts on Ethics in Food and Agriculture, and two publications Information exchange and coordination NRD   Completed
005   Preparation and implementation of the Commission's rolling Multi-Year Programme of Work
  601 Preparation and implementation of the Commission's rolling Multi-Year Programme of Work International Undertakings, Agreements NRD   Completed

Programme Entity 2KP02: Land and Water Knowledge Management, Information Systems, Databases and Statistics

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Land-Related Information Systems and Products
  601 Improvement, updating and maintenance of a Land related Information System with applications, accessible via the Internet. Information products, systems, databases NRL RAF RAP RNE SAFR SLAC   Completed
  602 Expanded Soil and Terrain Databases published on CD ROM (Central Africa) Information products, systems, databases NRL RAF SAFR   Completed
  603 Updated and expanded Global Agroecological Zones published on CD ROM and on the Internet. Information products, systems, databases NRL RAF RAP RNE SAFR SLAC   Completed
  604 Update and Expansion Sub-national land use information (Agro-Maps) Information products, systems, databases NRL RAF RAP RNE SAFR SLAC   Completed
003   AQUASTAT and contributions to the World Water Development Report
  601 The AQUASTAT website, the database and key information improved, updated and maintained Information products, systems, databases NRL RAF RAP RNE SAFR   Completed
  602 Information on the countries of the Near and Middle East, Central Asia and part of South and Southeast Asia updated and expanded, and regional reports together with Regional Organizations in Africa prepared Information products, systems, databases NRL RAF RNE SAFR SLAC   Completed
  603 The global map of irrigation areas updated for Africa, Latin America and Former Soviet Union countries and evaluated (comparison with IWMI map) Information products, systems, databases NRL RAF RAP RNE SLAC   Completed
  604 First draft of Chapter for WWDR-3 prepared and UN-Water website up and running Information products, systems, databases NRL RAF RAP RNE SLAC   Completed
004   State of the World Land and Water Resources and contribution to Global Perspective Studies
  601 First State of the World Land and Water Resources (SOLAW) report prepared Information products, systems, databases NRL RAF RAP RNE SAFR SLAC   Postponed
005   Knowledge Exchange, Partnership strengthening and contribution to major fora
  601 Contribution to UN conventions and International Fora Information exchange and coordination NRL RAF RAP RNE SAFR SLAC   Completed

Programme Entity 2KP04: Economics of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
234   Environmental service markets for poverty reduction and food security
  601 Conceptual framework for analyzing the economics of environmental service incentives from agriculture Policy and legislative advice ESA   Completed
  602 Case studies, workshops and publications on seed commodity markets as a means of promoting sustainable utilization of crop genetic resources. Policy and legislative advice ESA   Postponed
  603 Analytical studies on the contributions of environmental service payments to food security and poverty reduction Policy and legislative advice ESA   Completed
  605 Improving natural resource use efficiency in the livestock sector Policy and legislative advice AGA ESA   Completed
260   Non-market evaluation methodologies for natural resources management and environmental development policy
  604 Methodology for measuring crop genetic diversity in agricultural supply chains. Policy and legislative advice ESA   Completed

Programme Entity 2KP06: Environmental Analysis and Support to Sustainable Agriculture

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Environmental and geospatial data, tools and analysis
  601 Integration and use of environmental and geospatial assessment and analysis tools. Information products, systems, databases NRC   Completed
  603 Delivery of near real-time environmental products. Information products, systems, databases NRC   Completed
  604 Crop monitoring support to food security programmes. Information products, systems, databases NRC   Completed
  606 Maintenance of FAO corporate geospatial data infrastructure (Fao-Sdi) and contribution to Un initiatives(Un-Sdi). International Undertakings, Agreements NRC   Completed
002   Environmental hotspots, land cover change and poverty mapping
  602 Geospatial tools and systems for environmental analysis of poverty and food insecurity. Information products, systems, databases NRC   Completed
003   Global environmental change analysis
  607 National, regional land cover maps and capacity building. Information products, systems, databases NRC   Completed
  608 Technical support to multilateral environmental agreements. International Undertakings, Agreements NRC   Completed
004   Bioenergy production systems, policy and use
  613 Implementation of International Bioenergy Platform. International Undertakings, Agreements NRC   Completed
  614 Capacity building for bioenergy policy development. Capacity building NRC   Completed
  615 Knowledge management, analysis on bioenergy. Information products, systems, databases NRC   Completed

