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In 1973, 1975 and 1979, a number of provenances of E. urophylla were collected by the Indonesian Directorate General of Forestry; Centre Technique Forestier Tropical (France); and the CSIRO Division of Forest Research, Canberra (Australia).

Seed of 12 provenances was made available for international provenance trials by a circular announcement sent by FAO in early 1980 to a number of institutes in 50 countries in the tropics. Distribution of the seed was made in 1980/81 by both CTFT and CSIRO.

By mid 1981, seed of E. urophylla had been distributed to 34 institutes in 27 countries, for testing on a total of more than 100 sites.

Seed of most of the provenance groups has been exhausted. A limited quantity of seed is still available of a few provenances. Interested institutes are requested to contact CTFT (45 bis. Avenue de la Belle Gabrielle. F-94130 Nogent sur Marhe, France) and the Seed Section of CSTRO Division of Forest Research (P.O. Box 4008, Canberra A.C.T. 2600, Australia).

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