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4.1 Data files (Input)

Each run of VIT can only analyze one set of data. This must be written in ASCII code in a sequential file. The first question made by the program is precisely the name of the file that contains the data (section 3.3). There are no restrictions for the name and extension of this file other than those defined by the operating system.

The format of the file must be as follows:

Row Contents
1 Title, comment or message
2 Data description according to the following 6 parameters:
  1 number of classes (age or size). Maximum 200
  2 number of fishing gears. Maximum 4  
  3 age or size indicator code:  
    if we deal with ages the code is 1
    if we deal with sizes the code is 2
  4 lower limit of the first class
  5 size class interval
  6 indicator code for plus group (see 5.2.2)
    if there is no class plus group the code is 1
    if there is a plus group the code is 2
3 Frequency of the first class for each fishing gear
4 Frequency of the second class for each fishing gear

All records in this file are entered in free format; values can be separated by either commas or spaces.

In this file all classes must besorted in ascending order. If the frequency for any class is zero, there must still be a record for it. For example, a data set with 39 classes will have a file with 41 records or rows (2 headings and 39 frequencies).


We now show the file DADES.DAT, that exemplifies the above. This data corresponds to two fishing gears, with 39 size classes, with 2 cm class intervals, with a lower limit for the first class equal to 7 and without a plus group:

Test Data: lengths
        39      2       2       7.      2.      1
    5.187599        0
    74.35635        0
    141.4875        0
    126.1720        0
    57.19818        0
    28.77799        0
    35.29905        0
    22.38175        0
    21.84196        0
    19.25099        0
    17.54980        0
    12.17962        0
    11.19996        0
    9.182018 0.270688
    9.484614 1.193162
    7.054614 2.592628
    5.170537 6.701721
    5.444617 10.60841
    4.011202 11.54165
    3.585226 11.52982
    2.257498 9.654858
    2.543194 9.070927
    0.883086 6.445742
    0.700736 4.795942
    0.470497 2.780643
    0.142849 2.711112
    0.214276 2.690781
    0.142857 1.799415
    0.071416 1.933809
    0.142851 0.277878
    0.142849 0.389753
    0.071418 0.408544
    0.142849 0.268666
           0 0.135337
           0    0.002
           0 0.133335
           0 0.140884
    0.071435    0.001
           0 0.067619

Note that the units (cm) do not appear in the file.

The data file cannot contain any rows (size or age classes) where the frequency is zero for all fishing gears. If that occurs, the execution stops because of a division by zero error.In this case we will have to find a reasonable alternative such as to substitute, at least for one fishing gear, the zero by a small number (small relative to the other frequencies). Other alternatives are: to convert the frequencies to other size or age classes, to smooth the frequency distribution, or to create or expand the plus group. This alternatives should be exercised according to experience or other sources of information.

4.2 Parameter file (Input)

The use of parameter file is optional but we recommend its use to facilitate the work. The parameter file must be created by the user in ASCII code. There are no restrictions for the name and extension of this file other than those defined by the operating system. The contents are as follows:

Row Contents
1 Growth parameters (Von Bertalanffy model): L(inf), k, t0
2 Length-weight parameters: a and b
3 Natural Mortality: M
4 Terminal fishing mortality: Fterm
5-6 Proportion factors or elements to calculate them.
    There are two options:
  Option 1. When we do not know the total biomass captured:




  Multiplicative proportion factor for each fishing gear
  Option 2. When we do know the total biomass captured:


  Total biomass captured


  Proportions of the biomass caught by each fishing gear
7   Proportion mature in the first class
8   Proportion mature in the second class

For each class we have to enter the proportion of sexually mature individuals ranging from 0 (none are mature) to 1 (all are mature).

All records in this file are entered in free format; values can be separated by either commas or spaces.

When option 2 above is used for rows 5 and 6 of this file, the program calculates the proportions by numbers with an iterative method, as described in detail in section


We now show a possible parameter file (PARAM.INI) adapted to the population from the example of the previous chapter (section 4.1). In the example we know the total catch (row 5) and the percentages caught by each fishing gear (row 6). The first 12 classes correspond to immature individuals, and from class 15 onwards they are all mature.

38 62

If the data is age-structured, there may be a conflict between the t0 parameter - third from the first row - and the lower limit of the first class, fourth from the second row of the parameter file (section 4.1). The conflict occurs when t0 is larger than the lower limit of the first class. To avoid this problem, the user must decide between changing the value of t0, reorganize the data so that this problem does not arise, or accept the errors derived from having negative weights.

This problem often arises when the files have been obtained from size-structured data that has been transformed to ages from option 8 in the Main menu (see section 3.4.8). Given that the goal of the transformation is often to be able to do a transition analysis, we generally have to either accept the errors or change the parameters appropriately.

4.3 Other input files

4.3.1 Files for changes in exploitation

In the transition analysis, it is required to enter the changes in fishing mortality from a file. This does not apply in the case where we want to have a factor for each of the fishing gears in the first year of simulation (option A=1 and B=1, section 3.4.6). In all other cases, and depending on the option, we have to have a file with the desired changes and their evolution in time:

Option A=1 and B=2

This option proposes to go from the present fishing effort proportions, to the new proportions, by gradually modifying fishing effort year by year. That is why the file will need as many rows as there are years in the simulation. This is true even if effort is maintained during a few years, as in the example. In each row there will be one factor for each gear to affect the corresponding fishing mortality vector.


In the example we can see a file (T12.DAT) that simulates, through twenty years, a gradual change in fishing effort. This change reduces to half the effort for the first fishing gear, and increases by 50% the fishing effort of the second fishing gear. The changes happen in five years from the first year of the simulation.


Option A=2 and B=1

This option proposes to change the fishing mortality vectors from the first year of simulation. That is why we need to create a file with the new fishing mortalities for each class (row) and fishing gear (columns).


In the example we show a test file (T21.DAT) that was created from the fishing mortality vectors obtained by applying a VPA to the transformed age-structured data (see section 4.5). The only other modification is to shift the mortalities by one class and enter a value of 0.01 for the first class. In this way we simulate an increase in the mesh size.

       0.01       0               0.211      0
       0.211      0               0.4        0
       0.4        0               0.2        0
       0.2        0               0.155      0
       0.155    0.011             0.122    0.011
       0.122    0.116             0.095    0.116
       0.095    0.277             0.091    0.277
       0.091    0.355             0.086    0.355
       0.086    0.347             0.047    0.347
       0.047    0.259             0.03     0.259
       0.03     0.349             0.025    0.349
       0.025    0.406             0.022    0.406
       0.022    0.208             0.04     0.208
        0.04    0.173             0.054    0.173
       0.054    0.219             0.053    0.219
       0.053    0.185             0.075    0.185
       0.075    0.104                 0    0.104
           0    0.02                  0    0.02
           0    0.188                 0    0.188
           0    0.26                  0    0.26
           0    0.255             0.056    0.255
       0.056    0.004             0.254    0.004
       0.254    0.221             0.146    0.221
       0.146    0.626                 0    0.626
           0    0.5                   0    0.5
        Option A=2 and B=2

This option proposes doing a transition analysis when we change the values of fishing mortality from year to year. The file required for this option has the same structure, to be repeated for each year of the simulation, than that of option A=1 and B=2. An example is not presented because of the space it would take: for a file with 25 age groups and a 20 year simulation we will have to use 25x20 = 500 rows.

