CUBATable of ContentsTable of ContentsProgramme Entity 2KP01 Output Status

Programme 3A: Leveraging resources and investment

Programme Entity 3AP02: Financing for FAO Projects and Programmes

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Strategic cooperation agreements with multilateral and bilateral donors concluded/renewed
  601 Development of two strategic partnerships (cooperation agreements) with Sweden and Finland and initiation of negotiations towards a strategic partnership with Canada and USA. Mobilization of funds up to 1.5 billion in FAO projects and programmes Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCA   Completed
  602 Cooperation modalities developed in response to demand and to limit transaction costs for all parties involved. FAO's support harmonized and coordinated with that of other UN agencies and stakeholders Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCA   Completed
002   Dialogue and information exchange maintained with donors with a view to increasing project and programme cooperation at country level
  601 Opportunities for dialogue and information exchange (e.g. meetings at various levels) created and facilitated in close collaboration with units concerned (e.g. technical units, decentralized offices, etc.) Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCA   Completed
  602 Donors profiles formulated and continuously updated for on-line dissemination through FAO intranet Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCA   Completed
003   Adequate pipeline of project and programme proposals vis-a-vis broadening range of funding partners
  602 With a view to increase resources at country level, operational arrangements made for corporate effort (e.g. definition of authority and responsibility between units concerned and, in particular, between HQ and decentralized offices, FAORs training, supervisory and advisory arrangements, etc. Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCA   Completed
  603 Biennial targets to be established in consultation with units concerned Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
004   Mobilizing resources from decentralized public institutions in collaboration with central governments for joint programmes and projects
  601 Policy Framework for decentralized Cooperation Policy and legislative advice TCA   Completed
  602 Resource mobilization Other TCA   Completed
  603 Cooperation agreements with local entities International Undertakings, Agreements TCA   Completed
  604 Consolidation of procedures Information exchange and coordination TCA   Completed
005   Coordination and Implementation of the Associate Professional Officer (APO) and related programmes
  601 Negotiation and preparation of APO and related agreements with interested donors/partners Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCD   Completed
  602 Identification of corporate offices needs and management of APO and related programmes (including selection, recruitment and monitoring assignments) Information exchange and coordination TCD   Completed
006   Information and promotional material in support of resources mobilization to FAO projects and programmes
  601 Develop promotional material i) to increase TC's image with development partners, ii) to emphasize donor visibility and iii) to highlight member country needs (specially in case of emergency). Information exchange and coordination TCD   Completed
007   Contacts with traditional donors and new potential funding sources on FAO's emergency response and rehabilitation operations
  601 Resource mobilisation strategy for FAO emergency and post-crisis programme Other   Completed
  602 Communication materials on FAO's role and activities in emergency context Information exchange and coordination   Completed

Programme Entity 3AP03: Preparation and Formulation of National and Regional Programmes on Food Security, Agricultural and Rural Development

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Formulation of Agriculture and Rural Development National and Regional Programmes
  601 Formulation of Agriculture and Rural Development National Programmes Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCO   Completed
  602 Formulation of Agriculture and Rural Development Regional Programmes Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCO   Completed
002   Formulation of SPFS, NPFS and RPFS
  601 Formulation of NPFS programmes Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCO   Completed
  602 Formulation of RPFS programmes Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCO   Completed
003   Formulation of SSC within the framework of SPFS, NPFS and RPFS
  601 Formulation of SSC Agreements Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCO   Completed

Programme Entity 3AS01: World Bank Cooperative Programme

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   World Bank CP - Sector Review
  601 Support to Sector Reviews in Asia and Pacific, Europe, Near East, Africa, Central Asia, Latin America and Caribbean Information exchange and coordination SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed
002   World Bank CP - Project Formulation
  601 Support to Project Formulation in Asia and Pacific, Europe, Near East, Africa, Central Asia, Latin America and Caribbean Technical advice to Members and field programme support SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed
003   World Bank CP - Project Supervision
  601 Support to Project Supervision in Asia and Pacific, Europe, Near East, Africa, Central Asia, Latin America and Caribbean Technical advice to Members and field programme support SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed

Programme Entity 3AS08: Resource Mobilization for Member States

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Advocacy initiatives developed for greater budget allocations
  601 Advocacy intiatives to be developed during the biennium to be identified, including dissemination of ODA trends and related funding mechanisms. Mobilization of ODA resources in support of national and regional development initiatives Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  602 Develop a portfolio and strenghthen FAO's capacities and collaboration with GEF Information exchange and coordination   Completed

Programme Entity 3AS12: Rome-based UN Agencies

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   IFAD - Sector Review
  601 IFAD - Support to Sector Reviews in Asia and Pacific, Europe, Near East, Africa, Central Asia, Latin America and Caribbean Information exchange and coordination SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed
002   IFAD - Project Formulation
  601 IFAD - Support to Project Formulation in Asia and Pacific, Europe, Near East, Africa, Central Asia, Latin America and Caribbean Technical advice to Members and field programme support SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed
003   IFAD - Project Supervision
  601 IFAD - Support to Project Supervision in Asia and Pacific, Europe, Near East, Africa, Central Asia, Latin America and Caribbean Technical advice to Members and field programme support SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed
004   WFP - Sector Review
  601 WFP - Support to Sector Reviews in Asia and Pacific, Europe, Near East, Africa, Central Asia, Latin America and Caribbean Information exchange and coordination SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed
005   WFP - Project Formulation
  601 WFP - Support to Project Formulation in Asia and Pacific, Europe, Near East, Africa, Central Asia, Latin America and Caribbean Technical advice to Members and field programme support SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed
006   WFP - Project Supervision
  601 WFP - Support to Project Supervision in Asia and Pacific, Europe, Near East, Africa, Central Asia, Latin America and Caribbean Technical advice to Members and field programme support SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed

Programme Entity 3AS14: International, Regional and Sub-regional Financing Institutions and Bilateral Institutions

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
A01   European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Sector Review
  601 EBRD - Support to Sector Reviews Information exchange and coordination SEC TCI   Completed
A02   European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Project Formulation
  601 EBRD - Support to Project Formulation Technical advice to Members and field programme support SEC TCI   Completed
A03   European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Project Supervision
  601 EBRD - Support to Project Supervision Technical advice to Members and field programme support SEC TCI   Completed
B01   Asian Development Bank - Sector Review
  601 ASDB - Support to Sector Reviews Information exchange and coordination TCI   Completed
B02   Asian Development Bank - Project Formulation
  601 ASDB - Support to Project Formulation Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCI   Completed
B03   Asian Development Bank - Project Supervision
  601 ASDB - Support to Project Supervision Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCI   Completed
C01   Inter-American Development Bank - Sector Review
  601 IADB - Support to Sector Reviews Information exchange and coordination TCI   Completed
C02   Inter-American Development Bank - Project Formulation
  601 IADB- Support to Project Formulation Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCI   Completed
C03   Inter-American Development Bank - Project Supervision
  601 IADB- Support to Project Supervision Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCI   Completed
D01   Islamic Development Bank - Sector Review
  601 IsDB - Support to Sector Reviews Information exchange and coordination TCI   Completed
D02   Islamic Development Bank - Project Formulation
  601 IsDB - Support to Project Formulation Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCI   Completed
D03   Islamic Development Bank - Project Supervision
  601 IsDB - Support to Project Supervision Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCI   Completed
E01   Corporacion Andina de Fomento - Sector Review
  601 CAF - Support to Sector Reviews Information exchange and coordination TCI   Completed
E02   Corporacion Andina de Fomento - Project Formulation
  601 CAF - Support to Project Formulation Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCI   Completed
E03   Corporacion Andina de Fomento - Project Supervision
  601 CAF - Support to Project Supervision Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCI   Completed
F01   African Development Bank - Sector Review
  601 AfDB - Support to Sector Reviews Information exchange and coordination SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed
F02   African Development Bank - Project Formulation
  601 AfDB - Support to Project Formulation Technical advice to Members and field programme support SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed
F03   African Development Bank - Project Supervision
  601 AfDB - Support to Project Supervision Technical advice to Members and field programme support SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed
G01   Other IFIs - Sector Review
  601 Other IFIs - Support to Sector Reviews Information exchange and coordination SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed
G02   Other IFIs - Project Formulation
  601 Other IFIs - Support to Project Formulation Technical advice to Members and field programme support SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed
G03   Other IFIs - Project Supervision
  601 Other IFIs - Support to Project Supervision Technical advice to Members and field programme support SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed
P01   Department for International Development - Sector Review
  601 DfID - Support to Sector Reviews Information exchange and coordination TCI   Completed
P02   Department for International Development - Project Formulation
  601 DfID - Support to Project Formulation Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCI   Completed
P03   Department for International Development - Project Supervision
  601 DfID - Support to Project Supervision Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCI   Completed
Q01   Gesellschaft fur Zusammenarbeit - Sector Review
  601 GTZ - Support to Sector Reviews Information exchange and coordination TCI   Completed
Q02   Gesellschaft fur Zusammenarbeit - Project Formulation
  601 GTZ - Support to Project Formulation Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCI   Completed
Q03   Gesellschaft fur Zusammenarbeit - Project Supervision
  601 GTZ - Support to Project Supervision Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCI   Completed
R01   Japan International Cooperation Agency - Sector Review
  601 JICA - Support to Sector Reviews Information exchange and coordination TCI   Completed
R02   Japan International Cooperation Agency - Project Formulation
  601 JICA - Support to Project Formulation Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCI   Completed
R03   Japan International Cooperation Agency - Project Supervision
  601 JICA - Support to Project Supervision Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCI   Completed
S01   European Union - Sector Review
  601 EU - Support to Sector Reviews Information exchange and coordination TCI   Completed
S02   European Union - Project Formulation
  601 EU - Support to Project Formulation Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCI   Completed
S03   European Union - Project Supervision
  601 EU - Support to Project Supervision Technical advice to Members and field programme support TCI   Completed
X01   Other Bilateral Inst. - Sector Review
  601 Other bilateral Institutions - Support to Sector Reviews Information exchange and coordination SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed
X02   Other Bilateral Inst. - Project Formulation
  601 Other bilateral Institutions - Support to Project Formulation Technical advice to Members and field programme support SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed
X03   Other Bilateral Inst. - Project Supervision
  601 Other bilateral Institutions - Support to Project Supervision Technical advice to Members and field programme support SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed

