Universidad de Costa Rica Joins AGRIS: Boosting agricultural research in Central America

Universidad de Costa Rica

The Universidad de Costa Rica has recently joined the Agricultural Science and Technology International System – AGRIS, under the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), contributing to the expansion of the AGRIS Data Provider Network in Central America.

Established in 1940 with University Autonomy status, the university was honored as a Meritorious Institution of Costa Rican Education and Culture in 2001. Guided by principles such as academic excellence, equal opportunities, respect for diversity, environmental responsibility, and continuous improvement, the institution is committed to accessible higher education and enhancing the quality of life for its community and the nation.

The university contributes valuable insights and knowledge to the network's resources through its repository, which includes 8,223 records indexed on AGRIS, covering a wide range of agricultural research topics. It joins other institutions like Universidad Nacional, the Scientific Electronic Library Online of Costa Rica, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, and the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center, strengthening the national network of data providers in Costa Rica.

This collaboration marks the university's entry as a Central American data provider into the AGRIS Network, aligning with FAO's mission to promote international cooperation and advance more productive, sustainable, and resilient agri-food systems.

Welcome to AGRIS!