4.4 Output file

All results from processes requested by the user are written to a unique output file. This is an ASCII file which name and extension are set by the user, unless the default name given by the program is accepted (section 3.3). Although in the matter of names there are no limitations other than those defined by the operating system, it is recommended to use the extension .PRN to indicate that this file is ready for importing into a spreadsheet.

The file is basically made up of titles and number tables. All titles appear within quotes to allow importing them without problems into a spreadsheet. Also, whenever there is a blank space within a number table, the file contains double quotes ("") so that the spreadsheet reserves a blank cell. Therefore, " should not be interpreted to mean that there is a repetition of the previous quantity.

The output file is opened during the initial process, during which the file header is written. Each output from processes requested from the different menus is appended to the end of the file. Only the header file is written as a result of just starting the program.

When the run is completed the file is closed. If in a new run we open this same file, all contents in the file are lost. This happens when the default name is used and is known as "wiping the data" (see recommendations from section 3.2). Remember that the program does not allow the use of the name of an existing file except for the default file name (section 3.3).

At the end of this chapter an example of an output file with results from different options is presented.

4.4.1 File header and final message

The file header is created every time VIT is initialized. It includes the date and time at the beginning of the execution, followed by general information with the job title, specifications from the data file and the names of input, output and parameter files (if these are to come from a file). Therefore it is the same information contained in the general information screen [p10] (section 3.4.1).

Whenever the program is stopped the execution time (in minutes) is recorded at the end of the file. Therefore all output files contain at least the header and the final message.


The following shows an example output file that contains only the header and the final message. This example was generated by running VIT, following the initial process and terminating it without doing any calculations, by using option 0 in the Main menu.

" ***********

" * *

" * VIT *

" * *

" ***********

" (c) F.A.O. & I.C.M. (C.S.I.C.).

" Date " 29/10/97 "Initial time:" 14:33:57


" Test Data: lengths

" Num. of Classes:" 39 " Num. of Gears:" 2

" Data arranged by LENGTHS VPA Method: STANDARD

" Lower Limits: First class =" 7.00 " Last class =" 83.00

" Incr. per Class:" 2.00 " Class + ? NO

" Input File: DADES.DAT

" Output File: OUTVIT.PRN

" Parameter File: PARAM.INI

"End time:" 14:34:39

"Elapsed time:" .70 "minutes"

4.4.2 Parameters

The parameters are shown just before the results are printed, and will not be presented again until they are modified. If they are modified, they will be printed again just before the start of the printing of the next set of results. That is why it is always possible to associate parameters with the results that follow them.

These parameters are: growth parameters from the Von Bertalanffy growth equation, L(inf), k, and t0; parameters from the length-weight relationship, a and b; natural mortality M; terminal fishing mortality Fterm; proportion factors for each fishing gear; and the proportion mature for each class. See the example at the end of the next section, next to the VPA results.

4.4.3 Output from the population analyses (VPA and cohort)

Given that the VPA represents the core of the program, the output of results contains large amounts of general information; in contrast to other options that, strictly, only have the requested results.

The printing of VPA results has a few parts. One is the global results that contain the initial and average values by length, age, and weight, per class. Another one is a listing of the data used, and finally, a full listing of the VPA results.

That is why it is recommended to print the VPA results (Section to the output file. Global data

The program presents a table with the class index and the lower and upper limits of length, age, and weight classes. It also presents the average age, length and weight of each class (see section 5.5). If there is a plus group, the index of this group shows a + sign. Note that the class limits are independent of the VPA and only depend on the growth and length-weight parameters. The average values, however, depend on the VPA. Such averages are a function of the curves of decline in numbers of individuals, determined by mortalities (see section 5.5). That is why the averages are always lower than the mid-point of the class.

The last row has only the upper limits of age, length and weight, and the spaces for the averages and index are reserved. If there is a plus class, its upper limit is indicated with the word "infinity" because, that is the upper limit of this age class.

It is worth noting that, generally, does not exist an individual matching the average age, length and weight for each class because the growth and length-weight relationships are non-linear. In the other parts of the program the results are presented in terms of average weights (more specifically in terms of yield-per-recruit).

The class indices (first column) are used in all output structured by classes and always appear in the first column. Catch in numbers data, by class

This table presents the frequency of individuals, per class, in the total catch (first column), and in the different gears (following columns) transformed according the proportion factors. At the end the table indicates the total number of captured individuals (sum), and the average lengths and ages of the total catch and the catch of each fishing gear. Catch in weight data, by class

This table presents the catch in weight for each class: total (first column), and by fishing gear (following columns). A row at the end indicates the total catch and the catch by fishing gear, and the following row indicates the percentage (in weight) caught by each fishing gear. Note that if the option of using weights to calculate proportion factor is selected during parameter input, the total catch and the above percentages are fixed by the user. VPA results

The results of the VPA are presented in several tables. The first one contains for each class, the initial number of individuals, the average annual number of individuals, the annual instantaneous total mortality rate, the annual instantaneous fishing mortality rate, and the annual instantaneous fishing mortality rate for each fishing gear. Some detailed comments have to be made about these results:

First, recruitment is defined as the number of individuals at the beginning of the first class. This may result in differences between the analysis of ages or lengths, because rarely will the lower limits of the first class coincide (see section 3.4.8).

Second, note that the time unit used for the average quantities and mortalities is the year. This procedure must be adopted always when dealing with time-dependent variables (see section 5.1). Thanks to this procedure, and although residence times within a size class may be smaller than a year, mortality rates (with units of T-1) can be compared and eventually summed.

Similarly the average number of individuals represent annual values and can be related to catches, that are always referred to a year. This is not a problem for classes defined by ages because average numbers are between the initial and final number of each class. However, if a length-structured analysis is done the class intervals, expressed in time units, are not constant and are often very different from one year. In cases where the class interval is smaller than one year, the average annual numbers may be smaller than both the initial number and the final number of the corresponding class. When the class interval is larger the opposite may happen.

That is why it is possible to sum the average annual numbers to produce the average annual number of individuals in the population. These sums can then be related to the total (annual) catch (in number) through an overall (called global, see section 5.5) fishing mortality rate. Such computations are presented at the end of the table. The initial number per length class cannot be summed, because otherwise the same individual would be counted several times whenever it jumps from one class to another, if class interval were less than one year.

As a summary, this table also shows the above mentioned average number and two overall fishing mortalities (see section 5.5): the mean fishing mortalities (computed weighting time), and the global fishing mortalities (computed weighting population in number), and the average size and age of the population at sea. All of these are very general values, but they can be used to summarize in a few words the status of the stock. The overall mortalities have to be interpreted with caution because they are calculated by considering that all classes are included in the analysis. Therefore if a given fishing gear exploits very intensively (very high values of F) only a few classes, the average mortality will be low. In addition, when data contains a plus group, the average mortalities are not presented because, by definition, the time interval of such a class is infinite and, therefore dominates the calculation of the average. In this sense the value of global fishing mortality rate is more informative because it better shows the effects caused by fishery exploitation (see section 5.5 for the definition and properties of global fishing mortalities).