Programme Entity 3AS16: Support to FAO activities

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Support to FAO activities - Sector Review
  601 Support to Sector Reviews in Asia and Pacific, Europe, Near East, Central Asia, Latin America and Caribbean, North, Central, West, East and Southern Africa Information exchange and coordination SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed
002   Support to FAO activities - Project Formulation
  601 Support to Project Formulation in Asia and Pacific, Europe, Near East, Central Asia, Latin America and Caribbean, North, Central, West, East and Southern Africa Technical advice to Members and field programme support SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed
003   Support to FAO activities - Project Supervision
  601 Support to Project Supervision Asia and Pacific, Europe, Near East, Central Asia, Latin America and Caribbean, North, Central, West, East and Southern Africa Technical advice to Members and field programme support SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed
004   Capacity Building
  601 Capacity Building Capacity building SEC SFC SFE SFS SFW TCI   Completed

Programme 3B: Food and agriculture policy

Programme Entity 3BA01: Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping Systems (FIVIMS)

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Improved methods, techniques and tools for FIVIMS
  601 Guidelines and methodological tools on the processing and analysis of food consumption data from household surveys Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 Updating and expanding the database for nutrition country profiles. Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  603 Manuals, guidelines and software for nutrition assessment including dietary assessment. Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  604 Capacity building in dietary assessment survey methodology. Capacity building   Completed
  605 Methodological guidelines on (i) vulnerability analysis including risk management;(ii) Adoption of twin track approach in response to food security crises Capacity building ESA EST KCE   Completed
  606 Support to National Statistics Offices (NSO) with methodological tools for analyzing food consumption data from household budget surveys. Capacity building   Completed
  607 Coordination of FIVIMS Country Applications Task Force. Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  608 Guidelines for national FIVIMS on communication techniques to strengthen advocacy for better targeted action leading to enhanced food security Information products, systems, databases AGN ESA EST KCE RAP   Completed
  609 Guidelines in the use of FIVIMS information for policy formulation including in the context of poverty and hunger eradication. Policy and legislative advice ESA RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  610 Development of web and GIS-based information system tools for the analysis of environmental and socio-economic databases for the assessment and monitoring of food supply at global and national levels. Information products, systems, databases ESA RAP RNE   Completed
002   Enhanced capacity in countries in information management and use
  601 Enhanced capacity of national planners and programmers to use food security and vulnerability information in their decision making for reduction of food insecurity, malnutrition and poverty. Capacity building AGN ESA ESS KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  602 Technical assistance to countries in support of the establishment of effective institutional structures facilitating decision-making derived from FIVIMS information system activities. Capacity building AGN ESA ESS EST KCE RAF RAP RNE   Completed
  603 Improved targeting and design of interventions for populations vulnerable to food and nutrition insecurity, as result of natural hazards and other risks due to environmental, economic, social or health factors. Capacity building AGN ESA EST RAF RAP RNE   Completed
  604 Integration of GIEWS data with FIVIMS information systems at country level Capacity building AGN ESA ESS   Completed
  605 Distance learning to support capacity building and training for national and local food security information systems and networks. Capacity building ESA   Completed
  606 Capacity building in dietary assessment methodology Capacity building   Completed
  607 Training session for estimating undernourishment at sub-national levels based on use of food consumption data from income-expenditure surveys Capacity building   Completed
003   Coordinated actions by national and international partners in support of FIVIMS
  601 Business plan and associated revised institutional structure for the FIVIMS Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG). International Undertakings, Agreements AGN ESA ESS EST KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  602 International and national coordination and collaboration for the implementation of FIVIMS activities Technical advice to Members and field programme support AGN ESA ESS EST KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE SAPA SFS SLAC   Completed
  603 Knowledge management of best practices in FIVIMS domain of work through the FIVIMS website, newsletter, information products and the annual meeting of IAWG-FIVIMS Information exchange and coordination AGN ESA ESS EST KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
004   Global Assessment and Monitoring of progress towards food security targets
  601 Annual production of the State of Food Insecurity in the World(SOFI) Information products, systems, databases AGN ESA ESS EST KCE   Completed
  602 Periodic updating of estimates of the prevalence of undernourishment at the global, regional and national levels. Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  603 Trend analysis of food consumption statistics derived from household income-expenditure surveys. Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  604 Nutrition Country Profiles Information products, systems, databases RAF RAP RLC RNE SAPA SFS SLAC   Completed
  605 Guidelines and methodological tools on the processing and analysis of food consumption data from household surveys. Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  606 Analytical reports on undernourishment and related issues for the assessment and monitoring of WFS target and MDGs. Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  607 Contribution to global food insecurity and vulnerability monitoring and analyses in the context of the MDGs. Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  608 Nutrition Country Profiles Information products, systems, databases   Completed

Programme Entity 3BA04: Socioeconomic analysis of global perspective issues in food and agriculture

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
125   Analytical framework and database
  601 Analytical framework and data base Information products, systems, databases ESA   Postponed
126   AT 20XX all-in-one report and intermediate papers
  602 Papers on selected topics of a long-term and global nature Information products, systems, databases ESA   Completed
127   Contributions to studies undertaken by UN and non-UN organizations
  603 Contributions to non-FAO long-term studies as required Information exchange and coordination ESA   Completed

Programme Entity 3BA06: Support to the Development of a Regulatory Framework for Food and Agriculture

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Assessment of food and agricultural regulations; guidelines, manuals, codes of conduct and action plans
  601 Preparation of guidelines, manuals, codes of conduct and action plans to provide the basis for national legislation related to international legal instruments in the priority areas of law on food and agriculture. Policy and legislative advice LEG   Completed
002   Professional advice to governments on food and agriculture law and complementary training
  001 Professional advice to governments on food and agriculture law and complementary training. Policy and legislative advice   Completed

Programme Entity 3BP02: The State of Food and Agriculture

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
221   Annual Report on the state of food and agriculture: global and regional
  601 Two annual editions of the State of Food and Agriculture covering critical emerging themes and key indicators of the food and agriculture situation at the global and regional levels. Information products, systems, databases ESA   Completed
  602 Technical documents for meetings of FAO Governing Bodies Information exchange and coordination ESA   Completed
  603 Technical documents on the state of food insecurity and agriculture for regional bodies. Information exchange and coordination ESA   Completed

Programme Entity 3BP05: Food Security Policy Analysis and Monitoring of the WFS goals and MDGs

