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Anon. 1994. Submission to JMPR on the proposed changes to the ERL for DDT. Information on monitoring DDT residue data for meat by the Ministry of Agriculture, New Zealand, 1994. Unpublished.

Anon. 1995a. Information on national residue survey DDT residue data for the 1996 JMPR by Commonwealth Department of Primary Industries and Energy,. Australia, March 21, 1995. Unpublished.

Anon. 1995b. Information on national residue survey DDT residue data for the 1996 JMPR by the Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, Germany, July 18, 1995. Unpublished.

Anon. 1995c. Information on national residue survey DDT residue data for the 1996 JMPR by Thailand, 1995. Unpublished.

Anon. 1995d. Information on national residue survey DDT residue data for the 1996 JMPR by the USA Environmental Protection Agency, Washington D.C., USA, February 3, 1995. Unpublished.

Anon. 1995e. Information of The Netherlands on pesticides to be considered by the JMPR 1996, Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport, Rijswijk, The Netherlands, December 1995. Unpublished.

Anon. 1995f. Information on national MRLs of pesticides on the agenda of 1996 JMPR by Poland, 1995. Unpublished.

Anon. 1995g. Annual report of the working party on pesticide residues: 1994. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Health and Safety Executive, UK. Supplement to the Pesticides Register 1995, London HMSO.

Anon. 1996. Information on national residue survey DDT residue data for the 1996 JMPR by Norwegian Food Control Authority, Norway, March 27, and April 30, 1996. Unpublished.

EEC, 1986. Council Directive of 24 July 1986 on the fixing of maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on foodstuffs of animal origin (86/363/EEC).

EEC, 1993. Richtlinie des Rates von 29. Juni 1993 zur Änderung der Anhänge der Richtlinien 86/362/EWG und 86/363/EWG über die Festsetzung von Höchstgehalten an Rückstaänden von Schädlingsbekämpfungsmitteln auf und in Getreide sowie Lebensmittein tierischen Ursprungs. Abl. L211 von 23.08.1993.

IPCS, 1996. Results of an Informal IPCS Survey on Persistent Organic Pollutants. IFCS Expert Meeting on POPs, 17-19 June 1996, Manila, Philippines. Prepared by WHO. Unpublished.

Jowett, J. and Viggers, E., 1995. Information on national residue survey DDT residue data for the 1996 JMPR by New Zealand. Dairy pesticide residues report; MAF applied statistics group, January 1995. Unpublished.

Moy, G. 1996a. DDT residues in foodstuffs from various nations. GEMS/Food database. Letter by Dr Gerald Moy, GEMS/Food Coordinator of WHO, Geneva, 12 July 1996. Unpublished.

Moy, G. 1996b. Summary of data on residues of DDT complex, o,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDT. GEMS/Food database. Letter by Dr Gerald Moy, GEMS/Food Coordinator of WHO, Geneva, 20 August 1996. Unpublished.

PAN, 1991. "Demise of the dirty dozen" chart background information and source material. Compiled by the Pesticide Action Network (PAN) North America Regional Center, San Francisco, USA, 4/91.

WHO, 1996. IFCS Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety, Persistent Organic Pollutants. IFCS Expert Meeting on POPs, 17-19 June 1996, Manila, Philippines. Prepared by WHO. Unpublished.

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