In the next table the initial and average weights for each class are presented in a similar structure as it has been done with numbers. In addition to the total annual average biomass (sum of the mean weights, or B(mean) as it is called in other sections), the total annual average spawning stock biomass is also presented. These figures are very useful because they represent the average stock, and spawning stock, biomasses at sea. These quantities divided by the recruitment (first class from the previous table) are equal to the biomass-per-recruit and spawning stock biomas-per-recruit which are presented in the output of the yield-per-recruit (Y/R) for factor 1 (f = 1, see section 4.4.4).

To finish the VPA output, the critical ages and lengths for the stock at its virgin state and at the exploitation level being analyzed, are shown at the end of this table. Remember that the critical length and age correspond to the maximum biomass of a cohort (see section 5.7).

Finally, it appears a table that attempts to give a global view of the exploitation of the stock. It corresponds to the annual biomass balance equation according to which, in a stock in equilibrium, the biomass gains are compensated by the losses. The program records the total annual biomass involved in the balance (D), and, separately, the gains (growth and recruitment) and losses (natural and fishing mortalities) in biomass, in absolute values and percentages of the above mentioned D. Lastly a series of fractions, expressed in percentages are presented to shed some light on the structure of the stock. In addition to D these are: the biomass of recruits (R), the biomass of the critical class (B(max)) and the average biomass (B(mean)). All these calculations are made through simple operations (the four rules), carried out from the output previous to the VPA. These results appear in the global results menu as a summary of the overall results (section

The later information, and the one detailed below, is equivalent to the one given when the global data is requested (section


The following is an example of an output from the VPA.

"L(inf)=" 95.00 "K=" .9000E-01 "t(0)="-.6000

"a=" .4000E-02 "b=" 3.100

"M=" .1500 "Fterm=" .5000

"Proportion factors:" .188E+04 .198E+04

Rates of mature:

  1  .00  2  .00  3  .00  4  .00  5  .00  6  .00  7  .00  8  .00  9  .00
 10  .00 11  .00 12  .00 13  .40 14  .70 15 1.00 16 1.00 17 1.00 18 1.00
 19 1.00 20 1.00 21 1.00 22 1.00 23 1.00 24 1.00 25 1.00 26 1.00 27 1.00
 28 1.00 29 1.00 30 1.00 31 1.00 32 1.00 33 1.00 34 1.00 35 1.00 36 1.00
 37 1.00 38 1.00 39 1.00


"Global data:"

     "   "     "Ages"     "  "     "Lengths"     "  "     "Weights"

"Class"  "Lower"     "Mean"    "Lower"    "Mean"     "Lower"       "Mean"

   1       .250       .377      7.000      7.997      1.67          2.56    
   2       .506       .634      9.000      9.985      3.63          5.07    
   3       .767       .897     11.000     11.970      6.77          8.86    
   4      1.035      1.167     13.000     13.967      11.4          14.3    
   5      1.309      1.447     15.000     15.981      17.7          21.6    
   6      1.591      1.733     17.000     17.988      26.1          31.2    
   7      1.879      2.025     19.000     19.984      36.8          43.2    
   8      2.176      2.325     21.000     21.988      50.2          58.0    
   9      2.480      2.634     23.000     23.987      66.6          76.0    
  10      2.793      2.951     25.000     25.987      86.2          97.4    
  11      3.115      3.278     27.000     27.987      109.          123.    
  12      3.447      3.615     29.000     29.989      137.          152.    
  13      3.789      3.962     31.000     31.989      168.          185.    
  14      4.142      4.321     33.000     33.989      204.          224.    
  15      4.506      4.691     35.000     35.987      245.          267.    
  16      4.883      5.074     37.000     37.987      291.          316.    
  17      5.273      5.470     39.000     39.983      342.          370.    
  18      5.677      5.880     41.000     41.975      400.          430.    
  19      6.096      6.306     43.000     43.971      463.          497.    
  20      6.532      6.749     45.000     45.965      533.          570.    
  21      6.985      7.212     47.000     47.964      610.          650.    
  22      7.458      7.692     49.000     49.955      694.          738.    
  23      7.952      8.198     51.000     51.960      786.          833.    
  24      8.469      8.727     53.000     53.960      886.          937.    
  25      9.011      9.284     55.000     55.968      994.          .105E+04
  26      9.581      9.868     57.000     57.964      .111E+04      .117E+04
  27     10.182     10.481     59.000     59.951      .124E+04      .130E+04
  28     10.817     11.135     61.000     61.953      .137E+04      .144E+04
  29     11.490     11.820     63.000     63.931      .151E+04      .158E+04
  30     12.208     12.576     65.000     65.974      .167E+04      .175E+04
  31     12.974     13.365     67.000     67.962      .183E+04      .192E+04
  32     13.798     14.215     69.000     69.953      .201E+04      .209E+04
  33     14.687     15.135     71.000     71.942      .219E+04      .228E+04
  34     15.654     16.157     73.000     73.966      .239E+04      .249E+04
  35     16.713     17.281     75.000     75.988      .260E+04      .271E+04
  36     17.883     18.491     77.000     77.947      .282E+04      .293E+04
  37     19.192     19.854     79.000     79.914      .305E+04      .316E+04
  38     20.676     21.438     81.000     81.916      .330E+04      .342E+04
  39     22.389     23.185     83.000     83.816      .356E+04      .367E+04
  ""     24.414         ""     85.000         ""      .383E+04

"Catch in numbers:"

"Class"     "Total catch"      "Catch per gear"

    1           9770.66       9770.66           .00
    2         140047.50     140047.50           .00
    3         266486.60     266486.60           .00
    4         237640.40     237640.40           .00
    5         107730.70     107730.70           .00
    6          54202.30      54202.30           .00
    7          66484.48      66484.48           .00
    8          42155.21      42155.21           .00
    9          41138.54      41138.54           .00
   10          36258.54      36258.54           .00
   11          33054.41      33054.41           .00
   12          22939.87      22939.87           .00
   13          21094.72      21094.72           .00
   14          17828.99      17294.00        534.99
   15          20222.09      17863.93       2358.16
   16          18411.18      13287.11       5124.07
   17          22983.79       9738.52      13245.27
   18          31221.19      10254.74      20966.45
   19          30365.86       7554.95      22810.90
   20          29540.16       6752.64      22787.52
   21          23333.76       4251.92      19081.85
   22          22717.78       4790.01      17927.77
   23          14402.62       1663.26      12739.36
   24          10798.50       1319.81       9478.69
   25           6381.82        886.16       5495.66
   26           5627.29        269.05       5358.24
   27           5721.64        403.58       5318.06
   28           3825.43        269.07       3556.36
   29           3956.49        134.51       3821.98
   30            818.25        269.05        549.20
   31           1039.36        269.05        770.31
   32            941.96        134.51        807.45
   33            800.04        269.05        530.99
   34            267.48           .00        267.48
   35              3.95           .00          3.95
   36            263.52           .00        263.52
   37            278.44           .00        278.44
   38            136.52        134.55          1.98
   39            133.64           .00        133.64

