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Les Notes techniques et Lettres circulaires mentionnées ci-après ont été diffusées récemment par le Centre DANIDA de semences forestières, Krogerupwej 3A, DK-3050 humlebaek, Danemark. La liste des Lettres circulaires diffusées antérieurement a été publiée dans IRGF No 11 (p.58) et IRGF No 12 (p.26).


No.6Climbing into the crown by way of the bole,3. The use of spurs for tree climbing. By A.M.J. Robbins. October 1983. 12 pp.
No.7Climbing into the crown directly, 1. The advanced line technique for gaining access to tree crowns. By A.M.J. Robbins. November 1983. 15 pp.
No.8Climbing into the crown directly, 2. Ladders. By H. Barner and Kirsten Olesen. January 1984. 8 pp.
No.9Seed extraction, 1. The tarpaulin method of sun drying pine cones and seed extraction. By A.M.J. Robbins. February 1984. 8 pp.
No.10Climbing within the crown, 1. Equipment and safety rules. By H. Barner and Kirsten Olesen. March 1984. 10 pp.
No.11Climbing within the crown,2. Climbing using the Prussik knot. By Peter Ochsner. March 1984. 6 pp.
No.12Seed testing. A note on the Project Seed Laboratory 2000–5000 at Wageningen, The Netherlands. By H. Barner and K. Olesen. March 1984. 4 pp.
No.13Tools for harvesting tree fruits. By A.M.J. Robbins. April 1984. 14 pp.
No.14Provenance seed stands and provenance conservation stands. By R.L.Willan. May 1984. 42 pp.
No.15Evaluation of a series of teak and Gmelina provenance trial. By H. Keiding, E.B. Lauridsen and H. Wellendorf. June 1984. 42 pp.
No.16Seed collection units, 1. Seed zones. By H. Barner and R.L. Willan (editors) (Identical to Circular Letter No. 19, May 1983).
No.17Seed extraction, 2. Extraction of pine seed by means of sun drying on elevated trays followed by tumbling. By J. Granhof. August 1984. 8 pp.
No.18The use of small covered containers for germination testing. By A.M.J. Robbins. October 1984. 12 pp.
No.19Seed crop evaluation. By H. Barner and K. Olesen. October 1984. 20 pp.
No.20Mechanical extraction and cleaning of Gmelina arborea nuts. By Sim Boon Liang and Wong Ching Yong. January 1985. 8 pp.
No.17Central American pine seed. April 1983. 2 pp.
No.18Report on activities in 1982. April 1983. 10 pp.
No.19Seed collection units: 1. Seed zones. May 1983. 36 pp.
No.20Distribution of forest seed from DANIDA Forest Seed Centre. October 1983. 16 pp.
No.21Notice about the availability of copies of “Provenance regions for Pinus caribaea and Pinus oocarpa within the Republic of Honduras”, by A.M.J. Robbins and C.E. Hughes. February 1984. 6 pp.
No.22Report on activities in 1983. April 1984. 6 pp. + 11 pp. of appendices.
No.23Seed catalogue for project on Seed Stands and Gene Conservation Stands and for Research. February 1985. 4 pp. + 28 pp. of appendices.


DANIDA Forest Seed Centre 1981–86. Résumé de la situation générale, des objectifs et des principales activités du Centre de semences. 8 pp.

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