Orel State Agrarian University (OSAU)

Orel State Agrarian University is a large centre of agricultural education, science and culture in the central region of the non-black soil area of Russia.
Orel State Agricultural Institute was founded in 1975; in 1995 it received the status of Orel State Agricultural Academy which in 1999 has been transformed to the Orel State Agrarian University. In 2007 Orel State Agrarian University became the winner of the competitive selection of educational institutions of the higher education introducing innovative educational programs. The University is now the large, dynamically developing educational, research and cultural centre of the Central areas of the non-black soil area which includes 4 faculties and 2 institutes: Agro-business and Ecology, Bio-technology and Veterinary Medicine, Economic, Humanitarian and Natural-Science Disciplines, Agricultural Machinery and Power Supply, Engineering Building Institute and Institute of Professional Refreshing and Staff Qualification Improvement of the Agro Industrial Complex including 39 chairs; postgraduate study; the Scientific and Research part; Educational computer centre; library; Pre-University Courses; The International Educational centre of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia; Scientific-educational Exhibition Centre; Scientific Educational Production Centre "Integration"; Multi profession oriented college.