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
230   Monitoring and analysis of WFS Plan of Action and MDG and their implications for FAO
  601 International Alliance Against Hunger Progress Report Information products, systems, databases UNC   Completed
  602 Organization and running of "High-Level External Committee on Millenium Development Goals" (2007) Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  604 WFS Plan of Action Progress Report Information products, systems, databases ESA KCD   Completed
  605 Organization and Running of Second Meeting of the High-Level Committee on MDGs on 3-4 May 2007 International Undertakings, Agreements   Completed
238   Analysis of effective programmes to enhance direct access to food
  601 Assessments of food safety net programmes Information products, systems, databases ESA   Completed
  602 Transfers and agricultural development Other ESA   Completed
244   Analysis of risks and policies that enhance resilience of food systems
  602 Design analytical framework for assessing vulnerability, risk and resilience factors. Information products, systems, databases ESA   Completed
  603 Options for risk reduction in relation to natural disasters: lessons learnt Information products, systems, databases ESA   Completed
245   Analytical studies on food security including evaluation of policies, practices and impacts
  603 Assessment of food security under complex emergencies and policy options Information products, systems, databases ESA   Completed

Programme Entity 3BP08: Field Programme Development

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Development of field programme & projects in countries
  601 Strategies for field programme Development in the regions Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP REU RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SEUR SLAC SNEA   Completed
  602 Field Programme developed and policy assistance projects formulated Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
002   Support to FAO Representations in developing field programme at country level, within the NMTPF where applicable
  601 FAO Representations assisted in developing country field programme including identification of project & funding opportunities, within the priorities and action plans agreed upon under NMTPFs, as applicable. Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP REU RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SEUR SLAC SNEA   Completed
003   Support for the preparation of plans & strategies for rehabilitation & development following emergencies
  601 Contribution to plans and strategies for rehabilitation and development following emergencies Policy and legislative advice RAF RAP REU RLC RNE SAFR SAPA SEUR SLAC SNEA   Completed

Programme Entity 3BP10: Collection and Dissemination of Legal Information

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   FAOLEX database
  601 Consolidation of merger of FAOLEX and ECOLEX and regular updating of the database Information products, systems, databases LEG   Completed
002   Food and agriculture law publications
  601 Preparation and dissemination of legislative studies Information products, systems, databases LEG   Completed

Programme Entity 3BP11: The Role of Agriculture in Economic and Social Development: Policy Analysis and Lessons Learned

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
222   Policy trends and agriculture performance in selected countries
  607 Agricultural Policy Indicators and Agricultural Sector Performance in Ghana Information products, systems, databases ESA   Completed
232   Agricultural transformation and farm-nonfarm linkages: implications for rural poverty
  601 Accounting for and analysis of the Sources of Rural Income Information products, systems, databases ESA   Completed
  602 Changing Structure of the Food Economy: policy implications for food security Policy and legislative advice ESA   Completed
  603 Agricultural growth and rural income: implications for rural poverty and inequality Information products, systems, databases AGA ESA   Completed
261   Impact assessment of macro and agricultural policies on food security in varying socio-economic contexts
  604 Agricultural policies, resource mobilisation and food security: exploring the critical linkages Information products, systems, databases AGA ESA   Completed
262   The role of livestock in economic development and poverty reduction
  605 Livestock and poverty reduction: an economic and policy perspective Information products, systems, databases ESA   Completed
  606 Menu of pro-poor livestock policy options Information products, systems, databases ESA   Completed

Programme Entity 3BS01: Servicing the Committee on World Food Security

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Servicing of Committee on World Food Security
  601 32 session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) Information exchange and coordination ESA   Completed
  602 33 session of the Committee on World food Security (CFS) Information exchange and coordination ESA   Completed

Programme Entity 3BS02: Technical Support Services to Members and the Field Programme

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
249   Contributory support to programme entities in other divisions and non-FAO bodies
  601 Vulnerability to food insecurity Information products, systems, databases RAF RAP RNE SAFR   Completed
  602 Food security: economic incentives for disaster risk management Policy and legislative advice RAP RLC RNE SAFR   Completed
  603 Options for risk distribution linked to natural disasters Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  604 Food security under complex emergencies Information products, systems, databases RAF RAP RNE SAFR   Completed
250   Field programme support (ESA)
  601 Support to field programme Technical advice to Members and field programme support ESA RAP RNE   Completed

Programme Entity 3BS06: Agriculture Policy Assistance

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Coordinated support and advice to countries and REIOs on agriculture and rural development policies and strategies
  601 Advice and support provided to the formulation, updating, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of agriculture and rural development strategies, policies and programmes Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Provision of policy and strategy inputs for NFPS and for their reinforcement under up-scaled RPFS as needed Policy and legislative advice   Completed
  603 Preparation and implementation of policy assistance projects Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
002   Policy and Strategy harmonization at country and regional level
  601 Support to NEPAD and other regional-sub-regional initiatives in policy and strategy harmonization, convergence of priorities and programme implementation at country and regional-sub-regional levels, as needed Policy and legislative advice   Completed
  602 Prospective diagnostic studies to better understand/anticipate policy implications of major issues of regional/sub-regional concern in cooperation with national, regional institutions and centres of excellence Policy and legislative advice   Completed
  603 Assess policy assistance needs in cooperation with policy units in other departments to ensure harmony in FAO policy assistance at country, regional and sub-regional levels Policy and legislative advice   Completed
003   Strenghtening the capacity of member countries and REIOs in the analysis, formulation, implementation and M&E of policies and strategies for agricultural and rural development
  601 Development of methodological and training material for capacity building of high-level policy makers and mid-level officers in member countries and REIOs, and farmers' organizations Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 Production of analytical and methodological material on policy processes, policy cycle and policy implementation in member countries Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  603 Dissemination of material produced through various means including under the web-based EASYPOL system Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  604 Strengthening of and partnerships with regional, sub-regional and national centres of excellence Capacity building   Completed
004   Ensuring coherence and interfacing between policy work conducted by FAO technical departments and policy assistance provided to member countries through the multidisciplinary teams
  601 Coordination of donors' funded inter-departmental assistance programmes Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Participation in and contribution to PAIAs /IDGs Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Policy support and assistance to regional offices Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  604 Servicing the High Level Policy Task Force Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed

Programme 3C: Trade and markets

Programme Entity 3CA02: Support to the Multilateral Trade Negotiations and support for Implementation of Multi-Lateral Trade Negotiations

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
331   Assistance to implementing commitments on trade agreements at the national and international levels
  601 Analyses of consequences of the new trade agreement on agriculture and food security Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Postponed
  602 Assistance to countries on implementing multilateral trade agreements Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Postponed
  603 Briefing notes and papers on negotiating issues Information products, systems, databases   Completed
332   Support to continuing negotiations related to trade agreements
  601 Analyses of negotiating issues and modalities Technical advice to Members and field programme support RLC   Completed
  602 Support to the post-modalities 'schedule of commitments' phase Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Postponed
  603 Roundtables and workshops on trade issues under negotiation Capacity building   Completed
  604 Support to negotiation at national level Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
334   Analytical support to Members on regional trade issues and arrangements
  601 Support to bilateral and regional trade negotiations Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  602 Trade support to regional food security programmes Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed

Programme Entity 3CP06: Global socioeconomic analysis and market assessment of agricultural products and impact on food security

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Integrated databases and analytical/modelling tools for agricultural products
  601 Updating commodity balance sheets for current situation and outlook Information products, systems, databases EST   Completed
  602 Systems to receive and provide commodity data from and to FAOSTAT Information products, systems, databases EST   Modified
  603 Analytical/modelling tools for current situation and short-term market forecasts Information products, systems, databases EST   Completed
  604 Analytical/modelling tools for medium term projections Information products, systems, databases EST   Completed
  605 Analytical frameworks to link market assessments to food security Information products, systems, databases EST   Cancelled
  606 Databases on national policies for agricultural commodities Information products, systems, databases EST   Completed
  607 Regular updates of international prices and price indices of agricultural commodities Information products, systems, databases EST   Completed
  608 Econometric models for short-term forecasting of coffee, cocoa, tea and sugar prices Information products, systems, databases EST   Completed
  609 Statistical supplements for agricultural commodities Information products, systems, databases EST   Completed
002   Publications on market situation and short-term outlook for agricultural commodities
  601 Commodity situation and outlook notes for Global Food Outlook Information products, systems, databases EST   Completed
  602 e-Commodity market notes for the FAO web Information products, systems, databases EST   Completed
  603 Commodity notes for SOFA, SOCO, CFC, CCP and IGGs Information products, systems, databases EST   Completed
003   Commodity studies and medium-term projections for agricultural products
  601 Analytical studies related to global market developments and commodity issues for CMR, SOCO, Global Food Outlook, CCP and IGGs Information products, systems, databases EST   Completed
  602 Medium-term projections of agricultural commodities, including OECD-FAO Outlook, CCP and IGGs Information products, systems, databases EST   Completed
  603 Periodic reports on market based global food security indicators for agricultural commodities Information products, systems, databases EST   Completed
  604 Periodic reports analysing food aid flows and provision of support to food aid database in FAOSTAT Information products, systems, databases EST   Completed
  605 Periodic reports on commercial trade and food aid flows to CSSD Information products, systems, databases EST   Completed
  606 Periodic reports on food import bills and earnings from exports of agricultural commodities of developing countries Information products, systems, databases EST   Completed
  607 Biennial thematic commodity studies Information products, systems, databases EST   Completed
004   Exchange of commodity information on agricultural products through electronic means and networking
  601 Information exchange networks for agricultural commodities Information exchange and coordination EST   Completed
006   Global and regional assessments of the Livestock Sector and Livestock Commodities
  601 Global and Regional Assessments of the Livestock Sector and Livestock Commodities Information exchange and coordination AGA EST   Completed