Programme Entity 2KP07: Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Climate change adaptation and food security
  601 Analysis of forest adaptation treatment in national communications - procedures, techniques, future funding (w. UNFCCC and partners). Policy and legislative advice FOM NRC   Completed
  602 Analysis of the role of agriculture in climate change adaptation in Small Island Developing States Technical advice to Members and field programme support NRC   Completed
  603 Lessons learned from "Livelihood adaptation to climate change in drought prone areas of Bangladesh". Policy and legislative advice ESW NRC   Completed
  604 Case studies of strategies and approaches to climate change adaptation in selected communities. Policy and legislative advice ESW NRC   Completed
  605 Knowledge management and information dissemination on climate change adaptation and mitigation (portal maintenance, thematic knowledge network, information flyers and fact sheets on forestry CDM, etc). Information products, systems, databases ESW FOM NRC   Completed
  606 Development of a Mediterranean regional developing country network on technology transfer related to assessment of climate change impacts on agriculture. Technical advice to Members and field programme support NRC   Completed
  607 AgroMetShell (AMS) add-on for regional climate change impact assessment on crop production and phenology scenarios based on climate projections. Information products, systems, databases NRC   Completed
002   Climate change mitigation
  601 Forest definitions guidance for developing countries including for crown density in CDM projects. Policy and legislative advice FOM NRC   Completed
  603 Methodology development and regional workshops for pilot projects for afforestation and reforestation projects under CDM and Kyoto Protocol. Policy and legislative advice FOM NRC   Completed
  604 Side-events in regional forestry commission meetings (w. regional experts on forests and climate change issues). Information exchange and coordination FOM NRC   Completed
  607 Monthly newsletter on forestry and climate change, regular updating of forestry and climate change website, compendium on forestry and climate change (literature contents). Information products, systems, databases FOM NRC   Completed
  609 Coordination and participation in interdepartmental activities on climate change. Capacity building ESW FOM NRC   Completed
  610 Analysis of bioenergy role in climate change mitigation and associated CDM guidelines. Capacity building FOM NRC   Completed
004   Support to International climate change processes
  602 Inputs to FCCC COP's on adoption of terrestrial climate variables for national reporting on climate change. Information exchange and coordination FOM NRC   Completed
  603 Authorship for carbon assessments in 2006 Ipcc guidelines for land use and forestry. Policy and legislative advice FOM NRC   Completed
  604 Harmonized terminology for forests, biomass and carbon (w. FRA, IPCC) Policy and legislative advice FOM NRC   Completed
  605 Data collection and contribution to IPCC Emission Factor Database. Information products, systems, databases FOM NRC   Completed
  606 Inputs to negotiations for second commitment period of Kyoto Protocol (forestry side events, communications, technical advice). Technical advice to Members and field programme support FOM NRC   Completed
  607 Technical contributions FCCC secretariat (proposals to compensate developing countries for avoided emissions through reduced deforestation). Policy and legislative advice FOM NRC   Completed
  608 Support to preparation of FRA 2010; GFRA 2005 on biomass and carbon aspects; and bamboo in the carbon cycle (w. INBAR). Information products, systems, databases FOM NRC   Completed
  610 Technical guidance and operational support to member countries in implementing activities through Adaptation Fund modalities (w. UNFCCC, GEF, EU, others). Technical advice to Members and field programme support ESW FOM NRC   Completed
  611 Synergy among multi-lateral environmental agreements (UNFCCC, UNCCD, UNCBD) on common reporting variables related to agriculture, forestry and fisheries. International Undertakings, Agreements FOM NRC   Completed

Programme Entity 2KP08: Fragile Ecosystems

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Combating desertification
  601 Unccd coordination. International Undertakings, Agreements NRC   Completed
  602 Inter-departmental support to partnerships to combat desertification and land degradation. Capacity building NRC   Completed
  603 Production, maintenance, dissemination of normative products, databases to combat desertification. Information products, systems, databases NRC   Completed
002   Management and sustainable development of mountain areas
  601 Capacity building in integrated natural resources management. Capacity building NRC   Completed
  602 Natural resources management in mountain and highland areas. Policy and legislative advice NRC   Completed
  603 Support to observance of UN International Mountain Day, 2006-07. Information exchange and coordination NRC   Completed
  604 Support to implementation of Agenda 21 chapter 13 (Sustainable mountain development), WSSD, Mountain Partnership, other mountain processes. International Undertakings, Agreements NRC   Completed
  605 National implementation of sustainable mountain development. Technical advice to Members and field programme support NRC   Completed
003   Management and sustainable development of coastal areas
  601 Global initiative on coastal and delta ecosystems. Technical advice to Members and field programme support NRC   Completed
  602 Coastal GTOS networks and in situ sites in Mediterranean region. Technical advice to Members and field programme support NRC   Completed
  603 Coastal and wetlands management programmes with multilateral environmental agreements. International Undertakings, Agreements NRC   Completed

Programme Entity 2KS01: Technical Support Services to Members and the Field Programme

