FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.3, December 2000 ETHIOPIA 17

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976 680 sq.km
Northern coastal area and lowlands in south and east are semi-arid to arid; rest of country has a highland rainy climate with mild winter.
61.67 million (1999 estimate); G.N.P. per caput: US$100 (1999)
Specific characteristics of the country:
Low-income food-deficit country
Land-locked country, roads inadequate
Major foodcrops:
Maize, teff, barley, sorghum, wheat, pulses, enset (false banana)
Marketing year:
January/December; Lean season: August-November
Share of cereals in total calorie intake:
69 percent


An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission which visited the country from mid-November to early December indicated that good rains in September and October in several parts of the country have helped maturing crops in important cereal producing areas of central, northern and western parts of the country. Consequently, a good main (Meher) season crop is anticipated. However, some eastern and southern parts have been affected by continued drought conditions. The 2000 secondary "Belg" crop, normally harvested from June, had also failed due to drought. Although Belg production accounts for only 8 to 10 percent of total cereal production, it is important in several areas where it provides the bulk of annual food supplies.

Despite the anticipated good harvest, large scale food assistance will still be needed in 2001 for millions of people affected by prolonged drought and insecurity.


  Wheat Rice Coarse grains Total
Previous five years average production 1 119 - 6 975 8 094
Previous five years average imports 464 16 23 503
2000 Domestic Availability 1 212 - 6 383 7 595
1999 Production (rice in paddy terms) 1 212 - 6 303 7 515
1999 Production (rice in milled terms) 1 212 - 6 303 7 515
Possible stock drawdown - - 80 80
2000 Utilization 2 337 20 6 503 8 860
Food Use 1 787 20 5 692 7 499
of which: local purchase requirement - - 200 200
Non-food use 300 - 761 1 061
Exports or Re-exports - - 50 50
Possible stock build up 250 - - 250
2000 Import Requirement 1 125 20 120 1 265
Anticipated commercial imports 45 20 - 65
Food aid needs 1 080 - 120 1 200
Current Aid Position        
Food aid pledges 1 244 1 77 1 322
of which: Delivered 747 1 46 794
Donor-financed purchases - - 84 84
of which: for local use - - 84 84
for export - - - -
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/Year) 28 0 90 118
1999 production as % of average:       93
2000 import requirement as % of average:       251

FAO/GIEWS - December 2000

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