Programme Entity 3CP07: Analysis of globalization and trade issues relevant to agricultural markets

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Value chain analyses of international trade in agricultural products
  601 Description of global value chains for selected commodities Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 Analyses of market structure and markets at different points on the marketing chain Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  603 Analyses of price transmission and incentive structures related to input and final product markets Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  604 Analysis of competition and governance issues in international commodity value chains Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  605 Analysis of niche and value-added markets in terms of standards and relationship to food security Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  606 Comparative analysis of supply factors and product promotion in terms of influence on competitiveness along value chains Information products, systems, databases   Modified
003   Reports on trade related global indicators of food security reflecting developments in agricultural food imports and exports
  601 Annual listing of LIFDCs Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 Listing of CDDCs Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  603 Analytical briefs on changes in agricultural trade and food security indicators Information products, systems, databases   Postponed
004   Analysis of implications of trade agreements for agricultural development and food security at the national and global levels
  601 Analysis of implications of trade agreements for agricultural development and food security at global and national levels Information products, systems, databases   Modified
  602 National-level studies on linkage between trade liberalisation and food security Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  603 Development of ASEAN trade and food security assessment model Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  604 Capacity building support to ASEAN regional trade and food security analysis Capacity building   Completed
  605 Analysis of regional trade agreements for improving regional food security and sustainable development Information products, systems, databases   Completed
006   Analysis of national commodity and trade strategies
  601 Development of framework for appropriate trade strategies and policies Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 Studies on successful agricultural trade strategies and policies for identifying best practices Information products, systems, databases   Completed
007   Analytical studies of trade issues of agricultural commodities
  601 Analysis of non-tariff barriers, SPS, TBT impacts on trade Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 Analysis of agricultural trade diversification and expansion Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  603 Analysis of private sector standards in agricultural trade Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  604 Analysis of social and environmental certification in agricultural commodity trade Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  605 Completion of Excel version of ATPSM model including manual Information products, systems, databases   Modified
  606 Development of quantitative tool to analyse regional trade issues Information products, systems, databases   Completed
008   State of Agricultural Commodity Markets and Commodity Market Review
  601 Publication of Commodity Market Review Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 Publication of State of Agricultural Commodity Markets Information products, systems, databases   Completed
009   Transboundary animal diseases and food safety hazards in value chains
  601 Publication on methodologies and guidelines for the assessment of social and economic impacts of major disease and food safety events, particularly HPAI (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza) Technical advice to Members and field programme support EST RAP   Completed

Programme Entity 3CP08: Support to CCP

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Support to CCP
  601 Servicing of the 66th Session of CCP Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  602 Servicing the 31st Session of IGG on Grains, 42nd Session of IGG on Rice, 21st Session of IGG on Meat and Dairy Products, 29th Session of IGG on Oils, Oilseeds and Fats Information exchange and coordination   Postponed
  603 Servicing of the 16th Session of IGG on Tea, 5th Session of IGG on Bananas and Tropical Fruits, 16th Session of IGG on Citrus Fruits, 34th Session of IGG on Hard Fibres and 34th Session of IGG on Jute Information exchange and coordination   Postponed
  604 Support to the meetings of the Subcommittee on Surplus Disposal Information exchange and coordination   Completed

Programme Entity 3CS01: Technical Support Services to Members and the Field Programme

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Contributory support to programme entities in other divisions and non-FAO bodies
  601 Collaboration with members of regional multidisciplinary teams to mainstream trade issues in national and sectoral policies Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  602 Collaboration with Investment Centre (TCI) and other divisions on trade related projects Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
002   Field programme support (ESC)
  601 Participation in training and other field activities related to commodities and trade Capacity building   Completed
003   National commodity and trade strategies
  601 Support to member nations in determining appropriate production and trade strategies, including diversification, at national level Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  603 Analysis of FDI impacts on agriculture and trade Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  604 Capacity building in relation to appropriate trade strategies and policies at national level Capacity building   Completed
004   Commodity development programmes in collaboration with funding bodies, including the CFC
  601 Formulation, supervision and evaluation of projects related to agricultural commodity sectors, including CFC funded projects Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed

Programme 3D: Agriculture information and statistics

Programme Entity 3DA01: Multi-Agency Programme for Capacity Building in Food and Agricultural Statistics

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Assessment needs for PRSPs, Food Security Programmes and national strategic plans
  601 Assessment of data needs for PRSPs and Food Security Programmes, Medium Term Regional Programme formulated and funds mobilised for implementation Technical advice to Members and field programme support ESS RAF   Postponed
  602 Rural and Agricultural Components of National Strategic Statistical Plans formulated in selected countries Capacity building ESS RAF   Completed
  603 Advocacy tools for strengthening Rural and Agricultural Statistics Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF   Completed
002   Sub-regional and national databases using CountrySTAT, publications on good practices and methodological studies
  601 Sub-regional and national databases (CountrySTAT) Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF   Postponed
  602 Publication on good practices in Rural and Agricultural Statistics Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF   Completed
  603 Methodological studies and research to improve data quality and cost-effectiveness of rural and agricultural statistics systems in Africa Capacity building ESS RAF   Completed
003   Regional training courses and support to sub-regional institutions
  601 Regional Training Courses Capacity building ESS RAF   Completed
  602 Support to sub-regional institutions Technical advice to Members and field programme support ESS RAF   Completed
004   Technical supervisory and evaluation missions
  601 Reports on Technical Supervisory and Evaluation Missions Technical advice to Members and field programme support ESS RAF   Completed

Programme Entity 3DP02: Global Food and Agriculture Statistics

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
521   Resource statistics and Resource Utilization Accounts
  601 Resource statistics database Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Resource utilization accounts Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  603 Resource statistics indicators Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
522   Food and agriculture price statistics
  601 Food and agriculture price statistics database Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Food and agriculture price/value indicators (indexes, etc.) Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
523   Rural development statistics
  601 Rural development statistics Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
524   Government expenditures and assistance to agriculture
  601 Government expenditures in agriculture Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Assistance to agriculture Capacity building ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
525   Food security indicators and database
  601 Food security statistics database Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Food security statistics indicators Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  603 Food security measurement methodology Other ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
526   Household surveys and National Demonstration Centres
  601 Household surveys database Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 National Demonstration Centres Capacity building ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
531   Production statistics, Supply Utilization Accounts (SUAs) and Food Balance Sheets (FBS)
  601 Production statistics and database Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Food Balance Sheets Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  603 Supply Utilization Accounts Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  604 Agriculture production indicators (indexes, etc.) Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
532   Trade statistics/WATF/WATM
  601 Trade statistics database Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 World Agricultural Trade Flow Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  603 World Agricultural Trade Matrix Information exchange and coordination ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  604 Trade indicators (indexes, etc.) Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed

Programme Entity 3DP03: Surveys and National Statistical Information Systems

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
544   2010 World Agricultural Census Programme, manuals and guidelines
  601 2010 Programme for the World Census of Agriculture International Undertakings, Agreements ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Methodological studies on agricultural censuses and surveys Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  603 Database on census methodologies, questionnaires and key results Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  604 2010 World Agricultural Census Programme - manuals and guidelines Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  605 Workshops on agricultural census Capacity building ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
545   Methodological support for national systems of agricultural statistics
  601 Methodological support for national systems of agricultural statistics Capacity building ESS   Completed
  602 Guidelines/studies on integrated systems of food and agriculture statistics Capacity building ESS   Completed
  603 Workshops to improve national systems of agricultural statistics Capacity building ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
561   Regional Experts Consultations on Food and Agricultural Statistics and meansurement of data quality at country level
  601 Regional Expert Consultations on Food and Agricultural Statistics Information exchange and coordination ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Measurement of data quality at the country level Other ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed

Programme Entity 3DP04: FAOSTAT/CountrySTAT and Coordination of Statistics at FAO

