Institute of Global Climate and Ecology named after Academician Yu.A. Israel (IGKE )

The Institute is a state scientific non-profit organization. Further on this site, with a short naming, the institute will be called " IGKE ". The functions and powers of the founder on behalf of the Russian Federation are performed by the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet).

The institution was created by the decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated May 18, 1989 No. 413 and by the joint decision of the State Committee for Hydromet of the USSR and the USSR Academy of Sciences dated September 25, 1990 No. 104/141. The institution is the legal successor of the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology of the State Committee for Hydromet of the USSR and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the State Institution of the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring and the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Institute of Global Climate and Ecology of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring environment and the Russian Academy of Sciences "(FGBU" IGKE Roshydromet and RAS "). Currently, IGKE is an institution subordinate only to Roshydromet. On May 10, 2018, by order of Roshydromet No. 183, the institute was named after Academician Yuri Antonievich Izrael and the institution was named: Federal State Budgetary Institution “Institute of Global Climate and Ecology named after Academician Yu.A. Israel ”(FGBU“ IGKE ”).

The subject of the IGCE is to carry out fundamental and applied scientific research, carry out work and provide services in the field of hydrometeorology and climatology and related fields, in the field of monitoring the state of the environment, including its pollution.