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Locust Publications

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FAO Desert Locust Bulletin and Updates

Monthly bulletins summarizing the current Desert Locust situation country by country including six week forecasts. During periods of increased locust activity, bulletins are supplemented by updates. Bulletins and updates are distributed to affected countries, donors and other interested groups by email, fax and post. 1996 to present.
Download: PDF
Contact: [email protected]

FAO Desert Locust Booklet

The FAO Information Division has produced a 12-page booklet entitled Hunger in their wake: Inside the battle against the Desert Locust for the general public and donor community. 2004
Download PDF: English (2.4mb), French (2.4mb), Arabic (1mb)
Contact: [email protected]

FAO Desert Locust Technical Series

No. 21: Trilingual glossary of terms used in acridology (FAO, 1980)
Download (PDF): part 1 (1.1mb), part 2 (1.1mb), part 3 (1mb), part 4 (1mb), or complete (3.5mb)
No. 27: Economic and policy issues in Desert Locust management. (S. Joffe, 1998)
Download (PDF): Main text (part 1) (461kb), Maps (part 2) (659kb), Maps (part 3) (575kb)
No. 29: Field tests on an integrated Differential GPS navigation and spray monitoring system. (P.S. Ottesen et al, 1999)
Download (PDF): Differential GPS field tests (606kb)
No. 30: Population dynamics parameters (J. Roffey & J. Magor, 2003)
Download (PDF): Population dynamics (868kb)
No. 31: Biogéographie du Criquet pèlerin en Mauritanie (M.A. Ould Baba, 2003)
Download (PDF): complete (11.3mb), part 1 (368kb), part 2 (2.3mb), part 3 (3.3mb), part 4 (2.3mb), part 5 (2.3mb), part 6 (652kb)

Evaluation of Spray Equipment Used in Desert Locust Control

Report of a workshop organized by the FAO Regional Office for the Near East in collaboration with the Locust Group and held in Cairo in 1994 to demonstrate and evaluate hand-held, knapsack and vehicle-mounted sprayers commonly used in Desert Locust control. Results may be useful to affected countries, donors and manufacturers.
1994. English (162kb)
2002. English (492kb), Arabic (436kb)

Ground-based Sprayers for Locust and Grasshopper Control

A 20-page FAO publication provides guidance on the minimum requirements for ground-based locust and grasshoppers sprayers. 2003
PDF: English (228kb)

Joint Surveys

  • Djibouti/N. Somalia border. FAO CRC/EMPRES in collaboration with the Governments of Djibouti and northern Somalia organizes joint surveys along the Gulf of Aden coastal plains on both sides of the border to check traditional winter breeding areas of the Desert Locust. Download the PDF files (in English):
    2004: report (280kb)

  • Egypt/Sudan Red Sea coast border. FAO CRC/EMPRES in collaboration with the Governments of Egypt and Sudan organizes joint surveys along the common border to check the winter breeding areas of the Desert Locust on the Red Sea coastal plains and interior areas. Results are used to determine the seriousness of the situation in these remote areas and to plan for the upcoming summer operations. The first survey was organized in 2000. It is hoped that this can become an annual activity between the two countries. Download the PDF files (in English):
    2000: text (534kb), photos (767kb)
    2003: report (216kb)

  • Iran / Pakistan border. FAO in collaboration with the Governments of I.R. Iran and Pakistan organizes an annual joint survey to check the spring breeding areas of the Desert Locust along the common border of both countries in the Baluchistan region. Results are used to determine the seriousness of the situation in these remote areas and to plan for the upcoming summer operations. Download the PDF files (in English):
    1998: report (192kb), survey results (515kb), photos (174kb)
    1999: report (352kb)
    2000: report (105kb), photos (465kb), survey results (461kb)
    2001: text (292kb), appendices (812kb), photos (2.0mb)
    2002: text (332kb), appendices (952kb), photos (4.3mb)
    2003: text (264kb), map (244kb), Pakistan results (264kb), Iran results (420kb), photos (4.3mb), 2004 itinerary (24kb)
    2004: text (212kb), photos (80kb)

  • Sudan Red Sea coast. The FAO Central Region Commission in collaboration with the Government of Sudan organized a joint survey to check the winter breeding areas of the Desert Locust along the Red Sea coast. A team of locust experts from Near East countries assessed the seriousness of the situation in these remote areas. Results are used to plan for the upcoming summer operations. Download the PDF files (in English):
    1999: text (407kb), annexes (139kb)
  • Yemen/Saudi Arabia Red Sea coast. Since the end of 2002, a joint survey is regularly carried out along the border of Yemen and Saudi Arabia in the winter breeding areas on the Red Sea coastal plains. A single team composed of two locust officers from each country undertakes the 3-5 day survey. The survey strengthens collaboration between the two countries and the results are used for planning winter campaigns. Download the PDF files (in Arabic):
    2002: report (132kb)
    2004: report (176kb)

Atlas of Desert Locust Breeding Habitats

A set of maps of different scales indicating Desert Locust breeding areas during recessions and plagues. (G. Popov, 1997).
Contact: [email protected]

Desert Locust Upsurge in Saudi Arabia

A detailed analysis of a Desert Locust upsurge in Saudi Arabia from November 1996 to May 1997 (Keith Cressman, FAO Locust Forecasting Officer, 1998).
Download: PDF (441kb)