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   FAOSTAT management, implementation and dissemination
  601 FAOSTAT management Information products, systems, databases ESS   Completed
  602 Food Balance Sheets, Supply Utilization Accounts, Resource Utilization Accounts validation and calibration Other ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  603 FAOSTAT dissemination Information exchange and coordination ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
004   CountrySTAT Based -- Improved methods, techniques and tools for FIVIMS
  601 CountrySTAT based improved methods, techniques and tools for FIVIMS Other ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
511   CountrySTAT management, implementation and dissemination
  601 CountrySTAT management Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 CountrySTAT national implementation Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  603 CountrySTAT methodology Other ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
512   Coordination of FAO statistical activities and inter-agency statistical activities
  601 Coordination of statistical activities at FAO Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Contribution to agricultural statistics at the international level Information exchange and coordination ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
513   Development, coordination and monitoring of statistical classifications in FAO and contribution to agricultural component of international classifications
  601 Development and monitoring of statistical classifications used in FAO Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Contribution to agricultural component of international classifications Information exchange and coordination ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
514   FAO Statistical Yearbooks
  601 FAO Statistical Yearbook - 2 volumes/year Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Modified
  602 Thematic Yearbooks - 1 volume/year Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Cancelled
  603 ESS web-page Information products, systems, databases ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
515   Monitoring the quality of FAO's food and agriculture statistics and setting standards, managing ESS Statistics Information and Resources Centre (SIRC)
  601 Methodological development of data quality for agricultural statistics Capacity building ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Monitoring of agricultural statistics quality in FAO Other ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed
528   FAOSTAT-based global assessment and monitoring of progress towards food security MDG targets
  601 FAOSTAT-based global assessment and monitoring of progress towards food security MDG targets Other ESS RAF RAP RLC   Completed

Programme Entity 3DS01: Technical Support Services to Members and the Field Programme

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
547   Advice/assistance to countries on development of integrated systems of food and agricultural statistics and agricultural censuses
  601 Assistance in food and agriculture statistics Capacity building ESS RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  602 Assistance with agricultural censuses and surveys Capacity building ESS RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
562   Contributory support to entities in other divisions and PAIA
  601 Contributory support to entities in other divisions and PAIAs Other ESS   Completed
563   Regional Commissions and other statutory body meetings
  601 Session of the FAO/ECE/CES Study Group on Food and Agricultural Statistics in Europe Information exchange and coordination ESS   Postponed
  602 Session of the Working Group (FAO-OAS/CIE-IICA) on Agricultural and Livestock Statistics Information exchange and coordination ESS   Completed
  603 Advisory Panel of Experts in Statistics Information exchange and coordination ESS RAF RAP RLC   Postponed
  604 Session of the Asia and Pacific Commission on Agricultural Statistics Information exchange and coordination ESS RAP   Completed
  605 Session of the African Commission on Agricultural Statistics Information exchange and coordination ESS RAF   Completed

Programme 3E: Alliances and advocacy initiatives against hunger and poverty

Programme Entity 3EA01: Implementing Guidelines on the Right to Food in the context of National Food Security

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Integration of Right to Food into FAO's work
  601 Establishment of mechanisms to implement right to food Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  602 Establishment of capacity to implement right to food Capacity building   Completed
002   Implementation of Right to Food Voluntary Guidelines at national level
  601 Development of methods and instruments for implementing right to food at national level Policy and legislative advice   Completed

Programme Entity 3EP01: National Liaison Offices

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Liaison Office in Japan
  601 Liaison with the Government of Japan in order to increase support for FAO RP and TF activities including the JPO programme Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Awareness raising regarding the work of FAO with the Government of Japan and the Japanese public, in particular through TeleFood activities Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
002   Liaison Office for North America
  601 Maintain collaboration, cooperation and communications between FAO and the governments of the USA and Canada, Washington based international organizations, NGOs and the public Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Facilitate and arrange technical consultations, and official missions in North America for FAO Headquarters, regional and country staff. Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Service the Consultative Sub-Committee on Surplus Disposal (CSSD) to support FAO in monitoring food aid programmes Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  604 Outreach activities on behalf of FAO in North America Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
003   FAO policy on and facilitation of cooperation with the Headquarters Host Country

Programme Entity 3EP02: Corporate Framework for Effective Partnerships with civil society and private sector

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
005   Development of FAO private sector policy and strategy
  601 Draft FAO Policy and Strategy on Collaboration with the Private Sector Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Postponed
006   Policy, strategy and guidelines for cooperation with civil society, including their participation in policy fora organized under FAO auspices
  601 Revision of FAO Policy and Strategy for Collaboration with Civil Society Organizations Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Postponed
007   Technical assistance to FAO decentralized offices and advice to member countries on issues and policies related to promotion of local private sector and civil society organizations
  601 Demand-based support for technical services and decentralized units on operational activities in relation to partnerships with civil society and the private sector Other   Completed

Programme Entity 3EP03: Coordination of the FAO Partnership Programmes relating to Retired Experts, TCDC/TCCT Experts, Young Professionals and Visiting Experts from Academic and Research Institutions

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Implementation of the Partnership Programmes
  601 Increased number of government signatories of the framework agreements and endorsed amendments as required. Provision of services to staff, departments and members OCD   Completed
  602 Internal and external advocacy and promotion for the implementation of the programmes. Other OCD   Completed
  603 Implementation tools, including guidelines and procedures issued whenever changes are approved Provision of services to staff, departments and members OCD   Completed
  604 Periodic reports to Senior Management on the implementation status as well as measures to improve the Programmes, and various ad hoc notes for Senior Management, Governing Bodies, Committees, etc Provision of services to staff, departments and members OCD   Completed
  605 Enhanced Periodical Reports to Senior Management on the implementation progress of the Programmes, and various ad hoc notes for Senior Management, Governing Body, Committees, etc Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  606 Updates/uploads of the FPMIS with country status regarding the Programmes (requested on ad hoc/urgent basis and used by TC to prepare DG Briefs). Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
002   New Approaches to Operationalizing the Partnership Programmes
  601 A number of new broad-based agreements between FAO and Regional Economic Integration Organizations for their participation in the Partnership Programmes; and improvements to: implementation and monitoring tools, internal advocacy mechanisms, and public information instruments. Other OCD   Postponed
  602 A new planning system for the Technical departments to better plan the implementation of the Partnership Programmes, for regular programme as well as extra-budgetary activities. The system will also allow departments to advertise various assignments/missions for attracting wider interest in the Programmes. Other OCD   Postponed

Programme Entity 3EP04: Cooperation with the European Union

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Coordinated corporate effort towards increased cooperation with the European Commission in the recently concluded Strategic Partnership
  601 Programmes identified and funded in the five selected areas: (i) food security, (ii) sustainable development and agricultural development, (iii) food safety and quality, (iv) natural resource management and (v) statistical cooperation and information exchange. Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
002   Liaison Office with the European Union and Belgium
  601 On behalf of FAO, to contribute to enlarging and to deepening of contacts and cooperation with the European Union, the European Parliament, the ACP Group of States and Belgium as well as other non-governmental and private institutions based in Belgium. Information exchange and coordination   Completed

Programme Entity 3ES02: The World Food Day, TeleFood and related activities

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   World Food Day and related activities
  601 Annual promotion, organization and observance of World Food Day. Provision of services to staff, departments and members KCD LOWA RAF RAP RNE   Completed
  602 Public and media awareness raising through the FAO Ambassadors Programme for World Food Day, TeleFood and other events. Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Liaison with FAO National Committees, national associations and national alliances against hunger for World Food Day and other FAO concerns. Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
002   Public outreach campaign, associated with resource mobilisation for the TeleFood Special Fund
  601 Development and implementation of a yearly awareness and fund raising strategy. Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Dissemination of TeleFood campaign materials to member countries' partners Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  603 Reporting to the general public and donors on the use of donations received. Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  604 Management and upgrading of TeleFood web site as an efficient awareness and fund raising media tool Information products, systems, databases   Completed
003   Coordination of and support to TeleFood activities together with external partners
  601 Support to TeleFood Focal points and decentralised offices in their mobilisation efforts. Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Support to other Units and preparation of guidelines on TeleFood related issues. Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Periodic and ad-hoc reporting on TeleFood campaigns Information products, systems, databases   Completed

