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Sender Institution:

N.AG.RE.F Pomology Institute - 59 200 Naoussa, Makedonia - Greece
Phone: +30 - 32 - 41548
Fax: +30 - 32 - 41178

Research project


"Evaluation of Almond varieties"

Project leader:




Funding institution:

N.AG.RE.F Pomology Institute - 59 200 Naoussa, Makedonia - Greece

Starting year:




Project objectives:

a) To find the best varieties and rootstocks for each particular soil and climatica or other conditions.

b) To improve the available genetic material.

Project summary:

a) Creation of new varieties and evaluation of the promising own and imported material. The creation has as main targets the late flowering season the self-fertility and the quality of the kernel.

b) Creation of interspecific hybrids aiming to the rootstock selection for almond, peach and apricot production under replanting or other particular conditions.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

C. HOLEVAS, D. STYLIANIDIS, Z. MICHAILIDIS, 1985. Nutrient element variability in the leaves of almond trees in relation to variety, rootstock and the vegetative part of the tree. Options IAMZ-85/I.

KANTARTZI N., 1961. Studies on the self-incompatibility and the flowering time of the most important almond and cherry varieties in Greece. Scientific Bullettin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of Thessaloniki.

STYLIANIDIS D., MOUAHTOURI E., 1964. Elements of evaluation of 40 almond varieties. Bullettin of Pomology Institute p. 86.

STYLIANIDIS D., 1976. La culture de l'amandier en Grece. Options Mediterraneénes Vol. 32 p. 72-73.

STYLIANIDIS D., 1976. Problemas del Almendro en Grecia. Extracto de la MEMERIA del I Congreso International de Almendro y Avellana. Reus (Spain) 25-28/10/1976.

STYLIANIDIS D., SYRGIANNIDIS G., 1989. Rootstocks for almond. Review, present situation and perspectives in Greece. Options Mediterraneénes n. 5, 69-71.

STYLIANIDIS D., MOUHTOURI E., LOUPASSAKI M. and ISAAKIDIS A., 1990. Preliminary studies on almond fruit drops, causing factors and reducing measures. Rapport EUR 14081 FR, p. 157-175.

STYLIANIDIS D., ISAAKIDIS A. and MICHAELIDIS Z., 1990. Studies on the inheritance of self-compatibility and other characters in F1 hybrids of Truoito × Ferragnes. Rapport EUR 14081 FR, p. 51-65.

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