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A detailed analysis of a Desert Locust Upsurge in Saudi Arabia
(Nov 1996 - May 1997)




locust infestations

control operations


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Light to moderate rains fell over a widespread area of the Red Sea coast from 15-25 November 1996. These rains were associated with an unusually strong and persistent depression over the northern Red Sea. Rains were reported on the coast from Al-Lith to Khulais but are thought to have extended to Al-Wajh. Widespread light to moderate rains fell again in mid January on the coast north of Jeddah to Yanbu. Rains fell again in mid April. In general, rainfall on the coastal plains during the winter of 1996 and spring and 1997 was above average north of Jeddah and below average to the south.

Daily average temperatures were lower than normal along the entire length of the Red Sea coast, allowing vegetation to remain greener than in hotter and drier years. By late May, temperatures were rapidly increasing.

rainfall totalsSaudi rainfall map