Programme Entity 3ES03: The International Alliance Against Hunger

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Development of National Alliances Against Hunger aimed at reducing and ending hunger in various countries
  601 Assist 8 additional active national alliances in various countries with Ending Hunger Pledges (plans of action) for addressing hunger in their countries, through a combination of policy reform, advocacy for more resources for agriculture and rural development and programme expansion. Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Assist 10 additional national alliances that have undertaken organization activities with other partners Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Assist one regional alliance in Latin America, which will strengthen and add capacity to other alliances Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  604 Conduct regional meetings on resource mobilization and policy reform Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  605 Organize capacity building and training sessions for national alliances Capacity building   Completed
002   Development of an International Alliance Against Hunger composed of countries, volunteer organizations, institutions and UN Agencies
  601 Participate in global campaigns to bring about public awareness of hunger and poverty and the achievement of the World Food Summit and Millennium Development Goals Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Conduct policy dialogue with multi-stakeholders Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Maintain up-to-date registry of Alliance members, their activities and results Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  604 Maintain an interactive website for Alliance members, share information of the current activities, serve as reference source for significant information Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  605 Alliance members will contribute papers and opinions to the global understanding of hunger and poverty Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  606 Develop and disseminate guidelines and manuals for organizing and supporting alliances Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
003   Annual report on progress and concrete actions
  601 Prepare and submit annual report to Committee on World Food Security and to the International Alliance Against Hunger Working Group Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed

Programme 3F: Gender and equity in rural societies

Programme Entity 3FA02: Mitigation of the Impact of Diseases in Rural Societies

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Gender-sensitive methods, tools and capacity to advance policies and programmes to prevent and mitigate the impact of diseases in rural societies (e.g. HIV/AIDS, malaria, HPAI)
  601 Support Members to develop policies and strategies, including impact assessments, to address the impacts of diseases that affect agricultural/rural livelihoods, especially those of vulnerable groups/populations Policy and legislative advice ESW RAF RAP RLC SAFR   Completed
  602 Build capacity of member countries to analyse, plan and implement programmes for disease prevention and mitigation in the context of agriculture and rural livelihoods Capacity building ESW RAF RAP RLC SAFR   Completed
  603 Serve as Corporate Focal Point for HIV/AIDS mainstreaming in FAO, including through the AIDS PAIA, and build partnerships with other key stakeholders within and outside the UN system, and at country level. Information exchange and coordination ESW RAF RAP RLC   Completed

Programme Entity 3FP01: Promoting Gender Equality, Social Equity, Education and Communication in Rural Development

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Policy analysis and advisory asistance on the nexus of gender equality, social equity, household food security, rural development and povery reduction
  601 BO 601 Capacity building ESW RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 BO 602 Technical advice to Members and field programme support ESW RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  603 Provide support for the formulation of gender-responsive policy planning for agriculture and rural development, and support for the gender-responsive management of natural, productive, and household resources. Technical advice to Members and field programme support ESW RAF RAP RLC   Completed
002   Increased capacity, information and knowledge exchange for gender equality and social equity
  601 Develop/refine guidelines, methods/tools, and training materials on gender, livelihoods and socio-economic inequality, and support SEAGA and Junior and Adult Farmer Field and Life School (JFFLS/AFFLS) training for agriculture and rural development planning/programming, and for the rehabilitation of areas affected by natural disasters and armed conflicts. Capacity building ESW RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 BO 602 Information products, systems, databases ESW RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  603 BO 603 Information products, systems, databases ESW RAF RAP RLC   Completed
003   Communication for development policies, strategies and programmes for sustainable rural development
  601 Mainstream ComDev Policies and Strategies in Member Countries Technical advice to Members and field programme support ESW RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  602 Capacity building, training and application of ComDev methodologies Capacity building ESW RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
  603 Application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Media to Sustainable Rural Development Information products, systems, databases ESW RAF RAP RLC RNE   Completed
004   Policy support, advocacy and increased capacity for education and employment for rural people
  601 Capacity building for selected countries regions and NGOs to plan and manage education, training and extension policies, strategies and methodologies for employment and sustainable rural development. Capacity building RAF   Completed
  602 Enhance knowledge generation, management and sharing by developing/refining policies, guidelines, methodologies, good practices and training materials through the ERP WSSD partnership and the IDWG on Training of Technicians (IDWGTT) Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  603 Serve as a Corporate focal point for the ERP partnership and the IDWGTT and rise awareness of the key role of Education and Training for Rural People to achieve MDGs 1 -2 and 3 . Information exchange and coordination   Completed

Programme Entity 3FS01: Technical Support Services to Members and the Field Programme

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Advice and assistance to Member Countries and civil institutions on gender-responsive approaches to enhance social equity through communication for development, education and employment for rural people and the prevention and mitigation of the impact of diseases in rural societies
  601 Advice and assistance Technical advice to Members and field programme support ESW RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Ongoing assistance to countries in programme development, advice and collaboration in education for rural people and for rural youth. Technical advice to Members and field programme support   Completed
  603 Ongoing assistance to countries in programme development, advice and collaboration in communications for development. Information exchange and coordination   Completed

Programme 3G: Rural livelihoods

Programme Entity 3GA02: Participatory Processes for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Support to policies and practices to strengthen the implementation of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (SARD) and Sustainable Livelihoods
  601 Support for task manager role of Chapter 14 of Agenda 21 Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  602 Management of SARD website Information exchange and coordination   Completed
003   Strengthened producer organizations, cooperatives and community-based organizations in selected countries
  601 Technical and normative support to producer organisations, cooperatives & community-based organisations Capacity building   Completed
  602 Technical and normative support to public rural/agricultural service providers Capacity building   Completed
005   Strengthened institutional mechanisms for rural employment and enhanced resilience of vulnerable groups to risks
  601 Technical and normative support to communities, producer organisations and other local institutions in disaster-prone areas Capacity building   Completed
  602 Technical and normative support to improved employment opportunities and conditions Capacity building   Completed
007   Knowledge management, networking and partnerships for capacity-building of small producers
  601 Support to knowledge management, capacity building, networking and partnerships Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  602 Regularly updated and expanded FAO website on participation Information products, systems, databases   Completed

Programme Entity 3GS02: Technical Support Services to Members and the Field Programme

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Direct advice to Member Countries and Support to the Field Programme
  601 Technical support to the strengthening of producer organisations, cooperatives, rural workers, community-based organisations, and rural public sector organisations Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAP   Completed

Programme 3H: Knowledge exchange and capacity building

Programme Entity 3HP01: Knowledge Management and Information Dissemination (WAICENT, Ask FAO)

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Ask FAO and related Knowledge Exchange services
  601 Improvement and evolution of the ASK FAO and related services according to internal and external user needs as they arise. Information products, systems, databases KCE   Completed
  602 Content Management of the Ask FAO service and linking of the Ask FAO service to thematic knowledge networks and best practices Information exchange and coordination KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR   Completed
  603 Analysis and implementation of methodologies to increase access to the Ask FAO Service in the field Information products, systems, databases KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR   Completed
  604 Guidelines and procedures for the enhancement and the design of Web sites in the Organization Information products, systems, databases   Completed
002   Thematic Information Gateways (e.g., country Profiles and Mapping)
  601 Maintain and improve thematic information gateways including FAO Country Profiles and WAICENT Portal. Information products, systems, databases KCE   Completed
003   Enhanced access to/sharing/ management of FAO's electronic technical information, databases and knowledge in multiple languages
  601 Support information architecture design, knowledge capture and development of web based dissemination tools Information products, systems, databases KCE   Completed
  602 Improvement and evolution of information dissemination and sharing through existing systems and other media (CD-ROMS, mobile technologies, podcasts, CMS, Wiki) Information products, systems, databases KCE   Completed
  603 Analysis and selection of appropriate content management tools Information products, systems, databases KCE   Completed
  604 Web traffic analysis in order to improve the usability and accessibility of FAO web based information Information exchange and coordination KCE   Completed
  605 Maintenance and improvement of the FAO Corporate Search engine in close collaboration with technical departments. Information products, systems, databases KCE   Completed
005   FAO "open archive"and related services through digital repositories
  601 Enhanced User Services for disseminating, accessing and preserving FAOs technical knowledge through appropriate repositories and interfaces Information exchange and coordination KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR   Completed
  602 AGRIS Open Archive - Access to worldwide agricultural information and knowledge in science and technology Information exchange and coordination KCE   Completed
  603 Streamlined procedures and systems for the production of FAO documents using appropriate technologies Information products, systems, databases KCE   Completed
006   Computer Aided Natural Language Processing using Advanced Semantic Standards and Tools
  601 Adaptation of existing methodologies and tools for natural language processing by computers under consideration of different media to the specific needs of FAO Information products, systems, databases KCE   Postponed

Programme Entity 3HP02: Standards, Norms and Procedures for Knowledge Management and Information Dissemination (WAICENT and FAO Knowledge Forum including Ask FAO)