"Sum:"       .13510E+07    .11768E+07    .17421E+06

"Mean Age:"        2.54          1.82          7.43

"Mean Length:"    21.87         17.97         48.22


 "Catch in weight:" 
"Class"    "Total catch"       "Catch per gear"

    1          25021.12      25021.12           .00
    2         709604.50     709604.50           .00
    3        2360863.00    2360863.00           .00
    4        3389867.00    3389867.00           .00
    5        2330100.00    2330100.00           .00
    6        1690258.00    1690258.00           .00
    7        2871306.00    2871306.00           .00
    8        2447070.00    2447070.00           .00
    9        3126427.00    3126427.00           .00
   10        3531124.00    3531124.00           .00
   11        4049903.00    4049903.00           .00
   12        3481408.00    3481408.00           .00
   13        3910075.00    3910075.00           .00
   14        3987944.00    3868279.00     119664.70
   15        5398922.00    4769336.00     629585.80
   16        5812074.00    4194500.00    1617575.00
   17        8503255.00    3602935.00    4900320.00
   18       13428990.00    4410813.00    9018179.00
   19       15083310.00    3752691.00   11330620.00
   20       16835160.00    3848382.00   12986780.00
   21       15173670.00    2764971.00   12408700.00
   22       16757230.00    3533239.00   13223990.00
   23       12002080.00    1386039.00   10616050.00
   24       10116010.00    1236396.00    8879617.00
   25        6695127.00     929668.60    5765459.00
   26        6580799.00     314639.90    6266159.00
   27        7428314.00     523963.10    6904351.00
   28        5498763.00     386762.00    5112001.00
   29        6268937.00     213126.30    6055811.00
   30        1429261.00     469964.10     959296.50
   31        1990410.00     515242.50    1475167.00
   32        1972812.00     281720.60    1691091.00
   33        1827727.00     614657.30    1213070.00
   34         665942.30           .00     665942.30
   35          10699.24           .00      10699.24
   36         771863.50           .00     771863.50
   37         881057.80           .00     881057.80
   38         466414.80     459662.60       6752.20
   39         490211.80           .00     490211.80

"Sum:"       .20000E+09    .76000E+08    .12400E+09

"Percentages:"                  38.00         62.00


"Numbers & Mortalities:"

"Class"  "Initial no."   "Mean no.""   Z"  "F(tot)"   "F per gear"

   1     2081146.00      520309.50   .169   .019   .019   .000
   2     1993329.00      492658.40   .434   .284   .284   .000
   3     1779382.00      430588.20   .769   .619   .619   .000
   4     1448308.00      355945.40   .818   .668   .668   .000
   5     1157275.00      303486.00   .505   .355   .355   .000
   6     1004022.00      275756.50   .347   .197   .197   .000
   7      908455.90      253391.50   .412   .262   .262   .000
   8      803962.80      232823.00   .331   .181   .181   .000
   9      726884.10      215812.70   .341   .191   .191   .000
  10      653373.60      199590.70   .332   .182   .182   .000
  11      587176.50      184510.80   .329   .179   .179   .000
  12      526445.50      171540.60   .284   .134   .134   .000
  13      477774.50      160443.80   .281   .131   .131   .000
  14      432613.30      150144.30   .269   .119   .115   .004
  15      392262.60      139855.70   .295   .145   .128   .017
  16      351062.20      129368.00   .292   .142   .103   .040
  17      313245.80      118162.40   .345   .195   .082   .112
  18      272537.70      104154.70   .450   .300   .098   .201
  19      225693.30       88504.44   .493   .343   .085   .258
  20      182051.80       73007.02   .555   .405   .092   .312
  21      141560.50       59005.23   .545   .395   .072   .323
  22      109376.00       46310.35   .641   .491   .103   .387
  23       79711.65       35847.45   .552   .402   .046   .355
  24       59931.91       28219.70   .533   .383   .047   .336
  25       44900.45       22687.45   .431   .281   .039   .242
  26       35115.51       18458.83   .455   .305   .015   .290
  27       26719.40       14325.05   .549   .399   .028   .371
  28       18849.00       10760.98   .505   .355   .025   .330
  29       13409.43        7640.84   .668   .518   .018   .500
  30        8306.81        5702.38   .293   .143   .047   .096
  31        6633.20        4706.82   .371   .221   .057   .164
  32        4887.82        3645.06   .408   .258   .037   .222
  33        3399.11        2664.36   .450   .300   .101   .199
  34        2199.41        2012.66   .283   .133   .000   .133
  35        1630.03        1747.83   .152   .002   .000   .002
  36        1363.90        1447.70   .332   .182   .000   .182
  37         883.23         962.89   .439   .289   .000   .289
  38         460.35         576.56   .387   .237   .233   .003
  39         237.34         267.28   .650   .500   .000   .500

"Tot:"      ""          .48670E+07

"Mean mortalities:" "" ""            .430   .280   .087   .193
"Global Fishing mortalities:" "" ""   ""    .278   .242   .036

"Stock:" "Mean age=" 2.67 "Mean length=" 22.80


"Class"   "Initial"        "Mean"

   1     3468697.00     1332431.00
   2     7240868.00     2496243.00
   3    12040560.00     3814674.00
   4    16449210.00     5077452.00
   5    20482340.00     6564078.00
   6    26193570.00     8599259.00
   7    33458000.00    10943370.00
   8    40380860.00    13515150.00
   9    48404000.00    16401220.00
  10    56342420.00    19437610.00
  11    64277090.00    22606680.00
  12    71919570.00    26033390.00
  13    80260920.00    29739550.00
  14    88217130.00    33583910.00
  15    95994800.00    37338860.00
  16   102063200.00    40839130.00
  17   107212500.00    43716260.00
  18   108922200.00    44799480.00
  19   104551600.00    43961860.00
  20    97098720.00    41607240.00
  21    86398340.00    38370410.00
  22    75960820.00    34159720.00
  23    62668480.00    29872630.00
  24    53085170.00    26436140.00
  25    44610280.00    23801240.00
  26    38973640.00    21586560.00
  27    33001050.00    18598000.00
  28    25814910.00    15468100.00
  29    20296720.00    12106690.00
  30    13852420.00     9960481.00
  31    12151090.00     9013732.00
  32     9808612.00     7634101.00
  33     7452903.00     6086834.00
  34     5256141.00     5010906.00
  35     4235900.00     4730955.00
  36     3845605.00     4240336.00
  37     2696344.00     3046803.00
  38     1518625.00     1969783.00
  39      844457.40      980423.50

"Tot:"      ""          .72548E+09
"SSB:"      ""          .56074E+09

" " "Critical age" "Critical length"

"Actual Stock" 5.68 41.00

"Virgin Stock" 10.84 61.07

"General Biomass Equation" "Total Biomass Balance (D) = " .3088E+09

"Biomass" "Percent"

"Inputs" "Recruitment" .3469E+07 1.1 "%"

" " "Growth" .3054E+09 98.9 "%"

"Outputs" "Natural dead" .1088E+09 35.2 "%"

" " "Biomass caught" .2000E+09 64.8 "%"

"R/B(mean) =" .5 "%" "D/B(mean) =" 42.6 "% (turnover)"

"B(max)/B(mean) =" 15.0 "%" "B(max)/D =" 35.3 "%"

4.4.4 Output from yield-per-recruit analysis (Y/R)

The output from Y/R first presents the slope of the Y/R curve at the origin, that is for effort equal to zero (factor f = 0) and the virgin biomass. Then appears the method chosen, the number of points, the maximum factor and the resulting resolution, all entered by the user (section 3.4.5).

