Azerbaijan State Agricultural University (ASAU)

Since its foundation and up to now Azerbaijan State Agricultural University has trained about 70 thousand highly qualified specialists from different countries, and today it has a study building, dormitories, laboratories, auditoriums and experimental centers meeting the most modern standards. Our university has more than 6500 students, both domestic and foreign, including the faculties of agronomy, veterinary science, engineering, zooengineering, soil science and agrochemistry, agricultural economics, agrotechnology, agribusiness and management, as well as the Master's Training Center.
5 faculties: oil-industrial, electromechanical, engineering and construction, agricultural and economic were established at Baku Polytechnical Institute founded on November 13, 1920. With the establishment of the Faculty of Agriculture, for the first time in Azerbaijan, training of higher specialists in agriculture began. By the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the Azerbaijan SSR of May 15, 1929, the Azerbaijan Agricultural Institute was established in Baku, which was transferred to Ganja in 1931.
In 1979, the AAI was awarded the Order of "Badge of Honor" for its merits in training highly qualified specialists and development of agricultural science. On December 16, 1980, national leader Heydar Aliyev arrived in Ganja and presented this order to the staff on behalf of the leadership of the Soviet Union.