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
003   Establishment and upkeep of standards for agricultural information management and knowledge exchange
  601 AGROVOC/AOS Concept Server - Vocabularies, Taxonomies and Glossaries for agricultural knowledge exchange and management Information exchange and coordination KCE   Completed
  602 Development and application of domain and application specific knowledge organization systems Information exchange and coordination KCE   Completed
006   Enhanced use of standards for agricultural information management and knowledge exchange
  601 Enhanced interoperability between Information Systems in FAO through implementation of common standards Information exchange and coordination KCE   Completed
  602 Standards for agricultural Information and Knowledge Management, Web portal, advisory services, workshops and collaboration agreements Technical advice to Members and field programme support KCE   Completed

Programme Entity 3HP03: Capacity Building, Distance Learning and Facilitation of Access to WAICENT and the FAO Knowledge Forum, including Ask FAO

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Enhanced visibility and use of WAICENT and FAO Knowledge Forum
  601 Enhanced visibility and use of WAICENT, the FAO Knowledge Forum, and the programme on Bridging the Rural Digital Divide through promotion and communication materials and activities using a variety of channels and events Information exchange and coordination KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR   Completed
002   Methodologies, tools and applications for information and knowledge management to bridge the rural digital divide in countries
  601 Identification and documentation of appropriate tools and methodologies for information and knowledge exchange, incorporating WAICENT-related components. Information exchange and coordination KCE   Completed
  602 IMARK partnerships and online communities established and strengthened Information exchange and coordination KCE   Completed
003   Training and distance learning resource materials, and training courses in agricultural information and knowledge management
  601 Information Management Resource Kit (IMARK) e-learning modules on information and knowledge management published and updated on CD-ROM and the Internet Capacity building KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEU   Completed
  602 Training through face-to-face courses and workshops, and distance learning, targeted to needs of member countries and networks Capacity building KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR   Completed
004   Identification and formulation of projects, field missions, and ad hoc advisory services to countries concerning access to WAICENT and establishment of national information and knowledge systems
  601 Advisory services to governments concerning WAICENT strategic programme and support to national capacities in agricultural information management and knowledge exchange Technical advice to Members and field programme support KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR   Completed
  602 Technical support to WAICENT projects and information management components in other FAO projects Technical advice to Members and field programme support KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR   Completed
005   Consultations with member states and international organizations in information and knowledge management
  601 Consultations and technical workshops targeted to needs of member countries and networks Information exchange and coordination KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR   Completed
  602 Inputs to policy related to information management and knowledge exchange be considered by the Organization's governing bodies Policy and legislative advice KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR   Completed

Programme Entity 3HP04: Library and Virtual Library Services, AGORA and other Information Collections

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
002   Library services and user support - document delivery services and provision of customised, targeted information research services, including remote access learning resources and training, networks and current awareness.
  601 Enhancement and maintenance of the FAO David Lubin Memorial Library Web site to facilitate access to information resources for FAO staff and Members through desktop delivery of information resources, literature research, evaluation tools, library services and user guides Information exchange and coordination KCE   Completed
  602 Provision of customized, targeted information research services, full-text document delivery and current awareness services Information exchange and coordination KCE   Completed
  603 User orientation, training and expert assistance, including user distance training for Field staff to explore the Library information resources and services Information exchange and coordination KCE   Completed
  604 Extended Field Office access to all licensed virtual library resources, tools and services including full text electronic journals Information exchange and coordination   Modified
003   Corporate policy and priority framework, oversight and guidance by user Departments of the full range of library and virtual library services
  601 Services, resources, tools and facilities prioritized according to Organizational requirements Information exchange and coordination KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR   Postponed
  602 Corporate analysis and consensus on new services and facilities, confirmation and enhancement of current services to be continued and identification of those to be discontinued Information products, systems, databases KCE   Postponed
  604 New models for the acquisition of Information Material from Commercial Service Providers and management of current acquisition processes Information products, systems, databases   Postponed
004   Preservation and safeguarding of FAO's Institutional Memory of technical and scientific information resources
  601 Organization and updating of the master print collection of selected FAO documents and publications Information products, systems, databases KCE   Modified
  602 Building and safeguarding of the master digital collection of FAO documents and publications through digitization for long term access and dissemination of FAO intellectual assets Information products, systems, databases KCE   Modified
  603 Development of a medium and long term digital preservation strategy based on best practices and emerging digital preservation formats and standards including preservation metadata Information products, systems, databases KCE   Modified
  604 Web and print friendly repository of FAO digitized documents and publications accessed via the Library catalogue Information products, systems, databases KCE   Postponed
005   AGORA user support, tools, and learning resources
  601 User support for institutions subscribing to AGORA Information products, systems, databases KCE   Completed
  602 Resource materials and tools on CD and the Web for learning, training, and information access related to AGORA Information products, systems, databases KCE   Completed
  603 Provide technical support for AGORA Phase I, support launch of Phase II and migration to Athens authentication. Information exchange and coordination KCE   Completed

Programme Entity 3HP05: Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
332   Special alerts
  601 Special Reports and Alerts on Food Shortages Information products, systems, databases RAF RAP RLC   Completed
333   Crop and food supply assessment mission reports
  601 Crop and food supply assessment missions to disaster-affected countries Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  602 Improved Methodology for CFSAMs through commissioned papers, pilot activities, technical workshops Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  603 Expert consultation on CFSAM methodology Information products, systems, databases   Completed
334   Food Situation and Outlook reports
  601 Regular short reports on food crop and food security prospects Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 Sahel Weather and Crop Situation Reports (two languages) Information products, systems, databases RAF   Completed
  603 Global Food Outlook Reports Information products, systems, databases EST   Completed
  604 Food Supply Situation and Crop Prospects in sub-Saharan Africa reports Information products, systems, databases   Completed
335   Emergency operations for joint approval by the FAO Director-General and the WFP Executive Director
  601 Analyses of emergency food aid requests (EMOPs) Other   Completed
336   Early warning software, database and Internet systems and support to national early warning systems
  601 Maintenance and frequent update of an integrated food supply and demand database Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 Electronic dissemination of GIEWS reports: Special alerts, Special Reports (of CFSAMs), Crop and Food Prospects reports and statistics Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  603 Extension of data coverage in GIEWS workstation including to sub-national level Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  604 Establishment of GIEWS Workstation in food insecure countries and support to national institutions for National Early Warning systems Technical advice to Members and field programme support RAF RAP RLC   Completed
  605 Integration of GIEWS data with FIVIMS information systems Information products, systems, databases   Completed

Programme Entity 3HP06: Acquisition of Books and Journals on Line, International Programmes for Digitalization of Agriculture Books and Journals

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Electronic books and journals available from FAO Virtual Library
  601 Enhancement and management of the Virtual Library selected and acquired scientific, technical and economic information resources for FAO and Members Information products, systems, databases   Modified
  602 Enhancement, standardization and management of the Library catalogue of information resources including books, journals, databases and documents in print and electronic format for improved and sustainable access and use by FAO staff and members Information products, systems, databases   Modified
  603 Improvement of the global FAO library catalogue quality and content through expert distance training Capacity building   Modified
  604 Expanded access to knowledge resources and tools through Library networks, consortia and exchange partners Information exchange and coordination   Modified
  605 Bulk, retrospective digitization of FAO documents and publications through international initiatives such as the Million book project and other sponsors Information products, systems, databases   Postponed
  606 Digitization of catalogues and selected items of the IIA heritage collections in collaboration with "Restauranda" NGO for publishing on the web for easy access by scholars Information products, systems, databases   Modified

Programme Entity 3HP07: Knowledge Networks, Internal and External

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Policies, guidelines, tools and training resources for knowledge networks
  601 FAO policy on the role of FAO-coordinated knowledge networks, and associated guidelines and tools. Information exchange and coordination KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEU SEUR   Completed
  602 Learning systems and resources for FAO units coordinating and facilitating knowledge networks. Capacity building KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR   Completed
  603 Guidelines, tools and training resources for creating and enhancing knowledge networks in Member Countries, including the Virtual Extension and Research Communication Networks (VERCON) model. Capacity building KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR   Completed
002   Establishment and enhancement of thematic knowledge networks inside FAO and externally
  601 Establishment and facilitation of internal TKNs, with associated databases of staff expertise, linked to Ask FAO and Best Practices services. Information exchange and coordination KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR   Completed
  602 Establishment and facilitation of TKNs involving FAO and external stakeholders, including implementation of VERCON model in Member Countries. Information exchange and coordination KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR   Completed
  603 Web portal, online collaboration tools and technical support for FAO external TKNs linked to other parts of the FAO Knowledge Forum Information exchange and coordination KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR   Postponed
003   Facilitation of AGRIS and other information exchange networks
  601 Enhanced AGRIS institutional network for information and knowledge exchange in agricultural science and technology Information exchange and coordination KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR   Completed
  602 AGRIS tools, methodologies, and training materials Capacity building KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR   Completed
  603 Technical support and training to AGRIS Resource Centres in countries Technical advice to Members and field programme support KCE RAF RAP RLC RNE SEUR   Completed