The Locust Handbook

The chapter on Desert Locust extracted from the first version of The Locust Handbook (Anti-Locust Research Centre, London) as well as Locust identification. 1966 .
Desert Locust:

Identification key: PDF (480kb)

LOCUSTOX Project (Dakar, Senegal)

An FAO project in collaboration with the Government of Senegal that is studying the environmental effects of locust control. Several free publications are available. For a complete listing, click here.
Contact: [email protected]

Contingency plans

Contingency planning issues were discussed in depth by the 8th FAO Desert Locust Control Committee Technical Group at a workshop (English, French) in May 2004. A series of spreadsheets to help determine the resources needed for outbreak, upsurge and plague campaigns as well as several simulations illustrating typical ULV spray deposit, finding and treating hopper patches, and band block control are available as zipped files:
Outbreak, upsurge and plague resources: English (92kb), French (68kb)
Simulations: Spray deposit (36kb), Finding patches (100kb), Band block control (716kb)

FAO Desert Locust Guidelines

A series of six practical guidelines on Biology and Behaviour, Survey, Information and Forecasting, Control, Campaign Organization and Execution and Safety and Environmental Precautions, and an Appendix for use by national and international organisations and institutes involved in Desert Locust survey and control. A completely revised edition has been issued in English (September 2001) and updated in 2003 (including the French version and a revised index in the English Appendices). Please contact the FAO Locust Group for more information.

Latest edition (2001-2003)

Download PDF

1. Biology & behaviour

English (2.7mb) French (2.5mb) Arabic (3.4mb)

2. Survey

English (4.2mb) French (3.0mb) Arabic (4.1mb)

3. Information & forecasting

English (2.6mb) French (2.7mb) Arabic (3.6mb)

4. Control

English (2.6mb) French (3.6mb) Arabic (4.3mb)

5. Campaign organization & execution

English (2.8mb) French (2.8mb) Arabic (3.5mb)

6. Safety & environmental precautionsEnglish (5.8mb) French (5.4mb) Arabic (6.2)

7. Appendixes

English (5.6mb; update (0.5mb)) French (2.8mb) Arabic (5.8mb)

FAO Desert Locust Standard Operating Procedures

A series of three pocketbooks of standard operating procedures (SOP) used in Desert Locust survey and control operations for use by field officers in locust-affected countries. The material is taken from the FAO Desert Locust Guidelines. PDF versions:
Survey. English (136kb) Arabic (512kb)
Control. English (144kb) Arabic (588kb)
Aerial survey and control. English (140kb)

FAO Desert Locust Survey & Control Form

As a means to improve the collection of field data which is required for decision making, planning, situation analysis and forecasting, FAO in collaboration with affected countries has designed a simple form that can be used during survey and control operations. The one-page form is available in English, French, and Arabic with instructions. It is also available in MS Excel 97/98 format which can be used to send completed forms by email. Updated: Sep 2000.
Download English (PDF): Form (7kb), Instructions (11kb); Form in Excel (26kb)
Download French (PDF): Form (5kb), Instructions (9kb); Form in Excel (22kb)
Download Arabic (PDF): Form and instructions (216kb)

FAO Spray Monitoring Form

In order to improve control efficacy and encourage the safe application of pesticides, FAO in collaboration with affected countries has designed a simple form that can be used during control operations. The one-page form was adopted on a trial basis by the 36th session of the DLCC. It is available in English with instructions in MS Excel 97/98 (for completion on the computer) and PDF (for hardcopy) formats. Updated: April 2003.
English (PDF): Form (12kb), Instructions (12kb); Form in Excel (32kb)
French (PDF): Form (12kb), Instructions (48kb)
Arabic (PDF): Form and instructions (172kb)

FAO Environmental Monitoring Form

FAO has developed a checklist for general monitoring of Desert Locust control operations to help dedicated operational monitoring teams with their job. This is considered as the first step in monitoring human health and the environment. More details can be found in the FAO Desert Locust Guidelines VI. Safety and Environmental Precautions. Updated: January 2004
English: PDF (52kb), Excel (56kb)
French: PDF (112kb), Word (120kb)

FAO Poisoning Incident Form

After each suspected insecticide poisoning incident, the FAO Poisoning Incident Form should be completed. This should help determine the causes of such cases in order to reduce their occurrence in the future. More details can be found in the FAO Desert Locust Guidelines VI. Safety and Environmental Precautions. Updated: January 2004
English: PDF (48kb), Excel (28kb)
French: PDF (104kb), Word (128kb)

FAO SPOT-VGT Validation Form

FAO DLIS is making great efforts in improving the reliability and usability of SPOT-VGT imagery to help identify potential areas of green vegetation throughout the Desert Locust recession area on an operational basis (every ten days). To assist with this work, locust-affected countries are requested to collect a small amount of additional information during field surveys. This data should be recorded on special forms and sent to FAO DLIS. Updated: April 2003.
English (PDF): Form (12kb)
Arabic (PDF): Form (116kb)

FAO Guidelines for Pesticides Trials on Desert Locust Hoppers

Guidelines for pesticide trials on hopper bands using ULV applications (H. Dobson, 1991)
Download (PDF): Trials guide (208kb)

A service provided by the
Migratory Pests Group to monitor the world-wide locust situation and keep affected countries and donors informed of expected developments.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Rome, Italy