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A detailed analysis of a Desert Locust Upsurge in Saudi Arabia
(Nov 1996 - May 1997)

Control operations 



locust infestations

control operations


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monthly totals (thumbnail)

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regional totals (thumbnail)

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Ground control operations were initiated in mid February against mature adult groups at Al-Lith, Khulais and Rabigh, treating a total of 1,000 ha. During March, operations were extended to all other areas along the Red Sea coastal plains, supplemented by one helicopter. More than 25,000 ha of laying adults, hopper groups, bands and fledglings were sprayed, including incoming swarms. During April, two fixed-wing aircraft joined the on-going operations and more than 81,000 ha of hopper bands and immature adults were treated. During May, an additional fixed-wing aircraft was added and 140,000 ha of mostly immature adults and some hopper bands were treated. By the end of the campaing, more than 340,000 litres of pesticide was applied by more than 70 ground teams and four aircraft from February to early June.

monthly control totals (14kb)

regional control totals (11kb)