Programme Entity 3HS02: Capacity Building including Fellowships, Internships, High-level Training in Policies, Institution Building

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Enhanced capacity of high-level policy-makers in agricultural and rural development policies and strategies
  601 A set of capacity building materials on policy and strategy formulation for agricultural and rural development (in English and French) Capacity building   Completed
  602 60 senior officials from FAO member countries trained in policy and strategy formulation for agricultural and rural development Capacity building   Postponed
002   Support to the implementation of study tours, fellowships and related schemes
  601 Coordinate the responses to member countries queries and identification of individuals in line with project needs related to the implementation of study tours, fellowships and related schemes Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Modified
  602 Develop information services to facilitate access to fellowships and internships, linked to the FAO Capacity Building Portal Information products, systems, databases   Modified
003   Enhanced capacity of selected National Programmes for Food Security to support the institution building needs of producer organizations
  601 Need-based technical assistance provided to 1-2 national programmes for food security, on a pilot basis, to enable them to support institution building needs of producer organizations Capacity building   Completed
005   Enhanced member countries' access to learning resources, activities and best practices in capacity and institution building in food and agriculture
  601 Implementation of an FAO portal and web-based learning and reference resources on institution and capacity-building in agriculture and food security Information exchange and coordination   Modified

Programme 3I: Information technology systems

Programme Entity 3IP02: IT Systems Concept and Development

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Development and update of IT Governance, policies, standards and enterprise architecture
  601 Regular review, updates & support of IS & ICT policies, standards, architecture, methodologies, including guidelines and training Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Regular review, updates and promotion of Information Security Policies and Procedures Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Updated IT Governance mechanism Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
002   Development and update of IT plans and strategy
  601 Production of Medium Term IS & ICT Plans Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Production of Biennial IS & ICT Plans Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
003   Execution of IT projects
  601 Projects effectively run that deliver required business objectives Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
004   Provision of IT inter-agency collaboration
  601 support and promote inter-agency IT collaboration Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed

Programme Entity 3IP05: Information and Communications Technology Infrastructure Services Support

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Provision of telecommunications support for decentralized offices
  601 Provision of telecommunications support for decentralized offices Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
002   Provision of telecommunications support for headquarters
  601 Provision of telecommunications support for headquarters Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
003   Provision of technical equipment support to meetings
  601 Provision of technical equipment support to meetings Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
004   Provision of IT operations and messaging services
  601 Provision of IT operations and messaging services Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed

Programme Entity 3IP06: Support in the use of IT services

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Provision of IT user support to decentralized offices
  601 Provision of IT support to DO users Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
002   Provision of IT user support to headquarters
  601 Provision of IT support to HQ users Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
003   Development and monitoring of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for IT services
  601 SLDs and SLAs in place for all major AFI services Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Service level reporting in place for all major AFI services Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
004   IT equipment deployment and temporary lending
  601 Deployment of IT Equipment and Management of IT Inventory Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed

Programme Entity 3IP07: Knowledge Management Systems Support

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
004   Support of WAICENT systems
  601 Operational management of WAICENT systems Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
007   Support of Technical Systems
  601 Operational management of Dept/Divisional Technical systems Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
009   Support of common Information System Frameworks
  601 Development of a common information system framework Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed

Programme Entity 3IP08: Management Information Systems Support

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Support of corporate information reporting systems
  601 Support to a corporate MIS Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
002   Support of Oracle ERP systems
  601 Operational management of Oracle ERP systems Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
003   Support of administrative systems
  601 Operational management of satellite systems Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
004   Support of operational systems
  601 Operational management of operational systems Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed

Programme 3J: Communication and public information

Programme Entity 3JP01: Programme for the Improvement of Language Coverage

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
002   Integrated multilingual publishing environment
  601 Support to integrated multilingual publishing environment Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  602 To develop and maintain Russian language version of FAO Newsroom, plus maintenance of other language versions - KCIRD Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  603 Adaptation of FAO per ragazzi (FAO website for teenagers) into the official languages Information exchange and coordination   Completed
  604 Spanish Editorial Service - KCIID Information exchange and coordination   Postponed
  605 Printing of documents Information products, systems, databases   Completed
003   Support to multilingual publishing activities
  601 Support to multilingual publishing activities Information products, systems, databases   Completed

Programme Entity 3JP03: Electronic Publishing Policy and Support

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Corporate publishing policy and planning
  601 Corporate Publishing Policy and Planning: i.) Support originating units in the planning, implementation and monitoring of the Corporate Publishing Programme, ii.) Manage publishing copyright and permissions and advise on product development and dissemination options, including joint initiatives and co-publications with commercial publishers and institutional partners, professional associations and networks. Provision of services to staff, departments and members KCI   Completed
  602 Consultation with technical units and LEG on the selection of appropriate titles for copublication either with commercial publishers, with NGOs or other non-commercial entities; Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Negotiation of all contracts and terms of agreement with selected copublishers. Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
002   Production support, outsourcing and dissemination
  601 Publishing Support Services: i.) Support technical units through the development and implementation of publishing tools and workflow systems based on best available technologies and practices, ii.) Provide publishing project and outsourcing management services for flagship and high-profile information products, as well as other technical information outputs, in accordance with the Corporate Publishing Programme. Provision of services to staff, departments and members KCI   Completed
  602 Publishing Production Services: Manage the workflow and outsource prepress processing and reproduction of FAO headquarters' information and ancillary products through local and decentralized printing and reprographic facilities, using on-demand, offset and digital printing technologies as appropriate. Provision of services to staff, departments and members KCI   Completed
  603 Sales and Marketing Service: Cooperate with technical originators and other involved units to increase the relevance and strengthen the marketing and outreach of FAO's high-profile technical and specialized information products. Identify sales opportunities and advise on production runs and dissemination options. Provision of services to staff, departments and members KCI   Completed
  604 Provide full outsourcing services and project management for editorial, graphics, design and cross-media production aspects of the publishing process, including freelance management, testing and evaluation of external resources, terms of re Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed

Programme Entity 3JS01: Multilingual communication, media promotion and cooperation

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   A comprehensive and integrated media relations campaign and global, regional and national level
  601 Media Relations: i.) support to the Director-General, ii.) preparation of corporate communication plans, iii.) preparation and distribution of news releases, iii.) facilitation of visits to headquarters and field projects by target journalists, iv.) arrangement of interviews, press conferences and media briefings and v.) systematic monitoring and analysis of media coverage; Provision of services to staff, departments and members KCI   Completed
  602 FAO Newsroom: i.) development and promotion of the dynamic multilingual FAO Newsroom Web site and ii.) redesign and ongoing operation of the FAO homepage Provision of services to staff, departments and members KCI   Completed
  603 TV & Radio Production: i.) management of the production and distribution of radio and TV news materials and ii.) management of the production of TV public service advertisements Provision of services to staff, departments and members KCI   Completed
  604 Outposted Officer activities: i.) identify and build relations with journalists in key media organizations, ii.) supply target journalists with information regarding FAO's activities; iii.) build relations with current affairs programme producers on radio and television, iv.) negotiate the placement of Public Service advertising in print, broadcast and web media, v.) build relations with NGOs and other Civil Society organizations and vi.) build contacts with parliamentarians and decentralised authorities; Information exchange and coordination KCI   Completed
002   A multifaceted, comprehensive and targeted public relations campaign
  601 Corporate communication materials, including print, Web, exhibit and management of Atrium: i.) originate, together with external partners, public service advertising for print media, Web and outdoors, ii.) outsource and coordinate production of high-profile campaign materials, iii.) establish and disseminate via the intranet and other channels design guidelines and best practices, iv.) provide a total project management service for outsourced production of multimedia presentations, custom Web design, products on CD-ROM and DVD, exhibits and displays, and other multilingual communication products Information exchange and coordination KCI   Completed
  602 Photo Library activities: maintain, augment, and make available throughout FAO the corporate photo collection, using a state-of-the-art digital image database, ii.) set and disseminate, including through corporate staff development courses, conventions and best practices for the use of photographic material in FAO communication products and iii.) maintain a global network of top-quality freelance photographers Information exchange and coordination KCI   Completed
  603 Communication Strategy and Planning: i.) lead the annual communication planning process and ii.) advise on communication and branding issues in connection with major concerts and events organized by or on behalf of the Organization. Provision of services to staff, departments and members KCI   Completed

CUBATable of ContentsTable of ContentsProgramme Entity 2KP01 Output Status