Next the program indicates if the analysis of changes corresponds to a single fishing gear - pointing to which one - or if it corresponds to the inverse analysis of two fishing gears. If the analysis performed is the one where all fishing gears vary by a common factor, nothing is indicated.

Finally, the results of the analysis are printed according to the following columns:

Factor f ,

Total Y/R


Spawning biomass-per-recruit

Y/R values for each fishing gear (up to the maximum of 4).

The values of factorf , in the first column, correspond with options 1 and 2 in the yield-per-recruit menu (section 3.4.5).

With option 1 the Y/R listing is restricted to the following values of factor f :

f = 0, absence of fishing.

f , where the curve has a slope equal to 10% of that of the curve at the origin, F(0.1).

f corresponding to the maximum Y/R, for each fishing gear and for the total, respectively represented as Max(i) and Max.

f equal to the maximum factor considered.

This analysis is carried out according to the resolution indicated initially.

With option 2 chosen, when all fishing gears vary according to one factor, the Y/R are listed at regular intervals of the factor. These intervals go from zero to the maximum value and are determined by the number of points specified by the user. In such listing the reference points of the curve are not indicated.

If in addition to option 2, we have chosen that the factor should affect one fishing gear and leave the other constants, the program presents as many listings as there are gears and indicates which is the fishing gear being affected. Finally, if we have chosen the inverse analysis of two gears, the listing is presented and the type of analysis is indicated.


The following is an example of the output from Y/R


"Slope at origin=" 1236.11 "Virgin biomass=" .916162E+10

"Method: * Calculated Mean Weights "

"Number of points=" 200 "Maximum Factor for effort=" 2.0

" Resolution=" .010

"Factor"  "Y/R"    "Biomass/R"    "SSB/R"     "Y/R per gear"  

    .00   .00000       4402.2       4229.1        .00    .00
 "*** F(0.1):"
    .26   140.68       1823.5       1683.9      32.41 108.26
 "*** Max(2):"
    .33   144.89       1532.8       1399.7      34.71 110.18
 "*** Max:"
    .37   145.49       1371.3       1242.3      35.81 109.68
 "*** Max(1):"
    .64   128.56       703.62       599.20      38.30  90.26
   1.00   96.101       348.60       269.44      36.52  59.58
   2.00   43.822       89.520       51.554      26.73  17.10


"Slope at origin=" 1236.11 "Virgin biomass=" .916162E+10

"Method: * Calculated Mean Weights "

"Number of points=" 20 "Maximum Factor for effort=" 2.0

" Resolution=" .100

"Factor"  "Y/R"    "Biomass/R"    "SSB/R"     "Y/R per gear"  

    .00   .00000       4402.2       4229.1        .00    .00
    .10   88.098       3115.7       2955.9      18.40  69.70
    .20   128.41       2255.6       2108.1      28.34 100.06
    .30   143.36       1670.2       1533.9      33.68 109.68
    .40   145.09       1264.2       1138.2      36.45 108.64
    .50   140.18       977.06       860.59      37.78 102.39
    .60   132.17       770.01       662.29      38.26  93.90
    .70   122.97       617.74       518.07      38.23  84.75
    .80   113.60       503.58       411.32      37.85  75.75
    .90   104.57       416.38       330.94      37.26  67.30
   1.00   96.101       348.60       269.44      36.52  59.58
   1.10   88.302       295.04       221.67      35.67  52.63
   1.20   81.185       252.08       184.04      34.74  46.44
   1.30   74.724       217.15       154.02      33.77  40.96
   1.40   68.875       188.40       129.79      32.76  36.11
   1.50   63.587       164.48       110.04      31.74  31.85
   1.60   58.807       144.38       93.786      30.71  28.09
   1.70   54.486       127.35       80.304      29.69  24.79
   1.80   50.575       112.81       69.039      28.68  21.89
   1.90   47.034       100.32       59.565      27.69  19.34
   2.00   43.822       89.520       51.553      26.73  17.10


"Slope at origin=" 1236.11 "Virgin biomass=" .916162E+10

"Method: * Calculated Mean Weights "

"Number of points=" 20 "Maximum Factor for effort=" 2.0

" Resolution=" .100

"Analysis of variation of gear no." 1

"Factor"  "Y/R"    "Biomass/R"    "SSB/R"     "Y/R per gear"  

    .00   229.40       1156.6       983.54        .00 229.40
    .10   209.46       1022.6       862.75       9.17 200.29
    .20   191.40       904.64       757.07      16.49 174.91
    .30   175.04       800.88       664.56      22.26 152.78
    .40   160.21       709.54       583.56      26.74 133.47
    .50   146.77       629.08       512.61      30.14 116.63
    .60   134.57       558.16       450.43      32.64 101.93
    .70   123.52       495.60       395.93      34.41  89.10
    .80   113.48       440.41       348.14      35.58  77.90
    .90   104.37       391.66       306.22      36.25  68.12
   1.00   96.101       348.60       269.44      36.52  59.58
   1.10   88.586       310.52       237.15      36.46  52.12
   1.20   81.755       276.84       208.79      36.15  45.60
   1.30   75.544       247.03       183.89      35.64  39.91
   1.40   69.893       220.62       162.00      34.96  34.93
   1.50   64.749       197.21       142.77      34.17  30.58
   1.60   60.065       176.45       125.85      33.29  26.77
   1.70   55.796       158.03       110.98      32.35  23.44
   1.80   51.903       141.66       97.890      31.37  20.53
   1.90   48.352       127.13       86.371      30.37  17.99
   2.00   45.110       114.20       76.229      29.35  15.76

"Analysis of variation of gear no." 2

"Factor"  "Y/R"    "Biomass/R"    "SSB/R"     "Y/R per gear"  

    .00   65.024       1004.2       925.04      65.02    .00
    .10   76.557       851.92       772.75      58.39  18.17
    .20   84.172       733.85       654.69      53.28  30.90
    .30   89.148       641.52       562.36      49.30  39.85
    .40   92.341       568.69       489.53      46.16  46.18
    .50   94.325       510.71       431.55      43.67  50.66
    .60   95.487       464.13       384.97      41.65  53.84
    .70   96.093       426.36       347.20      40.00  56.09
    .80   96.322       395.45       316.29      38.64  57.68
    .90   96.296       369.90       290.74      37.49  58.80
   1.00   96.101       348.60       269.44      36.52  59.58
   1.10   95.795       330.67       251.51      35.68  60.11
   1.20   95.419       315.44       236.28      34.96  60.46
   1.30   95.001       302.39       223.24      34.32  60.68
   1.40   94.559       291.13       211.97      33.75  60.81
   1.50   94.108       281.32       202.16      33.25  60.86
   1.60   93.656       272.71       193.56      32.79  60.86
   1.70   93.209       265.11       185.96      32.38  60.83
   1.80   92.771       258.35       179.20      32.00  60.77
   1.90   92.345       252.30       173.15      31.65  60.69
   2.00   91.933       246.86       167.70      31.33  60.60


