AGRIS Launches Updated Interface

The International Information System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS) is constantly working on providing updates to improve the overall experience using the platform for both data providers and users. With that in mind, AGRIS is thrilled to announce the launch of an updated AGRIS interface, which includes new menu functionalities, a live map displaying information about the AGRIS network of data providers, mobile compatibility and more. 

AGRIS exists thanks to the sharing of bibliographic references by a collaborative network of up to 450 institutions from up to 150 countries. In order to visualize the global contribution, AGRIS now offers a live data providers map, which displays all of the data providers world-wide. This map shows details about each contributor with real-time updates. The new data provider map can be accessed through the AGRIS homepage by clicking on the number of data providers (displayed in figure 1 below) and also by using the link:

Figure 1: Accessing the data provider map

Figure 2: Data provider map


Once the map has been accessed, users and data providers can zoom in and  click on one of the blue icons to reveal more details about the specific data provider, as shown in figure 3 below.

Figure 3: Discovering more details about each AGRIS data provider

In addition to the new data provider map, with the updated interface, there is now a menu available on the left-hand side of the AGRIS homepage. This new menu offers an ease in accessing more information about AGRIS, how it works, information for AGRIS contributors, FAQs and contact information. 

AGRIS is also now completely mobile-friendly, which will allow an ease of utilizing the platform at any time, while using a mobile phone. 

Figure 4: AGRIS mobile-friendly 

More about AGRIS

Since 1974, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has provided support to its member countries to make their research outputs visible and accessible through the International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS); one of the most comprehensive search engines in food and agricultural scientific literature providing free access to millions of bibliographic records in 90 different languages.


AGRIS can mean three different things – AGRIS as a network, AGRIS as a database and AGRIS as a Web portal. Firstly, AGRIS network refers to the collaborative network of up to 450 institutions from up to 150 countries. Secondly, AGRIS is a database with millions of structured bibliographical records on agricultural science and technology. Finally, AGRIS as a Web portal refers to the Web application that links the AGRIS knowledge to related Web resources. The purpose of AGRIS is to provide comprehensive scholarly research information in specific fields in the agricultural domain. AGRIS accepts content from publishers related to agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, aquatic sciences, fisheries, and nutrition. Some of the records received have a link to the full text and AGRIS becomes an indexer to the respective repositories. AGRIS data is indexed in Google (since 2008), and this offers greater visibility of AGRIS content.