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Innovation systems

FAO/Giampiero Diana

Network of organizations, communities, enterprises and individuals within which changes fostering transitions to sustainable food systems for food security and nutrition are generated and spread in the form of processes, forms of organization, dissemination of knowledge or bringing new products into use, together with the institutions and policies that affect their behaviour and performance.

  • Seedling emergence

    Seedling emergence is one of the most important phenological event that influences the success of an annual plant. Emergence represents...

  • Hydroacoustics

    Hydroacoustic techniques are currently the most efficient tool to study the aquatic environments remotely, giving a continuous high spatial resolution...

  • Artisanal fisheries

    The United Nations General Assembly has declared 2022 the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA 2022). FAO is...

  • Flowering

    The incredible process of flowering affects every living being in nature. Flowering is closely connected with the awakening of nature...

  • Gender equity in access to land

    March 8 is International Women's Day. Equal access to land has always been the cornerstone of inclusive sustainable development. We...