All concepts are archived in this page. If your institution wishes to propose a concept, please let us know!

Innovation systems

FAO/Giampiero Diana

Network of organizations, communities, enterprises and individuals within which changes fostering transitions to sustainable food systems for food security and nutrition are generated and spread in the form of processes, forms of organization, dissemination of knowledge or bringing new products into use, together with the institutions and policies that affect their behaviour and performance.

  • Hive management

    Hive management, monitoring and responding to the needs of beehives in relation to the time of year and local climate...

  • Sustainable agriculture

    Sustainable agriculture with its three components: economic (production viability to meet the growing needs for food of present and future...

  • Seed health

    The safe conservation and exchange of germplasm requires seeds free of pests and diseases that are of quarantine risk. Seed...

  • Agrobiodiversity

    Agricultural biodiversity is a broad term that includes all components of biological diversity of relevance to food and agriculture, and...

  • Functional foods

    Functional foods containing significant levels of biologically active components which provide desirable health benefits beyond basic nutrition. These are especially...