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7. Guidelines on hazard characterization

7.1. Introduction / current status

The process for the development of guidelines on hazard characterization for microbiological hazards in food and water began at a workshop held in Bilthoven, the Netherlands, 13-17 June 2000. The objective of the Hazard Characterization Workshop was to develop guidelines on hazard characterization for microbiological hazards in food and water. In order to accomplish this, the workshop 1) reviewed the state of the art in hazard characterization and relevant scientific disciplines (e.g. epidemiology, biomedical research, mathematical modelling); 2) categorized the principles and methods of hazard characterization; 3) provided guidance on the type of data needed and the means of assessing the adequacy of available data for developing dose-response relationships for specific pathogens; and 4) identified future research requirements to reduce uncertainty of dose response models and default assumptions for use in the short term.

Participants at the Bilthoven workshop compared and reviewed the approaches used in hazard characterizations for several pathogens (Salmonella spp., L. monocytogenes, enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli, Cryptosporidium parvum and Norwalk-like viruses). The outcomes of the workshop included a comparison of models that illustrated the benefits and weaknesses of different approaches. The workshop formulated general principles and guidelines for hazard characterization that were further discussed at this expert consultation.

The consultation discussed and reviewed the working principles and guidelines developed at Bilthoven with the intention of further developing the document in a wider arena of experts. In addition, practical lessons from the specific hazard characterization documents prepared by the expert drafting groups were included. The guidelines, in their current status, are a work in progress and will receive a variety of inputs in the medium term before completion.

7.2. Summary of the discussions

The consultation welcomed the opportunity to participate in the continued development of these guidelines. General discussions indicated wide support for the purpose and scope of the work. Areas for further technical developments were specifically identified and comments on format, scope and structure are included in this summary.

General issues

Specific issues in the current document

7.3. Future work

The expert consultation concluded that the working principles and guidelines developed at Bilthoven should be the subject of further review and development to incorporate the changes suggested above. The opinion of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene should be solicited together with ongoing input for the Joint Expert Consultations on Microbiological Risk Assessment. In addition, comments will be solicited from the general public through publication on the WHO and FAO web sites. Development of the guidelines will be finalized at a second Joint Expert Consultation on Microbiological Risk Assessment in 2001.

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