



Leaving no migrants behind
技术研究, 2024
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 35.  Insufficient public financing under current fiscal constraints demands more private financing to support investment in agrifood systems. Despite the general enthusiasm for using remittances for development, initiatives face...
Proceedings, 2024
Following a brief assessment of the living income concept, FAO organized a living income workshop that was held from 9 to 10 November 2023 in Rome, Italy. The workshop facilitated meaningful exchanges, which fostered bonds...
Accounting for market structure to inform policies
工作文件, 2024
Recognizing that agrifood value chains (AFVCs) are essential to ensure food security and foster structural change, FAO seeks to reassess the array of policies and interventions needed to protect and strengthen AFVCs in low-income countries...
手册/准则, 2024
Unleashing the potential for inclusive agricultural growth and transformation in Africa requires coordinated and strategic public and private investment in the agriculture sector. Against a background of limited government resources and expertise, public–private partnerships are...
语言版本:English français
信息产品, 2024
As an innovative business model, contract farming has the potential to contribute to sustainable development of agribusinesses and agrifood value chains, particularly in developing countries. It can be employed to improve smallholder producers’ access to...
How agrifood systems transformation through accelerated climate actions will help achieving food security and nutrition, today and tomorrow, In brief
主要报告, 2023
In 2022, 738.9 million people faced hunger, nearly 2.4 billion in 2022 lacked regular access to adequate food, and over 3.1 billion could not afford healthy diets. The pandemic added 120 million to the number...
政策简报, 2023
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 69. This policy brief provides a snapshot of agricultural production, productivity and fertilizer use in the Comoros, a small island developing state, where up-to-date information on the agrifood...
语言版本:English français
Findings from an organization-level survey conducted as part of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming
信息产品, 2023
The study provides a description of Ghana's marine and inland Small-Scale Fisheries Organizations (SSFOs), detailing their characteristics, challenges, and awareness of the Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and...
Una herramienta para priorizar inversiones en el marco de la Iniciativa Mano de la Mano
技术研究, 2023
Economía del desarrollo agrícola de la FAO. Estudio técnico n.o 32. Este estudio presenta un análisis de tipologías de microrregiones para la producción agrícola de Guatemala, el cual se enmarca dentro de la Iniciativa Mano de...
语言版本: Español
主要报告, 2023
农业粮食体系为社会带来巨大利益,包括滋养人类的食物以及十亿多人的就业和生计。然而,“一切照常”式的活动和做法难以为继,其负面影响导致气候变化、自然资源退化、健康食品价格居高不下。如何应对这些负面影响,是个重大挑战,因为公众、企业、政府及其他利益相关方在日常决策时,对自身活动如何影响经济、社会和环境的可持续性缺乏全面了解。 《2023年粮食及农业状况》为打造可持续的农业粮食体系核算了真实的粮食成本。本报告介绍了农业粮食体系的环境、社会和健康隐性成本和收益的概念,提出了评估这些成本和收益的方法 — 真实成本核算。为了落实真实成本核算方法,报告提出了一个两阶段的核算进程,首先是依靠国家一级的真实成本核算来提高认识,然后再进行深入和有针对性的核算,以确定解决方案的优先次序并指导农业粮食体系的转型行动。本报告首次尝试对154个国家进行核算,结果表明,全球农业粮食体系的隐性成本至少达到10万亿2020年购买力平价美元。核算表明,相对于国民收入而言,低收入国家的农业粮食体系隐性成本负担最大。尽管这些估算是初步的,但分析表明,迫切需要将隐性成本纳入农业粮食体系转型决策。各国需要在研究和数据方面进行创新,同时在数据收集和能力建设方面进行投资,以扩大真实成本核算的应用范围,特别是在中等偏下收入国家,从而使真实成本核算成为一个可行工具,以透明和一致的方式为决策提供参考。 与主发布的其他材料也可用: 在线阅读 在线阅读全本数字报告 下载宣 概要
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