"Slope at origin=" 1236.11 "Virgin biomass=" .916162E+10

"Method: * Calculated Mean Weights "

"Number of points=" 20 "Maximum Factor for effort=" 2.0

" Resolution=" .100

"Inverse analysis of the two gears"

 "Factor"  "Y/R"    "Biomass/R"    "SSB/R"     "Y/R per gear"  

    .00   217.10       728.09       554.99        .00 217.10
    .10   199.62       670.54       510.74       7.45 192.16
    .20   183.65       618.40       470.84      13.71 169.94
    .30   169.05       571.21       434.89      18.93 150.12
    .40   155.71       528.54       402.56      23.26 132.45
    .50   143.50       490.00       373.53      26.81 116.69
    .60   132.32       455.25       347.54      29.71 102.61
    .70   122.08       424.00       324.33      32.05  90.03
    .80   112.68       395.95       303.70      33.91  78.77
    .90   104.05       370.89       285.45      35.38  68.66
   1.00   96.101       348.60       269.44      36.52  59.58
   1.10   88.778       328.89       255.52      37.39  51.39
   1.20   82.013       311.62       243.58      38.05  43.97
   1.30   75.746       296.66       233.52      38.55  37.20
   1.40   69.919       283.91       225.29      38.93  30.99
   1.50   64.479       273.28       218.84      39.24  25.24
   1.60   59.371       264.74       214.14      39.52  19.85
   1.70   54.543       258.25       211.21      39.82  14.72
   1.80   49.942       253.83       210.05      40.17   9.78
   1.90   45.512       251.49       210.74      40.61   4.90
   2.00   41.195       251.31       213.35      41.19    .00

4.4.5 Output from transition analysis

The first output from the transition analysis is either the fishing mortality factors (if options A=1 and B=1 have been selected), or the name of file that contains the changes in exploitation (for all other options). After that follows a listing of the results in terms of yield-per-recruit arranged by columns:

Year of simulation

Total Y/R


Spawning biomass-per-recruit

Y/R values for each gear (maximum of 4)

Note that the above columns are the same as the ones for the output of the yield-per-recruit analysis, except for column one, which now contains the year of simulation instead of the factor (which here is always 1).

The first row has the results in the initial steady state, before the transition starts. This row is indicated by the word "ini" in the column corresponding to year.

The last row contains the steady state results for the final exploitation pattern. This row is indicated by the word "Fin" in the column corresponding to year. The greater the number of years simulated after the change in exploitation pattern, the closer the above results will be to those of the last simulated year.

Whenever the variable recruitment option has been selected, and before the listing of results, there will be a row with information on the model used and its parameters.

In cases where we have chosen to work with stochastic recruitment, an extra row appears with the value of the variance and the number of simulations performed. Given that each simulation produces a different set of results, the program presents information that attempts to characterize the lognormal distribution of the results. In such case, the output only contains the first row of the listing of results (initial steady state), the last row (final steady state, if applicable) and the results for each year. These yearly results are described by the average, median, variance, mode and the 95% confidence limits.


The following is an example of the output from the transition analysis:


"Factor(s) for F(s):" .50 1.50

"Year"  "Y/R"  "Biomass"   "S.S.B."     "Y/R per gear"

"Ini"   92.9      341.      262.      35.8      57.1    
     1  99.5      337.      254.      18.3      81.3    
     2  95.0      341.      246.      19.4      75.6    
     3  94.6      355.      249.      20.9      73.7    
     4  97.4      378.      264.      22.4      75.0    
     5  104.      404.      288.      23.8      80.0    
     6  113.      427.      312.      24.9      88.4    
     7  123.      444.      329.      25.6      97.1    
     8  129.      455.      340.      25.9      103.    
     9  133.      463.      347.      26.1      107.    
    10  135.      467.      351.      26.1      109.    
    11  136.      470.      354.      26.2      110.    
    12  137.      471.      356.      26.2      111.    
    13  137.      472.      357.      26.2      111.    
    14  138.      473.      358.      26.2      111.    
    15  138.      474.      358.      26.2      112.    
    16  138.      474.      359.      26.3      112.    
    17  138.      475.      359.      26.2      112.    
    18  138.      475.      359.      26.3      112.    
    19  138.      475.      360.      26.3      112.    
    20  138.      475.      360.      26.3      112.    

"Fin"   138.      476.      360.      26.3      112.    

"Factor(s) for F(s):" 1.00 1.00

"Stochastic recruitment"

"Variance=" .200 "No. of Simulations:" 100

"Year"  "Y/R"  "Biomass"   "S.S.B."     "Y/R per gear"

"Ini"   92.9      341.      262.      35.8      57.1    
"Fin"   92.9      341.      262.      35.8      57.1    


     1  92.8      341.      262.      35.8      57.1    
     2  92.6      340.      262.      35.6      57.1    
     3  92.5      340.      262.      35.5      57.1    
     4  92.6      339.      262.      35.6      57.1    
     5  92.4      338.      261.      35.4      57.0    
     6  92.2      338.      259.      35.4      56.8    
     7  91.7      337.      260.      35.3      56.4    
     8  92.0      338.      260.      35.6      56.3    
     9  92.8      340.      259.      36.2      56.5    
    10  92.7      341.      259.      36.2      56.5    
    11  92.6      343.      261.      36.3      56.3    
    12  92.9      345.      266.      36.4      56.5    
    13  94.4      347.      268.      36.7      57.7    
    14  95.4      348.      267.      36.8      58.7    
    15  94.8      347.      266.      36.4      58.4    
    16  93.9      347.      267.      36.0      57.9    
    17  94.2      346.      269.      36.2      58.0    
    18  94.7      345.      267.      35.8      58.8    
    19  94.2      342.      263.      35.6      58.6    
    20  93.0      340.      263.      35.5      57.5    


        1  .991E-01  2.22      .922E-11  .991E-01  .144E-12
     2  4.99      33.4      .922E-11  4.99      .144E-12
     3  9.11      140.      .922E-11  9.11      .144E-12
     4  13.7      364.      1.51      13.7      .144E-12
     5  18.5      712.      255.      17.4      .504E-01
     6  38.9      .112E+04  760.      21.4      6.63    
     7  89.7      .141E+04  .107E+04  23.3      38.5    
     8  123.      .153E+04  .116E+04  22.5      64.5    
     9  128.      .161E+04  .123E+04  26.0      70.9    
    10  136.      .172E+04  .135E+04  26.4      69.7    
    11  149.      .182E+04  .124E+04  27.7      77.4    
    12  153.      .191E+04  .136E+04  29.8      75.3    
    13  156.      .202E+04  .149E+04  29.8      74.4    
    14  169.      .208E+04  .147E+04  28.9      84.9    
    15  174.      .213E+04  .153E+04  32.6      86.6    
    16  166.      .222E+04  .163E+04  29.9      86.7    
    17  181.      .233E+04  .159E+04  33.5      88.8    
    18  193.      .240E+04  .181E+04  33.7      93.3    
    19  189.      .239E+04  .182E+04  31.7      98.0    
    20  192.      .233E+04  .178E+04  28.9      104.    
"Confidence Limits at 95% :"