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Policy and technical assistance to member countries
  601 Direct support to Member Countries Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SLAC SNEA   Completed
002   Technical support to emergency operations
  601 Support on demand for emergency and relief activities Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SLAC SNEA   Completed
003   Assistance in project formulation and technical backstopping
  601 Ongoing support to the development and backstopping of the Field Programme, including SPFS Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SLAC SNEA   Completed
004   Assistance in operation of field projects
  601 Support in operation of the on going field projects Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RNE   Completed

Programme 2L: Technology, research and extension

Programme Entity 2LA01: Strengthening National Agricultural Research and Extension Systems

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Liaison with the CGIAR, the GFAR, and other international partners in agricultural research and extension
  601 Maintenance and fostering of partnerships with CGIAR, GFAR and research and extension networks and fora Other RAF REU RNE   Completed
  602 Harmonisation of biosafety regulatory frameworks at regional level and strengthening of national biosafety systems Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  603 Secretariat of IDWG Biotechnology and liaison with other UN agencies International Undertakings, Agreements   Completed
002   Support to research and extension policy development and strategic planning
  601 Conceptual frameworks and tools for research and extension policy development and planning Policy and legislative advice RAF REU RNE   Completed
  602 Studies for policy advice on biotechnology application in developing and transition countries Policy and legislative advice RAF REU RNE   Completed
  603 Revision and updating of the Glossary of Biotechnology for Food and Agriculture Information products, systems, databases NRR   Completed
003   Strengthening of institutional and human capacities of national agricultural research and extension systems and their linkages
  601 Guidelines and training material for analysis, reform and strengthening of research, extension and institutional linkages Capacity building RAF REU RNE   Completed
  602 Conceptual frameworks for strengthening and harmonization of National Biosafety Systems Capacity building ESW NRR REU   Completed
004   Innovative tools and approaches for knowledge sharing and decision-making in research and extension
  601 Web-based Research and Extension Portal Information products, systems, databases RAF REU RNE   Completed
  602 Innovative approaches, mechanisms and tools for information sharing and decision making in technology, research and extension Information products, systems, databases RAF REU RNE   Completed
  603 Identification and dissemination of proven technologies in support of food security and natural resources management. Information exchange and coordination   Completed

Programme Entity 2LP01: Secretariat of the CGIAR Science Council

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Advice on CGIAR science policy, priorities and strategy, and resource allocation
  601 Strategic advice to CGIAR on research policy, priorities and strategy and on resource allocation. Technical advice to Members and field programme support NRD   Completed
002   Assessments of relevance and quality of science in the CGIAR through external and peer reviews
  601 Performance of selected CGIAR center core programmes, system-wide programmes and challenge programmes evaluated through external programme reviews, and thematic and cross-center reviews and studies. Other NRD   Completed
003   Ex-post impact assessment of CGIAR activities
  601 Ex-post impact assessment of major CGIAR investments, and development of appropriate ex-post impact assessment methodologies and guidelines. Other NRD   Completed
004   Organization and implementation of SC meetings
  601 Meetings of the Science Council effectively organized and implemented, leading to the finalization of major documents presented to the CGIAR at its annual general meeting. Information exchange and coordination NRD   Completed
005   Dissemination of information and documentation to SC and CGIAR members and stakeholders of SC decisions, reports, strategic studies and reviews
  601 Publication of strategic studies, external review reports and Science Council meeting reports. Technical advice to Members and field programme support NRD   Completed
  602 Dissemination of Science Council documents among CGIAR members, centers and other stakeholders. Information exchange and coordination NRD   Completed
  603 Further development, updating and maintenance of the Science Council Web site with recent and past documents and information posted. Information products, systems, databases NRD   Completed

Programme Entity 2LS01: Technical Support Services to Members and the Field Programme

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Direct advice to Member Countries and Support to the Field Programme
  601 Assistance to member countries in strengthening agricultural research, extension and their linkages Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed

