Агропродовольственная экономика


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Результаты отфильтрованы по:
Leaving no migrants behind
Техническое исследование, 2024
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 35.  Insufficient public financing under current fiscal constraints demands more private financing to support investment in agrifood systems. Despite the general enthusiasm for using remittances for development, initiatives face...
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Proceedings, 2024
Following a brief assessment of the living income concept, FAO organized a living income workshop that was held from 9 to 10 November 2023 in Rome, Italy. The workshop facilitated meaningful exchanges, which fostered bonds...
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Accounting for market structure to inform policies
Рабочий документ, 2024
Recognizing that agrifood value chains (AFVCs) are essential to ensure food security and foster structural change, FAO seeks to reassess the array of policies and interventions needed to protect and strengthen AFVCs in low-income countries...
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Руководство/рекомендации, 2024
Unleashing the potential for inclusive agricultural growth and transformation in Africa requires coordinated and strategic public and private investment in the agriculture sector. Against a background of limited government resources and expertise, public–private partnerships are...
Найти на:English français
Информационный продукт, 2024
As an innovative business model, contract farming has the potential to contribute to sustainable development of agribusinesses and agrifood value chains, particularly in developing countries. It can be employed to improve smallholder producers’ access to...
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How agrifood systems transformation through accelerated climate actions will help achieving food security and nutrition, today and tomorrow, In brief
Основной отчет, 2023
In 2022, 738.9 million people faced hunger, nearly 2.4 billion in 2022 lacked regular access to adequate food, and over 3.1 billion could not afford healthy diets. The pandemic added 120 million to the number...
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Краткое изложение политики, 2023
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 69. This policy brief provides a snapshot of agricultural production, productivity and fertilizer use in the Comoros, a small island developing state, where up-to-date information on the agrifood...
Найти на:English français
Findings from an organization-level survey conducted as part of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming
Информационный продукт, 2023
The study provides a description of Ghana's marine and inland Small-Scale Fisheries Organizations (SSFOs), detailing their characteristics, challenges, and awareness of the Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and...
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Una herramienta para priorizar inversiones en el marco de la Iniciativa Mano de la Mano
Техническое исследование, 2023
Economía del desarrollo agrícola de la FAO. Estudio técnico n.o 32. Este estudio presenta un análisis de tipologías de microrregiones para la producción agrícola de Guatemala, el cual se enmarca dentro de la Iniciativa Mano de...
Найти на: Español
Выявление реальной стоимости продовольствия с целью преобразования агропродовольственных систем
Основной отчет, 2023
Агропродовольственные системы дают обществу значительные блага, включая продовольствие, которое обеспечивает нам питание, рабочие места и источники средств к существованию для более чем одного миллиарда человек. Однако негативные последствия их функционирования, являющиеся результатом сложившихся в прошлые...
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