"Lower Limits:"

       1  92.2      338.      262.      35.1      57.1    
     2  88.3      329.      262.      31.4      57.1    
     3  86.8      317.      262.      29.9      57.1    
     4  85.6      303.      260.      28.9      57.1    
     5  84.3      289.      231.      27.9      56.6    
     6  80.5      277.      209.      27.2      51.9    
     7  74.5      270.      202.      26.8      45.2    
     8  72.1      268.      199.      27.2      42.2    
     9  72.6      268.      197.      27.3      41.8    
    10  72.0      267.      194.      27.1      41.9    
    11  71.0      267.      198.      27.1      41.0    
    12  71.0      268.      201.      26.9      41.4    
    13  72.3      268.      200.      27.2      42.7    
    14  72.5      267.      200.      27.4      42.7    
    15  71.6      266.      197.      26.5      42.3    
    16  71.2      264.      197.      26.5      41.8    
    17  70.5      261.      200.      26.2      41.7    
    18  70.4      259.      194.      25.8      42.2    
    19  70.2      256.      190.      25.8      41.6    
    20  68.8      255.      191.      26.1      40.1    

"Upper Limits:"

     1  93.4      344.      262.      36.4      57.1    
     2  97.1      352.      262.      40.1      57.1    
     3  98.6      363.      262.      41.7      57.1    
     4  100.      378.      264.      43.3      57.1    
     5  101.      394.      293.      44.2      57.5    
     6  105.      408.      317.      45.3      62.0    
     7  112.      417.      330.      45.7      69.5    
     8  116.      421.      333.      45.8      73.7    
     9  117.      425.      335.      47.2      74.8    
    10  118.      430.      338.      47.3      74.5    
    11  119.      434.      336.      47.7      75.4    
    12  119.      439.      346.      48.2      75.3    
    13  121.      443.      351.      48.5      76.4    
    14  123.      445.      349.      48.4      78.7    
    15  123.      446.      350.      48.8      78.6    
    16  122.      448.      355.      47.9      78.2    
    17  123.      450.      355.      48.8      78.5    
    18  125.      450.      360.      48.5      79.9    
    19  124.      448.      357.      47.9      80.3    
    20  123.      444.      355.      47.1      79.9    


     1  92.8      341.      262.      35.8      57.1    
     2  92.5      340.      262.      35.3      57.1    
     3  92.4      339.      262.      35.1      57.1    
     4  92.4      337.      262.      35.0      57.1    
     5  92.1      335.      259.      34.6      57.0    
     6  91.5      333.      255.      34.5      56.6    
     7  90.2      331.      254.      34.3      55.4    
     8  90.0      331.      253.      34.7      54.7    
     9  90.7      333.      252.      35.2      54.7    
    10  90.5      334.      251.      35.1      54.7    
    11  90.3      336.      254.      35.2      54.3    
    12  90.4      337.      259.      35.2      54.5    
    13  92.0      339.      260.      35.5      55.8    
    14  92.9      339.      259.      35.6      56.5    
    15  92.1      338.      257.      35.1      56.2    
    16  91.3      337.      258.      34.8      55.7    
    17  91.4      336.      261.      34.9      55.7    
    18  91.7      334.      258.      34.4      56.5    
    19  91.3      332.      253.      34.3      56.2    
    20  89.9      330.      254.      34.3      54.9    


"Factor(s) for F(s):" .50 1.50

" Variable recruitment"

"Model: Ricker" "a=" .5379E-01 "b=" .1009E-01

"Year"  "Y/R"  "Biomass"   "S.S.B."     "Y/R per gear"

"Ini"   92.9      341.      262.      35.8      57.1    
     1  99.5      337.      254.      18.3      81.3    
     2  95.0      341.      246.      19.4      75.6    
     3  94.8      357.      249.      21.1      73.7    
     4  97.9      382.      264.      22.9      75.0    
     5  105.      411.      288.      24.6      80.0    
     6  114.      439.      315.      25.7      88.5
     7  124.      457.      340.      26.0      98.0    
     8  132.      463.      358.      25.3      106.    
     9  136.      453.      363.      23.8      112.    
    10  136.      430.      353.      21.7      115.    
    11  131.      396.      330.      19.5      112.    
    12  121.      360.      299.      17.6      104.    
    13  110.      329.      266.      16.4      93.3
    14  98.7      309.      239.      16.3      82.4    
    15  90.4      305.      221.      17.3      73.1    
    16  86.4      319.      217.      19.3      67.0    
    17  87.6      351.      229.      22.1      65.5    
    18  94.4      395.      257.      25.1      69.4    
    19  106.      443.      298.      27.5      78.6
    20  121.      485.      343.      28.9      92.0


"File containing changes: T21.DAT "

"Year"  "Y/R"  "Biomass"   "S.S.B."     "Y/R per gear"

"Ini"   92.9      341.      262.      35.8      57.1    
     1  94.4      340.      260.      32.3      62.1    
     2  95.2      339.      257.      29.2      66.1    
     3  95.6      341.      254.      26.3      69.4    
     4  96.1      348.      253.      23.5      72.6    
     5  97.3      359.      258.      20.8      76.6    
     6  99.9      377.      269.      22.1      77.8    
     7  105.      398.      285.      23.4      81.9    
     8  112.      419.      304.      24.4      87.7    
     9  119.      437.      321.      25.2      94.2    
    10  126.      450.      334.      25.7      100.    
    11  131.      459.      343.      26.0      105.    
    12  134.      465.      349.      26.1      108.    
    13  136.      468.      353.      26.2      109.    
    14  137.      470.      355.      26.2      110.    
    15  137.      472.      356.      26.2      111.    
    16  138.      473.      357.      26.2      111.    
    17  138.      473.      358.      26.2      111.    
    18  138.      474.      358.      26.2      112.    
    19  138.      474.      359.      26.3      112.    
    20  138.      475.      359.      26.3      112.    

"Fin"   138.      476.      360.      26.3      112.    