Programme 2M: Rural infrastructure and agro-industries

Programme Entity 2MA04: Fostering competitive agro-industries

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
004   Global and regional knowledge networking and partnerships strengthened
  601 Strengthened knowledge platforms and information networks Information products, systems, databases AGS RAP   Completed
  602 International conference on competitive agro-industries Information exchange and coordination AGS RAP   Postponed
  603 Technical workshops for knowledge exchange and strategy development Capacity building AGS RAF RAP RLC SEUR SFE   Completed
  604 Development of inter-agency programmes to support agro-industry and enterprise development Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGS RAP   Completed
005   Enabling environments for agri-business and agro-industry development
  601 Comparative appraisal of policy and institutional support for agribusiness and agro-industry development Policy and legislative advice RAF RAP RLC SEUR   Completed
  602 Workshops and briefs addressing constraints on competitiveness of agro-industries Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGS RAP RLC SFE   Completed
  603 Guidance on financial services and products that meet the needs of agro-enterprises Capacity building AGS   Completed
  604 Guidance on policy and legal frameworks for contract farming Policy and legislative advice AGS RAP SEUR SFE   Cancelled
  605 Enabling environments for food product and process innovations in Korea and Thailand Information products, systems, databases AGS   Modified
  606 Publications and briefs on policy approaches to Informal Food Sector Information exchange and coordination AGS   Completed
  607 Study of the roles, functions and achievements of inter-professional industry associations in developing countries Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  608 Study on agroenterprise clusters Other   Completed
006   Capacity building for small and medium scale agro-enterprises, business linkages and value chains
  601 Training materials and programmes to improve technical, managerial and operational performance of SMEs Capacity building AGS RAF RAP RNE   Completed
  602 Toolkits and technical guides on value chain development, business linkages and value adding technologies Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGS RAF RAP RNE   Completed
  603 Case studies and pilot actions to support value chains and SMEs Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGS RAF RAP   Completed
007   Ensuring product quality and safety in agro-industries
  601 Technical and economic appraisals for enhancing food safety and quality in agro-industries and associated food chains Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGS RAF   Completed
  602 Training materials and programmes to assist SME agrifood processors to apply quality and safety assurance procedures and tools Capacity building AGS RAF   Completed
  603 Technical and business models to guide food chain actors in addressing factors affecting compliance with quality and safety Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGS RAF   Completed
008   Developing competitive animal product processing
  601 Improved capacity support materials and approaches for small to medium scale milk and meat processors Capacity building AGA RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Options for optimising milk and meat returns for small-scale producers Capacity building AGA RAP RLC   Completed

Programme Entity 2MA05: Enhancing small farmer income, employment and livelihoods

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Strengthening farmer market linkages and services
  601 Training materials, workshops and studies to assist governments, NGOs and farmer organizations to reinforce farmer-market linkages Capacity building AGS RAP RLC SEUR SFE   Completed
  602 Technical guides for field and post-harvest equipment supply, after sales service, contracting, maintenance and repair Capacity building AGS RAF RAP   Completed
  603 Business models for integrated provision of services and inputs to small farmers Policy and legislative advice AGS RAP SFE   Completed
  604 Guides and good practices for strengthening financial linkages, products and services for small farmers Capacity building AGS RAP   Completed
002   Capacity building for diversification, enterprise development and value-adding activities
  601 Appraisal and dissemination of information on opportunities for farm enterprise diversification Information products, systems, databases AGS RAF RAP RLC SEUR SFE   Completed
  602 Technical guidelines on increasing labour productivity and value addition through farm equipment and post-harvest technologies Capacity building AGS RAF   Completed
  603 Materials and approaches to support capacity building by field agents and through farmer schools and groups Capacity building AGS RAP RLC SEUR SFE   Modified
  604 Support to community-level programmes for diversification and enterprise development Capacity building AGS RAP RLC SFE   Completed

Programme Entity 2MP02: Rural Infrastructure Development

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Enhanced partnerships and knowledge networking for rural infrastructure development
  601 Technical consultation and report on rural infrastructure: issues and challenges Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGS RAF   Completed
  602 Partner meeting report on priorities, strategies and partnership framework for knowledge networks Information exchange and coordination FRA   Completed
  603 Technical support for NEPAD infrastructure initiative and for the elaboration of bankable projects Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF   Completed
  604 Database on public and private organizations working on rural infrastructure development. Information products, systems, databases AGS RAF RAP   Cancelled
002   Models and good practices for rural infrastructure needs assessment, planning, design, management and financing
  601 Comparative appraisal of public-private partnerships in rural infrastructure development Policy and legislative advice REU SEU   Completed
  602 Briefs on good practices for rural infrastructure development and management Information products, systems, databases AGS   Completed
  603 Technical reports to support rural infrastructure development Capacity building AGS RAF RAP RLC SEUR SFE   Completed

Programme Entity 2MS01: Technical Support Services to Members and the Field Programme

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Field programme support
  601 Field programme support on rural infrastructure, agro-industries and small farmer income and livelihoods Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGS RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR SFE   Completed
  602 Technical support to national food security and emergency programmes Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGS RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR SFE   Completed
  603 Support to Mechanization Initiative for sub-Saharan Africa Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  604 Support to Global Post Harvest Initiative Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Cancelled
002   Advisory support to member countries
  601 Direct advice to member countries on rural infrastructure, agro-industries and small farmer income and livelihoods Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGS RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR SFE   Completed
  602 Inter-programme collaboration including support to PAIAs and cross cutting IDWGs Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGS   Completed

CUBATable of ContentsTable of ContentsProgramme Entity 2KP01 Output Status