Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission

Reports of the Session of the Commission


The report on the sixteenth meeting of The Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council and IPFC Symposium – Indian Ocean Fishery Commission on the on the Economic and Social Aspects of National Fisheries Planning and Development, held in Jakarta, Indonesia from the 30th to 8th November, is presented. Among the topics discussed were: economic and social aspects of national fisheries planning, problems pertaining to small scale fisheries, aquaculture and environment and economics, resources appraisal management and international...


  The report on the sixteenth meeting of The Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, held in Wellington, New Zealand from the 18th to 27th October, is presented. Among the topics discussed were:coastal and high seas pelagic resources, coastal aquaculture and environment, resource appraisal and stocks and international and regional programs.  


The report on the fourteenth meeting of The Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, held in Bangkok, Thailand from the 18th to 27th November, is presented. Among the topics discussed were: coastal aquaculture, management of common-use resources and development of fishing potential, cooperative study of the Kuroshio, international Indian Ocean fishery survey and development programme, South China Sea fishery development programme and the interrelationship between IPFC and IOFC.