"File containing changes: T21.DAT     "

"Year"  "Y/R"  "Biomass"   "S.S.B."     "Y/R per gear"

"Ini"   92.9      341.      262.      35.8      57.1    
     1  100.      337.      259.      42.5      57.8    
     2  99.5      331.      252.      42.9      56.6    
     3  99.7      329.      241.      44.6      55.1    
     4  98.6      331.      234.      45.8      52.8    
     5  97.9      337.      239.      47.2      50.7    
     6  99.4      345.      247.      48.4      51.0    
     7  103.      353.      255.      49.3      53.4    
     8  106.      360.      262.      50.1      56.0    
     9  108.      364.      266.      50.5      57.4    
    10  109.      368.      270.      50.7      58.2    
    11  110.      370.      272.      50.7      59.4    
    12  111.      371.      273.      50.7      60.0    
    13  111.      372.      274.      50.8      60.2    
    14  111.      373.      275.      50.8      60.4    
    15  111.      374.      276.      50.8      60.6    
    16  112.      374.      276.      50.9      60.7    
    17  112.      375.      277.      50.9      60.7    
    18  112.      375.      277.      50.9      60.6    
    19  112.      375.      277.      50.9      60.7    
    20  112.      375.      277.      50.9      60.8    

"Fin"   112.      376.      278.      50.9      60.8    

4.4.6 Output from sensitivity analysis

The results of the sensitivity analysis are presented as a list of yield-per-recruit values as follows:

Parameters affected by the factor

Total Y/R


Spawning biomass-per-recruit (S.S.B)

Y/R values for each gear (maximum of 4)

Note, that like in the transition analysis, these columns are the same as the ones for the yield-per-recruit analysis, except the first column which in this case is a coded indication of the parameters that have been modified.

The coding used to indicate the parameters affected by the changes is as follows: each parameter is symbolized by a zero whenever it has maintained its value, by a + sign if its value has increased by a - sign when it has decreased according to the factor.

These symbols are grouped in the first column according to the following order (section 3.4.7):

Von Bertalanffy growth parameters:

(1) L(inf)

(2) k

(3) t0

Length-weight parameters:

(4) a

(5) b


(6) M

(7) Fterm

Proportions for each fishing gear (maximum 4):

(8 to 11).

Before each presentation of the data an extra row is included with the value of the factor and the ordinal above indicated of the parameters being analyzed.


The following is an example of the output from the sensitivity analysis:


"Factor=" .10

"Parameters"         "Y/R"   "Biomass"   "SSB"    "Y/R per gear"

"ooo oo oo oooo"      96.10    348.60    269.44  36.52  59.58
"-oo oo oo oooo"      83.52    554.83    456.59  31.74  51.79
"+oo oo oo oooo"     102.88    285.72    217.52  39.10  63.79
"o-o oo oo oooo"      90.30    384.51    296.08  34.31  55.99
"o+o oo oo oooo"     100.85    318.69    247.08  38.32  62.53
"oo- oo oo oooo"      96.10    348.60    269.44  36.52  59.58
"oo+ oo oo oooo"      96.10    348.60    269.44  36.52  59.58
"ooo -o oo oooo"      86.49    313.74    242.49  32.87  53.62
"ooo +o oo oooo"     105.71    383.46    296.38  40.17  65.54
"ooo o- oo oooo"      30.18    111.12     81.57  12.58  17.60
"ooo o+ oo oooo"     310.17   1107.77    894.00 108.01 202.17
"ooo oo -o oooo"     101.35    349.94    271.23  38.51  62.83
"ooo oo +o oooo"      90.86    347.09    267.53  34.53  56.33
"ooo oo o- oooo"      96.08    349.47    270.29  36.51  59.57
"ooo oo o+ oooo"      96.12    347.89    268.75  36.52  59.59
"ooo oo oo -ooo"      99.82    367.70    285.89  35.49  64.33
"ooo oo oo +ooo"      92.89    332.12    255.25  37.41  55.48
"ooo oo oo o-oo"      92.56    330.43    253.79  37.50  55.06
"ooo oo oo o+oo"      99.46    365.84    284.29  35.59  63.87


"Factor=" .10 "Parameters" = 2    6

 "Parameters"         "Y/R"   "Biomass"   "SSB"    "Y/R per gear"

"ooo oo oo oooo"      96.10    348.60    269.44  36.52  59.58
"o-o oo -o oooo"      96.12    386.46    298.53  36.53  59.59
"o-o oo +o oooo"      84.49    382.31    293.45  32.11  52.39
"o+o oo -o oooo"     105.62    319.65    248.43  40.14  65.49
"o+o oo +o oooo"      96.08    317.62    245.64  36.51  59.57


"Factor=" .20

"Parameters"         "Y/R"   "Biomass"   "SSB"    "Y/R per gear"

"ooo oo oo oooo"      96.10    348.60    269.44  36.52  59.58
"+oo oo oo oooo"     107.89    245.86    185.72  41.00  66.89
"o-o oo oo oooo"      83.08    428.25    328.20  31.57  51.51
"o+o oo oo oooo"     104.82    293.45    228.09  39.83  64.99
"oo- oo oo oooo"      96.10    348.60    269.44  36.52  59.58
"oo+ oo oo oooo"      96.10    348.60    269.44  36.52  59.58
"ooo -o oo oooo"      76.88    278.88    215.55  29.21  47.67
"ooo +o oo oooo"     115.32    418.32    323.33  43.82  71.50
"ooo o- oo oooo"       9.63     35.94     24.81   4.42   5.21
"ooo o+ oo oooo"    1012.58   3561.42   2980.01 324.86 687.72
"ooo oo -o oooo"     106.59    351.15    272.90  40.50  66.08
"ooo oo +o oooo"      85.63    345.42    265.49  32.54  53.09
"ooo oo o- oooo"      96.06    350.58    271.37  36.50  59.55
"ooo oo o+ oooo"      96.13    347.31    268.18  36.53  59.60
"ooo oo oo -ooo"     104.19    390.12    305.20  34.28  69.91
"ooo oo oo +ooo"      90.09    317.76    242.88  38.18  51.91
"ooo oo oo o-oo"      88.82    311.25    237.28  38.53  50.29
"ooo oo oo o+oo"     102.66    382.23    298.40  34.71  67.95

4.5 Age-structured files created by VIT (Output)

These files have the same structure and characteristics as the parameter and data files described in sections 4.1 and 4.2. The data file retains the title from the original data (row 1).

The following example presents the files EDATS.DAT and PARAM.EDA created by using this option from DADES.DAT and PARAM.INI.



Test Data: lengths
           25           2           1           0           1           1
      202.685100    0.000000E+00
      244.978300    0.000000E+00
       77.467750    0.000000E+00
       43.299180    0.000000E+00
       25.269410        2.254098
       14.292080       16.721020
        8.895522       25.769590
        4.812603       19.029420
        1.486228       10.535700
    5.849250E-01        4.782644
    2.963863E-01        3.995715
    1.543711E-01        2.686190
    1.676991E-01    8.374952E-01
    1.549617E-01    4.729559E-01
    1.022819E-01    4.022288E-01
    9.522250E-02    2.247726E-01
    0.000000E+00    9.016639E-02
    0.000000E+00    1.401765E-02
    0.000000E+00    1.022057E-01
    0.000000E+00    9.764422E-02
    1.438079E-02    6.204229E-02
    4.180058E-02    5.851555E-04
    1.525362E-02    2.193671E-02
    0.000000E+00    3.304959E-02
    0.000000E+00    1.284623E-02


95.000000    9.000000E-02   -6.000000E-01
    4.000000E-03        3.100000
     1883.464000     1976.399000

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